

Unit 10习题



(    ) 1. I learned _______ Russian at middle school.

A. a lot         B. bit of        C. a bit of       D. little of the

(    ) 2. The book is _______. Most of the teachers are ________ in it.

A. interesting; interested            B. interesting; interesting

C. interested; interesting            D. interested; interested 

(    ) 3.There ________ a lot of traffic in the street.

A. is           B. are          C. has          D. have

(    ) 4. Don’t forget to put the book back on the self, ________?

A. do you        B. don’t you      C. will you      D. won’t you

(    ) 5. The boy asked____________.

A. when could they go           B. what they would do next

C. where they will go            D. how did they get there

(    ) 6. –Have you seen the movie Titanic?

-Yes. I _______ it three years ago.

A. have seen      B. saw          C. will see        D. see

(    ) 7. There ________ an English party tomorrow evening.

A. will have      B. will be        C. is going to have  D. will is

(    ) 8. –Would you like to go shopping with me?

- __________.

A. Yes, please     B. Yes, I’d love to  C. That’s right    D. Quite well.

(    ) 9. You’d better ________ in the street. It’s too dangerous.

A. don’t play     B. not to play       C. not play      D. not playing

(    ) 10. -Would you mind _________ the window? It’s too hot in the room.

         - OK, I’ll do it

A. close         B. closing          C. open         D. opening

(    ) 11. –Where is your backpack?

- Oh, I _________ it on my desk.   

A. left          B. forgot          C. leave           D. forget

(    ) 12. Lisa feels like ________ in China.

A. live          B. to live          C. living          D. liveing

(    ) 13. I really enjoy ________ English.

A. learn         B. to learn         C. learns          D. learning

(    ) 14. I have been waiting ________ him ________ ten minutes.

A. for; at         B. at; for         C. to; at          D. for; for

(    ) 15. – Are you going to the picnic with us tonight?

- Yes.

     - You won’t be late, ________?

A. should you     B. will you       C. don’t you      D. can you



A rich Australia went into a _1_ in New York. He wanted very much _2_ a nice-looking watch. He saw a watch that he liked, but the owner of the shop asked five _3_ dollars for it. Suddenly a young man came into  the shop, took _4_ out of the owner’s hands and ran out with it. It all happened in a few _5_. When the owner ran out into the street, the young man already _6_ among the people. The Australia went on. At the next corner, he saw _7_ with the stolen watch in his hand. “Do you want to buy a fine watch, sir?” He said in a low voice. “It’s only a hundred dollars.” “The young doesn’t know I saw him stealing the watch,” he thought. The Australian _8_ it at once and went back to his room with the watch. He told his friend about it. His friend had a look at the watch and started laughing. He said, “You are a _9_. This watch isn’t worth even ten dollars. I’m sure the _10_ and the young man planned this together.”  

(    ) 1. A. shop         B. post office      C. bank        D. city

(    ) 2. A. to see        B. to steal         C. to buy       D. to borrow

(    ) 3. A. hundred      B. hundred of      C. hundreds     D. hundreds of

(    ) 4. A. money       B. a watch         C. shop        D. the watch

(    ) 5. A. minutes      B. seconds        C. while        D. moment

(    ) 6. A. getting       B. in             C. lost         D. running

(    ) 7. A. owner       B. a man          C. a woman     D. the young man

(    ) 8. A. cost         B. bought         C. paid         D. spent

(    ) 9. A. clever        B. lucky          C. luckily      D. fool

(    ) 10. A. policeman   B. man           C. shop owner   D. Australian



Many scientists find that colors can change people’s feeling. It’s very interesting.

Some colors can make people feel relaxed, and some colors can make people feel nervous. Now, this kind of knowledge is being used in many places. For example, school walls are always painted green because green makes students feel relaxed. It is also good for the students’ eyes. Some books are also green or light blue for the same reason. Restaurant owners not only have to know how to make food, but also have to know how to make money. Here are some things they’ve learned from scientific studies. The color red makes people hungry. Many fast food restaurants have red furniture or walls. Soft color like pink and light blue makes people look good, but it makes food look bad. Loud music may be nice at first, but it soon makes people want to leave. Hard seats also make customers want to eat quickly and leave. Many restaurants, especially fast food restaurants, use this knowledge to make customers eat faster. 

(    )1. How does the color green make the students feel?

A. Hungry        B. Nervous       C. Angry       D. Relaxed

(    )2. How does the color red make most people feel?

A. Hungry        B. Comfortable    C. Excited      D. Worried

(    )3. Which color isn’t mentioned in this passage?

A. Green         B. White          C. Light blue    D. Red

(    ) 4. What do many fast food restaurants do?

1)Play loud music. 2) Play soft music. 3) Have hard seats. 4) Paint their walls red

A. 1) 2) 3)         B. 1) 3) 4)        C. 1) 2) 4)       D. 2) 3) 4)

(    )5. What’s the best title for this passage?

A. Color and Restaurant              B. Use Color to Make Money

C. Color and Science                 D. Use Color to Change Feeling


     Once there was a rich man who lived with his wife and child. He loved the child so much that he sent him to Oxford(牛津大学) for two or three years. At the end of the first year at the university, this young student came home. He wanted a change. And he also wanted to tell his parents about Oxford.

