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2013 上海】66. The volunteer spoke as _____ as she could to make thevisitors understand her.

       A. clearly B.more clearly          C. most clearly           D. the most clearly

2013 上海】67. My oldneighbor Charles felt _______ after his children moved out.

       A. lonely             B. safely             C. angrily                  D.happily

2013江西】68.Ted was hard-working. His success made him work_____.

        A. harder                B.hardest

        C. more quickly           D. most quickly

2013江西】69.She always does very well in the English exams. But she can _____understandEnglish radio programs.

         A. always       B. hardly      C. already            D. easily

2013 黄冈】70. How far is Yuhua Middle School fromhere?

               It’s around five minutes’ walk.

       A. about              B. over               C. more than        D.less than

2013南宁】71.We held a concert in the hall yesterday, Kate sang          among the singers.

         A. good        B. well            C. better               D. best

2013连云港】72. ________ after the explosion happened in a factory inDehui, Jilin on June 3rd, a lot of firemen rushed to put out the fire.[来源:..]

       A. Sadly        B. Softly       C. Shortly  D.Suddenly      

2013随州】73.—Did you go to the cinema to see 3D Titanic last night?

               —No, I ______ go to the cinema.The tickets are too expensive.

         A. hardly   B. nearly C. still      D. Only

2013绥化】74. On June29, 2012, China’s Shenzhou-9 spacecraft landed ________ at the main landingarea in northern China’s Inner Mongolia (内蒙古).

         A. safe                  B. safely                    C. safety

2013济南】75. Tony isnot as clever as Lucy, but he works __________ than her.

        A. hard            B.harder             C. hardest             D. the hardest

2013济南】76. My unclelost his ID card yesterday morning. ___________, a school boy found it and sentit back to him in the afternoon.

        A. Loudly          B. Clearly          C. Nearly               D. Luckily

2013株洲】77. Who runs     Lilyor Michelle?

         A. slow         B.slower         C. slowest

2013长沙】78. —Whichseason do you like ______, summer or winter?


          A. well                     B. best                         C. better

2013淮安】79. —________ do you usually go toschool, Simon?

           —By bike.

     A. When    B.How         C. What               D. Where

2013益阳】80.—_____does your father go tosee your grandmother?

               —Once a month.

        A. How long      B. How soon      C. How often

2013宜昌】81. —______ is the streetcrowded with so many people?

            —Because they are waiting to watchthe boat races.

        A. Why       B. Where      C. How      D. Who 

2013安徽】82.—____________ can you finish this English exam?

               —In about one and a half hours.

        A. How far    B. How often   C. How soon    D.  How long

2013安徽】83.—Tony,__________________ are you in such a hurry?

               —The meeting will start soon. Idon’t want to be late.

         A. where             B. how   C. when           D. why

2013福州】84. — _________ does your cousin go to the gym?

              — Twice a week.

        A. How long              B. How often          C. How soon

2013本溪】85. Most kids would say sportsgames are the ________ things in a school. They feel very excited.

  A. happiest       B. easiest       C. worst        D. busiest

2013湛江】86. —       do you go to the library?

              —Once a week.

       A. How often   B. How long   C. How far    D. How soon

2013滨州】87. —         do you know so much about the UFO?

                 —I usually get the informationby surfing the Internet.

       A.How    B. What    C. Which   D. Where

2013枣庄】88. I got home for my birthday from my college on Fridayevening. No one was at home, and Mom and Dad hadn’t left me a note. This mademe _________. 

        A.surprised        B. happy          C. angry            D. excited  

2013枣庄】89.—_______applesdo we need to make fruit salad?

              —Let me think …We need three apples.

        A. How long        B. How often         C. How much        D. How many

2013孝感】90. —______ have you beenmarried?

                 —For twenty years

           A. Howfar     B.how often      C. how long    D. how soon

2013绍兴】91. You look        .What's up, sir?

                I can't find my ticket, but it's time to check in.

           A. sleepy         B.hungry           C. tired             D. worried

2013绍兴】92.Do you know         Jane visits her grandparents?

              Once a week. She loves them deeply.

            A. how soon      B. how often        C. how long        D. how far

2013荆州】93.—              will Mrs. Lin go to Germany?

               — To see her daughter there.

    A. How                 B.When          C. Why             D. What

2013广东】94.— ________ is it from the village to your farm?

               —About 10 minutes’ walk.

           A. How often     B. How soon        C How long    D. How far

2013重庆】95—_____does your father play tennis after work?

               —Every Tuesday and Thursday.

           AHow often      BHow soon            CWhere          DWhy

2013威海】96.—       are you leaving forBeijing?

              —In acouple of days.                      

          A. Howfar       B. How often     C. How soon     D. How long

2013哈尔滨】97.—How wonderfully you are playing the piano! ___ do you practice it a week?

                  —Twice. Practice makes perfect.

A. How often        B. How many times             C. How soon

2013南充】98. — ________ do youshop?

                — I shop once a month.

           A. How long                               B. How often                C. How far

2013上海】99. —_______have you been in the sports club?

              —Since the first month I came tothe school.

         A. How old         B. How long          C. How much               D. How soon

2013济南】100. —Jenny, Ineed some milk.        

               —OK, Mum. ___________ do youneed?

