

Ceviche Recipe (VIDEO)酸橘汁腌鱼
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Ceviche is so fresh and loaded with shrimp, tomatoes, cucumbers, and avocados; all marinated in fresh lime juice. For this Mexican Shrimp Cocktail, you can use raw shrimp or cooked shrimp meat (if you want to cut the prep time way down).

Ceviche is an appetizer we’ve probably made a hundred times and it’s among our favorites, right up there with Cowboy Caviar and the wildly popular Guacamole. Shrimp Ceviche is a major crowd-pleasing recipe.

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Shrimp Ceviche 酸橘汁腌鱼虾

We got this authentic Mexican ceviche recipe from one of our readers, Blanca Villasenor. The secret ingredient for the best ceviche is Clamato juice which melds the flavors together and makes it one of the freshest and most satisfying appetizers you will try.
我们从一位读者 Blanca Villasenor 那里得到了正宗的墨西哥酸橘汁腌鱼食谱。最好的酸橘汁腌鱼的秘方是 Clamato 汁,它融合了各种口味,使它成为您将尝试的最新鲜、最令人满意的开胃菜之一。

Thank you so much Blanca for generously sharing your traditional family recipe with us!

Watch the Video 观看视频

Watch Natasha make this classic Restaurant-style Ceviche. We’ve been loving this recipe for years and have been fine-tuning it over the years. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of this recipe.
观看 Natasha 制作这款经典餐厅风格的酸橘汁腌鱼。我们多年来一直喜欢这个食谱,多年来一直在对其进行微调。我想我永远不会厌倦这个食谱。

Also, it’s a true story that my husband and I can polish off the entire batch in one evening in lieu of dinner!


What is Ceviche? 什么是酸橘汁腌鱼?

Ceviche has many names including cebiche, seviche, or sebiche. The origin is debated but thought to have it’s roots in Peru. It is a seafood cocktail using fresh fish that is marinated or “cooked” in a large amount of lime juice.
酸橘汁腌鱼有很多名字,包括 cebiche、seviche 或 sebiche。起源是有争议的,但被认为起源于秘鲁。这是一种海鲜鸡尾酒,使用在大量酸橙汁中腌制或“煮熟”的鲜鱼。

It also includes tomatoes, onion, cilantro, and some form of spice or pepper. We love bulking it up with fresh diced cucumber and diced avocado.


How to Cook Shrimp? If you are starting with raw shrimp and want to pre-cook it before adding it to Ceviche, see our Boiled Shrimp Recipe.


How to Make Ceviche

  1. Put chopped shrimp in a large bowl and stir in 1 cup of fresh squeezed lime juice. Refrigerate and marinate (1 1/2 to 2 hours for raw shrimp and 15 minutes for cooked shrimp).
    将切碎的虾放入一个大碗中,加入 1 杯鲜榨酸橙汁搅拌。冷藏和腌制(生虾 1 1/2 至 2 小时,熟虾 15 分钟)。
  2. Dice remaining vegetables: cucumber, avocado, tomato, onion, jalapeno, and cilantro.
  3. Once the shrimp are done marinating, stir in the diced vegetables and Clamato juice.
    虾腌好后,加入蔬菜丁和 Clamato 汁。

Pro Tip: A speedy tip for making Ceviche is to dice everything up using a food chopper. You’ll get everything chopped up in less than 5 minutes. My husband literally puts everything he can on that chopper. He’s become super efficient with the many batches of ceviche we’ve enjoyed over the years.
专业提示:制作酸橘汁腌鱼的一个快速技巧是使用食物切碎机将所有东西切成小方块。你会在不到 5 分钟的时间内把所有的东西都切碎。我丈夫真的把他能做的一切都放在了那台直升机上。他对我们多年来享用的多批酸橘汁腌鱼变得超级有效率。

Variations  变化

There are so many ways to make this and different regions will make it differently (i.e Peruvian Ceviche versus Mexican Ceviche). The biggest differences are in the types of seafood used.

  • Fish Ceviche – instead of shrimp, you can try fresh white fish diced into small pieces. Some options include halibut, sea bass, or snapper. Scallops are also a popular option. Always use the freshest fish, keep it on ice in the refrigerator, and make ceviche the day you purchase it.
  • Raw Shrimp – If using raw shrimp, it should be super fresh and purchased from a trusted source (preferably shrimp labeled “wild caught”), and enjoy the ceviche the first day it is made.
  • Cooked Shrimp – I’ll be the first to admit that I love using cooked shrimp meat for ceviche. With a 15-minute marinating time, it’s a no-brainer for me.
    煮熟的虾——我会第一个承认我喜欢用煮熟的虾肉做酸橘汁腌鱼。有 15 分钟的腌制时间,这对我来说是轻而易举的事。

    I also love that shrimp meat is often wild-caught and typically comes at a lower price tag than whole shrimp, plus there is zero peeling or deveining required. Sign me up!

Safety Tip: The USDA recommends cooking seafood thoroughly to minimize the risk of food born illness, especially for at-risk groups including pregnant women, children, older adults, and those with weakened immune systems. This is another reason we prefer using cooked shrimp.

Is Ceviche Safe to Eat?

If you’re new to ceviche, you may be wondering – is ceviche still raw? Marinating shrimp in fresh lime juice essentially cooks the shrimp due to the high acidity of lime juice.

Use pre-cooked shrimp if you are uncomfortable with raw shrimp or want to save a ton of marinating time (and it will taste just as good). With small cooked shrimp salad meat, you don’t even have to dice it!

In either case, rinse the shrimp and thoroughly squeeze or pat dry with paper towels to remove excess moisture so your cocktail isn’t watered down.

Make Ahead 提前

Ceviche is best enjoyed the same day it is made since the cucumbers and tomatoes are vibrant and crisp, but leftovers do keep well.


Refrigerate leftovers right away. Refrigerate for up to 1 day if you used raw seafood and refrigerate for up to 2 days if you used cooked shrimp.
立即冷藏剩菜。如果您使用生海鲜,冷藏最多 1 天;如果您使用煮熟的虾,冷藏最多 2 天。


Fresh Ceviche always induces major cravings – it’s just mouthwatering good. I hope this becomes a new favorite for you! Let me know if you make your salsa differently. Do you use cooked or fresh shrimp or another type of seafood?

