

Shortcut KeyCommand
Ctrl + Alt + Page UpSwitches to the next tab to the left.
Ctrl + Alt + Page DownSwitches to the next tab to the right.
Ctrl + WClose tab.
Ctrl + Shift + LSave all tabs.
Ctrl + Shift + WClose all tabs.
Alt + nJump to nth tab.


Shortcut KeyCommand
Ctrl + NCreate a new document.
Ctrl + OOpen a document.
Ctrl + LOpen a location.
Ctrl + SSave the current document to disk.
Ctrl + Shift + SSave the current document with a new filename.
Ctrl + PPrint the current document.
Ctrl + Shift + PPrint preview.
Ctrl + WClose the current document.
Ctrl + QQuit Gedit.


Shortcut KeyCommand
Ctrl + ZUndo the last action.
Ctrl + Shift + ZRedo the last undone action .
Ctrl + XCut the selected text or region and place it on the clipboard.
Ctrl + CCopy the selected text or region onto the clipboard.
Ctrl + VPaste the contents of the clipboard.
Ctrl + ASelect all.

Edit (from GTKTextView)

Shortcut KeyCommand
Ctrl + DDelete the line.
Ctrl + LeftMove the cursor to the beginning of the word or previous word if it’s already in the beginning of the current one.
Ctrl + RightMove the cursor to the end of the word or next word if it’s already in the end of the current one.


Shortcut KeyCommand
F9Show/hide the side pane.
Ctrl + F9Show/hide the bottom pane.


Shortcut KeyCommand
Ctrl + FFind a string.
Ctrl + GFind the next instance of the string.
Ctrl + Shift + GFind the previous instance of the string.
Ctrl + KInteractive search.
Ctrl + HSearch and replace.
Ctrl + Shift + KClear highlight.
Ctrl + IGoto line.


Shortcut KeyCommand
F7Check spelling (with plugin).
Alt + F12Remove trailing spaces (with plugin).
Ctrl + TIndent (with plugin).
Ctrl + Shift + TRemove Indent (with plugin).
F8Run “make” in current directory (with plugin).
Ctrl + Shift + DDirectory listing (with plugin).
