

Case Files: Anesthesiology 学习笔记(106)前纵隔肿瘤2.

 Case 27 Anterior Mediastinal Mass

Since an anterior mediastinal masses vary in anatomy, pathology, and the proposed surgical procedure, there is the need to individualize management for each patient.  前纵隔肿瘤在解剖结构,病理性质和手术方案上各不相同,因此需要结合具体情况制定个性化麻醉方案。

1. Masses may be benign or malignant tumors, cyst, or aneurysms, and may originate from the lung, pleura, or any ofthe components of the anterior mediastinum.

mediastinum [ˌmi:dɪæs'taɪnəm]n.【解】(胸腔)纵隔

benign   [bə'naɪn] adj.善良的;良性的not dangerous or likely to cause death → malignant [mə'lɪɡnənt] adj.恶性的;恶意的;n.怀恶意的人that cannot be controlled and is likely to cause death // The look in his eyes was now frankly malignant. 现在他的眼神已带着明显的恶意。// In July of 2004, he undergoes surgery to remove a malignant tumor in his pancreas. 2004年7月,他接受了胰腺恶性肿瘤的切除手术。

cyst [sɪst] n.囊肿 a growth containing liquid that forms in or on a person's oran animal's body and may need to be removed.

A cyst is a closed capsule or sac-like structure, usually filled with liquid, semisolid ([ˌsemɪ'sɒlɪd] adj.半固体的), or gaseous (['ɡeɪsiəs] adj.似气体的;含气体的) material. Cysts usually occur within almost any type of the body's tissue; they vary in size from microscopic to large structures that can displace ([dɪs'pleɪs] v.取代;置换) internal organs. 囊肿是一种闭合的囊性或袋状结构,通常内含液体,半固体或气体。囊肿可发生于任一类型的人体组织中。

aneurysm [ˈænjəˌrɪz(ə)m] n.动脉瘤

pleura ['plʊərə] n.胸膜 The pleura is the name given to the covering that is present in the lungs. They have visceral (['vɪsərəl] adj.内脏的) and parietal ([pə'raɪɪtl] adj.【解】腔壁的;) pleura. This is the name given to the inner layer and external layer of the pleura. 胸膜覆盖于肺表面,内层胸膜叫做脏胸膜 (visceral pleura),外层胸膜叫做壁胸膜(parietal pleura)

2. Etiologies include (in order offrequency): lymphoma (Hodgkin or non-Hodgkin), thymoma, germ cell tumor, granuloma, bronchogenic carcinoma, thyroid tumors, bronchogenic cyst, and cystic hygroma.

lymphoma [lɪmˈfəʊmə] n.淋巴瘤 Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system, which is part of the body's germ-fighting network. The lymphatic system includes the lymph nodes (lymph glands), spleen ([spliːn]n.脾)thymus gland (['θaɪməs]n.胸腺) and bone marrow. Lymphoma can affect all those areas as well as other organs throughout the body. 

thymoma [θaɪ'məʊmə] n.胸腺瘤 A thymoma is a type of tumor or growth in the thymus (['θaɪmɪk] adj.【解】胸腺的) gland. Thymic (['θaɪmɪk] adj.【解】胸腺的) tumors are tumors of the thymus gland.

germ cell tumor  un.生殖细胞瘤;胚细胞瘤 Germ cell tumors are malignant (cancerous) or nonmalignant (benign, noncancerous)  tumors that are comprised mostly of germ ([dʒɜː(r)m] n.胚芽) cells. Germ cells are the cells that develop  in the embryo ([ˈembriˌəʊ] n.【生】胚胎) (fetus, or unborn baby) and become the cells that make up the reproductive ([ˌriːprəˈdʌktɪv] adj.生殖的;繁殖的) system in males and females.

granuloma [ˌgrænjʊ'ləʊmə] n.【医】肉芽肿 plural. granulomas/granulomata

bronchogenic [brɒnkəd'ʒenɪk] adj.支气管原的 -genic

thyroid [ˈθaɪrɔɪd] adj.【解】甲状(软骨)的;甲状腺的;n.甲状腺

cystic hygroma [haɪ'grəʊmə] n. 囊状水瘤;颈部淋巴水囊瘤;囊性水瘤or lymphangioma ([lɪmˌfændʒɪ'əʊmə] n.淋巴管瘤) — is a birth defect that appears as a sac-like structure with athin wall that most commonly occurs in the head and neck area of an infant. 一种先天性的薄壁囊状瘤,常发生在新生儿头颈部。

3. superior vena cava [sʊˈpɪəriə(r) ˌviːnə ˈkeɪvə] un.〔解〕上腔静脉 The superior vena cavais a vital structure in the human circulatory system that helps drain large amounts of deoxygenated blood from the head, eyes, neck, and upper limbs into the upper left chamber (atrium) of the heart.

Case Files: Anesthesiology 学习笔记(105)前纵隔肿瘤1.

Case Files: Anesthesiology 学习笔记(104)胸腔镜下肺切除术3.

Case Files: Anesthesiology 学习笔记(103)胸腔镜下肺切除术2.

Case Files: Anesthesiology 学习笔记(102)胸腔镜下肺切除术1.

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