More Shrimp Appetizers 更多虾开胃菜

Can you tell we love Shrimp Recipes by now? These are some of our top-rated Shrimp Appetizers that we make on repeat:


Ceviche Recipe 酸橘汁腌鱼食谱

4.95 from 89 votes 4.95 来自 89 票
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Marinating Time: 2 hours
Total Time: 2 hours 15 minutes

准备时间:15 分钟腌制时间:2 小时总时间:2 小时 15 分钟

Ceviche is loaded with shrimp, avocado, tomatoes, cucumber, and cilantro; all marinated in fresh lime juice. You can use raw shrimp or cooked shrimp meat for this Mexican shrimp cocktail. Using cooked shrimp meat cuts down the marinating time significantly which is why we prefer it. P.S. This also keeps really well in the refrigerator and you'll be happy if you have leftovers!

Author: Natasha Kravchuk
Course: Appetizer  课程:开胃菜
Cuisine: Mexican  菜系:墨西哥菜
Keyword: ceviche  关键词: 酸橘汁腌鱼
Skill Level: Easy  技能水平:简单
Cost to Make: $18-$20
制作成本:18-20 美元
Calories: 156 卡路里:156
Servings: 8 people 份量:8人

Ingredients 原料

  • 1 lb shrimp , (raw or cooked) peeled, deveined and diced
    1 磅 虾 ,(生的或熟的)去皮,去内脏并切丁
  • 1 cup lime juice, from 6 limes
    1 杯酸橙汁,来自 6 个酸橙
  • 1 cucumber, peeled and diced
    1 个黄瓜,去皮切丁
  • 2 avocados 2 个牛油果
  • 3 roma tomatoes, diced
    3 个罗马番茄,切丁
  • 1 red onion, diced
    1 个红洋葱,切丁
  • 1/4 bunch cilantro, chopped
    1/4 束香菜,切碎
  • 1 jalapeno, seeded and minced
    1 个墨西哥胡椒,去籽并切碎
  • 1 cup Clamato juice, (use "picante" version for spicier salsa)
    1 杯 Clamato 果汁,(使用“picante”版本制作更辣的莎莎酱)

Options To Serve:  服务选项:

  • 16 Tostadas , (or tortilla chips)
    16 块炸玉米饼,(或玉米片)
  • Hot Sauce, (Tabasco or Cholula)
    辣酱,(Tabasco 或 Cholula)
US Customary – Metric
美国习惯 - 公制

Instructions 指示

  1. Dice shrimp and place into a large glass (non-reactive) bowl. Squeeze 1 to 1 1/4 cups lime juice from 6 limes over shrimp.
    将虾切成丁,放入一个大玻璃(非反应性)碗中。将 6 颗酸橙中的 1 至 1 1/4 杯酸橙汁挤在虾上。

    Stir to combine then cover and marinate in the refrigerator (marinate 1 1/2 to 2 hours for raw shrimp or until no longer translucent and marinate 15 minutes for cooked shrimp), stirring halfway through.
    搅拌混合,然后盖上盖子并在冰箱中腌制(生虾腌制 1 1/2 至 2 小时,熟虾腌制 1 1/2 至 2 小时直至不再透明,熟虾腌制 15 分钟),中途搅拌。

  2. Chop the vegetables: cucumber, avocado, tomatoes, red onion, jalapeno and cilantro. A food chopper will make this process much faster.

  3. When shrimp are done marinating, add vegetables to the bowl along with clamato juice and stir to combine. Serve with hot sauce if desired along with tortilla chips or over tostadas.

Recipe Notes 食谱笔记

*Nutrition label only calculates the ceviche and not tostadas or tortilla chips for serving. 

Nutrition Facts 营养成分
Ceviche Recipe 酸橘汁腌鱼食谱
Amount Per Serving  每份的量
Calories 156 卡路里 156 Calories from Fat 72
来自脂肪 72 的卡路里
% Daily Value*
Fat 8g 脂肪 8g12%
Saturated Fat 1g 饱和脂肪 1克6%
Trans Fat 0.003g 反式脂肪 0.003g
Polyunsaturated Fat 1g 多不饱和脂肪 1g
Monounsaturated Fat 5g 单不饱和脂肪 5g
Cholesterol 91mg 胆固醇 91 毫克30%
Sodium 77mg 钠 77毫克3%
Potassium 630mg 钾 630 毫克18%
Carbohydrates 11g 碳水化合物 11g4%
Fiber 4g 纤维 4g17%
Sugar 4g 白糖 4g4%
Protein 13g 蛋白质 13g26%
Vitamin A 470IU 维生素A 470IU9%
Vitamin C 27mg 维生素 C 27 毫克33%
Calcium 61mg 钙 61 毫克6%
Iron 1mg 铁 1毫克6%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.
* 百分比每日价值基于 2000 卡路里的饮食。
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  • Looks easy and delicious, Sharks was the towel for you used to wipe your hands.

    Reply  回复

  • Steven 史蒂文
    June 9, 2023 2023 年 6 月 9 日

    I got to watch the video this morning as it was introduced. I’m printing the recipe now, and I’ll probably make it this weekend. The recipe looks so delicious, healthy and nutritious! I can’t wait to have some! I can’t wait for my garden tomatoes to arrive! Thanks Natasha!

    Another Winner! Winner! Winner! Recipe!

    Reply 回复

    • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
      June 9, 2023 2023 年 6 月 9 日

      Thank you so much for watching live, Steven! I hope you love this recipe!

      Reply  回复

  • Elzbieta Kowalczyk 伊丽莎白科瓦尔奇克
    June 9, 2023 2023 年 6 月 9 日

    I will make this for sure. You and your family are crazy make smile and is fun to see you all having a good time. Thanks

    Reply  回复

    • NatashasKitchen.com
      June 9, 2023 2023 年 6 月 9 日

      Thank you, Elzbieta! 谢谢你,Elzbieta!

      Reply  回复

  • Kate Coury 凯特库里
    May 29, 2023 2023 年 5 月 29 日

    How do you get 665 grams of sodium in this recipe? Where from? We’re trying to watch the salt. Is there something I can leave out or substitute so it’s not a problem. Thank you.
    这个食谱中的 665 克钠是如何获得的?从哪里来?我们正在努力观察盐分。有什么我可以省略或替代的东西吗,所以这不是问题。谢谢。

    Reply  回复

    • NatashasKitchen.com
      May 29, 2023 2023 年 5 月 29 日

      Hi Kate! It’s from the Clamato juice. If you can find it in low sodium you can use that, or look for low sodium V8 juice, that would be the next best.
      嗨,凯特!它来自 Clamato 果汁。如果你能在低钠中找到它,你可以使用它,或者寻找低钠 V8 果汁,那将是次佳选择。

      Reply  回复

  • Keith 基思
    April 11, 2023 2023 年 4 月 11 日

    I’ve only had this one’s from a Spanish friend of mine and I don’t recall the shrimp being raw. The recipe says raw or cooked but I would assume you cook it am I not correct?

