

C Optimisation tutorial



C optimisation tutorial


This document has evolved over time and contains a number of the best ways to hand-optimise your C-code. Compilers are good, but they can't do everything, and here I hope to help you squeeze the best performance out of your code. This is not intended for beginners, but for more experienced programmers.


Depending on your particular hardware and compiler, some of these techniques may actually slow down your code. Do some timings with and without them, as modern compilers may well be able to do things better at a low level. Improving the overall algorithm used will often produce better results than localised code tweaking. This document was originally written as a set of personal notes for myself - do not consider it to be an authoritative paper on the subject of optimisation. I may have made mistakes! If you have anything to add to this, or just have some constructive criticism (flames ignored), please contact me at the address below.

Coding for speed

How to squeeze those last few T-states out of your C code. This only applieswhere you are more concerned with maximum speed and are less concernedwith readability of code.

No error-checking is shown here as this article is only concerned withthe fundamentals. By the time the application gets down to the low-levelroutines, you should have filtered out any bad data already.

Using array indices

If you wished to set a variable to a particular character, depending uponthe value of something, you might do this :
switch ( queue ) {case 0 :   letter = 'W';   break;case 1 :   letter = 'S';   break;case 2 :   letter = 'U';   break;}
or maybe
if ( queue == 0 )  letter = 'W';else if ( queue == 1 )  letter = 'S';else  letter = 'U';
A neater ( and quicker ) method is to simply use the value as an indexinto a character array, eg.
static char *classes="WSU";letter = classes[queue];


Consider the following:
void func1( int *data ){    int i;    for(i=0; i<10; i++)    {           somefunc2( *data, i);    }}
Even though "*data" may never change, the compiler does not know that somefunc2()did not alter it, and so the program must read it from memory each timeit is used - it may be an alias for some other variable that is alteredelsewhere. If you know it won't be altered, you could code it like thisinstead:
void func1( int *data ){    int i;    int localdata;    localdata = *data;    for(i=0; i<10; i++)    {           somefunc2( localdata, i);    }}
This gives the compiler better opportunity for optimisation.


Use unsigned ints instead of ints if you know the value will never be negative.Some processors can handle unsigned integer arithmetic considerably fasterthan signed ( this is also good practise, and helps make for self-documentingcode).
So the best declaration for an int variable in a tight loop would be
register unsigned int   var_name;
(although it is not guaranteed that the compiler will take any notice of"register", and "unsigned" may make no difference to the processor.)
Remember, integer arithmetic is much faster than floating-point arithmetic,as it can be usually be done directly by the processor, rather than relyingon external FPUs or floating point maths libraries. If you only need tobe accurate to two decimal places (e.g. in a simple accounting package),scale everything up by 100, and convert it back to floating point as lateas possible.

Loop jamming

Never use two loops where one will suffice:
for(i=0; i<100; i++){    stuff();}for(i=0; i<100; i++){    morestuff();}
It would be better to do:
for(i=0; i<100; i++){    stuff();    morestuff();}
Note, however, that if you do a lot of work in the loop, it might not fitinto your processor's instruction cache. In this case, two separate loopsmay actually be faster as each one can run completely in the cache.

