

During the process of using ECDIS installed onboard, there are lots of questions and doubts raised by the mariner, this may cause confuse when PSC inspection and vetting are being carried out on the ship. Especially, when ECDIS software upgrade to PL4.0, a new function- route filter appears. The mariner and PSC inspector can pick up one route or use present route by this function, to check whether all the charts relate the route have been ordered or not, also can show charts status. 
This function can easily let the mariner to order the charts without any missing, but may cause some unnecessary charts to be ordered, like same usage band charts ordered, route only using a corner of the charts, etc. Please be noted that normally the charts ordered onboard by using chart software(Chartco, E-navigator, voyager, gateway, etc.), during charts ordered, the mariner will select the charts by different purposes as per company policy, it is unnecessary to order all the chart relate the route due to the same reason as above. But the problem is,some PSC inspectors know this route filter function and want to use this function to check the charts ordered. when using this function to check the charts, they can easily find some charts (unnecessary charts) were not ordered, and our officer also don’t know how to explain this situation to the inspector, hence it is quite easy to get deficiency from this.

Some company try to avoid this situation,hence make the decision that to order all the charts, but the additional fee will be raised. How to order the charts correctly,what is the standard? what request by the regulation? the mariner, the company,the PSC and FSC may have different interpretations. With regard to this condition, I’d like to present my comments for your good reference and correction.
First, let’s refer the ECDIS requirements,which list in the chapter V of SOLAS convention.
Regulation 19 Carriage requirements for shipborne navigational systems and equipment



2.1 All ships, irrespective of size, shall have:

.4 nautical charts and nautical publications to plan and display the ship’s route for the intended voyage and to plot and monitor positions throughout the voyage; an electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS) may be accepted as meeting the chart carriage requirements of this subparagraph;



Regulation 27

Nautical charts and nautical publications, such as sailing directions, lists of lights,notices to mariners, tide tables and all other nautical publications necessary for the intended voyage, shall be adequate and up to date. 


Regulation 34 Safe navigation and avoidance of dangerous situations

1 Prior to proceeding to sea, the master shall ensure that the intended voyage has been planned using the appropriate nautical charts and nautical publications for the area concerned, taking into account the guidelines and recommendations developed by the Organization.①



2 The voyage plan shall identify a route which:
.1 takes into account any relevant ships’routing systems;
.2 ensures sufficient sea room for the safe passage of the ship throughout the voyage;
.3 anticipates all known navigational hazards and adverse weather conditions; and
.4 takes into account the marine environmental protection measures that apply, and avoids, as far as possible,actions and activities which could cause damage to the environment.
①Refer to the Guidelines for voyage planning adopted by the Organization by resolution A.893(21). 








2 Appraisal;
2.1.5 appropriate scale, accurate and up-to-date charts to be used for the intended voyage or passage, as well as any relevant permanent or temporary notices to mariners and existing radio navigational warnings.
Please be noted that above not mention the ships must carry all nautical charts for the intended voyage. Just only point out the charts may be appropriate scale, accurate and up-to-date. 




According to IMO MSC.1/Circ.1503/Rev.1,ECDIS –GUIDANCE FOR GOOD PRACTIC,A CHART CARRIAGE REQUIREMENT OF SOLAS,item 8, In accordance with SOLAS regulation V/, ships must carry all nautical charts necessary for the intended voyage. 
根据IMO MSC.1/第1503号通告。1、ECDIS -《海上安全公约》(SOLAS)良好实践指南第8项海图运输要求,根据《海上安全公约》(SOLAS)条例V/,船舶必须携带预定航程所需的所有海图。
Please take caution that the guidancede scription is different with regulation 19 of SOALS Chapter V regarding the chart selection and using onboard. They mentioned all necessary chart but not all the chart as some person think of.
According the SOLAS and IMO A893(21)resolution requirement, we can draw the conclusion that, the charts for intend voyage must be adequate, appropriate scale ,accurate and up-to-date, but don’t mention that all the charts relate route needed for purchase. But can cause the mariner and port authority misunderstood and confused, they may make wrong decision and judgment,and also make additional cost for the charts. 
根据SOLAS和IMO A893(21)决议的要求,我们可以得出的结论是,预定航次海图必须是足够的,适当的比例,准确的和最新的,但没有提到所有的海图都与购买所需的航线有关。但会造成海员和港务局的误解和混淆,他们可能会做出错误的决策和判断,也会给海图带来额外的费用。
During the processof application, ENCs are assigned a compilation scale based on the nature of the source data upon which they are based. They are also allocated to a navigational purpose band related to this. This is analogous to a series of paper chart covering the same area, ranging from “small scale charts” to“larger scale plans”. As shown in the table below there are six navigational purpose bands (scale ranges are indicative only). An ECDIS chart, also known asan chart unit or an chart cell, consists of 8 digit letters and numbers. The first two of them are and are country code, like C1 is for CNHO, C2 for HONGKONG MARDEP, CN for China MSA. The third number of the graph must be a number from 1 to 6. This number represents usage band, there are 1. Overview,2. General, 3. Coastal, 4. Approach, 5. Harbour, 6. Berthing, each usage band have their own range of scales. 
在应用过程中,根据它们所基于的源数据的性质,为ENCs分配一个编译规模。它们也被分配到与此相关的导航目的波段。这类似于覆盖同一区域的一系列纸质图表,范围从“小比例尺图表”到“大比例尺平面图”。如下表所示,有六个航行目的波段(比例尺范围仅供参考)。ECDIS图表,也称为图表单元或图表单元,由8位数字字母和数字组成。前两个是和是国家代码,就像C1是CNHO, C2是HONGKONG MARDEP, CN是China MSA。图的第三个数字必须是1到6之间的数字。这个数字代表使用频带,有1个。概述,2。一般情况下,3。沿海4。接近5。港口,6。靠泊时,每个使用波段都有自己的音阶范围。
The usage scale range as follow:

