



KaiHongShun  Studio
The door is not only the decoration of the outer eaves of the house, but also an independent building - the rolling ridge gate of the folk house, the Changhe of the alley, the mountain gate of the temple, and the gate tower of the capital. The unique Chinese architectural culture is more unique because of the "door".
The huge door studs on the palace gate, nine horizontally and nine vertically, and ninety-nine eighty-one, are like protruding characters, which condense a great article of traditional Chinese culture. The door god on the door of the house is powerful, and the door is double locked. 
The stone lion in front of the door, what is the "Thirteen Taibao"? "Taishan stone dare to be", how can it achieve the function of "defending folk houses"; As the saying goes, "pig entry, 100 blessings are achieved". In the festival of increasing age and longevity, the fat pig arch with a cornucopia is paper-cut and pasted on the door of the house. 

There are stories of "sesame opens the door" and legends of "dragon's door carp jumps" in Chinese doors. The former reflects the spiritual needs of explorers, while the latter expresses the desire to transcend oneself. The door of China also weaves out the superstitions of the dead gate to frighten the foolish and timid people...


Born for the door, died for the door. Many heroes in ancient and modern times fought for the prosperity of the "national gate" and sacrificed themselves for the crisis of the "national gate". One song "Man Jianghong" and two "sending off models" are magnificent and famous forever...
In terms of color: yellow, which symbolizes the light of the sun and the gift of heaven, has always been the exclusive possession of emperors; Red, luxurious and elegant, catering to the happy atmosphere, is mostly the patent of eunuchs and nobles; White, simple and pure, adsorption dryer implies the meaning of purity.
From the perspective of shape: round, meaning from the sky, smooth lines; Square, symbolizing meaning on the ground, steady and simple; Octagonal shape, collecting the essence of the Eight Diagrams, connecting the theories of Feng Shui and Qimen Dunjia.
According to the craft, it is exquisite in planing, chopping, pushing and sawing; Carving, inlaying, inlaying and carving are simple and natural; Articulate, repair, cut and pile. There is no flirtation in the details, and there are flowers in the big places. It is amazing!
From the perspective of change: in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, the simplicity and mellow, and chaos remained; In the pre-Qin and Han dynasties, it was rough and magnificent, with dragons and snakes running along the line; The Tang Dynasty was a big country, graceful and peaceful, with essence restrained.
The large can witness the rise and fall of history, the middle can inspect folk customs and customs, and the small can intuitively see the rich and poor. Red sandalwood, a grand system, is the door of the king with ninety-nine eighty-one gold-plated spikes, and the dignity of the king is inexhaustible in the glittering gold...!
The rise of door-god, the transformation of characters and the diversity of forms; Sophora japonica has no connection with the door because of its "ghost spirit"; The fragrant wormwood hanging in front of the home during the Dragon Boat Festival, and the modern commercial space design...
As a living object, the symbolic meaning of "door" in special environment is often greater than the actual meaning. "famous door" is the result of the continuation of life and the focus of fame for several generations; "Empty Gate" is to absorb Indian culture, and East China Tourism advocates "empty is color, color is empty", casting evidence to show the theory of faction.
“午门”地位尊严,百官下马,更因杀戮气太重,无形中让人陡然心寒; “龙门” 鱼跃,是众多求学求仕者梦寐以求的目标,而其中因际遇变化所透露出来的世态炎凉,傲卑捧打,令人啼笑皆非;“苏门四学士”,“一门三进士”的美誉,则完全是因为家学渊远,子弟众多而名望在外的缘故,非权势、钱财所能比拟 … 

The position of "Meridian Gate" is dignified, and all officials dismount. It is also because of the heavy murderous spirit, which makes people suddenly cold; The "Longmen" fish leap is the dream of many scholars and officials, and the bleakness of the world revealed by the change of fortune, the pride and humility of the fight, makes people laugh and laugh.

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