

关注 | 美国政府对科学发展的不利举措

New Tracker Keeps Tabs on Government Attacks on Science

2018年1月20日,哥伦比亚大学法学院的萨宾气候变化法律中心和美国气候科学法律辩护基金会正式启动在线项目——Silencing Science Tracker(噤声科学记录表)。该项目旨在跟踪记录美国政府限制科学家进行有关环境、公共卫生、气候等领域内的工作的举措,包括试图阻碍或禁止科研、教育、讨论、及刊物出版。该项目发布时,恰值美国总统特朗普就职一周年。

Columbia Law School’s Sabin Center for Climate Change Law and the Climate Science Legal Defense Fund have launched a new online resource to track actions by the government to silence scientists working on environmental, public health and climate issues. The launch of the Silencing Science Tracker coincides with the first anniversary of President Donald Trump’s inauguration, on January 20, 2017. The tracker is aimed at documenting government attempts to restrict or prevent scientific research, education, discussion or publication. 



It currently contains 96 entries drawn from media reports, and links to other resources that complement the database. The tracker organizes attacks into specific categories: government censorship (currently 41 entries); personnel changes (20); budget cuts (15); self-censorship (11); bias and misrepresentation (8); and research hindrance (5). (Some entries are listed under more than one category.)



The largest number of anti-science actions taken so far were by the Environmental Protection Agency (28 percent of the total), followed by the departments of the Interior (18 percent) and Energy (13 percent). The tracker will be updated on an ongoing basis. It currently records only federal government actions, but state-level actions will be added in the future.



Some of the actions have been widely reported; others have received relatively little attention. Among those noted:


  • 2017年12月,美国疾病控制和预防中心的官员收到了一份关于预算文件中禁止使用的词汇和短语清单,其中包括“胎儿”、“以证据为基础”和“以科学为依据”。

In December 2017, officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were given a list of words and phrases forbidden for use in budget documents, including “fetus,” “evidence-based” and “science-based.”


  •  2017年12月,美国国家科学院、医学院和工程学院被要求停止对近海天然气和石油钻井安全性的研究,该研究旨在从过去发生的灾难性石油泄漏事故中总结经验教训。

In December, the National Academies of Sciences, Medicine and Engineering were told to halt a study of offshore gas and oil drilling safety, part of an effort to implement lessons learned from past disastrous oil spills.


  • 2017年11月,美国内政部长莱恩·辛克对美国约书亚树国家公园的负责人表示谴责,只因其发布了两条提及气候变化的推特。

In November, Secretary of Interior Ryan Zinke reprimanded the superintendent of Joshua Tree National Park for sending out two tweets mentioning climate change.


  • 2017年10月,一名原化工行业说客、现美国国家环保局官员不顾科学家们的反对,推动解除了一系列旨在追踪多种有害物质对人体健康影响的规定。

In October, a former chemical-industry lobbyist who is now an EPA official pushed to loosen more than a dozen rules related to the tracking of the health effects of various hazardous substances, against the advice of agency scientists.



“When the government ignores science, it’s like a truck driver who wears a blindfold and drives based on what is whispered into his ear— dangerous and intolerable,” said Michael Gerrard, faculty director of the Sabin Center and a professor at Columbia Law School. “The vital work of scientists must be supported, made public, and listened to. When government officials block this, we plan to shine a harsh light.”



Lauren Kurtz, executive director of the Climate Science Legal Defense Fund, said, “Political and ideological attacks on science have a long and shameful history, and such attacks are the most dangerous when carried out or condoned by government authorities. Our tracker is designed to provide a tally of government-sanctioned threats to the scientific endeavor.”


The Sabin Center develops and promulgates legal techniques to address climate change and trains lawyers to help lead the field. The Climate Science Lega lDefense Fund provides free support and resources to scientists who are threatened, harassed or attacked for doing their jobs.


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