



Yashe  Studio


Plaque, also known as Bian'en, Biandu and Pai'en, is an ancient traditional folk culture. All palaces, halls, pavilions, study rooms, shops, etc. are inscribed on the door in large characters, which can be called plaques. In the long history, the plaques, with their varied patterns and superb calligraphy art, have become an integral part of the architecture, reflecting each other with magnificent buildings.
At the same time, as a living skill custom, the plaque has also formed a certain custom and form of expression, which has been widely spread in China. It has become a distinctive custom shared by emperors and generals and civilians, shared by Han and ethnic minorities, and coexisting between the mainland and Taiwan.

The plaques can be seen in all the pavilions and towers of ancient Chinese architecture. Take the plaque as a starting point for a building. If you understand the plaque, you will meet the soul of a building. Plaques, also known as flat forehead and plaques, are the combination of Chinese ancient architecture and culture, an inevitable part of ancient architecture, and equivalent to the eyes of ancient architecture.
From content to style, from material to style, it has reached a harmonious situation with architecture. The plaque is usually hung above the door and under the eaves. When there are doors on all sides of the building, you can hang plaques on all sides, but there must be plaques on the front door.

There is a saying that the horizontal is called a plaque and the vertical is called an forehead. However, according to the interpretation of the words "plaque" and "amount" in Shuowenjiezi, the plaque is a literary and artistic form hanging on the door screen for decoration, reflecting the name and nature of buildings, and expressing people's sense and emotion.
In ancient times, it has been a custom to identify all things with "plaques", distinguish high and low with "plaques", and praise goodness with "plaques". It can be said that the plaque is the face of a family, showing the family hierarchy and moral cultivation. In history, there was a grand occasion of "plaques everywhere" and "plaques everywhere". The plaques were called "the soul of ancient architecture".

On the door heads of some royal gardens or large families, there are many plaques. The borders around the plaques are decorated with various dragons, phoenixes and flowers. Some of them are gilded with gold and silver and inlaid with pearls and jades. They are extremely gorgeous and show their identity and taste.

The plaque is not only the name of a building, but also a kind of glory and spiritual existence. This glory is seen on the wall, at the door and other prominent positions, and is passed on to inspire future generations.
The plaques are classified into three categories according to their contents: architectural garden plaques, commendation plaques, and time-honored shop plaques; Generally, the material is mostly wood, and there are also stone carvings, which are mostly rectangular, and the size depends on the size of the door.
The plaques on the ancient buildings are not only pleasing to the eye, but also can cultivate sentiment, which is a unique landscape in the traditional Chinese culture.
On the plaque, there are not many characters, most of which are black painted gold characters. They are eye-catching, dignified, far-reaching, elegant in diction, vigorous and beautiful in calligraphy, and are born with the spirit of elegance, which can be described as a model of "common appreciation".

If there are no plaques in Chinese landscape gardens, pavilions and pavilions, it can only be called a building. With the decoration of calligraphy, it can sublimate its spiritual charm.

The plaque hanging on the gate is dignified and magnificent; Hanging in the hall, it is luxuriant; It is placed in the scenic spots and historic sites, which is lively and fragrant. Although there are only a few words and a little ink, I can't help but look at it with awe and awe.
In ancient times, a plaque was often hung on the door of a large family. Behind one plaque, the belief and persistence of the owner were placed, carrying the glorious years of a family, and engraved with the splendor and glory of a family name.

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