     It happened one night that the father, the mother and the young student were sitting at supper. They had in front of them only two chickens. Just as they were about to begin eating, the father said, “My boy, I have spent a lot of money on you to send you to Oxford. Now I want to know what you have learned.” The son smiled and said, “Father, I have studied a science which can prove (证明) that these two chickens on the plate are really three chickens.” “Well,” said the father, “this is something I would like very much to know.” “There are two chickens on the plate,” said the student, and then he took one of the chickens in his hand and said, “Here is one more and one and two makes three. So here are three chickens.” Then the father took one of the chickens to himself, gave the other to his wife, and said, “I will have one of the chickens myself, your mother will have another, and you can have the third for supper and nothing else.” The father kept his word and so the student went without his supper.

(    ) 1. The rich man loved his son very much, so he _________.

A.     sent him to work at Oxford for two or three years.

B.     wanted him to live at Oxford for two or three years.

C.     sent him to Oxford to study.

D.     gave him a lot of money.

(    ) 2. The father asked his son __________.

A.     how much money he had spent at the university

B.     how he liked Oxford

C.     what he had learned by the end of the first year at the university

D.     how his son got along with his classmates

(    ) 3. The student said that __________.

A.     he could make three chickens

B.     he could change the two chickens into three

C.     he could prove the two chickens on the plate were really three

D.     he was good at math

(    ) 4. Who was clever, the father or the son?

A. neither        B. both         C. the son          D. the father

(    ) 5. In the end__________.

A.     the student had nothing to eat for his supper

B.     each of them had a chicken for their supper

C.     the father gave his son the third chicken to eat

D.     both of the parents had no chicken to eat  


While I was waiting for a bus at a bus stop, I saw a young man get into the telephone box nearby. After a short while, however, he came out and looked very worried. As he saw me standing there, he walked up to me in a hurry.

“Good morning, sir,” he said, “When was Abraham Lincoln born, do you know?”

I felt a little surprised at his words. “Something must be wrong with the poor young man.” I thought.

“Could you tell me just in which year Abraham Lincoln was born?” He repeated politely.

Now I could see that he was not joking, so I thought for a minute and told him that Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809.

“Oh, yes! That’s it! Thank you.” He turned around and rushed into the telephone box again.

A few minutes later, he came out with all smiles. He thanked me again and explained that he wanted to make a telephone call to his friend, but he forgot his telephone number. “You helped me to recall(回想) it,” he said.

“You see, his telephone number is 180909, and it can be easily remembered if you know when the great man was born.”

   根据短文内容判断正(T)(F) xkb1.com

(    ) 1. The young man looked very happy when he came out of the telephone box.

(    ) 2. The writer thought there was something wrong with the young man.

(    ) 3. The young man was playing a joke on the writer.

(    ) 4. The young man thanked the writer for telling his friend’s telephone number.

(    ) 5. the telephone number of his friend could be easily remembered if he knew Abraham Lincoln’s year of birth.

. 英汉互译:(15%

1. 至少:                         2. 浏览:

3. 与某人相处:                     4. 排队等候:

5.感谢便条:                       6. feel like

7. have a hard time doing sth.           8. something to drink

9. It’s really crowded, isn’t it?

10. be friendly to:


angry  in  over  so  quickly  nothing  if  broken  go  put

A man and his wife had a dog. When they _1_ out, they always left their dog _2_ the house.

One evening they wanted to go to the cinema, _3_ they left the dog in the house and locked the door and their garden gate. They went off in their car.

When the film was _4_, they came home. They opened the gate and _5_ the car away. But when they came to the front door they found that part of the glass in the door was _6_. The door was not locked and it was open. A thief! They went in and _7_ looked in all the rooms to see _8_ the thief had taken their things. But everything was in the right place and _9_ was missing.

The dog was sleeping in the sitting-room. The wife was _10_ with the dog. “Why didn’t you keep the door safe?” she said. The dog was happy to see its master. It began to wag its tail and then it went to the corner of the room and picked something up in his mouth. It went to the wife and dropped the thing at her feet. When she went to pick it up, she was very surprised. Can you guess what the thing was? It was a man’s finger!

1.______   2.______    3.______   4.______    5.______

6.______   7.______    8.______   9.______    10.______


1. He has a beautiful cat. (改为感叹句)

  ________  _______  ________  _______ he has!

2. How much is this shirt? (改为同义句)

  What ______  ______  _______  _______ this shirt?

3. I spent five yuan on the book. (改为同义句)

  The book ______  _______ five yuan.

4. It looks like rain.(改为反意疑问句)

It looks like rain, __________?

5. There is nothing in the room. (改为反意疑问句)

There is nothing in the room, ___________?

七.书面表达:(10%请你以“家务劳动”为话题写一篇短文, 谈谈你平时经常帮父母做哪些家务, 有什么体会。 80词左右。



一.         单项选择:(15%

1-5 CAACB   6-10 BBBCD   11-15 ACDDB


1-5 ACADB   6-10CDBDC


第一篇:1-5 DABBC    第二篇:1-5 CCCDA    第三篇:1-5 FTFTT

. 英汉互译:(15%)(略)


1. went     2. in     3. so     4. over     5. put

6. broken 7. quickly  8. if     9. nothing  10. angry


1.What a beautiful cat            2. is the price of

3.cost me             4. doesn’t it          5. is there   



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