

Case Files: Anesthesiology 学习笔记(135).妊娠阑尾切除术1.

麻醉学案例 Case 33 Appendectomy in the Pregnant Patient  

01. gravida ['grævɪdə] n.孕妇 G; plural gravidas or gravidae; a pregnant woman — often used with a number to indicate the number of pregnancies a woman has had
para ['pærə] plural-paras or -parae : woman delivered of (so many) children
P = the outcome of those pregnancies 

02. abdominal [æbˈdɒmɪn(ə)l] adj.腹部的 n.腹肌 → of, relating to, or involving the abdomen (['æbdəmən] n.肚子)

03. prenatal [ˌpriːˈneɪt(ə)l] adj.产前的 occurring, existing, performed, or used before birth

04. prior  [ˈpraɪə(r)] to: in advance of

05. quadrant [ˈkwɒdrənt] n.象限;四分之一圆(或圆周)

06. multivitamin [ˈmʌltiˌvɪtəmɪn] adj.多种维他命的n.多种维生素 containing several vitamins and especially all known to be essential to health

07. with the exception of na.除…外 // It first took place in 1829, and it has been held annually since 1856, with the exception of the two world wars. 这项赛事起源于1829年,除了两次世界大战期间没有举行外,从1856年开始每年都会举办。

08. computerized tomography [kəmˈpjuːtəraɪzd] [tə'mɒgrəfi] un.计算机断层扫描 radiography in which a three-dimensional image of a body structure is constructed by computer from a series of plane cross-sectional images made along an axis

called also computed axial (['æksiəl] adj.轴的) tomography, computerized axial tomography, computerized tomography

09. laparoscopic appendectomy [ˌlæpərəˈskɒpik] [.æpən'dektəmi] 腹腔镜阑尾切除术

Appendectomy is a common surgery and many people have had their appendix ([ə'pendɪks] n.阑尾) removed.

Appendicitis [ə.pendɪ'saɪtɪs] inflammation of the vermiform (resembling a worm in shape) appendix (na.【解】阑尾)

cecum [ˈsiːkəm] n.盲肠

large intestine n.【解】大肠

10. nonobstetric surgery 非产科手术

obstetric [əb'stetrɪk] adj.产科(学)的  of or relating to the care and treatment of women in childbirth and during the period before and after delivery. of or relating to childbirth or obstetrics ([əbˈstetrɪks] n.产科学). Abbreviation: OB, ob

gynecology [ˌɡaɪnɪˈkɒlədʒi] n.妇科学;【医】妇科 a branch of medicine that deals with the diseases and routine physical care of the reproductive ([ˌriːprəˈdʌktɪv] adj.生殖的;繁殖的) system of women
11. gestation [dʒeˈsteɪʃ(ə)n] n.孕育;妊娠(期)the carrying of young in theuterus ([ˈjuːt(ə)rəs] n.子宫): PREGNANCY (['preɡnənsi] n.妊娠) 

12. trimester [traɪˈmestə(r)] n.妊娠的三月期(医学上将妊娠期分为三期,每一期为三个月)a period of three or about three months, especially : any of three periods of approximately three months each into which a human pregnancy is divided

13. placenta [plə'sentə] plural placentas or placentae n.胎盘 the vascular organ in mammals (['mæm(ə)l] n.哺乳纲动物) except monotremes ([ˈmɒnətri:m] n.【动】单孔目动物) and marsupials ([mɑː(r)ˈsuːpiəl] adj.【动】有袋(目)的) that unites ([juːˈnaɪt] v.使合成一体) the fetus ([ˈfiːtəs] n.胎儿) to the maternal ([məˈtɜː(r)n(ə)l] adj.母亲的) uterus and mediates its metabolic ([ˌmetəˈbɒlɪk] adj.【生】新陈代谢的) exchanges through a more or less intimate (['ɪntɪmət] adj.密切的) association of uterine mucosal ([mju'kausə] adj.粘膜的) with chorionic ([kəʊrɪ'ɒnɪk] adj.绒膜的) and usually allantoic ([ælæn'tɔɪk] adj.尿囊的) tissues

14. sieve [sɪv] v.筛;滤n.筛子;滤器 // the placenta acts as a sieve and all drugs delivered to the patient have potential to have effect in the baby.

15. airway edema 呼吸道水肿 The upper airways may be compromised by the formation of airway edema, increased airway secretions ([sɪˈkriːʃ(ə)n] n.分泌物), and denuded ([dɪˈnjuːdɪd] adj.剥蚀的) epithelium ([ˌepɪ'θiːlɪəm] n.【生】上皮).

16. gastric empty 胃的排空 Gastric (['ɡæstrɪk] adj.胃的) emptying is the process by which the contents of the stomach are moved into the duodenum ([ˌdjuːəʊˈdiːnəm] n.十二指肠).

17. pulmonary aspiration 肺部异物吸入 aspiration [.æspɪ'reɪʃ(ə)n] n. 吸入the taking of foreign matter into the lungs with the respiratory current //problems caused by the aspiration of fluids into the patient's lungs

Aspiration Pneumonia 吸入性肺炎 Aspiration pneumonia ([njuːˈməʊniə] n.肺炎) is a type of pneumonia caused by the accidental infiltration ([ˌɪnfɪl'treɪʃ(ə)n] n.渗入) of food or other substances from the mouth or stomach into the lungs. The condition can be caused by bacteria ([bækˈtɪəriə] n.细菌) that normally reside ([rɪ'zaɪd] v.居住在) in the mouth or nasal (['neɪz(ə)l] adj.鼻的) passages, or triggered by non-infectious toxins that damage lung tissue.

18. positive pressure ventilation 正压通气The term, Positive pressure ventilation, consists of the positive pressure, which means that the applied pressure is higher than that of the environmental pressure. This kind of ventilation is defined differently, in different sectors. For example, in health care, it refers to the supply of fresh gas to the patient at a higher pressure than the normal atmospheric pressure.

19. institute [ˈɪnstɪˌtjuːt] v.建立;实行 // The village sinstituted a welfare system on their own. 这个村庄建立了自己的福利制度。

20. normocarbia or normocapnia is a state of normal arterial carbon dioxide pressure, usually about 40 mmHg.

21. acidemia [æsɪ'di:mɪə] n.【医】酸血症 a condition in which the hydrogen-ion (na.【化】氢离子) concentration in the blood is increased

22. alkalosis [ˌælkə'ləʊsɪs] n.碱中毒 an abnormal condition of increased alkalinity ([ˌælkə'lɪnəti] n.碱度) of the blood and tissues

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