


设计用于促进非质子电化学的高性能电催化剂对于驱动寿命较长的锂硫电池至关重要。然而,关于探测电催化耐久性和保护催化剂活性的研究仍然难以捉摸。在这里,提供共形石墨烯链的三元石墨烯-TiO2/TiNG-TiO2/TiN)异质结构是一种有效且稳健的电催化剂,用于加速硫氧化还原动力学。G-TiO2/TiN异质结构协同吸附性TiO2、催化性TiN和导电石墨烯装甲,从而为多硫化物提供丰富的锚定点和持续的活性位点,从而实现平稳的双向电催化。令人鼓舞的是,原位制作的石墨烯链确保了对内部TiO2/TiN的有利保护,以保持其对耐久硫化学的催化稳定性。正如预期的那样,由三元G-TiO2/TiN介导的硫正极获得了令人印象深刻的倍率性能(5.0 C时为698.8 mAh g-1)、良好的循环稳定性(1000次循环内每个循环的低衰减为0.054%)和在升高负载下令人满意的面积容量(在 10.4 mg cm-2的硫负载下提供 8.63 mAh cm-2)。三元异质结构设计提供了对电催化剂操作和长寿命锂硫电池保护的深入了解。

 Figure 1. a) G-TiO2/TiN三元异质结构的合成示意图。b) G-TiO2/TiN三元异质结构在硫化学中的作用示意图。G-TiO2/TiN 三元异质结构的 c) SEMd) HRTEM图像。e) G-TiO2/TiN三元异质结构的相应元素图。比例尺:500 nm (c)5 nm (d) 100 nm (e)

Figure 2. a) G-TiO2/TiN@STiO2/TiN@STiO2@S阴极的典型CV曲线。b,c) Tafel 图。d) 3 mV s-1 e) 50 mV s-1下,对称电池的CV曲线。f) 恒电位放电曲线。g) SEM 图像。比例尺:5 µm (g)

Figure 3. a)倍率性能。在 b) 0.3c) 2.0 5.0 C下的循环性能。d) 原位XRD研究的测试装置示意图。e) G-TiO2/TiN@S阴极在0.3 C时的第一次放电曲线。f) G@SG-TiO2/TiN@S作为正极时,负极侧的 Li2S 相演变。

Figure 4. a) 0.1 C下,G-TiO2/TiN@S正极的循环性能。b) 0.5 C1.0 C下,G-TiO2/TiN@S 正极的循环性能。c) G-TiO2/TiN@S正极在0.05 C下的循环性能。d) G-TiO2/TiN@S正极的横截面 SEM 图像和相应的元素图。e) 与其他报道的钛基硫主体相比,高负载G-TiO2/TiN@S正极的面积容量。f-h) 演示处于各种弯曲状态以连续点亮LED指示灯的Li-S软包电池。比例尺:100 µm (d),插图:150 µm

相关研究成果于2021年由苏州大学Jingyu Sun课题组,发表在Adv. Funct. Mater.DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202100586)上。原文:A Robust Ternary Heterostructured Electrocatalyst with Conformal Graphene Chainmail for Expediting Bi-Directional Sulfur Redox in Li–S Batteries


      苏州大学能源学院特聘教授,博士生导师,课题组长。九三学社社员。牛津大学博士。国家“四青”人才——青年海外高层次人才;江苏省杰出青年基金获得者;江苏省双创人才。江苏省“先进碳材料与可穿戴能源技术”重点实验室主任。苏州大学——北京石墨烯研究院产学研协同创新中心主任。国家重点研发计划课题主持人。《科学通报》编委,J. Energy Chem.编委,InfoMat青年编委。2008年本科毕业于浙江大学竺可桢学院,2013年于英国牛津大学获博士学位。2013-2015年、2015-2017年分别在北京大学和英国剑桥大学开展研究工作。2017年2月入职苏州大学能源学院,2018年受聘北京石墨烯研究院研究员,课题组长。主要从事石墨烯的化学气相沉积直接制备、烯碳基能源材料及打印器件研究。发展了低维碳材料直接生长的Direct-CVD技术,研究成果被Nature Mater.,Phys.org,央广网,科学网等亮点报道。近年来在国内外学术期刊上共发表研究论文150余篇,其中通讯作者/第一作者论文逾100篇包括Chem. Soc. Rev., Nature Commun., Adv. Mater., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Energy Environ. Sci., Adv. Energy Mater., Adv. Funct. Mater., ACS Nano, Nano Energy等,总引用7000余次, h因子为45。




