

KaiHongShun  Studio

Whenever the word "geomantic omen" is mentioned, the first words that come to mind are "Mr. geomantic omen", "Mr. Yin and Yang", "fortune telling", and "fortune telling". Many people think that "feng shui" is mysterious, just like having special functions. I believe that most people who have not really contacted and studied feng shui will have more or less similar views.

Fengshui, as one of the oldest quintessence of Chinese culture, has been subject to great controversy due to its special presentation mode and application field, especially the debate on whether it has scientific basis.
Traditional geomantic omen does contain some scientific factors in line with modern ecology. Some people think that geomantic omen is a cultural belief with oriental mystery. Although it is mixed with many elements of metaphysics and superstition, it also has simple experience summary and scientific truth. Therefore, it should be treated objectively on the basis of seeking truth from facts, eliminating false and retaining true.

Fengshui is the guiding ideology and practical operation technology of ancient Chinese architecture. It, together with Chinese architecture and Chinese gardening, forms the three pillars of ancient architectural theory.
The environment is the object, and the person is the subject, that is to say, the person should conform to the nature, understand the weather, understand the geographical advantages, and can bring about a situation of "human harmony". If we violate the laws of nature, we will suffer disasters.

Xunzi, an ancient materialist thinker in China, wrote in the article "On Heaven": "Heaven has its way. It does not exist for Yao, nor for Jie. It is good to govern according to it, and bad to chaos.... If we follow the Tao without success (violation), then heaven cannot suffer; if we go against the Tao without success, then heaven cannot bring good luck".
In the human living environment, the atmosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere are closely related to nature. Aerosphere gives people sunshine, air and wind; The earth circle gives people the base site, land and mineral resources for survival; The hydrosphere provides people with water for living and production.

Architectural geomantic omen is one of the three pillars of ancient Chinese architectural theory. After being recognized by modern people, the traditional geomantic omen theory has gradually evolved into modern architectural geomantic omen, also known as space-time environmental science. 
Geomantic omen cannot be defined simply by science or superstition. In fact, it is far beyond this scope. It is the survival wisdom and cultural genes accumulated over thousands of years. It is a university question.

Feng Shui is a natural philosophy in essence. Its original complementarity lies in emphasizing the harmony between man and nature, which is a natural philosophy. At the same time, feng shui also reflects the relationship between man and nature. It summarizes the rules, which guide our life and bring people a harmonious and comfortable life.
Many people think that feng shui is a feudal superstition, but in fact, it is not. Many theories of feng shui are based on scientific theories. The so-called taboo is based on scientific theory and the needs of the human body.

In geomantic omen research, ultra-fine ions and magnetic fields have obvious positive and negative effects on the human body. These energies change with the change of the environment, as well as the change of the field state information of the human body.
The positive magnetic field makes people happy, quick thinking, healthy and long-lived, while the negative magnetic field makes people trance and slow thinking. People in the north live in brick houses, people in the northwest plateau dig cave dwellings, and people in Yunnan build bamboo buildings with stilts. 

In fact, when looking for a place to live, people can choose a place where they can live, which is sheltered from the wind and sunny, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, flowing water, happy vegetation, singing birds and dancing birds and fragrant flowers. These are quite consistent with the theory of ecological architecture. 
The essence of geomantic omen is when the site information and human body information resonate harmoniously. According to the theory of numerology, each life has its own "life case", while the human body information is: each individual has its own different life information. 
Environmental landscape has a variety of physiological and psychological effects on human beings. Modern geomantic omen combines the simple truth of traditional geomantic omen with modern environmental landscape to better interpret it. It can be seen that environmental landscape is closely related to modern geomantic omen.

Geomantic omen is closely related to hydrogeology. The dragon vein, which is often used in geomantic omen, was born in a specific historical environment. Lying down to listen to groundwater is actually the knowledge about the direction of mountains in geology.
The purpose of hydrogeology and geomantic omen is to study the relationship between mountains and rivers, geological landforms, mountains, soil and water, as well as the positive and negative effects of various chemical elements on human psychology, physiology, health and career, so that human beings can better understand and use nature.

Feng Shui is closely related to the environment, which can be said to be inseparable. It is also very much in our life. Fengshui is the soul of ancient Chinese architectural theory, and enjoys a high position in the history of Chinese architecture. With the development of the times, the architectural geomantic omen has gradually entered the stage of primitive theory and systematic modernization. 
For example, while praising Chinese architectural geomantic omen, western science is also studying architectural geomantic omen. In the global scientific community, with the help of western humanities, it is gradually combined with modern geomantic omen theory.

The quality of Feng Shui studies affects people's wealth, health, family harmony and many other issues. The layout of Feng Shui studies cannot be analyzed from a simple perspective. People's lives are diverse, involving health, family, school, occupation, communication and many other aspects.

The so-called residential feng shui has existed since ancient times, which is the simplest understanding of nature and living environment of the ancients. In modern society, residential feng shui is still of great significance. People are very particular about home geomantic omen. 

The fundamental purpose of home geomantic omen is to achieve the harmony and unity of indoor and outdoor auras, which can help people achieve the best physical and mental harmony, and then bring many beautiful things to the family.
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