

Go Beyond Your Self-imposed Limits

Go Beyond Your Self-imposed Limits

It’s true that everyone is differently talented. He is talented in writing, and another is talented in music; she is talented in dancing, and another is talented in making public speeches. But we are assured that God gave you talent for you to make full use of it. Preserving your talent is not to please your Creator, but to go against HIS will. That is to say, we should take advantage of every chance to make use of our talents, so that we can benefit both the society as well as ourselves. I mean, we should do good to the society, the world and the people around us by using our talent to the full extent.

But, we all the time can find some people, including myself sometimes, who think that we can’t do that just because of lack of confidence. We don’t believe that we are given the talent to accomplish such high goals. We constantly make psychiatric suggestion to ourselves that it is impossible for us to be so excellent. We are mediocre. Yeah, maybe, we are mediocre, but if we don’t try, how can we know where the boundary line of our talent is? So, an excellent life is going beyond your self-imposed limits, and never let others impose limits to you, either.

A story about flea goes like this: flea jump very high. After they were put into a box and the box was covered with a lid, flea jumped in it and every time they hit the lid so hard, at last, they began to jump lower than the lid. When they lid was removed, they still jumped less higher than the lid. They imposed themselves a height limit. Many men often gave themselves a psychological hint that they couldn’t accomplish some goals because they have not been given such a talent. They receive the mediocrity and are often in learned helplessness.

The reason why I wrote about it is that I heard the similar remarks from one of the students to whom I paid a home visit. And she frankly told her mother in face of me that she would be satisfied with the future result if she could be enrolled by a university which belongs to the first grade universities, and she decided that it was impossible for her to be enrolled into a better university. She was setting her a self-imposed limit, which I opposed strongly. I knew she was clever to be a better student.

It is noticeable that a students set a lower goal for him/herself, just because when he/she could get a better score in exams, his/her parents begin to push them to set a higher goal, which brings much pressure on them, so they just don’t want to set a higher goal to avoid their parents’ higher expectation. So this problem is not that easy. But if the student often give him/herself such psychological hint, his/her behavior in academy will be necessarily affected.

So, please go beyond your self-imposed limits. Yes, you can!

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