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本次文献选自Suzanne, Amato, Nesbit, et al. Non-pharmacologic treatments for symptoms of diabetic peripheral neuropathy: a systematic review.[J]. Current Medical Research & Opinion, 2018.35(1):15-25. 本次学习由李芸主治医师主讲。

We identified no studies that compared or combined pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic approaches; combi-nations of therapies would be critical to study further, as these approaches are often used together in clinical practice. Better assessment of adverse effects would also allow better evaluation of the benefit-risk balance, rather than just evalu-ation of effectiveness. Studies should also follow guidelines for pain intervention studies and evaluation of outcomes.


The last comprehensive review including non-pharmaco-logic treatments for diabetic peripheral neuropathy addressed literature through August 2008 and concluded that there were no effective treatments. Specifically, the review concluded that evidence was insufficient for alpha-lipoic acid or other supplements, that percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation should be considered, and that other methods should not be considered or had insufficient evi-dence. Although our review found a number of new studies for non-pharmacologic approaches for the treatments addressed in this review, as well as studies of new treat-ments, few approaches had evidence for effectiveness (Table 2). A recent position statement from the American Diabetes Association on diabetic neuropathy did not address non-pharmacologic treatments.

上一次综述包括非药物治疗糖尿病周围神经病变涉及的文献,截止至2008年8月,并得出结论,没有有效的治疗方法。特别是该综述得出结论,认为对于硫辛酸或其他补品而言证据不 足,应考虑经皮电神经刺激,不应考虑其他方法或证据不足的方法。尽管我们的综述发现了许多针对本综述所述治疗方法的非药物学方法的新研究,以及针对新疗法的研究,但很少有方法能证明其有效性(表2)。美国糖尿病协会关于糖尿病性神经病的最新立场声明未涉及非药物治疗。

We also identified several other systematic reviews for specific interventions for DPN, and these were generally con-sistent with our findings. Prior meta-analyses of RCTs of alpha-lipoic acid, including one addressing a larger literature from China, have also concluded that it is effective, although studies generally have limitations. A larger systematic review of manual acupuncture through March 2013 did not require a sham arm for inclusion and included 25 RCTs, but was unable to draw conclusions due to high risk of bias. A systematic review of surgical decompression through August 2006 identified no RCTs with appropriate controls. Although a meta-analysis of electrical stimulation and elec-tromagnetic stimulation concluded that TENS (but not electromagnetic fields) was effective, this review included a TENS study that we excluded since it was not focused only on diabetic neuropathy. Other systematic reviews of exercise including DPN also did not find RCTs addressing pain, pares-thesia, or numbness.


Our review has several limitations. We focused only on studies in diabetic neuropathy, and evidence from treat-ments that are effective for other types of peripheral neur-opathy or other chronic pain conditions (e.g. exercise, physical therapy) could also be relevant. Some studies had unusually high calculated effect sizes, potentially based on limitations of the reported data; we included these studies in our review, but also evaluated results without them as a sen-sitivity analysis. We limited the review to studies with at least 3 weeks of follow-up, and to studies with sham or placebo arms, wherever appropriate. This excluded very short-term studies and studies where sham was possible but not used (especially for acupuncture). We also excluded non-English language publications, and this limited our scope for acu-puncture. Since we addressed the effectiveness of these interventions for diabetic peripheral neuropathy specifically, this review does not address the broader literature describ-ing harms of these interventions in different conditions. This broader safety data, such as overall mortality from spinal cord stimulation, is, therefore, not included in this report.



We concluded that spinal cord stimulation (although this has a risk of serious complications) and alpha-lipoic acid were effective for the outcome of pain (low strength of evidence), and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and fre-quency-modulated electromagnetic stimulation were not effective (low strength of evidence); other treatments had insufficient evidence and require more research. Magnitudes of effect were generally moderate and all studies had deficits in quality. There were no studies evaluating exercise or phys-ical therapy, and only one evaluating cognitive behavioral therapy for pain. Additional studies evaluating longer-term outcomes, and those combining pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic approaches to maximize function are needed to better inform clinical decision-making, patient choice, and clinical practice guidelines.



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