2018-至今 研究员、PI,北京石墨烯研究院

2017-至今 特聘教授、博士生导师、PI,苏州大学 能源学院

2015-2017 博士后,剑桥大学 剑桥石墨烯中心,合作导师:Prof. Andrea C. Ferrari

2013-2015 博士后,北京大学 纳米化学研究中心,合作导师:刘忠范院士

2008-2013 博士,牛津大学 材料系,导师:Prof. Martin R. Castell, Prof. Nicole Grobert

2004-2008 学士,浙江大学 竺可桢学院,导师:杨德仁院士






2021年 江苏省杰出青年基金

2020年 苏州大学“五四青年奖”

2019年 江苏省双创人才

2019年 江苏省双创团队 核心成员

2018年 江苏省“六大人才高峰”

2017年 国家四青人才:青年海外高层次人才

2016年 剑桥大学Wolfson College特别资助

2015年 北京大学优秀博士后奖

2011年 牛津大学Varsity Award

2008年 中国教育部-牛津大学共建奖学金




团体赛:获得2017-2021年在苏高校教职工乒乓球赛团体冠军 (苏州大学)、2019,2021年苏州工业园区“慧湖杯”乒乓球邀请赛团体冠军、2019年苏州爱动俱乐部四周年邀请赛团体冠军、2015年北京大学“北大杯”团体冠军 (化学与分子工程学院)、2020年上海“悦隆·蝴蝶杯”乙级赛团体亚军、2020年苏州首届“美凯龙杯”乒乓球团体赛亚军。


学术论文 (*通讯作者):

Upon arriving in SUDA:


(1) Z.N. Tian, Z.T. Sun, Y.Y. Shao, L. Gao, R. Huang, Y.L. Shao*, R.B. Kaner*, J.Y. Sun*, Ultrafast rechargeable Zn micro-batteries endowing a wearable solar charging system with high overall efficiency, Energy Environ. Sci. 2021, 14, 1602. 

(2) Z.X. Shi, Z.T. Sun, J.S. Cai, X.Z. Yang, C.H. Wei, M.L. Wang, Y.F. Ding, J.Y. Sun*, Manipulating electrocatalytic Li2S redox via selective dual‐defect engineering for Li–S batteries, Adv. Mater. 2021, 2103050. 

(3) J.S. Cai, Z.T. Sun, W.L. Cai, N. Wei, Y.X. Fan, Z.F. Liu, Q. Zhang, J.Y. Sun*, A robust ternary heterostructured electrocatalyst with conformal graphene chainmail for expediting bi-directional sulfur redox in Li–S batteries, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2021, 31, 2100586.

(4) C. Lu, Z.X. Gao, B.Z. Liu, Z.X. Shi, Y.Y. Yi, W. Zhao, W.Y. Guo, Z.F. Liu, J.Y. Sun*, Synchronous promotion in sodiophilicity and conductivity of flexible host via vertical graphene cultivator for longevous sodium metal batteries, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2021, 31, 2101233. | Highlighted by MaterialsViews

(5) Z.X. Shi, Z.T. Sun, J.S. Cai, Z.D. Fan, J. Jin, M.L. Wang, J.Y. Sun*, Boosting dual-directional polysulfide electrocatalysis via bimetallic alloying for printable Li–S batteries, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2021, 31, 2006798. | Highlighted by MaterialsViews

(6) Y.Y. Shao, Z.T. Sun, Z.N. Tian, S. Li, G. Wu, M.L. Wang, X.L. Tong, F. Shen, Z. Xia, V. Tung, J.Y. Sun*, Y.L. Shao*, Regulating oxygen substituents with optimized redox activity in chemically reduced graphene oxide for aqueous Zn‐ion hybrid capacitor, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2021, 31, 2007843.