    Reply  回复

    • Natasha's Kitchen 娜塔莎的厨房
      April 12, 2023 2023 年 4 月 12 日

      You can use cooked or raw shrimp in this Mexican shrimp cocktail. I have tried both and I prefer cooked.

      Reply  回复

    • Stacey 斯泰西
      June 9, 2023 2023 年 6 月 9 日

      The acidity from the limes cooks raw shrimp, it’s the traditional method.

      Reply  回复

  • Mathew 马修
    March 20, 2023 2023 年 3 月 20 日

    I make this very often everyone loves it. We use spotted bass from a local lake along with shrimp I just put them in separate bowls in the lime juice. I also use some Tejin for seasoning. Either way great recipe. I make a giant bowl every time.

    Reply  回复

    • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
      March 21, 2023 2023 年 3 月 21 日

      Thank you so much for sharing that with me, Mathew! I’m so glad you enjoyed it!

      Reply  回复

  • Kathy Pretell 凯西·普雷特尔
    February 20, 2023 2023 年 2 月 20 日

    When I make ceviche at home, I

    make it the traditional Peruvian way with wild caught fresh, firm fleshed white fish (depending in availability), marinated in fresh lime juice, aji amarillo, aji lima , or rocoto, depending on availability, and salt.
    将野生捕获的新鲜、肉质结实的白鱼(视情况而定)制成传统的秘鲁方式,用新鲜酸橙汁、aji amarillo、aji lima 或 rocoto(视情况而定)和盐腌制。

    Served with deflamed slivered red onions on the top, cancha (Andean toasted corn, similar to corn nuts but don’t destroy your teeth), a slice of sweet potato for contrast, maiz choclo (starchy large grains of corn), served on lettuce leaves.
    上面放着烧焦的红洋葱条,cancha(安第斯烤玉米,类似于玉米坚果,但不会破坏牙齿),一片红薯形成对比,maiz choclo(淀粉状大粒玉米),放在生菜上树叶。

    It’s traditional in Mexico to use tomato products in their ceviche-different style and adaptations.

    I’ve had ceviche both ways and love both. My favorite has to be Peruvian ceviche though-so many happy memories tied to that dish.

    Reply  回复

  • DW
    February 15, 2023 2023 年 2 月 15 日

    I like to make it with scallops also and I always dice up some mango and add that also. I’ve done it with grapes also. Just adds a touch of sweet.

    Reply  回复

    • Natasha's Kitchen 娜塔莎的厨房
      February 15, 2023 2023 年 2 月 15 日

      Sounds good, I’m sure those are great too, thanks for sharing that with us.

      Reply  回复

  • Kirk Dowd 柯克多德
    August 16, 2022 2022 年 8 月 16 日

    I thought it was good, but added a little brown sugar to cut through a touch of the acidity. Also Zing Zang makes a great substitute for Clamato, it’s what I had.
    我觉得很好,但加了一点红糖来减少一点酸味。 Zing Zang 也可以很好地替代 Clamato,这就是我所拥有的。

    Reply  回复

    • Ashley 阿什利
      September 20, 2022 2022 年 9 月 20 日

      I always eat civiche with homemade eel sauce! It’s perfection… adds the sweet you need. Try it! 😊
      我总是用自制的鳗鱼酱吃酸橘汁腌鱼!太完美了……添加了您需要的甜味。尝试一下! 😊

      Reply  回复

  • Izzy 伊兹
    July 27, 2022 2022 年 7 月 27 日

    Hi Natasha! After I mix the veggies and juice into the shrimp, is it ok to keep in the fridge for a few hours? We won’t eat this till later so I’m worried that the ceviche will be soggy.

    Reply  回复

    • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
      July 27, 2022 2022 年 7 月 27 日

      Hi Izzy, I imagine that should work. We haven’t tried it longer than 1.5 to 2 hours.
      嗨 Izzy,我想这应该有效。我们没有尝试超过 1.5 到 2 小时。

      Reply  回复

  • Joanne Robertson 乔安妮·罗伯逊
    June 4, 2022 2022 年 6 月 4 日

    Needs a pinch of salt and a few dashes of Worcestershire 👍
    需要一小撮盐和几滴伍斯特郡 👍

    Great dish to make if you’re having some friends or neighbors over for a few beers in the summer.

    Reply  回复

  • Ingerber garcia 英格贝尔加西亚
    April 30, 2022 2022 年 4 月 30 日

    It is debated if is peruvian or spanish, but not mexican for sure… still good 5stars
    争论的是秘鲁人还是西班牙人,但肯定不是墨西哥人……仍然不错 5 星

    Reply  回复

    • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
      April 30, 2022 2022 年 4 月 30 日

      I’m so happy you enjoyed that.

      Reply  回复

  • Diane F 黛安·F
    April 27, 2022 2022 年 4 月 27 日

    Someone asked what to sub out for Shrimp due to shellfish allergies. Suggestion was Scallops….N O !!!! It is also in the same category as shrimp when it comes to allergies (crustaceans and mollusks)

    Sub out fish, but commercially frozen as the below grade temperature kills harmful bacteria.

    Reply  回复

    • Kathy 凯西
      June 4, 2022 2022 年 6 月 4 日

      Any kind of white fish!!! It doesn’t have to be shellfish. When you go to an authentic Mexican restaurant, most ceviche mixes are comprised of shrimp and/or some sort of white fish. Hope that helps! Enjoy!

      Reply  回复

  • Geneva 日内瓦
    April 11, 2022 2022 年 4 月 11 日

    can I store this in the fridge? If so how long?


    Reply  回复

    • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
      April 11, 2022 2022 年 4 月 11 日

      Hi Geneva! You’re welcome! This recipe is best fresh!

