

【AutoML干货】自动机器学习: 最新进展综述与开放挑战

【导读】自动机器学习是当前学术工业界的热点。最近来自塔尔图大学Radwa Elshawi等的学者撰写了关于自动机器学习的进展综述,包括自动机器学习概念、元学习、神经架构搜索、超参优化等,涵盖137篇参考文献,非常值得一看。



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1. 元学习



  • 2018 | Meta-Learning: A Survey. | Vanschoren | CoRR | PDF

  • 2008 | Metalearning: Applications to data mining | Brazdil et al. | Springer Science & Business Media | PDF


  • Surrogate Models

    • 2018 | Scalable Gaussian process-based transfer surrogates for hyperparameter optimization. | Wistuba et al. | Journal of ML | PDF

  • Warm-Started Multi-task Learning

    • 2017 | Multiple adaptive Bayesian linear regression for scalable Bayesian optimization with warm start. | Perrone et al. | PDF

  • Relative Landmarks

    • 2001 | An evaluation of landmarking variants. | Furnkranz and Petrak | ECML/PKDD | PDF


  • 使用元特征

    • 2019 | SmartML: A Meta Learning-Based Framework for Automated Selection and Hyperparameter Tuning for Machine Learning Algorithms. | Maher and Sakr | EDBT | PDF

    • 2017 | On the predictive power of meta-features in OpenML. | Bilalli et al. | IJAMC | PDF

    • 2013 | Collaborative hyperparameter tuning. | Bardenet et al. | ICML | PDF

  • 使用元模型

    • 2018 | Predicting hyperparameters from meta-features in binary classification problems. | Nisioti et al. | ICML | PDF

    • 2014 | Automatic classifier selection for non-experts. Pattern Analysis and Applications. | Reif et al. | PDF

    • 2012 | Imagenet classification with deep convolutional neural networks. | Krizhevsky et al. | NIPS | PDF

    • 2008 | Predicting the performance of learning algorithms using support vector machines as meta-regressors. | Guerra et al. | ICANN | PDF

    • 2008 | Metalearning-a tutorial. | Giraud-Carrier | ICMLA | PDF

    • 2004 | Metalearning: Applications to data mining. | Soares et al. | Springer Science & Business Media | PDF

    • 2004 | Selection of time series forecasting models based on performance information. | dos Santos et al. | HIS | PDF

    • 2003 | Ranking learning algorithms: Using IBL and meta-learning on accuracy and time results. | Brazdil et al. | Journal of ML | PDF

    • 2002 | Combination of task description strategies and case base properties for meta-learning. | Kopf and Iglezakis | PDF


  • 迁移学习

    • 2014 | How transferable are features in deep neural networks? | Yosinski et al. | NIPS | PDF

    • 2014 | CNN features offthe-shelf: an astounding baseline for recognition. | Sharif Razavian et al. | IEEE CVPR | PDF

    • 2014 | Decaf: A deep convolutional activation feature for generic visual recognition. | Donahue et al. | ICML | PDF

    • 2012 | Imagenet classification with deep convolutional neural networks. | Krizhevsky et al. | NIPS | PDF

    • 2012 | Deep learning of representations for unsupervised and transfer learning. | Bengio | ICML | PDF

    • 2010 | A survey on transfer learning. | Pan and Yang | IEEE TKDE | PDF

    • 1995 | Learning many related tasks at the same time with backpropagation. | Caruana | NIPS | PDF

    • 1995 | Learning internal representations. | Baxter | PDF

  • 零样本学习

    • 2017 | Prototypical networks for few-shot learning. | Snell et al. | NIPS | PDF

    • 2017 | Meta-Learning: A Survey. | Vanschoren | CoRR | PDF

    • 2016 | Optimization as a model for few-shot learning. | Ravi and Larochelle | PDF

2. 神经架构搜索问题


  • 2018 | Progressive neural architecture search. | Liu et al. | ECCV | PDF

  • 2018 | Efficient architecture search by network transformation. | Cai et al. | AAAI | PDF

  • 2018 | Learning transferable architectures for scalable image recognition. | Zoph et al. | IEEE CVPR | PDF

  • 2017 | Hierarchical representations for efficient architecture search. | Liu et al. | PDF

  • 2016 | Neural architecture search with reinforcement learning. | Zoph and Le | PDF

