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The Spring Portlet MVC framework provides a complete MVC layer for the JSR-168 Portlet API in the same way that Spring Web MVC does for the Servlet API. Wherever possible the APIs and capabilities are the same between the two frameworks. However, unlike most other portlet MVC frameworks, the unique workflow of the JSR-168 API is completely preserved, including the separation of the ActionRequest and the RenderRequest.


The Spring Portlet MVC code is now part of Spring 2.0! You can read more about the M1 release

, the M2 release
, and the M3 release
 on the Spring site. The complete Spring 2.0 M3 release is available for download
. The spring-portlet.jar file from the dist/extmodules directory needs to be included in your webapp libraries along with either dist/spring.jar or a number of the libraries from dist/modules.


Full Javadoc documentation for Sprint Portlet MVC is available along with the normal Spring Javadocs. You can see the Spring Portlet MVC Javadocs for 2.0 M3 here


A chapter for the Reference Manual on Spring Portlet MVC is under development and will be released before Spring 2.0 final. However, if you understand Spring Web MVC and JSR-168 Portlets in general, then Spring Portlet MVC is pretty intuitive, especially once you look at the sample application.

Sample Application

There is a small sample webapp for use with the current framework. It demonstrates a lot of the uniqueness of the Spring Portlet MVC framework and provides a good template for starting a new Spring Portlet project.

The sample is available for download here

. It has been updated for Spring 2.0 M3. It will be integrated into the Spring 2.0 distribution before the final release.

The multiple distributions that were previously provided seem to have frequently caused confusion during deployment. Since it is a good thing to understand the deployment process for your specific portal platform, only the generic distribution will be maintained.

Be sure to review the included readme.txt file for information on installing the webapp into your environment.


All the status updates have been moved over to the "News" section of this Confluence site. The last few postings are listed on the right-hand side of this page.


Please send any feedback directly to me: jlewis -|AT|- unicon -|DOT|- net

Thanks for trying out the Spring Portlet MVC Framework!

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