      Reply  回复

    • Lisa 丽莎
      August 3, 2022 2022 年 8 月 3 日

      I make a big batch and eat it for 3 days. I also add scallops. Omitting the Clamato. Better fresh but still really good the next day.
      我做了一大批,吃了 3 天。我还加了扇贝。省略 Clamato。更好新鲜,但第二天仍然非常好。

      Reply  回复

  • Lisa 丽莎
    October 18, 2021 2021 年 10 月 18 日

    Is there a replacement for Clamato juice? I only see the one brand that has MSG in it. Recipe looks like it would be delicious!
    Clamato 果汁有替代品吗?我只看到一个品牌有味精。食谱看起来会很好吃!

    Reply  回复

    • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
      October 19, 2021 2021 年 10 月 19 日

      Hi Lisa, if we don’t have it on hand, we have often left out the clamato juice and just used lime juice and served with hot sauce (Tabasco is our favorite for ceviche).
      嗨,丽莎,如果我们手边没有,我们经常不加 clamato 汁,只用酸橙汁和辣酱一起食用(塔巴斯科辣椒是我们最喜欢的酸橘汁腌鱼)。

      Reply  回复

  • Maryke 玛丽克
    August 18, 2021 2021 年 8 月 18 日

    I want to make your ceviche but we don’t get clamato juice in our shops. What can I use instead?
    我想做你的酸橘汁腌鱼,但我们店里没有 clamato 汁。我可以用什么代替?

    Reply  回复

    • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
      August 18, 2021 2021 年 8 月 18 日

      Hi Maryke, if we don’t have it on hand, we have often left out the clamato juice and just used lime juice and served with hot sauce (Tabasco is our favorite for ceviche).
      嗨 Maryke,如果我们手头没有,我们经常不加 clamato 汁,只用酸橙汁和辣酱一起食用(塔巴斯科辣椒是我们最喜欢的酸橘汁腌鱼)。

      Reply  回复

    • Krista 克里斯塔
      August 13, 2022 2022 年 8 月 13 日

      Tomato juice is just as good. I’ve done it this way several times.

      Reply  回复

  • Gwen 格温
    July 1, 2021 2021 年 7 月 1 日

    I made this Ceviche but it turned out to have way too much liquid although the flavor was great. Should I have drained some of the lime juice?

    Reply  回复

    • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
      July 1, 2021 2021 年 7 月 1 日

      Hi Gwen, you can certainly drain some of the liquid.

      Reply  回复

    • John 约翰
      December 19, 2021 2021 年 12 月 19 日

      We made it last night according to recipe and it was very wet. We poured off at least half and it was still too wet.

      Reply  回复

    • Rich Ermolovich 里奇·埃尔莫洛维奇
      January 21, 2023 2023 年 1 月 21 日

      Have made this several times. I always drain some of the liquid.

      Reply  回复

  • Ari
    June 23, 2021 2021 年 6 月 23 日

    heyy I recommend you to do a Peruvian ceviche recipe and I hope you could put Mexican ceviche as title because you can confuse 🙁

    Reply  回复

    • Natasha's Kitchen 娜塔莎的厨房
      June 23, 2021 2021 年 6 月 23 日

      Hi Ari, thanks for your suggestion.

      Reply  回复

  • AD
  • adri 阿德里
    June 22, 2021 2021 年 6 月 22 日

    Hm this isn’t ceviche, is more like a salad. Real ceviche is peruvian and doesn’t contain tomatoes or cucumber. The peruvian ceviche is fish, lemon, salt, pepper, cilantro, onion and you can put sweet potato and corn as an extra.

    Natasha, I hope you put a real ceviche recipe or edit the title as “mexican styled ceviche” bc this isn’t the original. PD: a guy in the comments put that in Peru we “cook” the fish 2 minutes and no… is a little more, you don’t want to get a bacteria lol!
    娜塔莎,我希望你放一个真正的酸橘汁腌鱼食谱或将标题编辑为“墨西哥风格的酸橘汁腌鱼”,因为这不是原来的。 PD:评论中的一个人说在秘鲁我们“煮”鱼 2 分钟,不……是多一点,你不想得到细菌哈哈!

    Maybe 15 minutes if you cut the fish in medium pieces
    如果你把鱼切成中等大小,可能需要 15 分钟

    Reply  回复

  • Kelly 凯利
    June 15, 2021 2021 年 6 月 15 日

    Do you have a go to recipe for mediterranean cold lentil salad?

    Reply  回复

    • Natasha's Kitchen 娜塔莎的厨房
      June 15, 2021 2021 年 6 月 15 日

      Hi Kelly, I don’t have a recipe for that yet but thanks for the idea and suggestion. I’ll try to add that to our list.

      Reply  回复

  • Ana M 安娜男
    June 14, 2021 2021 年 6 月 14 日

    It came out quite acidic….I only used 5 limes!
    结果很酸……我只用了 5 个酸橙!

    Reply  回复

    • June 15, 2021 2021 年 6 月 15 日

      Hi Ana, that is expected with ceviche. You need enough lime juice to cover the shrimp usually, but if you have larger very juicy limes, you can get away with using less.

      Reply  回复

  • Nancy 南希
    June 14, 2021 2021 年 6 月 14 日

    This is almost identical to how I’ve been making Mexican ceviche for years except that I skip the Clamato and add hot sauce and a splash of Worcestershire to the lime juice. Every time I serve it at parties, it is gone in no time!
    这与我多年来制作墨西哥酸橘汁腌鱼的方式几乎相同,除了我跳过了 Clamato 并在酸橙汁中加入辣酱和一点伍斯特郡。每次我在聚会上上菜,它很快就不见了!

    For parties, I usually use the pre-cooked rock shrimp as it is more affordable and it seems to hold longer. I will also make a Peruvian style ceviche for just our immediate family but that one has Hominy and sweet potato in it and no tomato or cucumber.

    It is very different but still delicious.

    Reply  回复

    • Natasha's Kitchen 娜塔莎的厨房
      June 14, 2021 2021 年 6 月 14 日

      Thanks for sharing that with us, Nancy! Good to know that you also use a similar recipe to this one.

      Reply  回复

  • Rhonda 朗达
    June 11, 2021 2021 年 6 月 11 日

    The best ceviche is from Peru to me it’s not ceviche but turns to a salad when you add tomatoes and cucumbers and avocado

    Reply  回复

    • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
      June 11, 2021 2021 年 6 月 11 日

      Thank you so much for sharing that with me. I hope you give our recipe a try!

      Reply  回复

  • Laurie 劳里
    June 3, 2021 2021 年 6 月 3 日

    We don’t like avocado. Any suggestions for a substitute?

