




Figure1: Bone exposure below muscle outlining two part craniotomy outlining position of burr holes and cut lines in bone. 

图1 暴露颅骨后,初步勾勒出两部分颅骨切开的手术轮廓,勾勒出钻孔位置和切割线的位置。

Figure2: Surgical simulation photographs illustrating the position of the two-part pterional craniotomy. 


Right pterional approach. After a wide skin flap, the temporal fascia was carefully dissected to preserve both facial and supraorbital nerves. The temporal muscle was incised 1 cm from its attachment along the superior temporal line to leave a muscle cuff in order to ease closure and optimize postoperative muscle function. The first part pterional craniotomy (Green) was performed first. Then, the complimentary second part sphenoidal craniotomy (Orange) is removed using foot plate under direct view.

A 右翼点入路 在广泛的皮瓣后,仔细解剖颞筋膜,以保留面部和眶上神经。沿颞上线从颞肌附着处切开1 cm,留下一个肌肉袖,以减轻肌肉萎缩和优化术后肌肉功能。首先行部分翼点开颅术(绿色)。然后,第二部分蝶骨开颅术(橙色)在直视下用铣刀摘除。

Detail of the right classic McCarty Keyhole and relative position of the frontal burr hole for the two-part pterional craniotomy. The McCarty Keyhole has been performed to show the limit between the orbital and intracranial compartments. The exocranial facet of the sphenoid bone has been identified (Dotted line) and the frontal (White circle number one) and temporal (White circle number two) burr holes have been identified.

B 右侧经典McCarty关键孔的细节和翼点开颅术的额部钻孔的相应位置。McCarty关键孔被用来显示眼眶和颅内间隔之间的界限。蝶骨的外颅面已被识别(虚线),额叶(白色圆圈1号)和颞部(白色圆圈2号)的钻孔部位已被识别。

Figure3: Frontal burr hole and second burr hole positions.

Frontal burr hole for anterior fossa is behind standard standard key-hole. Second burr hole posteriorly in squamous temporal bone.

图3: 前钻孔和后钻孔的位置。



Figure4: Skull photographs illustrating the two-piece pterional craniotomy.

A: Left exocranial view of the skull showing the modified bone flaps in the two part pterional craniotomy. First part (green) and the second part craniotomy (Orange).

B: Right endocranial view of the skull showing the relation of the craniotomy sub-parts to the petrous temporal bone, lesser sphenoid wing and orbit. The modified Keyhole (Green circle) is placed posterior and superior to the classic pterional keyhole. 




Figure5: Recommended sequence of cuts with footplate.

(1) begin in temporal burr hole and cut in curvilinear fashion to supra-orbital margin, then back out.

(2) From frontal burr hole cut forward towards keyhole and then turn up towards supra-orbital margin, pivoting drill so footplate does not hang up on inner table of frontal bone above roof of orbit.

(3) From frontal burr hole cut posteriorly around back edge of sphenoid wing, then forward below wing into middle fossa turning back at end into temporal burr hole.





Figure6: First part pterional bone piece removed showing V-shaped cut around lateral sphenoid wing. 


Figure7: Extradural dissection begins over roof of orbit working backwards to sphenoid wing.

Once wing identified dura dissected off to dural fold over lateral aspect of superior orbital fissure. Then dura below wing to anterior limits of middle fossa dissected.




Figure8: Final bone cut begins on temporal side cutting to anterior limits of middle fossa (4). Then drill is rotated (5) towards the sphenoid wing.


Figure9: Under direct vision from above footplate is advanced passing under sphenoid wing just lateral to the dural reflection (6). 


Figure10: Once footplate passes the sphenoid ridge drill is turned anteriorly and cut is directed parallel to roof of orbit directly towards keypoint (7). 


Figure11: Final exposure after second part pterional craniotomy that has not required any drilling of lateral sphenoid wing. 



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