(7) J.H. Zhou, X.Y. Lian, Y.Z. You, Q.T. Shi, Y. Liu, X.Q. Yang, L.J. Liu, D. Wang, J.-H. Choi*, J.Y. Sun*, R.Z. Yang*, M.H. Rümmeli*, Revealing the various electrochemical behaviors of Sn4P3 binary alloy anodes in alkali metal ion batteries, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2021, 31, 2102047.

(8) Z.X. Shi, M. Li, J.Y. Sun*, Z.W. Chen*, Defect engineering for expediting Li–S chemistry: Strategies, mechanis and perspectives, Adv. Energy Mater. 2021, 11, 2100332. | Highlighted by MaterialsViews

(9) Z.D. Fan, J. Jin, C. Li, J.S. Cai, C.H. Wei, Y.L. Shao, G.F. Zou*, J.Y. Sun*, 3D printed Zn-ion hybrid capacitor enabled by universal divalent cation-gelated additive-free Ti3C2 MXene ink, ACS Nano 2021, 15, 3098.

(10) X.L. Tong, Z.N. Tian, J.Y. Sun*, V. Tung, R.B. Kaner*, Y.L. Shao*, Self-healing flexible/stretchable energy storage devices, Mater. Today 2021, 44, 78.

(11) C.H. Wei, M. Tian, Z.D. Fan, L.H. Yu, Y.Z. Song, X.Z. Yang, Z.X. Shi, M.L. Wang, R.Z. Yang*, J.Y. Sun*, Concurrent realization of dendrite-free anode and high-loading cathode via 3D printed N-Ti3C2 MXene framework toward advanced Li–S full batteries, Energy Storage Mater. 2021, 41, 141.

(12) B. Jiang, S.W. Wang, J.Y. Sun*, Z.F. Liu*, Controllable synthesis of wafer-scale graphene films: Challenges, status, and perspectives, Small 2021, 17, 2008017.| Highlighted by MaterialsViews

(13) Y.H. Li, M.L. Wang, Y.Y. Yi, C. Lu, S.X. Dou*, J.Y. Sun*, Metallic transition metal dichalcogenides of group VIB: Preparation, stabilization and energy applications, Small 2021, 17, 2005573.

(14) Y. Zhang, M.L. Wang, Y. Guo, L.Z. Huang, B.Y. Wang, Y.H. Wei, P. Jing, Y.Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang*, Q. Wang, J.Y. Sun*, H. Wu*, A polymer captor for immobilizing polysulfide/polyselenide in working Li−SeS2 batteries, Nano-Micro Lett. 2021, 13, 104.

(15) Y.Y. Yi, H. Ma, X.Y. Lian, Q.Q. Mei, Z.H. Zeng, Y. Zhao, C. Lu, W. Zhao*, W.Y. Guo, Z.F. Liu, J.Y. Sun*, Harmonized edge/graphitic-nitrogen doped carbon nanopolyhedron@nanosheet composite via salt-confined strategy for advanced K-ion hybrid capacitors, InforMat 2021, in press. DOI: 10.1002/inf2.12225.

(16) X.Y. Lian, Z.T. Sun, Q.Q. Mei, Y.Y. Yi, J.H. Zhou, M.H. Rümmeli*, J.Y. Sun*, Biomass template derived boron/oxygen co-doped carbon particles as advanced anodes for potassium-ion batteries, Energy Environ. Mater. 2021, in press. DOI: 10.1002/eem2.12183.

(17) M.L. Wang, Y.Z. Song*, N. Wei, Y.L. Shao, G. Sheng, J.Y. Sun*, Universal interface and defect engineering dual-strategy for graphene-oxide heterostructures toward promoted Li–S chemistry, Chem. Eng. J. 2021, 418, 129407.

(18) Y.H. Wu, Z.N. Tian, S.F. Yuan, Z.Y. Qi, Y.R. Feng, Y.F. Wang*, R. Huang, Y.L. Zhao, J.H. Sun, W. Zhao*, W.Y. Guo, J.L. Feng, J.Y. Sun*, Solar-driven self-powered alkaline seawater electrolysis via multifunctional earth-abundant heterostructures, Chem. Eng. J. 2021, 411, 128538.