    Reply  回复

  • Elaine Barrow 伊莱恩·巴罗
    June 3, 2021 2021 年 6 月 3 日

    What are the best corn tortillas to toast? This recipe sounds fabulous and I can’t wait to try it for guests next week!

    Reply  回复

  • Duncan Edwards 邓肯·爱德华兹
    May 23, 2021 2021 年 5 月 23 日

    As a keen follower of Natasha, I truly look forward to and enjoy her presentations, I’m happy and love them😛
    作为 Natasha 的狂热追随者,我真的很期待并喜欢她的演讲,我很高兴也很喜欢他们😛

    Reply  回复

    • Natasha's Kitchen 娜塔莎的厨房
      May 23, 2021 2021 年 5 月 23 日

      I’m glad you’re enjoying my recipes!

      Reply  回复

  • D. Biddle D. 比德尔
    May 17, 2021 2021 年 5 月 17 日

    Is there anything else besides Clamato juice to put in the Seviche?
    除了 Clamato 汁外,还有什么可以放入 Seviche 中吗?

    Reply  回复

    • May 17, 2021 2021 年 5 月 17 日

      Hi, we have often left out the clamato juice and just used lime juice and served with hot sauce (Tabasco is our favorite for ceviche).
      你好,我们经常不加 clamato 汁,只用酸橙汁和辣酱(塔巴斯科辣椒酱是我们最喜欢的酸橘汁腌鱼)。

      Reply  回复

  • Bernard Trenet 伯纳德·特雷内
    May 11, 2021 2021 年 5 月 11 日

    (non-metamixing bowl.  (非混合碗。

    great recipe! 伟大的食谱!

    Editing not so much!

    Reply  回复

  • Lenny 莱尼
    May 5, 2021 2021 年 5 月 5 日

    This is a great recipe! I love ceviche made with Argentinan shrimp and scallops so I modified it a tad. Rather than adding avocado to the veggie mix, I added it on top of the ceviche and an air fried tostada with a smear of mayo. Yum yum for Cinco de Mayo!
    这是一个很棒的食谱!我喜欢用阿根廷虾和扇贝做的酸橘汁腌鱼,所以我稍微修改了一下。我没有将鳄梨添加到蔬菜混合物中,而是将其添加到酸橘汁腌鱼和涂有蛋黄酱的空气炸炸玉米饼上。 Cinco de Mayo 的美味佳肴!

    Reply  回复

    • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
      May 5, 2021 2021 年 5 月 5 日

      Thank you so much for sharing that with me.

      Reply  回复

  • Richie 里奇
    April 20, 2021 2021 年 4 月 20 日

    Thank you for your recipes,

    I made the shrimp ceviche, it was delicious, my neighbors couldn’t enough, it was Fantastic!

    Reply  回复

    • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
      April 20, 2021 2021 年 4 月 20 日

      Isn’t it the best! I’m so happy you enjoyed this recipe, Richie!


  • AD
  • Janet Petersen 珍妮特彼得森
    April 16, 2021 2021 年 4 月 16 日

    We are having this tonight. Can’t wait to get the family’s review. We have a restaurant in town with circus on the menu. We hope it is that good!

    Reply  回复

    • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
      April 16, 2021 2021 年 4 月 16 日

      I hope you love this recipe, Janet!

      Reply  回复

  • Dan Miller 丹·米勒
    March 20, 2021 2021 年 3 月 20 日

    It should be noted that the lime juice should be drained prior to mixing with the veggies. But don’t rinse the shrimp.

    Reply  回复

    • Kaylee 凯莉
      May 1, 2021 2021 年 5 月 1 日

      For the authentic mexican way of making ceviche you actually don’t empty out the lime juice.

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  • Paulina Isaksson 保琳娜伊萨克森
    March 6, 2021 2021 年 3 月 6 日

    Omg! Love this recipe 🙂

    Reply  回复

    • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
      March 6, 2021 2021 年 3 月 6 日

      That’s just awesome! Thank you for sharing your wonderful review!

      Reply  回复

  • AD
  • nadia 纳迪亚
    February 6, 2021 2021 年 2 月 6 日

    hello,  你好,

    what can I substitute the Clamato for? or how can I make my own Clamato ?
    我可以用什么代替 Clamato?或者我怎样才能制作自己的 Clamato?

    thank you 谢谢

    Reply  回复

    • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
      February 6, 2021 2021 年 2 月 6 日

      Hi Nadia, we often skip the clamato juice if we don’t have it on hand and it works well.
      嗨,Nadia,如果我们手头没有 clamato 汁,而且效果很好,我们经常会跳过它。

      Reply  回复

  • Dino 迪诺
    February 4, 2021 2021 年 2 月 4 日

    very very good. thank you, Natasha

    Reply  回复

    • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
      February 4, 2021 2021 年 2 月 4 日

      You’re welcome! I’m happy you enjoyed that!

      Reply  回复

  • Monique Noriega 莫尼克·诺列加
    January 12, 2021 2021 年 1 月 12 日

    Question? 问题?

    My boyfriend is allergic to ALL Shellfish so I’m looking for a substitution to replace the shrimp.

    What type of fish would you recommend in replace of the shrimp? Any suggestions…?

    Reply  回复

    • January 13, 2021 2021 年 1 月 13 日

      Hi Monique, I always use shrimp, but I have seen people use scallops or other types of fish. You might do a quick google search for ideas.

      Reply  回复

      • Allison 佳佳
        February 2, 2021 2021 年 2 月 2 日

        We always used Halibut when I lived in Alaska. Just make sure it was frozen first. It was delicious.

        Reply  回复

      • Faythe S Merkert 费思 S 标记
        June 5, 2022 2022 年 6 月 5 日

        Made it with scallops that had been frozen…It was outstanding! Thanks

        Reply  回复

        • Natasha's Kitchen 娜塔莎的厨房
          June 5, 2022 2022 年 6 月 5 日

          So glad you love it!

          Reply  回复

    • Euripidis Booras 欧里庇得斯布拉斯
      July 27, 2022 2022 年 7 月 27 日

      Use shurimi it’s made with pollack fish and it absorbs flavor very well

      Reply  回复

  • AD
  • Kristen Pearlman 克里斯汀珀尔曼
    January 11, 2021 2021 年 1 月 11 日

    What size shrimp would you recommend for this recipe? Thank you!