  • 2009 | Learning deep architectures for AI. | Bengio et al. | PDF

  • 随机搜索

    • 2019 | Random Search and Reproducibility for Neural Architecture Search. | Li and Talwalkar | PDF

    • 2017 | Train Longer, Generalize Better: Closing the Generalization Gap in Large Batch Training of Neural Networks. | Hoffer et al. | NIPS | PDF

  • 强化学习

    • 2019 | Neural architecture search with reinforcement learning. | Zoph and Le | PDF

    • 2019 | Designing neural network architectures using reinforcement learning. | Baker et al. | PDF

  • 演化方法

    • 2019 | Evolutionary Neural AutoML for Deep Learning. | Liang et al. | PDF

    • 2019 | Evolving deep neural networks. | Miikkulainen et al. | PDF

    • 2018 | a multi-objective genetic algorithm for neural architecture search. | Lu et al. | PDF

    • 2018 | Efficient multi-objective neural architecture search via lamarckian evolution. | Elsken et al. | PDF

    • 2018 | Regularized evolution for image classifier architecture search. | Real et al. | PDF

    • 2017 | Large-scale evolution of image classifiers | Real et al. | ICML | PDF

    • 2017 | Hierarchical representations for efficient architecture search. | Liu et al. | PDF

    • 2009 | A hypercube-based encoding for evolving large-scale neural networks. | Stanley et al. | Artificial Life | PDF

    • 2002 | Evolving neural networks through augmenting topologies. | Stanley and Miikkulainen | Evolutionary Computation | PDF

  • 基于梯度的方法

    • 2018 | Differentiable neural network architecture search. | Shin et al. | PDF

    • 2018 | Darts: Differentiable architecture search. | Liu et al. | PDF

    • 2018 | MaskConnect: Connectivity Learning by Gradient Descent. | Ahmed and Torresani | PDF

  • 贝叶斯优化

    • 2018 | Towards reproducible neural architecture and hyperparameter search. | Klein et al. | PDF

    • 2018 | Neural Architecture Search with Bayesian Optimisation and Optimal Transport | Kandasamy et al. | NIPS | PDF

    • 2016 | Towards automatically-tuned neural networks. | Mendoza et al. | PMLR | PDF

    • 2015 | Speeding up automatic hyperparameter optimization of deep neural networks by extrapolation of learning curves. | Domhan et al. | IJCAI | PDF

    • 2014 | Raiders of the lost architecture: Kernels for Bayesian optimization in conditional parameter spaces. | Swersky et al. | PDF

    • 2013 | Making a science of model search: Hyperparameter optimization in hundreds of dimensions for vision architectures. | Bergstra et al. | PDF

    • 2011 | Algorithms for hyper-parameter optimization. | Bergstra et al. | NIPS | PDF

3. 超参优化



  • 网格随机搜索

    • 2017 | Design and analysis of experiments. | Montgomery | PDF

    • 2015 | Adaptive control processes: a guided tour. | Bellman | PDF

    • 2012 | Random search for hyper-parameter optimization. | Bergstra and Bengio | JMLR | PDF

  • 贝叶斯优化

    • 2018 | Bohb: Robust and efficient hyperparameter optimization at scale. | Falkner et al. | JMLR | PDF

    • 2017 | On the state of the art of evaluation in neural language models. | Melis et al. | PDF

    • 2015 | Automating model search for large scale machine learning. | Sparks et al. | ACM-SCC | PDF

    • 2015 | Scalable bayesian optimization using deep neural networks. | Snoek et al. | ICML | PDF

    • 2014 | Bayesopt: A bayesian optimization library for nonlinear optimization, experimental design and bandits. | Martinez-Cantin | JMLR | PDF

    • 2013 | Making a science of model search: Hyperparameter optimization in hundreds of dimensions for vision architectures. | Bergstra et al. | PDF

    • 2013 | Towards an empirical foundation for assessing bayesian optimization of hyperparameters. | Eggensperger et al. | NIPS | PDF

    • 2013 | Improving deep neural networks for LVCSR using rectified linear units and dropout. | Dahl et al. | IEEE-ICASSP | PDF

    • 2012 | Practical bayesian optimization of machine learning algorithms. | Snoek et al. | NIPS | PDF

    • 2011 | Sequential model-based optimization for general algorithm configuration. | Hutter et al. | LION | PDF

