



During an interview, the interviewer might ask you "What are your weaknesses"/"what is your biggest weakness?"/"What's your biggest weakness? “When he asks you that question, don’t say "I'm too much of a perfectionist “or "I work too hard.”, but especially don't say "I don't have any weaknesses. “Everybody has weaknesses and if you pretend you don’t, your interviewer will think that you are not teachable, can’t improve, and would be very hard to work with. You should talk about a weakness that deals with work. Don’t say "I stink. I only take a shower once a week. “I’m not a very good basketball player. “My wife tells me I have bad gas." "I'm a messy eater."

You can answer this question by following these three steps:

First, mention a WEAKNESS that you are overcoming or that you have already overcome.

Second, say that what ACTION you are talking or that you have already taken to overcome the weakness.

Third, say what the RESULTS are of your efforts to conquer your weakness.

Listen to these nine ways that someone can answer the question "What are your weaknesses? “What is your biggest weakness? “After you watch the examples, write down how you will answer the question. Practice your answer until you can do it without any problem.



Q: What are your weaknesses? What is your biggest weakness?
Sample Answer 1:

I used to arrive late to work. But now I set my alarm thirty minutes earlier than I did before. Now, I always arrive early to work.

Sample Answer 2:

I used to be a terrible salesman. I usually get very nervous when I introduce myself or tried to talk about the product. To overcome my nervousness, I learned everything I could about product. Eventually, I came to believe in it and felt proud to present it to people. I started to focus on helping the customers rather than just selling to them. The more I know about the product and the more I focused on helping the customers, the easier it became for me to sell. Soon, I became one of the top sellers in the company.

Sample Answer 3:

I used to be very shy, had a hard time interacting with customers. It was difficult for me to answer their questions and help them. I spoke to my manager, and she gave me some great counsel on how to interact better with people. She told me that if I focused more on helping the customers, rather than my fear, I could better assist them. She also taught me that the more I know about the products and our company, the more confident I would be when trying to help the customers. I took her advice very seriously. I learned all I could bout the products and the company, and I tried to ignore my fear and focus on helping them. Incredibly, I am no longer shy with customers. I am confident when answering questions, and I feel good when I see happy customers. Last month, I was even the employee of the month because of my good customer service ratings.

Sample Answer 4:

I used to have a problem getting everything done during my work day. Now, every day before work, I make a to-do-list with the priorities on the top. I am very focused on accomplishing the most important hobs first. As a result, I now usually finish all or most of my responsibilities with time to spare, and I often even have time to help my coworkers to finish their tasks.

Sample Answer 5:

I don't speak English very well yet. But, I am taking English classes at the adult school. I can already understand more, and people are telling me that I can speak better than before. I know my English will continue to improve.

Sample Answer 6:

I used to be very scared to speak in public. The boss sometimes asked me give presentations to employees, but I always suggested that another employee present instead. Finally, I decided to face my fear. I spend hours preparing for the presentation by researching the topic, and I wrote my notes in bullet form on flashcards instead of word for word. And I practiced in front of my friends and family. When the big day arrived, I was nervous, but once I started to present to my fellow employees, the words came to me, I was confident and presented with ease. My boss and coworkers were quite impressed. Since then, I have given other presentations to help my coworkers to succeed, and my skills have continued to improve. I now know that the formula for good public speaking is simply preparation.

Sample Answer 7:

I used to be very bad at dealing with angry customers. I often got defensive and upset at rude customers. That usually made the situation worse. Once I realized that my defensiveness made things worse, I decided to change my approach and attitude. I started to actively listen to and acknowledge the customer without interruting.I did my best to resolve the problem and not take their complaints personally. I’ve found that if I do those things, the customer will usually calm down and remain a happy customer.

Sample Answer 8:

I used to have a problem delegating responsibility to my employees. I was overworked and stressed. I finally decided that I need a help. So, I trained a few employees who work during my shift. I delegated responsibility to them according to their talents, and let them know that I am giving them these duties because I trust them. Since I have trained those employees, I am no longer overworked and stressed. I’m now able to focus on growing the business rather than just getting by. And the employees feel that they are a part of a team.

Sample Answer 9:

I used to procrastinate doing important duties until the last moment. Now I make a list of things that I need to take care of with priorities on the top. Because of that, I am able to finish the most important tasks sooner, and still have time for other less important jobs. It has also relieved some stress, and given me more time to help other coworkers who are pressed for time.



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