    Reply  回复

    • January 12, 2021 2021 年 1 月 12 日

      Hi Kristen, any size shrimp will work. When we want a quick ceviche, we use small cooked shrimp meat and we don’t have to soak as long or chop it. If you use medium or large-sized shrimp, you would have to chop it.

      Reply  回复

  • Katie 凯蒂
    January 1, 2021 2021 年 1 月 1 日

    So delicious! We loved the ceviche and will definitely make again! Thank you for all your wonderful recipes. I can never go wrong making anything you suggest! My favorites, chicken noodle soup, beet borscht, chow mein and the wonderful salad dressing from the Cobb salad.
    太好吃了!我们喜欢酸橘汁腌鱼,一定会再做一次!谢谢你所有精彩的食谱。我做任何你建议的事情都不会出错!我最喜欢的是鸡肉面条汤、甜菜罗宋汤、炒面和 Cobb 沙拉中美味的沙拉酱。

    I make it ALL THE TIME. Thank you!!!

    Reply  回复

    • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
      January 2, 2021 2021 年 1 月 2 日

      You’re welcome! I’m so happy you enjoyed it, Katie!

      Reply  回复

  • Beatriz Verde 比阿特丽斯佛得角
    September 18, 2020 2020 年 9 月 18 日

    I have made most of your recipes My family absolutely love it all. Thank you for sharing!! Keep it coming

    Reply  回复

    • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
      September 18, 2020 2020 年 9 月 18 日

      You’re welcome, Beatriz! I’m happy you all enjoyed it!

      Reply  回复

  • foxulla 福苏拉
    September 10, 2020 2020 年 9 月 10 日

    nice recipe but ceviche is original a Peruvian dish 😉

    Reply  回复

  • peggy 佩吉
    August 29, 2020 2020 年 8 月 29 日

    i just love all the recipes. I send them to my granddaughter who also loves and makes them. Especially anything chocolate. thank you so much for sharing.

    Reply  回复

    • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
      August 29, 2020 2020 年 8 月 29 日

      I’m so happy to hear that! That is the best our kids (& your grandkids) love what we make. That’s so great!

      Reply  回复

  • Joseph
    August 17, 2020

    The first time I made this the avocado didn’t work out very well. Possibly it was underripe, I don’t know.
    Anyway, the next time I made it I left out the avocado and cilantro, used a whole, large red onion, and added a bell pepper and a small can of pineapple chunks, including the juice.

    Also, I used surimi (mock crab meat) instead of shrimp. Surimi is much easier on the budget than shrimp and is precooked, so no worries about raw shrimp issues.

    This second batch was enjoyed by all the family, including those who spent half their time with the first batch picking out the avocado.


    • Natashas Kitchen
      August 17, 2020

      Thank you so much for sharing that with us, Joseph! I’m so glad your family enjoyed this!


  • AD
  • Bud Schubert
    July 11, 2020

    I love ceviche! But you should mention that even though the acid of the lime cooks the shrimp it does not kill any parasite or bugs the way traditional heat cooking does. Can’t wait to try this recipe!
    Have an awesome evening.


    • July 11, 2020

      Hi Bud, you could precook the shrimp and then soak them to infuse the lime flavor. We often use precooked shrimp meat and it’s easier and faster.


  • george orey
    June 28, 2020

    Try adding 2 TBLs of sugar and a little extra hot sauce MMMMMM


    • Natasha's Kitchen
      June 28, 2020

      I should try that next time. Thanks!


  • carmen vega
    June 24, 2020

    hi! why does it specify to use a non metal bowl for the marinade?


    • June 24, 2020

      Hi Carmen, the lime juice and tomato juice can react with stainless steel.


  • AD
  • Lauren S.
    June 18, 2020

    Can you substitute fish for the shrimp? What kind would you recommend?


    • Natashas Kitchen
      June 18, 2020

      Hi Lauren, I haven’t tested this with fresh fish but I bet it could work! It may need to sit slightly longer. If you experiment please let me know how you like that.


    • Celina Hester
      July 7, 2020

      Yes!! Fish is awesome in Ceviche. Use Sea Bass, Mahi-Mahi, Red Snapper, Tilapia…any mild tasting fish is excellent in this type of dish.

      Also you can replace the Clamato juice for Spicy V8 or just good ol Tapatio sauce added to the bowl.

      When you put your ceviche on tostada use either mayo first (or greek plain yogurt for healthier version) and add the ceviche right on top of that. Top it with some more tapatio, fresh cilantro and some slices of avocado and viola…it’s amazing!!


  • Renee
    June 17, 2020

    Can you refrigerate any leftovers? Will it still be good the next day?


    • Natashas Kitchen
      June 18, 2020

      Hi Renee, we enjoy it fresh but I but it would be just as good the next day.


  • AD
  • Don
    June 15, 2020 2020 年 6 月 15 日

    Although this is a good recipe, using Clamato is a Mexican American thing. During the 1980’s I grew up with a family owned Mariscos business in Los Ángeles.
    虽然这是一个很好的食谱,但使用 Clamato 是墨西哥裔美国人的习惯。在 1980 年代,我在洛杉矶一家家族企业 Mariscos 长大。

    If you want authentic ceviche, ditch the Clamato and blend hot peppers of your choice with lots of lime or lemon juice, seasonings and marinate the fish or shrimp with this.
    如果您想要正宗的酸橘汁腌鱼,请放弃 Clamato,将您选择的辣椒与大量酸橙或柠檬汁、调味料混合,然后用此腌制鱼或虾。

    (I prefer Habañero) Alternatively you can just marinate in the citrus juice and make your own hot sauce to dribble on the ceviche after it’s prepped. Serve on tostadas and spreading mayo on the tostada is optional.
    (我更喜欢 Habañero)或者你可以在柑橘汁中腌制,然后在酸橘汁腌鱼准备好后自己制作辣酱滴在酸橘汁腌鱼上。在炸玉米饼上食用,在炸玉米饼上涂抹蛋黄酱是可选的。

    Reply  回复

  • Rosa Robles 罗莎·罗伯斯
    May 27, 2020 2020 年 5 月 27 日

    What can be used if we don’t have the clamatto juice in the shrimp device

    Reply  回复

  • Alesia 阿莱西亚
    May 27, 2020 2020 年 5 月 27 日

    Great recipe! 很棒的食谱!

    Reply  回复

    • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
      May 27, 2020 2020 年 5 月 27 日

      I’m so happy you enjoyed that!