    • 2011 | Algorithms for hyper-parameter optimization. | Bergstra et al. | NIPS | PDF

    • 1998 | Efficient global optimization of expensive black-box functions. | Jones et al. | PDF

    • 1978 | Adaptive control processes: a guided tour. | Mockus et al. | PDF

    • 1975 | Single-step Bayesian search method for an extremum of functions of a single variable. | Zhilinskas | PDF

    • 1964 | A new method of locating the maximum point of an arbitrary multipeak curve in the presence of noise. | Kushner | PDF

  • 模拟退火

    • 1983 | Optimization by simulated annealing. | Kirkpatrick et al. | Science | PDF

  • 一般算法

    • 1992 | Adaptation in natural and artificial systems: an introductory analysis with applications to biology, control, and artificial intelligence. | Holland et al. | PDF


  • 2019 | Multi-Fidelity Automatic Hyper-Parameter Tuning via Transfer Series Expansion. | Hu et al. | PDF

  • 2016 | Review of multi-fidelity models. | Fernandez-Godino | PDF

  • 2012 | Provably convergent multifidelity optimization algorithm not requiring high-fidelity derivatives. | March and Willcox | AIAA | PDF

  • 建模学习曲线

    • 2015 | Speeding up automatic hyperparameter optimization of deep neural networks by extrapolation of learning curves. | Domhan et al. | IJCAI | PDF

    • 1998 | Efficient global optimization of expensive black-box functions. | Jones et al. | JGO | PDF

  • 强盗算法

    • 2016 | Non-stochastic Best Arm Identification and Hyperparameter Optimization. | Jamieson and Talwalkar | AISTATS | PDF

    • 2016 | Hyperband: A novel bandit-based approach to hyperparameter optimization. | Kirkpatrick et al. | JMLR | PDF

4. AutoML 工具与框架

5. 预建模和建模后辅助工具



6. 预处理建模阶段

  • 数据理解

    • 2017 | Ground: A Data Context Service | Hellerstein et al. | CIDR | PDF | URL

    • 2016 | ProvDB: A System for Lifecycle Management of Collaborative Analysis Workflows. | Miao et al. | CoRR | PDF | Github

    • 2016 | Goods: Organizing Google’s Datasets. | Halevy et al. | SIGMOD | PDF

    • 2016 | Visual Exploration of Machine Learning Results Using Data Cube Analysis. | Kahng et al. | HILDA | PDF

    • 2015 | Smart Drill-down: A New Data Exploration Operator. | Joglekar et al. | VLDB | PDF

    • 2017 | Controlling False Discoveries During Interactive Data Exploration. | Zhao et al. | SIGMOD | PDF

    • 2016 | Data Exploration with Zenvisage: An Expressive and Interactive Visual Analytics System. | Siddiqui et al. | VLDB | PDF | TOOL

    • 2015 | SEEDB: Efficient Data-Driven Visualization Recommendations to Support Visual Analytics. | Vartak et al. | PVLDB | PDF | TOOL

  • 数据验证

    • 2009 | On Approximating Optimum Repairs for Functional Dependency Violations. | Kolahi and Lakshmanan | ICDT | PDF

    • 2005 | A Cost-based Model and Effective Heuristic for Repairing Constraints by Value Modification. | Bohannon et al. | SIGMOD | PDF

    • 2017 | MacroBase: Prioritizing Attention in Fast Data. | Bailis et al. | SIGMOD | PDF | Github

    • 2015 | Data X-Ray: A Diagnostic Tool for Data Errors. | Wang et al. | SIGMOD | PDF

    • Automatic Correction
    • Automatic Alerting
  • 数据准备

    • 2015 | Deep feature synthesis: Towards automating data science endeavors. | Kanter and Veeramachaneni | DSAA | PDF | Github

    • 2018 | Google Search Engine for Datasets | URL

    • 2014 | DataHub: Collaborative Data Science & Dataset Version Management at Scale. | Bhardwaj et al. | CoRR | PDF | URL

    • 2013 | OpenML: Networked Science in Machine Learning. | Vanschoren et al. | SIGKDD | PDF | URL

    • 2007 | UCI: Machine Learning Repository. | Dua, D. and Graff, C. | URL

  • 2019 | Model Chimp | URL

  • 2018 | ML-Flow | URL

  • 2017 | Datmo | URL

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