



George Washington was eager to join the British army, protecting the colonies against attacks by combined forces of French and Native Americans. 


In 1754, at the age of 22, he commanded a large group of soldiers for the first time, on a mission that sent them into the mountains of what would later be southwest Pennsylvania. Finding that his force was outnumbered by the French and the natives, he ordered construction of the appropriately named Fort Necessity. This was not enough to withstand the forces gathered against Washington and his troops. He was forced to surrender the fort. It was July 4, 1754. 


This was the opening scene of what became known as the French and Indian War in North America and the Seven Years War in Europe. The British emerged victorious in the war, but the financial cost of the conflict was a decisive factor in the events that led to the American Revolution. The British passed several laws that attempted to tax the colonists to pay for the military expenses necessary to defend the colonies. Since the colonies had no representation in Parliament,  many colonists believed that this levying of taxes was illegal. "No taxation without representation!" became a slogan. 

华盛顿在“必要堡”战败22年后,他在纽约市指挥殖民军队对抗英国人。1776年7月4日,大陆会议在费城进行了最后的修改,并发表了他们两天前商定的《独立宣言》。该文件最终将有 56 个签名,但截至7月4日,只有两个签名,分别是大陆会议主席约翰·汉考克和大陆会议秘书查尔斯·汤姆森。

Twenty-two years after Washington's defeat at Fort Necessity, he was in New York City commanding the colonial army against the British. On July 4, 1776,in Philadelphia, the Continental Congress made the final edits and published the Declaration of Independence on which they had agreed two days earlier. There would eventually be fifty-six signatures on the document, but as of July 4, there were only two, those of John Hancock, president of the Continental Congress, and Charles Thomson, secretary of the Continental Congress.

约翰·汉考克(John Hancock)以大字体签下了自己的名字,他说,他这样做“是为了让乔治国王不戴眼镜就能读到它”。约翰·汉考克是独立事业的早期领袖——他显然受到同僚们的尊重,被任命为大陆会议主席。但他今天被人们记住的几乎完全是因为他的签名。事实上,“约翰·汉考克”这个词已经成为签名的同义词。例如,当指出文档上需要签名的位置时,人们可能会说:“把你的约翰·汉考克放在那里。”

John Hancock signed his name in a large script, and he was quoted as saying that he did it "so King George can read it without his spectacles."  John Hancock was an early leader in the cause for independence - and he was obviously respected enough by his colleagues to be named President of the Continental Congress. But it is almost completely for his signature that he is remembered today. In fact, the term "John Hancock" has come to be synonymous with signature. For example, when pointing out the location on a document where a signature is required, one might say, "Put your John Hancock right there."


John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were two key participants in that Continental Congress. The Virginian Jefferson was the main author of the Declaration of Independence. Adams, of Massachusetts, was one of its editors.


In 1797, Adams would become the second U.S. President, succeeding Washington. Jefferson was the third President. These two men, who were close collaborators when the U.S. declared independence, had become bitter political enemies by the time of their presidencies. Later in life, however, they reconciled and became good friends and faithful correspondents. In a way, their relationship represents the early history of the American republic. The North and the South, connected at the time of the Revolution, erupted into Civil War eighty-five years after declaring independence from Britain together. After the violence of those Civil War years, the regions reunited and became one country again. 

亚当斯和杰斐逊在他们生命的最后十几年里一直保持着通信。有意思的是,在1826年7月4日当天,即《独立宣言》签署五十周年之际,他们先后告别人间。杰斐逊离世前很清楚当天的日期,就在弥留之际,他问“是4号吗?”享年83岁。历史学家记录显示,亚当斯在他 90 岁去世前说了一句“托马斯·杰斐逊还活着”。亚当斯在杰斐逊去世数小时后与世长辞。

Adams and Jefferson maintained their correspondence for the last dozen years of their lives. Remarkably, on July 4, 1826, the fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, they both died. Jefferson was well aware of the date. He was quoted as asking, "Is it the Fourth?" not long before he died at age 83. Historians report that Adams remarked that "Thomas Jefferson survives" shortly before his own death at age ninety. 



Were they meant to go to heaven together? If he had a cell phone, Jefferson would probably have texted Adams: Dude, I'm going a step ahead~ 

Adams replied: Brother, wait for me, I'll come right away~


James Monroe, the fifth president of the United States, served as an officer under George Washington in the Continental Army in 1776. On July 4, 1831, five years to the day after the deaths of Adams and Jefferson, Monroe died at age seventy-three.


Three founding fathers of the United States died on July 4, the birth date of the Declaration of Independence.

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