      Reply  回复

  • Sharon Turner 沙龙特纳
    March 4, 2020 2020 年 3 月 4 日

    Making this for my family tonight. Was wondering if I can have the shrimp marinate for 3 hours or is that too long? Love all your recipes and videos!
    今晚为我的家人做这个。想知道我是否可以让虾腌制 3 小时,还是太长?喜欢你所有的食谱和视频!

    Reply  回复

    • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
      March 4, 2020 2020 年 3 月 4 日

      Hi Sharon, I imagine that should work. We haven’t tried it longer than 1.5 to 2 hours.
      嗨莎伦,我想这应该有效。我们没有尝试超过 1.5 到 2 小时。

      Reply  回复

      • Sharon Turner 沙龙特纳
        March 6, 2020 2020 年 3 月 6 日

        It was delicious and my family hoovered it down!! A keeper for sure.

        Reply  回复

        • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
          March 6, 2020 2020 年 3 月 6 日

          Sounds like you found a new favorite! That’s so awesome Sharon!

          Reply  回复

  • Samantha Wolfe 萨曼莎沃尔夫
    February 8, 2020 2020 年 2 月 8 日

    Hi again Natasha! Do you think it would taste okay without jalapeños? Also can you get the Clamato juice basically anywhere? If not is there a substitute I could easily find? Thanks!
    再次嗨娜塔莎!你觉得没有墨西哥胡椒味道会好吗?另外,您基本上可以在任何地方买到 Clamato 果汁吗?如果没有,我可以轻松找到替代品吗?谢谢!

    Reply  回复

    • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
      February 8, 2020 2020 年 2 月 8 日

      Hi Samantha, that should work! This recipe still works without the clamato (if you wanted to omit it), or you could use a splash of tomato juice.
      嗨,萨曼莎,那应该行得通!这个食谱在没有 clamato 的情况下仍然有效(如果你想省略它),或者你可以使用一点番茄汁。

      Reply  回复

  • Ana Mckee 安娜麦基
    January 29, 2020 2020 年 1 月 29 日

    I add 1 apple chopped and 2 oranges juiced to the recipe. Along with a white fish. It makes it a little less tart for people who have somewhat picky kids to appease.
    我在食谱中加入了 1 个切碎的苹果和 2 个榨汁的橙子。还有一条白鱼。对于那些需要安抚有些挑剔的孩子的人来说,这会让它变得不那么尖刻。

    Reply  回复

    • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
      January 29, 2020 2020 年 1 月 29 日

      Thank you so much for sharing that with me, Ana!

      Reply  回复

  • Felomena Perry 费洛梅娜佩里
    January 28, 2020 2020 年 1 月 28 日

    Thank you very much for sharing to all your delicious recipes.

    Reply  回复

    • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
      January 28, 2020 2020 年 1 月 28 日

      Aww, you’re welcome Felomena! I’m so happy you’re enjoying our recipes!
      哇,不客气 Felomena!我很高兴你喜欢我们的食谱!

      Reply  回复

  • Joseph 约瑟夫
    January 27, 2020 2020 年 1 月 27 日

    great recipe ,,have eaten this a few times when I spot a Mexican family on beach in Newport Beach so I went home excited to try it ,,,added a small twist poblano diced for crunch scallops and dice celery again some crunch and a little horseradish YUMMY

    Reply  回复

    • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
      January 27, 2020 2020 年 1 月 27 日

      I’m so glad you enjoyed that! Isn’t the flavor awesome and refreshing?

      Reply  回复

  • Betty B Beck 贝蒂 B 贝克
    January 19, 2020 2020 年 1 月 19 日

    I dont care for the taste of cilantro except I do eat it in salsa. Is there a substitute I can use.

    Reply  回复

    • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
      January 20, 2020 2020 年 1 月 20 日

      Hi Betty, you sure can. Parsley or dill will work too.

      Reply  回复

  • Coleen McClish 科琳·麦克利什
    September 21, 2019 2019 年 9 月 21 日

    Can the fish and shrimp be marinated ahead of time and frozen for later use?

    Reply  回复

    • September 21, 2019 2019 年 9 月 21 日

      Hi Coleen, I honestly have not tried that so I can’t say for sure how that would work out.

      Reply  回复

    • Gina 吉娜
      December 6, 2019 2019 年 12 月 6 日

      Yes, but thaw in plastic bag with small hole to drain off excess water

      Reply  回复

  • chuck s 夹头
    August 19, 2019 2019 年 8 月 19 日

    U leave the lime juice in it or drain it?

    Reply  回复

  • Rose TANNER 罗斯坦纳
    August 19, 2019 2019 年 8 月 19 日

    Hello Natashas i am happy you always good your recipes .now is not defficult for me to prépare food my husband he likes to much the salade ..i always waching your vidio.

    and your very jolly Thank you very much. .
    非常高兴,非常感谢。 .

    Reply  回复

    • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
      August 19, 2019 2019 年 8 月 19 日

      Aww that’s the best and you are so nice. Thank you Rose.

      Reply  回复

      • Dennis Tempia 丹尼斯坦皮亚
        October 2, 2019 2019 年 10 月 2 日

        I use cod in addition to shrimp and serve with lime flavored tortilla chips. Ceviche is one of my all time favorite meals–especially on a hot summer day. I love your recipes and videos!

        Reply  回复

        • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
          October 2, 2019 2019 年 10 月 2 日

          I’m so glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for the wonderful review!

          Reply  回复

  • Margret 玛格丽特
    July 24, 2019 2019 年 7 月 24 日

    We were just talking about this recipe! My friend’s recipe is almost the same, she just adds crab. So good!!!

    Reply  回复

    • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
      July 24, 2019 2019 年 7 月 24 日

      That’s just awesome!! Thank you for sharing your wonderful review Margret!

      Reply  回复

  • The Doctor 医生
    July 6, 2019 2019 年 7 月 6 日

    Cerviche is from Peru not Mexico.
    Cerviche 来自秘鲁而不是墨西哥。

    Reply 回复

    • Marie Czarnecki 玛丽·扎内茨基
      July 25, 2019 2019 年 7 月 25 日

      To the Doctor, “YOU ARE SO RIGHT”!!!!!!!

