

哥大新闻 | 数字时代下新闻业的未来

Digital Tools Enhance Quality Journalism and Expose Fake News


Technology is changing journalism in ways no one could have imagined when Columbia Journalism School opened in 1912, and the algorithms, bots and trolls that affect how we get news today are just some of the complicating factors in the new information ecosystem.

新闻自动化已经来到我们身边。《美联社》正在使用由Automated Insights公司的一款软件,来撰写有关公司盈利的文章。《华盛顿邮报》使用可以自动撰写新闻的机器人Heliograf,来报道当地高中的橄榄球比赛。

Automation is already here. The Associated Press now uses software from a company called Automated Insights to construct articles about corporate earnings. The sports pages of The Washington Post feature content from a bot called Heliograf, an automated story-telling technology that covers local high school football games.

皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)的一项研究表明,67%的美国人或多或少地会从社交网络上(例如Facebook及Twitter)获取新闻社交网络平台上充斥着来自多种渠道的大量新闻,令读者难辨真伪。“社交媒体常常打破不同素材间的传统界限,并以此赚钱。过去,我们可以区分宣传、新闻公告、新闻报道和广告,但现在我们只有‘信息’。”艾米丽·贝尔在《卫报》(The Guardian)近期写道,她是一名英国记者,也是哥伦比亚大学陶氏数字新闻中心(Columbia’s Tow Center for Digital Journalism)的创始主任

And according to the Pew Research Center, 67 percent of Americans get at least some of their news from social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, an avalanche of news from a multitude of sources that can make it hard for readers to determine what’s true. “Social media has made apractice—and a fortune—out of erasing traditional boundaries between different types of material. Where once we had propaganda, press releases, journalism and advertising, we now have ‘content,’” Emily Bell, a British journalist who is the founding director of Columbia’s Tow Center for Digital Journalism, wrote recently in The Guardian.


Jonathan Albright, the center’s research director, published research last October showing how six now-closed Russian-controlled Facebook accounts spread content to millions of people in the U.S. during the 2016 election campaign. “It was an attack, it was a weapon, and there was no clarity in where it came from or who had paid for it from the get-go,” he said.


The availability of massive datasets has created a new kind of journalism, with benefits as well as risks. “You can discover patterns, correlations and maybe even causal relationships that would be impossible to do manually,” said Jeannette Wing, the Avanessians Director of Columbia’s Data Science Institute and a professor of computer science. But there are pitfalls as well, she added, because there may be social bias in constructing the models used to analyze the information coming in.


Starting this summer, the Journalism School will offer a three-semester master’s degree in data journalism, with courses in the foundations of computing, database management and using algorithms to build a narrative. It is one of several initiatives by the school, many of them interdisciplinary, to prepare students for the digital future. The first, in 2011, was a dual-degree master’s program in journalism and computer science with Columbia Engineering.

“我们生活中的太多东西、太多经验都正被转化为数据,”马克·汉森说道,他是布朗媒体创新研究所(Brown Institute for Media Innovation)的(美国)东海岸地区负责人,该研究所由哥大新闻学院和斯坦福工程学院共同出资建立,“现在非常重要的事情是,我们需要确保即将毕业的记者们接受过数据方面的训练。每个人都应知道如何编程,哪怕只会一点点,以便更好地理解那些为我们处理信息的系统”最近,布朗媒体创新研究所帮助哥伦比亚大学建筑、规划与保护研究生院(Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation of Columbia University)设立了一门课程,教授学生利用地图作为报道工具,并利用它组织构建知识。同时,哥大新闻学院和计算机科学系联合将开办一个暑期项目,训练学生利用数据、编程和算法提升新闻写作能力。“这就是身处世界级研究机构的好处。”汉森说道。

“So much of the world around us, so much of lived experienceis being transformed into data,” said Mark Hansen, east coast director of the Brown Institute for Media Innovation, a joint venture of the Journalism School and Stanford’s School of Engineering. “It is extremely important now that we make sure the journalists graduating have some training in data. Everybody ought to know how to code, even a little, to better understand how the systems we rely on to bring us information work.”  Recently, the Brown Institute helped develop a course with the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation that teaches students how to use maps as a reporting tool and as a way to structure and organize knowledge. And a joint summer program offered by the Journalism School and the Department of Computer Science will offer hands-ontraining in using data, code and algorithms to enhance storytelling. “It’s the benefit of being part of a world-class research institution,” said Hansen.

与此同时,布朗媒体创新研究所还为探索新闻从业新方式(的机构或个人)提供价值 15万美元的“魔法拨款”(Magic Grants)。今年,哥大的气候和社会国际研究所正在研究卢旺达因1994年起的内战和大屠杀而失去气象站的影响。哥大新闻学院专业实践教授玛格丽特·霍洛韦则得到了一笔拨款来设计一种算法,帮助记者组织语言,介绍最新的科学研究。她所在的(另一个)团队致力于利用数据,记录纽约市老鼠的活动,该团队获得了陶氏数字新闻中心的资金支持。

The Brown Institute also awards one-year “Magic Grants” of up to $150,000 to explore new ways of practicing journalism. This year, Columbia’s International Research Institute for Climate and Society is studying the impact of losing weather stations after Rwanda’s 1994 civil war and genocide. Marguerite Holloway, a professor of professional practice at the Journalism School, received a grant to develop an algorithm to help journalists put new scientific research in the proper context. She also is part of a team that received funding from the Tow Center to use data to chronicle the movement of New York City’s rats.


Columbia also is partnering with five other universities in New York City to support and defend journalism and independent news media, starting with an event in spring on media innovation and entrepreneurship that will bring together graduate students in journalism, design, engineering and technology. Each of the participating schools will have workshops and a lecture series featuring leaders in the media and technology industries. The abundance of news today doesn’t mean people are better informed, said Albright.


Rather, it can create echo chambers as people read only stories they agree with and may be used to circulate propaganda. Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, whose business model depends on advertising revenue, disrupt the direct link between news organizations and their audience. “What it’s done is turn news into a commodity to capture people’s personal data,” he said. “In many cases stories are written specifically to make people angry, to cause a reaction and get people to come to that site.


“It’s important to communicate the value of the core tents of journalism, why trusted sources are good and why human critical thinking is good,” Albright said. “A lot of the things that are going to reach us will be determined by things that aren’t human.”

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