Loop Unrolling and Dynamic Loop Unrolling

This can make a BIG difference.
It is well known that unrolling loops can produce considerable savings,e.g.
for(i=0; i<3; i++){    something(i);}
is less efficient than
because the code has to check and increment the value of i each time roundthe loop. Compilers will often unroll simple loops like this, where a fixednumber of iterations is involved, but something like
for(i=0;i<limit;i++){ ... }
is unlikely to be unrolled, as we don't know how many iterations therewill be. It is, however, possible to unroll this sort of loop and takeadvantage of the speed savings that can be gained. A good example of thiswas given in the "Graphic Gems" series of books, as a way of speeding upthe display of pixels in a scanline during graphics rendering, but canalso be applied to any situation which involves the same operation beingapplied to a large amount of data.
The following code (listing 1) is obviously much larger than a simpleloop, but is much more efficient. The block-size of 8 was chosen just fordemo purposes, as any suitable size will do - you just have to repeat the"loop-contents" the same amount. In this example, the loop-condition istested once every 8 iterations, instead of on each one. If you know thatyou will working with arrays of a certain size, you could make the blocksizethe same size as (or divisible into the size of) the array. I find 8 tobe an adequate size though. I tried some performance tests using this techniqueon a Sun Sparcstation, and block-sizes of 8 and 16 worked fine, but whenI went up to 32, it slowed right down again (again, I suspect this wasto do with the size of the machines cache).
I have used code similar to this in an image-processing application,to negate a large monochrome bitmap (of about 3000x2000 pixels), and itwas significantly faster than using a simple for() type loop, as the processorwas able to get on with the job of processing the data rather than incrementingcounters and testing the loop conditions.

Listing 1

#include<stdio.h> #define BLOCKSIZE (8) void main(void){ int i = 0; int limit = 33;  /* could be anything */ int blocklimit; /* The limit may not be divisible by BLOCKSIZE,  * go as near as we can first, then tidy up. */ blocklimit = (limit / BLOCKSIZE) * BLOCKSIZE; /* unroll the loop in blocks of 8 */ while( i < blocklimit ) {     printf("process(%d)\n", i);     printf("process(%d)\n", i+1);     printf("process(%d)\n", i+2);     printf("process(%d)\n", i+3);     printf("process(%d)\n", i+4);     printf("process(%d)\n", i+5);     printf("process(%d)\n", i+6);     printf("process(%d)\n", i+7);     /* update the counter */     i += 8; } /*  * There may be some left to do. * This could be done as a simple for() loop,  * but a switch is faster (and more interesting)  */ if( i < limit ) {     /* Jump into the case at the place that will allow     * us to finish off the appropriate number of items.      */     switch( limit - i )     {         case 7 : printf("process(%d)\n", i); i++;         case 6 : printf("process(%d)\n", i); i++;         case 5 : printf("process(%d)\n", i); i++;         case 4 : printf("process(%d)\n", i); i++;         case 3 : printf("process(%d)\n", i); i++;         case 2 : printf("process(%d)\n", i); i++;         case 1 : printf("process(%d)\n", i);     }} }
Another simple trick to use with loops is to count down, instead of up.Look at this code, which will go through the values of i=0 to i=9 :
for(i=0; i<10; i++){  do stuff...}
If the order in which the loop contents are executed does not matter, youcan do this instead:
for( i=10; i--; )
which will step through i=9, down to i=0.It is important to use "i--" ratherthan "--i", otherwise the loop will terminate early.

Faster for() loops

Simple but effective.
Ordinarily, you would code a simple for() loop like this:
for( i=0;  i<10;  i++){ ... }
i loops through the values 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

If you don't care about the order of the loop counter, you can do thisinstead:

for( i=10; i--; ) { ... }
Using this code, i loops through the values 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0, and theloop should be faster.
This works because it is quicker to process "i--" as the test condition,which says "is i non-zero? If so, decrement it and continue.".
For the original code, the processor has to calculate "subtract i from10. Is the result non-zero? if so, increment i and continue.". In tightloops, this make a considerable difference.

The syntax is a little strange, put is perfectly legal. The third statementin the loop is optional (an infinite loop would be written as "for( ; ;)" ). The same effect could also be gained by coding:

for(i=10; i; i--){}
or (to expand it further)
for(i=10; i!=0; i--){}
The only things you have to be careful of are remembering that the loopstops at 0 (so if you wanted to loop from 50-80, this wouldn't work), andthe loop counter goes backwards.It's easy to get caught out if your coderelies on an ascending loop counter.


switch() instead of if...else...

For large decisions involving if...else...else..., like this:
if( val == 1)    dostuff1();else if (val == 2)    dostuff2();else if (val == 3)    dostuff3();
it may be faster to use a switch:
switch( val ){    case 1: dostuff1(); break;    case 2: dostuff2(); break;    case 3: dostuff3(); break;}
In the if() statement, if the last case is required, all the previous oneswill be tested first. The switch lets us cut out this extra work. If youhave to use a big if..else.. statement, test the most likely cases first.