      Reply  回复

  • Debbie Pena 黛比佩纳
    July 3, 2019 2019 年 7 月 3 日

    Natasha, happy, happy birthday to your man.. I was just checking that recipe out a couple days ago. I’m going to try it soon. Happy 4th to you and your family
    娜塔莎,祝你男人生日快乐……几天前我刚刚检查了那个食谱。我很快就要试试了。祝您和您的家人 4 日快乐

    Reply  回复

    • July 4, 2019 2019 年 7 月 4 日

      Thank you so much Debbie!! We often cheat with this one and use cooked shrimp and it really is just as good. That instagram story has cooked shrimp meat. Our favorite salsa ever! Happy 4th to you and your family and I will pass along the nice birthday greeting to my husband.
      非常感谢黛比!!我们经常用这个作弊并使用煮熟的虾,它真的一样好。那个instagram故事煮熟了虾肉。我们最喜欢的莎莎酱!祝您和您的家人 4 岁生日快乐,我会向我丈夫致以美好的生日祝福。

      Thanks Debbie! 谢谢黛比!

      Reply  回复

      • Marie Czarnecki 玛丽·扎内茨基
        July 25, 2019 2019 年 7 月 25 日

        Natasha, I would cheat also, just saves time for a great meal..

        Reply  回复

  • {Location North West England
    June 12, 2019 2019 年 6 月 12 日

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts about salsa steps intermediate.
    感谢您分享您对 salsa 中级步骤的看法。

    Regards  问候

    Reply  回复

    • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
      June 12, 2019 2019 年 6 月 12 日

      You’re so welcome! 不客气!

      Reply  回复

  • Hella 海拉
    May 31, 2019 2019 年 5 月 31 日

    sounds good and I’ll give it a try but nothing is as good as Tahitian marinated raw fish with coconut milk!

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    • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
      May 31, 2019 2019 年 5 月 31 日

      That sound delicious! 听起来很好吃!

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  • Kati 卡蒂
    May 31, 2019 2019 年 5 月 31 日

    I’m allergic to msg so what would be a good substitute for clamato?
    我对味精过敏,那么什么是 clamato 的好替代品?

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    • May 31, 2019 2019 年 5 月 31 日

      Hi Kati, I didn’t realize it had it in there. You might try adding tomato juice to taste and sometimes we make ceviche omitting the clamato altogether and adding hot sauce to taste for that little bit of tomato in the sauce.
      嗨卡蒂,我没有意识到它在那里。您可以尝试添加番茄汁来调味,有时我们制作酸橘汁腌鱼时会完全省略 clamato,并添加辣酱来调味酱汁中的那一点番茄。

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    • Inez 伊内兹
      August 25, 2019 2019 年 8 月 25 日

      Low Sodium V8 Juice with Low Sodium Tajin is a great replacement for Clamato
      含低钠 Tajin 的低钠 V8 果汁是 Clamato 的绝佳替代品

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  • Sasha 萨沙
    May 31, 2019 2019 年 5 月 31 日

    Thanks for the recipe! Substitution of Clamato with reconstructed tomato paste and clam juice would work wonderfully for those who try to avoid sugar and MSG.
    谢谢你的食谱!用重构的番茄酱和蛤蜊汁代替 Clamato 对于那些试图避免糖和味精的人来说效果很好。

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  • Joske 若斯克
    May 30, 2019 2019 年 5 月 30 日

    In Peru they never really let the fish sit in the marinade for longer than 2 minutes, essentially giving it a sushi-like quality. I’m a little skiddish doing this with raw shrimp however, any thoughts?
    在秘鲁,他们从未真正让鱼在腌料中停留超过 2 分钟,基本上赋予它类似寿司的品质。然而,我用生虾做这个有点滑,有什么想法吗?

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    • May 30, 2019 2019 年 5 月 30 日

      Hi Joske, 2 minutes is too brave for me, but I can see that working with really fresh fish. Regarding the shrimp, please see the section titled: “Is Ceviche Safe to Eat?” which should help.
      嗨,乔斯克,2 分钟对我来说太勇敢了,但我可以看到与真正新鲜的鱼一起工作。关于虾,请参阅标题为“酸橘汁腌鱼可以安全食用吗?”的部分这应该有帮助。

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    • Marie Czarnecki 玛丽·扎内茨基
      July 25, 2019 2019 年 7 月 25 日

      Joske: Then do it with cooked shrimp!!

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    • Celina Hester 塞琳娜海丝特
      July 7, 2020 2020 年 7 月 7 日

      This is correct…even in Mexico we only marinate for a short amount of time but not 2 minutes..our family usually does anywhere from 30 mins to 1 1/2 hrs. If you use good quality fresh wild fish/shrimp it’s not imperative that the fish is cooked all the way through. Good luck!
      这是正确的……即使在墨西哥,我们也只腌制很短的时间,而不是 2 分钟……我们的家人通常腌制 30 分钟到 1 1/2 小时。如果您使用优质的新鲜野生鱼/虾,则不必将鱼完全煮熟。祝你好运!

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  • Christina H 克里斯蒂娜
    May 29, 2019 2019 年 5 月 29 日

    I am allergic to garlic and since clamato contains garlic what would you recommend as a substitute?
    我对大蒜过敏,因为 clamato 含有大蒜,你会推荐什么作为替代品?

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    • May 29, 2019 2019 年 5 月 29 日

      Hi Christina, This recipe still works without the clamato (if you wanted to omit it), or you could use a splash of tomato juice.
      嗨,克里斯蒂娜,这个食谱在没有 clamato 的情况下仍然有效(如果你想省略它),或者你可以使用一点番茄汁。

      Reply  回复

      • Marie Czarnecki 玛丽·扎内茨基
        July 25, 2019 2019 年 7 月 25 日

        RIGHT ON NATASHA!!!!! 就在娜塔莎身上!!!!!!

        Reply  回复

    • Celina Hester 塞琳娜海丝特
      July 7, 2020 2020 年 7 月 7 日

      Use spicy V8 or what us Mexicans use are chilis of your choice blended with lime juice or grab a bottle of Tapatio and add that to the lime juice. It’s soo good!
      使用辛辣的 V8 或者我们墨西哥人使用的是您选择的辣椒与酸橙汁混合,或者拿一瓶 Tapatio 并将其添加到酸橙汁中。太好了!

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  • Trang 董里
    May 29, 2019 2019 年 5 月 29 日

    This is perfect for summer!

    Reply  回复

    • Natashas Kitchen 娜塔莎厨房
      May 29, 2019 2019 年 5 月 29 日

      Isn’t it the best! So fresh and perfect for summer! I hope you love it!

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