(19) Y. Zhao, Z.T. Sun, Y.Y. Yi, C. Lu, M.L. Wang, Z. Xia, X.Y. Lian, Z.F. Liu*, J.Y. Sun*, Precise synthesis of N-doped graphitic carbon via chemical vapor deposition to unravel the dopant functions on potassium storage toward practical K-ion batteries, Nano Res. 2021, 14, 1413.

(20) B.Z. Liu, H.H. Wang, W. Gu, L. Zhou, Z.L. Chen, Y.F. Nie, C.W. Tan, H.N. Ci, N. Wei, L.Z. Cui, X. Gao, J.Y. Sun*, Y.F. Zhang*, Z.F. Liu*, Oxygen-assisted direct growth of large-domain and high-quality graphene on glass targeting advanced optical filter applications, Nano Res. 2021, 14, 260.

(21) Z. Xia, X.W. Chen, H.N. Ci, Z.D. Fan, Y.Y. Yi, W.J. Yin*, N. Wei, J.S. Cai, Y.F. Zhang, J.Y. Sun*, Designing N-doped graphene/ReSe2/Ti3C2 MXene heterostructure frameworks as promising anodes for high-rate potassium-ion batteries, J. Energy Chem. 2021, 53, 155.

(22) J. Jin, J.S. Cai, X.G. Wang, Z.T. Sun, Y.Z. Song, J.Y. Sun*, Architecturing aligned orthorhombic Nb2O5 nanowires toward sodium-ion hybrid capacitor and Lithium–Sulfur battery applications, FlatChem. 2021, 27, 100236.

(23) J.Y. Shan, J.Y. Sun*, Z.F. Liu*, Chemical vapor deposition synthesis of graphene over sapphire substrates, ChemNanoMat 2021, 7, 515.

(24) 姜蓓, 孙靖宇*, 刘忠范, 石墨烯晶圆的制备: 从高品质到规模化, 物理化学学报 2022, 38, 2007068.


(1) J.S. Cai, J. Jin, Z.D. Fan, C. Li, Z.X. Shi, J.Y. Sun*, Z.F. Liu*, 3D printing of V8C7-VO2 bifunctional scaffold as effective polysulfide immobilizer and lithium stabilizer for Li–S batteriess, Adv. Mater. 2020, 32, 2005967.

(2) C. Li, Z.T. Sun, T. Yang, L.H. Yu, N. Wei, Z.N. Tian, J.S. Cai, J.Z. Lv, Y.L. Shao, M.H. Rümmeli, J.Y. Sun*, Z.F. Liu, Directly grown vertical graphene carpets as Janus separators toward stabilized Zn metal anodes, Adv. Mater. 2020, 32, 2003425.

(3) Y.Y. Yi, J.Q. Li, W. Zhao, Z.H. Zeng, C. Lu, H. Ren, J.Y. Sun*, J. Zhang*, Z.F. Liu*, Temperature-mediated engineering of graphdiyne framework enabling high-performance potassium storage, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 30, 2003039.

(4) Y.Y. Yi, Z.T. Sun, C. Li, Z.N. Tian, C. Lu, Y.L. Shao, J. Li*, J.Y. Sun*, Z.F. Liu, Designing 3D biomorphic nitrogen-doped MoSe2/graphene composites toward high-performance potassium-ion capacitors, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 30, 1903878.

(5) C. Lu, Z.T. Sun, L.H. Yu, X.Y. Lian, Y.Y. Yi, J. Li, Z.F. Liu, S.X. Dou*, J.Y. Sun*, Enhanced kinetics harvested in heteroatom dual-doped graphitic hollow architectures toward high rate printable potassium-ion batteries, Adv. Energy Mater. 2020, 10, 2001161. | Highlighted by MaterialsViews

(6) Y.Z. Song, W.L. Cai, L. Kong, J.S. Cai, Q. Zhang*, J.Y. Sun*, Rationalizing electrocatalysis of Li–S chemistry by mediator design: Progress and prospects, Adv. Energy Mater. 2020, 10, 1901075. | ESI 1%

(7) C.H. Wei, M. Tian, M.L. Wang, Z.X. Shi, L.H. Yu, S. Li, Z.D. Fan, R.Z. Yang*, J.Y. Sun*, Universal in situ crafted MOx-MXene heterostructures as heavy and multifunctional hosts for 3D-printed Li–S batteries, ACS Nano 2020, 14, 16073.

