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本次文献选自Becciolini M, Pivec C, Riegler G. Ultrasound of the Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve: A Review of the Literature and Pictorial Essay. J Ultrasound Med. 2022 May;41(5):1273-1284.本次学习由陈阳主治医师主讲。

US Technique to Study the Normal LFCN and Pathological Findings in MP

Before starting the US examination, we review the clinical indication for the exam and previous diagnostic tests. Since not all patients are referred with a suspicion of MP, we have a brief medical history and clinical examination, in which patients are particularly asked about previous trauma and/or surgery along the course of the LCFN.



Even when the clinical suspicion of MP is high, a quick US assessment of the anterolateral hip is performed and possible differential diagnoses are ruled out, for example, greater trochanter pain syndrome, hip joint arthropathy, femoral neuropathy, iliac mass then, the examination is focused on studying the course of the LCFN.


The patient lies supine. We start the US exploration with a linear multifrequency transducer with frequencies up to 12 or 15 MHz, and a footprint of around 5 cm to provide a large view of the area. Then, we focus the examination with a higher frequency transducer (≥18 MHz) with a smaller footprint to better delineate the anatomy of the LFCN; however, in obese patients, the higher frequency may be not useful due to the increased thickness of the subcutaneous fatty tissue.

病人仰卧位。我们使用了频率高达12或15 MHz的线性探头开始超声扫查,深度设置为5cm以提供该区域的大视野。然后,我们使用深度较小的高频换能器(≥18MHz)聚焦检查,以更好地显示LFCN的解剖结构;然而,在肥胖患者中,由于皮下脂肪组织的厚度增加,较高的频率可能是无用的。

The easiest way to locate the LFCN is to start with axial sonograms caudal to the level of the ASIS, which can be palpated. The tensor fasciae latae and sartorius muscles are easily depicted, superficial to the proximal tract of the rectus femoris. The fat canal bounded by two fascial layers can be demonstrated superficial to these two muscles. Inside this fat canal, the LFCN can be located: due to the small size of the nerve, it appears as small honeycomb structures on axial planes (Figure 2A), which can be followed up and down using the elevator technique through continuous scanning. Usually, we do not study the course at the distal thigh of the LFCN, unless it is clinically relevant (e.g., in case of a wound of the distal anterolateral thigh).


The nerve is tracked proximally at the level of the ASIS. We suggest orienting the probe along the course of the IL, as this maneuver has the advantage of better demonstrating the relationship of the LFCN to the IL and ASIS, which are, in our experience, the main sites of the compressive neuropathy. Moreover, this allows detection of the correct short axis of the LFCN (Figure 2B).


In the pelvis, the nerve may be difficult to be further tracked, particularly in obese patients. In slender subjects, it can usually be detected until it is crossed by the DCIV, located anterior to the iliacus muscle. Color Doppler enables discrimination between the nerve and the vessels (Figure 3A and D). Proximal to the DCIV, the course deep to the psoas major muscle and the LFCN origin is almost blind to US; this is related to the loss in resolution when imaging deep small structures. The structures of the anatomically described “aponeuroticofascial” tunnel just before the IL are difficult to be clearly differentiated at US because fascial planes are contiguous.


The US features of entrapment neuropathies are swelling with a more hypoechoic appearance of nerve fascicles (“neuromatous appearance”), which can be demonstrated during the aforementioned elevator technique (Figure 3). When nerve disorders are depicted, we suggest acquiring a longitudinal sonogram of the LFCN to demonstrate the neuroma location and to possibly measure its craniocaudal extension (Figure 3D).


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