



2015-05-13 14:30:49 来源: 艺术家提供



















  Living on Nothing

  A Glance at Gao Hongxun’s Photographic Works

  Sen Zi, Well-known Chinese Poet

  Writing down this absurd topic, instead, I felt something reality, a strange reality.

  From the very beginning he entered the threshold of geography, I have been witnessing that Gao hongxun displayed his talent, step by step, in this new field. Though talent is unreliable, it’ll be more unreliable to have no talent. As a poet, I can only appreciate photography with curious and strange eyes and in a narrow and misunderstanding way inevitably. Fortunately my respectable predecessors Walter Benjamin and Susan Sontag? have given me some such lessons, and shameful to say, I’m just a student not finishing my courses.

  It’s most probably that my comment starts and ends at wrong places.”

  Gao Hongxun has his early photographic works started as an fine art student. And it seemed that he took the advantage of it, to which I doubted for it may also be a restriction. Painting might have a decisive influence on photography at its early stage. But it was not long before photography departed far away from painting, based on it’s technical advantage and it’s worldliness of being more really true. It went more profoundly and furtherly on it’s way to show its functions of proving, reporting and recording. Susan Sontag? said that painting is a “beautiful art”, which is strongly influenced by the intention of the painter. Photography is different in that it will be never influenced by the intention of the artist so strongly. She said, “……the photgrapher and the theme are united neither friendly nor aloof (half by wonder and half by surprise), taking a more simple, more atomatic and unexhausted machine as their medium, which can produce interesting and correct works no matter how the suuroundings change.

  I think that on the one hand his painting experience may have a long-lasting influence on Gao Hongxun’s works, on the other hand he must have struggled against this influence all the time. Surely this is only my preoccupied viewpoint. With a more enlightening eyesight, Painting and photographing have a close relationship and sometimes even cross each other. Once a successor of painting, photographing may excel its predecessor in some aspects and to some extent. His early photographic works showed both an intimate and a tense relations between painting and photographing. It’s one of his top tasks to find a solution to this contradiction. Of course, this also depends on his visual field toward the so-called “great art”, which includes his recognition to the camera and its functions as a common and miracle tool, and his recognition to the limitation of photography itself.

  “Lights and Shadows”, an early work of Gao Hongxun’s, ignoreing the then prevailing on-the-spot record photographing, was in an efford to search for the relation between the brightness and darkness of photography, in a way of showing the overall by the partial.He took his first step with his own personal identification, on the principle that the part is the whole. It was just like the using of sketch in photography. But as to “Space and Sense”, his early representative work, it was just like the colouring in painting. He opened his photographic world by post reproduction (colouring), ignoring wisely those important or hot themes. This series of works laid a foundation and hint for his later stage productions. These two series of works, together with the “Scarecrow”, showed us how Gao Hongxun had grown up. Painting did give some helps to him. While taking his first step to make his dream come true, he deepened his understanding to this new art of photography.

  After more than 10 years of hardening, Gao’s recent works give us a brand –new feeling.

  “Drifting Nights” got its gloomy effect with the “sleepy lens” by making good use of the DC’s shortcomings(or characteristics) to change time-delaying into an aesthetic feature. How suitable it is to take nighttime photos in this way! From this we can see the way in which he chose his themes. He prefer those of grey and uncertain subjects to those of theme-oriented and record-oriented subjects, and in this way he opens his visual angles. The more freedomof the photographing, the more uncertaining factors. He makes his cnfirms and judgements, as well as his artistic distinguishments in the trance. This shows the increase of the coefficient of difficulty of his works. Putting together this group of works with the earlier one “Lights and Shadows”, we can find the relations and changes between them.

  Now Gao Hongxun is on his way to build his own photographic Utopia slowly.

  “Hidden Shadows” and “Hiding & Floating”, two series of his recent main works, can be described as “surperb”. It’s even more interesting when they are surveyed by comparison. Figures in “Hidden Shadows” were symbolized into something like Herbert Marcuse ’s “one-sided person”. In modern society, “Unhappy awareness has been replaced by happy awareness. The quality of one-sided gets rooted deeply into the spirits or even the instincts of human beings and all other surpassing factors are resisted by it. In short, the society is losing its two-sided quality( negative and positive) and is becoming a one-sided one(positive).” And “Language has become no more than a operating tool while losing it critizing and surpassing functions.” Though I don’t know whether Gao Hongxun has touched these issues deliberately or not deliberately, “Hidden Shadows” did present such landscapes, figures, thoughts and concernings, not only those sketch-like (or spectrum-like) effects. In the selecting and deepening of his themes, he touched our sensitive nervous, though in a concealing way. Thus I happily find that now Gao Hongxun no longer limits himself to his habitual way of showing the overall by the partial. Now he starts from the very secret points to uncover the superficies.

  In “Hidden Shadows”, the real mankinds are hiden, while in “Hiding & Floating”, tools on which mankinds live are taken away more completely. This pair of oppositions show the his mature consideration and the interation of his creating framework. After seeing “Hiding & Floating”, I want to say that we can live on nothing. This almost philosophism proposition is tenable in photography actually. “Hiding & Floating” not only makes us feel like surprised, but also makes us think over. What kind of life is worthy for us? This is a question which one after another generation of philosophers keep asking. Living on nothing is a kind of impossible life—a Utopia.Since the artists can make us up-side down, we can also turn ourselves back. Can’t we explain what we are doing if we are deprived of the tools we depend on? It’s really a “pantomime” of the human society, and of the photographing art as well. There is no existing answer to it. I’m sure that now Gao Hongxun knows profoundly enough about “half by wonder and half by surprise” of the photographing art.

  “Hidden Shadows” and “Hiding & Floating” also leak Gao Hongxun’s “painting motive”(or desire) even stronger than his early ones. It’s strange that I take it more like photography instead. From colouring by hand to colour-changing by computer and then to post-modifying (and including his another series of “Original Reality”), this has become his motive power of his artistic innovation and his unique expressing way. He now handles it most easily in introducing painting factors to photography.

  Both the intimate and tense relations between painting and photographing, which now Gao Hongxun is facing, is what all photographers have to face too. No matter it is photographic painting or painting-like photography, artistically they end at the same point through different ways. In a narrow sense, we can call it synthesis, or the ability of synthesizing different arts. But we have to remember that you must be unique in this field. The further they depart from each other, the more intimate they are, and the more intimate they are, the more different they seem to be. As to the dividing line between them, it’s just a man-made or ideological one.

  Before dawn of Dec.5, 2005

  From “ the 50th Annuversary of Henan Photography”

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