(8) H.N. Ci, J.S. Cai, H. Ma, Z.X. Shi, G. Cui, M.L. Wang, J. Jin, N. Wei, C. Lu, W. Zhao*, J.Y. Sun*, Z.F. Liu, Defective VSe2-graphene heterostructures enabling in situ electrocatalyst evolution for lithium–sulfur batteries, ACS Nano 2020, 14, 11929.

(9) Z.D. Fan, C.H. Wei, L.H. Yu, Z. Xia, J.S. Cai, Z.N. Tian, G.F. Zou*, S.X. Dou, J.Y. Sun*, 3D printing of porous nitrogen-doped Ti3C2 MXene scaffolds for high-performance sodium-ion hybrid capacitors, ACS Nano 2020, 14, 867. | ESI 1%

(10) J.S. Cai, Z.D. Fan, J. Jin, Z.X. Shi, S.X. Dou, J.Y. Sun*, Z.F. Liu*, Expediting the electrochemical kinetics of 3D-printed sulfur cathodes for Li–S batteries with high rate capability and areal capacity, Nano Energy 2019, 75, 104970.| Highlighted by 中国科学报

(11) Y.Z. Song, Z.T. Sun, Z.D. Fan, W.L. Cai, Y.L. Shao, G. Sheng, M.L. Wang, L.X. Song, Z.F. Liu, Q. Zhang*, J.Y. Sun*, Rational design of porous nitrogen-doped Ti3C2 MXene as a multifunctional electrocatalyst for Li–S chemistry, Nano Energy 2019, 70, 104555. | ESI 1%

(12) Y.Y. Yi, W. Zhao, Z.H. Zeng, C.H. Wei, C. Lu, Y.L. Shao, W.Y. Guo, S.X. Dou, J.Y. Sun*, ZIF-8@ZIF-67-derived nitrogen-doped porous carbon confined CoP polyhedron targeting superior potassium-ion storage, Small 2020, 16, 1906566. | Highlighted by MaterialsViews | ESI 1%

(13) J.S. Cai, Y.Z. Song, X. Chen, Z.T. Sun, Y.Y. Yi, J.Y. Sun*, Q. Zhang*, MOF-derived conductive carbon nitrides for separator-modified Li–S batteries and flexible supercapacitors, J. Mater. Chem. A 2020, 8, 1757. | J. Mater. Chem. A Hot Paper | ESI 1%

(14) J. Jin, W.L. Cai, J.S. Cai, Y.L. Shao, Y.Z. Song, Z. Xia, Q. Zhang*, J.Y. Sun*, MOF-derived hierarchical CoP nanoflakes anchored on vertically-erected graphene scaffolds as self-supported and flexible hosts for lithium–sulfur batteries, J. Mater. Chem. A 2020, 8, 3027. | J. Mater. Chem. A Hot Paper

(15) L.H. Yu, W.P. Li, C.H. Wei, Q.F. Yang, Y.L. Shao, J.Y. Sun*, 3D printing of NiCoP/Ti3C2 MXene architectures for energy storage devices with high areal and volumetric energy density, Nano-Micro Lett. 2020, 12, 143.

(16) J.S. Cai, R. Cai, Z.T. Sun, X.G. Wang, N. Wei, F. Xu*, Y.L. Shao, P. Gao*, S.X. Dou, J.Y. Sun*, Confining TiO2 nanotubes in PECVD-enabled graphene capsules toward ultrafast K-ion storage: In situ TEM/XRD study and DFT, Nano-Micro Lett. 2020, 12, 123.

(17) Y.H. Wu, Y.Y. Yi, Z.T. Sun, H. Sun, T.Q. Guo, M.H. Zhang, L.F. Cui, K. Jiang, Y. Peng*, J.Y. Sun*, Bimetallic Fe-Ni phosphide carved nanoframes toward efficient overall water splitting and potassium-ion storage, Chem. Eng. J. 2020, 390, 124515.