Whenever possible, pass structures by reference ( ie. pass a pointer tothe structure ), otherwise the whole darn thing will be copied onto thestack and passed, which will slow things down a tad (I've seen programsthat pass structures several megabytes in size by value, when a simplepointer will do the same thing).
Functions receiving pointers to structures as arguments should declarethem as pointer to const if the function is not going to alter the contentsof the structure, e.g.
void print_data( const bigstruct  *data_pointer){    ...printf contents of structure...}
This example informs the compiler that the function does not alter thecontents (pointer to constant structure) of the external structure, anddoes not need to keep re-reading the contents each time they are accessed.It also ensures that the compiler will trap any accidental attempts byyour code to write to the read-only structure.

Early loop breaking

It is often not necessary to process the entirety of  a loop. Forexample, if you are searching an array for a particular item, break outof the loop as soon as you have got what you need.
This loop searches a list of 10000 numbers to see if there is a -99in it.

found = FALSE;
    if( list[i] == -99 )
        found = TRUE;
if( found ) printf("Yes, there is a -99. Hooray!\n");

This works well, but will process the entire array, no matter wherethe search item occurs in it.
A better way is to abort the search as soon as you've found the desiredentry.

found = FALSE;
for(i=0; i<10000; i++)
    if( list[i] == -99 )
        found = TRUE;
if( found ) printf("Yes, there is a -99. Hooray!\n");

If the item is at, say position 23, the loop will stop there and then,and skip the remaining 9977 iterations.


  • In general, savings can be made by trading off memory for speed. If you can cache any often used data rather than recalculating or reloading it, it will help. Examples of this would be sine/cosine tables, or tables of pseudo-random numbers (calculate 1000 once at the start, and just reuse them if you don't need truly random numbers).
  • Avoid using ++ and -- etc. within loop expressions, eg. while(n--){}, as this can sometimes be harder to optimise.
  • Minimize the use of global variables.
  • Declare anything within a file (external to functions) as static, unless it is intended to be global.
  • Use word-size variables if you can, as the machine can work with these better ( instead of char, short, double, bitfields etc. ).
  • Don't use recursion. Recursion can be very elegant and neat, but creates many more function calls which can become a large overhead.
  • Avoid the sqrt() square root function in loops - calculating square roots is very CPU intensive.
  • Single dimension arrays are faster than multi-dimensioned arrays.
  • Compilers can often optimise a whole file - avoid splitting off closely related functions into separate files, the compiler will do better if can see both of them together (it might be able to inline the code, for example).
  • Single precision maths may be faster than double precision - there is often a compiler switch for this.
  • Floating point multiplication is often faster than division - use val * 0.5 instead of val / 2.0.
  • Addition is quicker than multiplication - use val + val + val instead of val * 3
  • puts() is quicker than printf(), although less flexible.
  • Use #defined macros instead of commonly used tiny functions - sometimes the bulk of CPU usage can be tracked down to a small external function being called thousands of times in a tight loop. Replacing it with a macro to perform the same job will remove the overhead of all those function calls, and allow the compiler to be more aggressive in it's optimisation..
  • Binary/unformatted file access is faster than formatted access, as the machine does not have to convert between human-readable ASCII and machine-readable binary. If you don't actually need to read the data in a file yourself, consider making it a binary file.
  • If your library supports the mallopt() function (for controlling malloc), use it. The MAXFAST setting can make significant improvements to code that does a lot of malloc work.If a particular structure is created/destroyed many times a second, try setting the mallopt options to work best with that size.
  • Last but definitely not least - turn compiler optimisation on! Seems obvious, but is often forgotten in that last minute rush to get the product out on time. The compiler will be able to optimise at a much lower level than can be done in the source code, and perform optimisations specific to the target processor.

Last updated July 1998

If you find any of this helps to dramatically increase the performanceof your software, please let me know. 

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