


【Weather Oct. 7】
济南 晴 27℃/15℃
青岛 多云 24℃/18℃
>Property prices too high in 8 cities
>260,000 Chinese become Americans
>Indian mistress wins 'palimony'
>A little alcohol during pregnancy OK
>Brief vacation makes people happier
【Top News】
>Chinese surname dictionary published
Li, Wang, Zhang, Liu and Chen are the five most common Chinese surnames, according to a new dictionary containing all 23,813 Chinese surnames, among which more than 7000 are still in use, Xinhua reports. People with the 100 most commonly used surnames make up 85 percent of China's population, and 32 of them are used mainly in North China, where the culture of using family names originated, experts say. The simplest surname, Yi, has only one stroke, while the most complicated surname, Huo'erchuanzhamusuta'erzhiduo, consists of 10 characters. Also in the dictionary are Chai, Mi, You, Yan, Jiang, Chu and Cha – seven daily necessities for the Chinese: firewood, rice, cooking oil, sauce, vinegar and tea.
据新华社报道,收录了23813个汉字姓氏的《中国姓氏大辞典》显示,李、王、张、刘、陈是中国五大最常见的姓氏。目前仍在使用的中国人姓氏超过7000种。据专家研究,中国100个常见大姓约占中国总人口的85%,且其中的32个大姓主要分布在姓氏起源的中心地带 - 华北地区。中国姓氏中,最简单的姓为'一',最复杂的姓是十字姓'伙尔川扎木苏他尔只多'。另外,柴米油盐酱醋茶也是七个姓氏。
【In the News】
>Property prices too high in 8 cities
Sanya, Hainan Province, topped Xinhua's list of the cities with unreasonable property prices, Xinhua reports. Sanya has seen a rapid rise in its property prices as it has developed into a popular tourist destination for both domestic and international travelers. But the housing boom has gone 'abnormal' recently following an increase in investment. The price for a beachside home was about 7,000 yuan per square meter in the first half of 2008. By the end of 2009, it had reached 30,000 yuan. The other cities on the list are Jinan, Hangzhou, Dongguan, Wuhan, Changsha, Qingdao and Chongqing.

>Indian mistress wins 'palimony'
India's mistresses could get rights to 'palimony' if their married lovers abandon them under new rules being considered by its Supreme Court, the Daily Telegraph reports. Under Indian law, only wives and children are entitled to maintenance payments, but a judge in Tamil Nadu ordered a local man to pay his mistress of 14 years 500 rupees a month after he abandoned her. 'You spent 14 years with her,' Justice Katju said to him. 'She lost her youth but you do not want to pay anything to her. She might not have been legally married to you but you have an obligation.' His ruling will now be challenged in the Supreme Court in a decision that could make adultery more expensive than ever for Indian men.
据英国《每日电讯报》报道,印度高院目前正考虑制定新的规定,'小三'们或有权利向抛弃她们的已婚花心男索取'赡养费'。在当前印度法律下,只有妻子和儿女有权要求赡养费,但泰米尔纳德邦法院最近判决一名当地男子支付与其保持了14年关系的情人每月500卢比的赡养费。法官卡徒告诉该男子: '你与她一起度过了14年。她献出了自己的青春而你却什么都不想给她。她也许并不想与你合法结婚,但你同样有义务(要支付赡养费)。'该判决尚等待最高法院作出最后决定,一旦获批,可能意味着以后印度男人出轨的成本将大大增加。

>Man visits 55 Chinese ethnic groups
Wang Yuansong of Wuhan, Hubei Province, is one visit shy of paying all 56 Chinese ethnic groups a visit in their home regions, CnHubei.com reports. Wang began traveling around China in 2002 after buying a series of stamps representing all Chinese ethnicities and gluing each one to an envelope. On each stop of his journey, he would ask the local post office to seal the corresponding stamp. Wang has 55 seals so far, with the remaining unsealed stamp representing the Gaoshan nationality in Taiwan.
>A little alcohol during pregnancy OK
Researchers say that an occasional glass of wine during pregnancy won't harm a baby's development, the Daily Mail reports. Pregnant women who drink one or two units of alcohol a week may actually find their child is better behaved than if they abstained from alcohol, they say. Women can safely drink a 175-milliliter glass of wine, a 50-milliliter glass of spirits or just under a pint of beer each week without damaging their child's intellectual or behavioral development, according to the researchers' study, which was published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

>Brief vacation makes people happier
Compared with a long vacation, a brief vacation frequently makes people much happier, Home Health Daily reports. Psychologists found that only the first two days of a long vacation is exhilarating. People will be used to the life style after the seventh day of a long vacation and the pleasure of enjoying a holiday will fade. It also said that a long vacation may interrupt the body's normal schedule and result in health problems. Therefore, psychologists conclude that dividing a long vacation into several parts will be more beneficial.
【In Brief】
>Floods wreak havoc in Hainan
Two people are missing and more than 64,000 people evacuated as floods wreak havoc in Hainan Province after five days of torrential rains, Xinhua reports. The direct economic loss is estimated to be 39.6 million yuan, with about 17.7 million yuan in agriculture. Local tourism was also hit hard by the floods. China is currently celebrating its National Day holiday, a peak travel season.
>260,000 Chinese became Americans
From 2002 to 2009, about 260,000 Chinese over 18 have obtained U.S. citizenship, according to statistics from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, The China Press reports. On average, it took seven years for a Chinese person to turn a green card into citizenship.
>Scientists share physics Nobel Prize

The 2010 Nobel prize for physics was awarded Tuesday to professors Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov from the University of Manchester in England for 'groundbreaking' experiments with the two-dimensional material graphene, CNN reports. Graphene is a new form of carbon that is both the thinnest and toughest material known.

【Fancy That】
>Man forces dog to smoke in video
A man recorded a video of himself forcing a dog to smoke a cigarette and then put it online, Cqnews.net reports. The video shows a dog hanging upside down in a van with its mouth tied by iron wires. The man then stuck an empty water bottle with a cigarette attached at the bottleneck into the dog's mouth. A moment later, the dog is shown struggling for air. The dog is still alive. The man later published his name and address, saying he would upload more videos of him abusing dogs if this video became popular enough.

【Hot Words】
Drunk driving
They note that past campaigns against drunk driving have been ineffective because they were not strictly enforced.
He was sentenced as much as six months in jail for drunk driving.
DWI-driving while intoxicated DUI-riving under influence (of alcohol or other drugs)的缩写,意思是'酒和药物影响下驾驶'
Mel Gibson was arrested for suspicion of DUI.
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