(18) B. Jiang, Q.Y. Zhao, Z.P. Zhang, B.Z. Liu, J.Y. Shan, L. Zhao, M.H. Rümmeli, X. Gao, Y.F. Zhang, T.J. Yu, J.Y. Sun*, Z.F. Liu*, Batch synthesis of transfer-free graphene with wafer-scale uniformity, Nano Res. 2020, 13, 1564.

(19) T.Q. Guo, Y.Z. Song, Z.T. Sun, Y.H. Wu, Y. Xia, Y.Y. Li*, J.H. Sun, K. Jiang*, S.X. Dou, J.Y. Sun*, Bio-templated formation of defect-abundant VS2 as a bifunctional material toward high-performance hydrogen evolution reactions and lithium−sulfur batteries, J. Energy Chem. 2020, 42, 34. | ESI 1%

(20) Y.H. Wu, C. Li, Z.N. Tian, J.Y. Sun*, Solar-driven integrated energy systems: State of the art and challenges, J. Power Sources 2020, 478, 228762.

(21) Y.H. Li, K. Chang*, Z.T. Sun, E.B. Shangguan, H.W. Tang, B. Li, J.Y. Sun*, Z.R. Chang*, Selective preparation of 1T- and 2H-phase MoS2 nanosheets with abundant monolayer structure and their applications in energy storage devices, ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2020, 3, 998. 

(22) J.S. Cai, F. Shen, Z.X. Shi, Y.K. Lai, J.Y. Sun*, Nanostructured TiO2 for light-driven CO2 conversion into solar fuels, APL Mater. 2020, 8, 040914.

(23) Z.N. Tian, C.H. Wei, J.Y. Sun*, Recent advances in the template-confined synthesis of two-dimensional materials for aqueous energy storage devices, Nanoscale Adv. 2020, 2, 2220.

(24) B.Z. Liu, J.Y. Sun*, Z.F. Liu*, Direct growth of graphene over insulators by gaseous-promotor-assisted CVD: Progress and prospects, ChemNanoMat 2020, 6, 483.

(25) Y.Y. Yi, Y. Zhao, J.Y. Sun*, Promise and reality of practical potassium-based energy storage systems, Engineering Reports 2020, 2, e12328. | Highlighted by MaterialsViews

(26) 李超, 孙靖宇*, Janus隔膜助力高安全长续航锌电池, 科学通报 2020, 65, 3858.


(1) Z.N. Tian, X.L. Tong, G. Sheng, Y.L. Shao*, L.H. Yu, V. Tung, J.Y. Sun*, R.B. Kaner*, Z.F. Liu, Printable magnesium ion quasi-solid-state asymmetric supercapacitors for flexible solar-charging integrated units, Nature Commun. 2019, 10, 4913.

(2) L.H. Yu, Z.D. Fan, Y.L. Shao*, Z.N. Tian, J.Y. Sun*, Z.F. Liu, Versatile N-doped MXene ink for printed electrochemical energy storage application, Adv. Energy Mater. 2019, 9, 1901839. | ESI 1%

(3) M.L. Wang, Y.Z. Song, Z.T. Sun, Y.L. Shao, C.H. Wei, Z. Xia, Z.N. Tian, Z.F. Liu*, J.Y. Sun*, Conductive and catalytic VTe2@MgO heterostructure as effective polysulfide promotor for lithium−sulfur batteries, ACS Nano 2019, 13, 13235.

(4) N. Wei, L.H. Yu, Z.T. Sun, Y.Z. Song, M.L. Wang, Z.N. Tian, Y. Xia, Y.Y. Li*, L. Zhao, Q.C. Li, M.H. Rümmeli, JY Sun*, ZF Liu*, Scalable salt-templated synthesis of nitrogen-doped graphene nanosheets toward printable energy storage, ACS Nano 2019, 13, 7517. | Highlighted by Phys.org

(5) N. Wei, J.S. Cai, R.C. Wang, M.L. Wang, W. Lv*, H.N. Ci, J.Y. Sun*, Z.F. Liu, Elevated polysulfide regulation by an ultralight all-CVD-built ReS2@N-Doped graphene heterostructure interlayer for lithium–sulfur batteries, Nano Energy 2019, 66, 104190.