         A. How much      B. How many         C. How often         D. How long

2013衢州】101.—        can you tell whether a foreigner is English or American?

                —Maybe by the way he speaks.

         A.Why         B. When            C. Where         D. How

2013宿迁】102.Did you sleep well last night?

                Oh,no.           noise outside the hotel almost drove me mad.

A. Too much             B. Much too          C. Too many          D. So many

2013吉林】103. I felt sorry that Idropped the juice on Tina’s bed. But she wasn’t _____ at all.

      A. excited           B. happy            C. angry

2013吉林】104.Johnson failed the teat again, became he didn't study hard and_______ forgot todo his homework.

         A. always            B. hardly ever        C.never

2013吉林】105.  _______ is it fromhere to the museum?

                 About 2 kilometers.

          A. Howlong         B. How far         C. How many

2013阜康】106.I’m really ______ before the competition.

            Takeit easy. Sure you are the best.

      A. cool   B. serious   C. nervous   D.patient

2013阜康】107.Jack, how are you feeling today?

             Much______. I think I can go to school tomorrow.

      A. better      B.worse      C. brighter      D.weaker

2013阜康】108.Western people ______ use Mr or Mrs before their given names.

      A. always     B. often       C. sometimes   D. never

2013宁波】109. What fun The Croodsis!           

            Yeah! I like themovie, too. It's so_______.

         A. boring             B. scary            C. interesting         D. sad

2013扬州】110. Eagle Father was so__________ with his son that he kept thefour-year-old son running in the snow without clothes.

      A. pleased      B. sorry          C. careful          D. strict

2013东营】111.When I knew that China had got her first Aircraft Carrier (航空母舰), I felt excited  and         .

  A.   proud                  B. terrible                     C. nervous                    D.strange

2013东营】112.Though they are far away from school, the children who live in mountains ______go to school on foot.[来源:Zxxk.Com]

     A. ever                     B. always                       C.never                 D.hardly ever

2013荆门】113. The world’s population isgrowing             and there is              land and water for growing rice.

        A. more; less       B. larger; fewer       C. larger; less       D. more; fewer

2013牡丹江】114.--Whichcountry is your favorite, Lin Tao

                  --France, of course. It’s the_______ place that I want to visit.

      A. worst              B. better               C. best

2013黄石】115.I am good at math, but his English is ________ than mine.

A. much better        B. more better       C. very better        D.pretty better

2013湘西】116. Liu Ying is as _____as her sister.

     A. tall                               B.taller                               C.the tallest

2013湘西】117. Where would you like to visit?I’d like to go _____.

      A.relaxing somewhere               B. somewhererelaxing        C. relaxing anywhere

2013盐城】118.Thereisn’t an airport near where I live. The _______ one is about 90 miles away.

A.busiest        B. farthest         C. newest            D. nearest

2013黔西南】 119. The old man is so lonelythat he hopes to know about_______ every day .

    A. specialsomething                    B. specialanything

C. something special                    D. anything special

2013黔西南】120. Remember this ,children . _______careful you are , _______mistakes you will make .

     We know , Mr. Li .

A. The more; the more                  B.The fewer; the more     

    C. The more; thefewer                  D. The less; the less

2013黔西南】121. Sometimes it rains_________in Guizhou in summer .

A. heavily          B.heavy            C. strong           D. Strongly

2013鄂州】122. — Doyou like the western food, Li Li?

             — No, I think the food of our country is______that of western countries.

  A. much more delicious than                          B. lessdelicious than  

  C. not as delicious as                                     D.as delicious as

2013鄂州】123. — Is the price of the backpack very______?

            —No, it ______me only twenty yuan.

   A. high;spent             B. expensive;takes       C. high;cost                D.cheap;spends

2013铜仁】124.__________ do you go to the library?

            —Twice a week.

  A .Howsoon           B.How much              C.How often               D.How far

2013铜仁】125.—What does your brother look like?

               —He is _____________.

  A. fine             B.nice and friendly     C. good            D. tall and handsome

2013大连】126.Who plays the violin _________,Sally or Kylie?

             Sally.But she gave the chance to Kylie.

      A.well        B.better         C.best        D.the best

2013黔东南】127.—Have you read today’snewspaper?

                 —Yes, but there isn’t______________.

        A.new something       B.something new     C.new anything    D.anything new

 2013沈阳】128.Ahuman brain can do some things, such as creating new ideas, _______ than acomputer.

       A.worse            B.better        C.slower         D.later         

 2013青岛】129.—Howdo you like the scarf?

                 —Very much. It feels____________.

        A.hard         B.sweet          C.cool         D.soft

2013茂名】130. ________ you hit the horse, _______ it will go.

       A.hard; fast          B.The hard; the fast         C.The harder; the faster

2013天水】131. —______ do you holda sports meeting in your school?

                —Once a year.

       A.How often      B.How far       C.How long       D.How soon

2013佛山】132. Theteacher is wise enough to explain the most question in _________ way.

     A.simple         B.simple           C.the simplest

2013佛山】133.People care lot about food safety, for they want to eat ___________.

     A.health           B.healthy           C.healthily


Translator & Teacher

facebook: joan.mao.91



Life in France & China

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 French & Japanese

Email: maojoan@qq.com

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