The purpose of each usage band as follow.
1.Overview for planning and oceanic crossing
2.General for navigating oceans, approaching coasts androute planning
3.Coastal for navigating along the coastline, either inshore or offshore
4.Approach for navigating the approaches to ports or major channels or through intricate or congested waters
5.Harbour for navigating within ports, harbour, bays,rivers and canals for anchorages
6.Berthing detailed to aid berthing 








The practicality and applicability need to be fully considered for the adequate and appropriate scale charts proposed in there quirements of the rules. It is obviously wrong that many companies and some officers even think that as long as they are equipped with the maximum scale chart of the route, they can meet all the requirements and keep safe navigation. It is necessary to equip the route with a maximum scale charts as per requirements. At the same time, we also need consider that vessel may deviation or encounter other unforeseen situations. Thus, we need other scale charts for this issue, but not all charts related to the route need to be equipped. Some scales of the chart are repetitive and superimposed.
Now I will use the ADC software to do a demonstration and explanation, the route is simply selected from Tianjin to the CJK. 
How to use the ADC software to design the route will not be described in detail here. Many other software features are even more powerful than this.It just simply enters the departure port and the destination port, and the recommended route will come out automatically.
After the route is determined, it is only necessary to add the route to the baskets or similar function menu. All the charts of various scales related to it on the route will be displayed (Figure2). At this time, the displayed charts are placed in the baskets or purchasing functions. The chart list will come out or form a document (Figure 3).


The result obtained from the above automatic charts selection is that 32 charts are related to this route. If you want to purchase these 32 charts, it must meet all the requirements of the Convention and other specifications. And this method of selectionis the most direct and secure one without any doubt, but the question is whether these 32 maps really need to be purchased or not?
There are two ways to manually select the charts.One is from large to small, that is, from large scale charts to the smallest scale, and the other is from small to large, and the choice of scale charts is exactly the opposite. The following is an example of chart selected step by step from a small scale.

First, cancel all scales below the overview so that only the overview charts left on the chart. Click on the first section of the route and two overview charts cover the route appear,JP14CCJ4 (Figure 4) and KR1E00 (Figure 5).


It can be seen that the KR1E0000 is larger than the JP14CCJ4 scale and the coverage is more reasonable, so it is appropriate to select the KR1E0000 (Figure 6).


Then select the overview charts covered by the next section of the route. You can see two overview charts, KR1F0000(Figure 7) and JP14 IFV0 (Figure 8).

然后选择路线下一节所涵盖的概述图表。您可以看到两个概述图表,KR1F0000(图7)和JP14 IFV0(图8)。

Comparing the two charts, it was found that although the KR1F0000 scale is larger than JP14 IFV0, it is better to cover and connect, so choosing KR1F0000 is more appropriate (Figure 9)

对比两张图可以发现,虽然KR1F0000的尺度比JP14 IFV0大,但是覆盖和连接更好,所以选择KR1F0000更合适(图9)

The remaining route can be configured for the overview scale section according to the above requirements, followed by the removal of the overview scale option. Check the general scale chart. At this time, it was found that the C1210011 chart covered the entire route (Figure 10)and the chart was added to the basket (Figure 11).


Comparing Figure 11, it was found that C1210011 can cover the entire route including the nearby sea area, so the KR1E0000 chart on the left can be considered for removal, which can fully guarantee safe navigation. (Figure 12)


Then continue to configure the general scale of the remaining segment. This is the discovery that only one small corner of the KR2E1000 chart is covered on the route (refer white color part).In this case, to purchase this chart is completely unnecessary (Figure 13)


The remaining KR2F3000 (Figure 14) and JP24IFV0(Figure 15) are covered on the route, so consider purchasing.


When the general scale chart is completed,the option is also removed and choose the Coastal scale chart. Since the scale chart (yellow) covers most of the routes, it is considered for purchase(Figure16).


Through this way continuously select approach scale chart, and charts covering most of the routes are also selected for purchase. (Figure 17)


During selecting the harbor chart, it can be seen that C1511421 covers most of the routes, so it is considered for purchase, but C1511951 only has one small corner to cover the route, so it is not necessary to purchase. (Figure 18)


According to this principle, the chart selection will ensure that the different scale charts is covered on the route and meets the navigation requirements. After this choice, we checked the requisition list and found that a total of 22 charts were needed. Compared with the previous automatic selection, we can save 10 charts cost. This is only the short distance from Tianjin to the ZJK. (Figure 19)


We hope that through the above demonstration, we can tell everyone that automatic chart selection can certainly guarantee security, but it is unnecessary to make additional cost for purchase. However, PSC can’t make out deficiency as vessel is not fully configured with all charts relate the route. This is unreasonable.

It is hoped that with the above explanation, you will be able to understand how to reasonably acquire nautical charts and how to communicate with the inspector about nautical charts in order to ensure the safety of navigation of ships while avoiding unnecessary costs.welcome to correct if any comments.









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