(6) C. Li, S. Cong, Z.N. Tian, Y.Z. Song, L.H. Yu, C. Lu, Y.L. Shao, J. Li, G.F. Zou*, M.H. Rümmeli, S.X. Dou, J.Y. Sun*, Z.F. Liu*, Flexible perovskite solar cell-driven photo-rechargeable lithium-ion capacitor for self-powered wearable strain sensors, Nano Energy 2019, 60, 247.

(7) Z. Xia, H. Sun, X. He, Z.T. Sun, C. Lu, J. Li, Y. Peng*, S.X. Dou, J.Y. Sun*, Z.F. Liu, In situ construction of CoSe2@vertical-oriented graphene arrays as self-supporting electrodes for sodium-ion capacitors and electrocatalytic oxygen evolution, Nano Energy 2019, 60, 385.

(8) Z.L. Hu, Z.Z. Li, Z. Xia, T. Jiang, G.L. Wang, J.Y. Sun*, P.F. Sun, C.L. Yan*, L. Zhang*, PECVD-derived graphene nanowall/lithium composite anodes towards highly stable lithium metal batteries, Energy Storage Mater. 2019, 22, 29.

(9) Y.Z. Song, Z.T. Sun, J.S. Cai, N. Wei, M.L. Wang, Y.L. Shao, Z.F. Liu*, J.Y. Sun*, Accelerated Li–S chemistry at a cooperative interface built in situ, J. Mater. Chem. A 2019, 7, 20750.

(10) N. Wei, Q.C. Li, S. Cong, H.N. Ci, Y.Z. Song, Q.F. Yang, C. Lu, C. Li, G.F. Zou, J.Y. Sun*, Y.F. Zhang*, Z.F. Liu*, Direct synthesis of flexible graphene glass with macroscopic uniformity enabled by copper-foam-assisted PECVD, J. Mater. Chem. A 2019, 7, 4813. 

(11) C. Lu, Z.Z. Li, Z. Xia, H.N. Ci, J.S. Cai, Y.Z. Song, L.H. Yu, W.J. Yin, S.X. Dou, J.Y. Sun*, Z.F. Liu*, Confining MOF-derived SnSe nanoplatelets in nitrogen-doped graphene cages via direct CVD for durable sodium ion storage, Nano Res. 2019, 12, 3051.

(12) L.H. Yu, Y.Y. Yi, T. Yao, Y.Z. Song, Y.R. Chen, Q.C. Li, Z. Xia, N. Wei, Z.N. Tian, B.Q. Nie, L. Zhang, Z.F. Liu*, J.Y. Sun*, All VN-graphene architecture derived self-powered wearable sensors for ultrasensitive health monitoring, Nano Res. 2019, 12, 331. | ESI 1%

(13) Y.Z. Song, S.Y. Zhao, Y.R. Chen, J.S. Cai, J. Li*, Q.H. Yang*, J.Y. Sun*, Z.F. Liu, Enhanced sulfur redox and polysulfide regulation via porous VN-modified separator for Li−S batteries, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 5687. 

(14) L.N. Tie, N. Li*, C.F. Yu, Y.M. Liu, S.Y. Yang, H. Chen, S.Y. Dong, J.Y. Sun*, S.X. Dou, J.H. Sun*, Self-supported nonprecious MXene/Ni3S2 electrocatalysts for efficient hydrogen generation in alkaline media, ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2019, 2, 6931. 

(15) Z.N. Tian, C. Li, J.S. Cai, L. Zhang*, C. Lu, Y.Z. Song, T. Jiang, J.Y. Sun*, S.X. Dou, Solar-driven capacity enhancement of aqueous redox batteries with a vertically oriented tin disulfide array as both the photo-cathode and battery-anode, Chem. Commun. 2019, 55, 1291.

