



译者 :李林治




After the bombing, several posts of fake victims went viral. We look at the disturbing trend that keeps fooling social media


本文选自 The Guardian | 取经号原创翻译

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The tweets usually go something like this.


“My son was in the Manchester Arena today he’s not picking up my call”


“Help my sister is missing in #Munich, she was working in Mcdonalds when the shooting started”


“My sister was in #Nice near the accident, please help, my mama is crying”


The posts all have something in common – they were all sent after an attack in a European country and were all fake. Attached to each was a picture of someone who wasn’t at the scene; some weren’t even in the same country. 


In the wake of the Manchester attack, family members of people genuinely caught up in Monday night’s terror searched desperately for news of their loved ones. Many turned to social media. Collages of the missing were created by people who wanted to help.


In the wake of: 随着…而来;作为…的结果 If one thing follows in the wake of another, it happens after the other thing is over, often as a result of it.

But as their posts went viral, so did the hoaxes. And this time, some ended up being published by major news outlets in the media scramble which traditionally follows a terrorist attack.


scramble: / ?skr?mbl; ˋskr?mbl/ n ~ (for sth) rough struggle (to get sth) 争夺; 抢夺: There was a scramble for the best seats. 大家都在抢最好的座位. 

‘I felt violated’


Rachel Devine had just come out of surgery when she received a message from a friend asking if her daughter Gemma was OK. Someone had seen a post claiming she was at the concert. 

瑞秋·迪瓦恩(Rachel Devine)刚结束手术就收到一条消息:朋友问她的女儿嘉玛(Gemma)是否安全。有人看到一条推特说她女儿在那场演唱会。

This was strange, because Devine knew Gemma was not in Manchester; she was at her school in Melbourne, Australia. 


“I was actually recovering from surgery so unable to respond quickly,” Devine said. “I can only assume that in the rush to get ‘the story’, news producers found the image and plea for help and ran with it. Her face was all over the Daily Mail in their ‘breaking coverage’.”


Gemma’s picture was included in the collages of victims which Devine said she had seen everywhere, even on the Facebook pages of Australian breakfast TV shows. 


collages: (用彩色纸片、布块粘贴而成的)拼贴画 A collage is a picture that has been made by sticking pieces of coloured paper and cloth onto paper.

“Gemma was initially confused, as one can imagine,” said Devine. “She is only concerned about the people who were actually lost in the tragedy and their families, and that people understand that she had absolutely nothing to do with the false spread of her image.”


A tweet using Gemma Devine’s image claims she was in Manchester, even though she lives in Australia. Photograph: Rachel Devine


As a blogger, Devine said she was used to people stealing her images and those of her children. “I often hear from ‘trolls’ about how terrible I am to expose my children to such risks by sharing their images online or allowing my kids to share their own images online, but my family will not live our life in fear.



“That is our choice on how we will experience life and connect with others.”


Meanwhile, in Ohio, Karen Bowersox was watching in horror as the retweets racked up of a photo of a young boy who had modelled for her clothing range for children with Down’s syndrome. 

与此同时,俄亥俄州的凯伦·鲍尔索克斯(Karen Bowersox)提心吊胆地看着一则推特被不断转发,推特中的男孩是她服装品牌的小模特,该品牌会为唐氏综合症的孩子设计服装。

racked up: (商业上)大量获得(利润),遭受(严重损失),热销;(体育中)获胜,得(分)If a business racks up profits, losses, or sales, it makes a lot of them. If a sportsman, sportswoman, or team racks up wins, they win a lot of matches or races.

A fake social media post of a model for Karen Bowersox’s company Down’s Designs. Photograph: Twitter


“I have this loving business and then someone takes this beautiful little child’s picture and exploits this child,” she said. “I tried to call the mother but I couldn’t get a hold of her. I’m worried about how she must be feeling about all that.”


get a hold of: 设法和…取得联络 If you get hold of someone, you manage to contact them

Bowersox said she received calls and emails from people who believed she was responsible for the post. “There was one from this lady who said she was going to report our website, she thought probably it was our company or something that had done this.


“I sent her a nice explanation and explained the picture was out there and we certainly had nothing to do with exploiting this little boy. I felt terrible, just terrible.”


Her other concern was that people would use this image to try to set up fraudulent fundraising accounts. “This guy could have maybe got money for all this, saying ‘my poor brother’. He could have elaborated a very intense story over this had people not found out.”


fraudulent /?fr??dj?l?nt US ?fr??d??-/ adj intended to deceive people in an illegal way, in order to gain money, power etc 欺诈性的

Bowersox and Devine’s immediate thoughts were of the real victims and their family members. “I am heartbroken for those parents who were doing something fun for their kids by taking them to Ariana Grande’s show and were left with such tragedy,” said Devine.


It’s tricky trying to get some of the posters to talk. 


A hoax tweet attempting to claim a YouTuber was a victim of the Manchester attacks. Photograph: Twitter


One person did agree to explain the thinking behind this form of trolling. 


@Gamergateantifa told the Guardian it was mainly about fooling the media. “It has become sort of a competition of who can fool the news. The only way to give it enough ‘credibility’ is to fool a lot of people.”


The trend started, @Gamergateantifa claims, with a well-known hoax involving Sam Hyde, a comedian with a history of pranks. Social media users would use photos of him after any breaking news involving a shooting or a terrorist attack, usually attempting to fool the media into thinking he was the perpetrator

@Gamergateantifa 称,这种潮流始于一场有关山姆·海德(Sam Hyde)的著名恶作剧。他是一个长期以来被捉弄的喜剧演员。社交媒体用户会在任何枪击或恐怖袭击事件突发后,使用他的照片,通常为了戏弄媒体,让其相信他是罪犯

perpetrator /?p??p?tre?t? US ?p??rp?tre?t?r/ n [C] formal someone who does something morally wrong or illegal 犯恶者,作恶者

“People see something on social media and instantly think it’s true. Let’s say you saw a tweet, would you take a look at my profile first before making any decisions about spreading it?


If you did, you would find out I was lying instantly.”


 “But the thing is, when this kind of thing stops happening is when the people or the media start doing basic research. Can’t say that’s a bad deal.”


After every suspected terror attack for at least the last year, posts attempting to claim prominent internet celebrities or journalists are either a perpetrator or victim have appeared on Twitter.


It hasn’t been limited to terrorist attacks, either. After the EgyptAir crash in May 2016, the BBC reported on hoax victim posts, most of which originated in Mexico. Hoaxers later told journalists they used one man’s photo because he had cheated them out of money. “Our goal is to ruin his reputation. We want the whole world to recognise his face,” they told France 24’s The Observers.


Alastair Reid, a social media journalist at the Press Association, said: “Misinformation has become a regularly discussed topic over the last six months.

一名英国国家通讯社社交媒体记者阿拉斯塔尔·雷德(Alastair Reid)表示,“虚假信息已在过去六个月成为了经常被讨论的话题。”

“The groundwork has already been laid for hoaxers and liars on social media. And here we have people exploiting the deaths of children at a pop concert, seemingly for fun. 


“Those circumstances make the ‘fake victim’ tweets particularly sickening.”


sickening /?s?k?n??, ?s?kn??/ adj very shocking, annoying, or upsetting 使人恶心的


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<原文链接:https: www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/26/the-story-behind-the-fake-manchester-attack-victims="">

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