


【Weather Oct. 4】
济南 晴 22℃/11℃
青岛 晴 21℃/13℃
>Betrayal or best option?
>Liu Xiang has 200 million in bank
>Boy gets permanent artificial heart
>Five hours' sleep is enough
【Top News】
>Be wary of overseas capital
外资入楼市 干扰须警惕
Xinhua reports that overseas capital is beginning to be active again in China's property market at a time when overseas markets have been gloomy. In the staked-up property market, precaution is advised lest the capital influx once again disturbs the market order freshly gained. Data from the Ministry of Commerce shows that in September there were 31 new overseas-funded real estate companies established, while 43 of the existing ones reported capital increment, both far exceeding the average figures of the past three years. Hutchison Whampoa, Sun Hung Kai Properties, as well as Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse are amongst the most active.
※Besides the positive expectation for the yuan's appreciation and the prospect of Chinese property market, Chinese developers' effort in financing from overseas all result in the influx of foreign capital, insiders say. The flooding foreign capital will inevitably boost up housing prices in major Chinese cities, and the only way to halt this momentum is to step up the effort in supervision, otherwise the initial achievement in curbing the market will soon be lost.
>Betrayal or best option?

The Hebei Provincial Supreme Court on September 29 approved new rules on sentencing guidelines with incentives for relatives not to cover up for the defendant. In return, the defendant's sentence can be reduced by 20 percent, the Shandong Business Daily reported. The regulation triggered heated debate. In traditional Chinese ethic, giving relatives away is the opposite of mutual concealment among the kin. Under laws in both the UK and US, husband or wife cannot be compelled to testify against each other, and no one shall force one of them to make a statement that incriminates the other.
※In a case in Australia, a daughter refused to provide any details about her drug trafficking father's business although she had information. She was sued on the claims of concealing criminal activities but was acquitted. The judge gave a simple explanation: laws should not harm human and family values, or will do harm to society more than criminal offences.
>Hotel for job seekers only
If you are over 35 or don't have a college degree, you are not qualified to stay in Wang Xiaohua's hotel. Wang, 28, is a former sales manager of a foreign company's Wuhan branch who rented a 4-bedroom apartment in downtown Wuchang District earlier this year, Chutian Metropolitan Daily reported. He added TVs, computers and 18 beds and turned it into a hotel for graduates and job seekers. Beds start from 10 yuan a day. To check in, customers must show their ID and diplomas, Wang said.
>S.Korea lifts duty in pickle crisis

The Joong Ang Ilbo reports that South Korean government on Oct.1 temporarily lifted the tariff for Chinese cabbage and radishes, which eases the country's shortage of the vegetables that are indispensible for the nation. The unusual damp and warm weather this year ruined many crops, more than quadrupling the price of cabbage – the raw material for making pickles. The nation's eating habits have been greatly affected.
>Boy gets permanent artificial heart
A 15-year-old Italian boy, who has not been named, underwent a 10-hour operation last week and is still in intensive care but has woken up following the surgery and said to be well and talking. He has become the first child in the world to be permanently implanted with an artificial heart, the Daily Telegraph reported. As he already suffers from a muscle-wasting illness called Duchenne's syndrome, he was ineligible to be placed on the heart transplant waiting list. The illness causes rapid muscle degeneration, and the teenager had been confined to bed and unable to walk and was close to death when surgeons decided to install the artificial heart. The surgeon said the permanent device is expected to give the boy another 20-25 years of 'normal life.'
据英国《每日电讯报》报道,意大利一名15岁的男孩上周进行了10个小时的心脏植入手术,手术结束后他醒过来还开口说了话,手术一切正常,他目前仍在重症监护病房接受进一步治疗。他成为世界上第一个接受永久人造心脏植入的未成年人,报道并未透露这名男孩的姓名。此前,他患上名为杜钦型肌营养不良综合征的肌肉萎缩症。他的病原本不适合做心脏移植手术,并不在医院的等候名单上,但是该病使他的肌肉快速萎缩,只能卧病在床,根本无法下地,后来医生决定为他安置人造心脏时,他几乎已经奄奄一息。医生说,这个装置可延长男孩生命20到25年,期间他和正常人一样。>Five hours' sleep is enough

Not getting seven or eight hours of sleep a night won't kill you and as little as five hours is fine, new US research shows, the Daily Telegraph reported. Earlier this year a large-scale study indicated that getting less than seven hours' sleep was associated with an increased risk of heart disease. Another concluded that people who sleep less than six hours a night are more likely to die before the age of 65. Professor Daniel Kripke who led the research that followed 459 middle-aged and elderly women over a 14-year period, said: 'The surprise was that when sleep was measured objectively, the best survival was observed among women who slept five to 6.5 hours.

【In Brief】
>Counterfeit-drug clinic suspended
Xinhua reports that AmMed Cancer Center, the clinic in Shanghai involved in selling the counterfeit eye-treatment medicine Roche Avastin, has been suspended and the people responsible have been taken in police custody. AmMed purchased the medicine through unauthorized channels. Six of the entire 61 patients affected by the fake drugs remain hospitalized.
>Liu Xiang has 200 million in bank
World Champion and Olympic Gold medalist hurdler Liu Xiang has 200 million yuan in his bank account, according to a Guangzhou Daily report, which cited local media in Shanghai. He earned the money through endorsements for 16 brands before 2008. As a member of the national track and field team, Liu earns a salary of 1,062.48 yuan, gets 1,000 yuan training allowance a month and 70 yuan food allowance a day.
>Secret to attract men - long arms
Women with long arms are apparently more attractive than those with long legs, The Huffington Post reports. In a research at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, arm length was found to be the most important contributing factor to attractiveness, followed by hip-to-waist ratio, but leg length wasn't significant.
【Fancy That】
>Cat the matchmaker

Wang Liuqing, from southwest China's Chongqing Municipality, met her Mr. Right, a young Morocco man, after her cat hit her keyboard and sent an email for making friends, the Chongqing Business Daily reported. Back in 2008, Wang was studying in Australia. She logged on to a social networking website, suddenly, her kitten jumped to the keyboard and a friendly email was sent to a man in Morocco, Mehdi Shellbo. The man replied and they chatted and eventually fell in love. They married yesterday in a hotel in Jiangbei District, in a wedding style of the Tang Dynasty.

>Grunting effective in tennis
The loud grunts of some tennis players can give them a real advantage over opponents, according to the BBC. Researchers from Canada and the US said that tests have shown that the extraneous sound would affect the opponents' speed and accuracy. Besides, grunting could also hamper a receiver who was trying to judge the spin and speed of a ball from the sound made off the racket. Maria Sharapova and Rafael Nadal are among the game's big grunters.

【Language Tips】
Lily: Is there any discount on this laptop?
Salesman: It's already very cheap. Let's make it 6000 Yuan. That's as cheap as it can get.
Lily: Alright, I'll buy this one. Can I pay using a credit card?
Salesman: Sorry, you can only pay cash. We'll also include a laptop bag and a mouse for you.
Lily: How long is the warranty good for?
Salesman: One year. The maintenance store location and telephone numbers are on the warranty card.
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