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(1) J.Y. Sun*, C. Lu, Y.Z. Song, Q.Q. Ji, X.J. Song, Q.C. Li, Y.F. Zhang, L. Zhang*, J. Kong, Z.F. Liu*, Recent progress in tailored growth of two-dimensional hexagonal boron nitride via chemical vapour deposition, Chem. Soc. Rev. 2018, 47, 4242. 

(2) Y.Z. Song, W. Zhao, L. Kong, L. Zhang*, X.Y. Zhu, Y.L. Shao, F. Ding, Q. Zhang*, J.Y. Sun*, Z.F. Liu, Synchronous immobilization and conversion of polysulfides on a VO2-VN binary host targeting high sulfur load Li–S batteries, Energy Environ. Sci. 2018, 11, 2620. | ESI 1%

(3) X.G. Wang, Q.C. Li, L. Zhang*, Z.L. Hu, L.H. Yu, T. Jiang, C. Lu, C.L. Yan, J.Y. Sun*, Z.F. Liu, Caging Nb2O5 nanowires in PECVD-derived graphene capsules toward bendable sodium-ion hybrid supercapacitors, Adv. Mater. 2018, 30, 1800963.

(4) Y.Y. Yi, L.H. Yu, Z.N. Tian, Y.Z. Song, Y.L. Shao, L.J. Gao, J.Y. Sun*, Z.F. Liu*, Biotemplated synthesis of transition metal nitride architectures for flexible printed circuits and wearable energy storages, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2018, 28, 1805510.

(5) X.Y. Zhu, F. Zhang, L. Zhang*, L.Y. Zhang, Y.Z. Song, T. Jiang, S. Sayed, C. Lu, X.G. Wang, J.Y. Sun*, Z.F. Liu*, A highly stretchable cross-linked polyacrylamide hydrogel as an effective binder for silicon and sulfur electrodes toward durable Li-ion storage, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2018, 28, 1705015.

(6) Z.L. Hu, S. Sayed, T. Jiang, X.Y. Zhu, C. Lu, G.L. Wang, J.Y. Sun*, A. Rashid, C.L. Yan, L. Zhang*, Z.F. Liu, Self‐assembled binary organic granules with multiple lithium uptake mechanis toward high‐energy flexible Li‐ion hybrid supercapacitors, Adv. Energy Mater. 2018, 8, 1802273.

(7) X.Y. Zhu, W. Zhao, Y.Z. Song, Q.C. Li, F. Ding, J.Y. Sun*, L. Zhang*, Z.F. Liu, In situ assembly of 2D conductive VS2 with graphene as a high-sulfur-loading host for lithium−sulfur batteries, Adv. Energy Mater. 2018, 8, 1800201. | ESI 1%

(8) Q.C. Li, Y.Z. Song, R.Z. Xu, L. Zhang*, J. Gao, Z. Xia, Z.N. Tian, N. Wei, M.H. Rümmeli, X.L. Zou, J.Y. Sun*, Z.F. Liu*, Bio-templating growth of nepenthes-like N-doped graphene as a bifunctional polysulfide scavenger for Li−S batteries, ACS Nano 2018, 12, 10240.

(9) Y.Z. Song, W. Zhao, N. Wei, L. Zhang, F. Ding, Z.F. Liu, J.Y. Sun*, In-situ PECVD-enabled graphene-V2O3 hybrid host for lithium–sulfur batteries, Nano Energy 2018, 53, 432.

(10) C. Lu, Z.Z. Li, L.H. Yu, L. Zhang*, Z. Xia, T. Jiang, W.J. Yin, S.X. Dou, Z.F. Liu, J.Y. Sun*, Nanostructured Bi2S3 encapsulated within three-dimensional N-doped graphene as active and flexible anodes for Na-ion batteries, Nano Res. 2018, 11, 4614.

(11) Y.Z. Song, W. Zhao, X.Y. Zhu, L. Zhang*, Q.C. Li, F. Ding, Z.F. Liu, J.Y. Sun*, Vanadium dioxide-graphene composite with ultrafast anchoring behavior of polysulfides for lithium–sulfur batteries, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10, 15733.

(12) 李秋珵, 孙靖宇*, 具有室温延展性的新型无机半导体材料: α-Ag2S, 科学通报 2018, 63, 1519.

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