


【Weather Oct. 18】
郑州 晴 12℃/23℃
Zhengzhou Clear 12℃/23℃
洛阳 晴 7℃/23℃
Luoyang Clear 7℃/23℃
【Stock Markets】
Shanghai: 2440.40; +9.03; +0.37%
Shenzhen: 10513.49; +75.23; +0.72%
>China to launch new stock indices
>Women key to hunger issues in Africa
>Legoland lays down gauntlet in Florida
>Qi Baishi album sets auction record
>Bras designed for 9-year-olds sold
【Top News】
>5 private post-grad programs set
The Ministry of Education has approved that the Beijing City University and four other private colleges and universities in China are eligible to enroll postgraduates, the Beijing Times reported. It is the first time for China's private colleges to be accredited for postgraduate programs since the country's founding.
※The first batch of qualified private colleges and universities are located in Beijing, Hebei, Shaanxi and other provinces and municipalities. As the only selected private college in Beijing, Beijing City University is eligible to recruit postgraduates for its Master of Social Work program, which is oriented towards working adults, especially those serving local communities. The college plans to accept 30 people, whose courses will focus on social work training and practical management skills.
【In the News】
>Nitrogen helps preserve grain longer

China Grain Reserve Corp. (Sinograin) is pushing forward nitrogen and temperature controls for more efficient grain storage, Xinhua reported. So far, the company has used the storage method, which replaces oxygen in sealed storage silos with nitrogen, to store 3.5 billion kilograms of grain. Because nitrogen is less reactive than oxygen, the method slows decomposition and gives the grain longer shelf life. Government data showed that Chinese farmers used to lose as much as 10 percent of their grain harvest due to unscientific storage methods.
>China to launch new stock indices
China Securities Index Co., Ltd. (CSI) said Sunday that three new stock indices are slated to be launched on Nov. 8, Xinhua reported. The CSI TMT Industries Index was designed to track companies in the technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) industries, while the CSI Resource 80 Index will reflect the performance of the resource sector. The CSI 500 SSE Stocks Index will be introduced to highlight Shanghai-listed companies among all the 500 sample stocks of the CSI 500 Index. CSI has selected 100 large-scale companies and another 80 to respectively form the first two indexes. The indices will serve as new investable benchmarks once introduced.
据新华社报道,中证指数有限公司于周日宣布,3个新股指定于11月8日发布。中证 TMT 产业主题指数将用来追踪科技、媒体和电信行业的情况,中证资源 80 指数则反映资源行业的表现。中证 500 沪市指数是中证 500 指数构成的500样本股,针对在沪上市公司。中证各选取了100个大型公司和另80个公司来组成前两个指数。这些股指一经推出,将为投资者提供新的投资标的。
>Women key to hunger issues in Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa faces daunting problems staving off famine in coming decades, but food and development experts also say one solution to the problem is obvious: empower women, Reuters reported. Women from Kenya to Liberia now plant and tend the key food crops like corn, sorghum, millet, sweet potatoes, casaba and peas. More than half of Africa's farmers are women, with most tending crops on small plots of land they can't own. A report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations said if women had the same access to production resources as men, they could increase yields on farms by 20 to 30 percent.
>Man spends 30 years eating roadkill
Conservationist Jonathan McGowan, who has spent 30 years eating only roadkill, makes owl curries and rat stir fries because he doesn't like the way farmed animals are treated, Metro reported. The 44-year-old from Dorset first got a taste for free meat at age 14 when he cooked an adder in butter. 'Everywhere I looked there were dead animals; pheasants that had been shot and animals that had been run over in the road so naturally I became drawn to nature and how it worked,' McGowan said. He has never fallen ill from the diet, claiming his specialty is pan-fried crane flies.

>Animals shrinking due to climate change
Researchers say that rising global temperatures and changes in weather patterns have knock-on effects which are already stunting the growth of a wide range of species, The Daily Telegraph reported. The change could have a major impact on the expanding human population, with major food sources like fish likely to reduce in size and crops expected to grow smaller and less reliably than today. Species which are unable to adapt quickly enough are at risk of extinction as ecosystems shift dramatically, altering the balance of food and other resources needed for survival.
【In Brief】
>Qi Baishi album sets auction record
A collection of 81 Qi Baishi paintings was auctioned off in Changsha City, Hunan Province for 12.5 million yuan, China News Service reported. The paintings, which Qi drew as a young carpenter, set the highest price record at the auction named Three Hundred Years' History of Hunan Province.
>Legoland lays down gauntlet in Florida
In total 50 million bricks have been used on models, as the theme park Legoland Florida-the fifth and largest Legoland in the world-opened to the public last Saturday, the Daily Mail reported. The new Legoland features models of the Statue of Liberty and New York skyline. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,上周六,美国佛罗里达州乐高主题公园正式开门迎客。公园共使用了5000万块乐高塑料积木,是迄今全球第五座、也是最大的乐高主题公园。该公园内展示了用乐高塑料积木搭建的自由女神像和纽约天际线的缩微模型。

>Humans lived among dinosaur tracks
Three scientists from China and the United States have discovered the world's only evidence of ancient human beings living amongst dinosaur tracks in a remote county in Chongqing, Xinhua reported. Qijiang County's Lotus Mountain Fortress has a large number of dinosaur tracks as well as a well-preserved fortress and historical epigraph, forming direct evidence that ancient Chinese people lived alongside dinosaur tracks, said Xing Lida, one of the researchers. Chinese people could have lived here for over 700 years, and the mud cracks, ripple marks and duck-billed dinosaur tracks were considered by them to be lotus leaf veins, water environment and lotus, respectively, from which the Lotus Mountain Fortress got its name, Xing said.
【Fancy That】
>Bras designed for 9-year-olds sold
A bra for nine-year-olds is going on sale as youngsters reach puberty at an increasingly early age, the Daily Mail reported. The design has been driven by demands from mothers that it 'should not look remotely sexy.' It has been developed in a partnership between Mumsnet and Tesco, which has previously been condemned for sexualizing young girls. International research suggests young girls now reach puberty around a year earlier than 20 years ago, at nine years and ten months.
>Japanese motorbike runs on excrement

This is one motorcycle that doesn't leave anything to waste – because it's powered by excrement, the Daily Mail reported. The curious creation, dubbed Toilet Bike Neo, is the brainchild of Japan's leading toilet manufacturer Toto and uses a modified lavatory and a mobile laboratory for processing. Bizarrely, the rider is even encouraged to use the portaloo as much as possible on every journey as the waste is turned into biofuel that powers the machine. The company hopes the travelling toilet, which can reach a maximum speed of 50 miles per hour, will help reduce CO2 emissions by 50 per cent in the next six years.
据英国《每日邮报》报道,日本推出一款不会留下任何废料的摩托车,因为其动能是粪便。这款名为'Toilet Bike Neo'的新奇摩托车是由日本知名卫浴用品制造商TOTO发明的。这款摩托车载配置了改良的马桶。有趣的的是,驾驶这辆车的人可以在路上随时使用这个移动的马桶,因为他的粪便可以立刻转化成生物燃料为摩托车提供动力。该公司希望这个移动的卫生间在未来6年中可以减少50%的二氧化碳排放量。这款摩托最大时速能达到50英里(约80.5公里)

【Joke of the Day】
A man consults a therapist and states, 'Doc, I'm suicidal. What should I do?' The doctor replies, 'Pay in advance.'
某人咨询理疗师,说道:'医生,我有自杀倾向。怎么办?' 医生回答:'你先把钱付了再说。'
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China’s domestic grain output, storage able to meet demand: experts
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