


It's 3 pm on a regular Tuesday, and your recusant brain is blanking out and deserting you despite your constant effort to bring it back from its slack.


Why is it still Tuesday? Why does time pass so slowly?


As psychologists have verified it as a common phenomenon among folks with nine-to-five jobs, and are unraveling the reasons behind this strange misperception of time on Tuesdays.


Some mainstream hypotheses are already available while experiments to confirm them are currently under way.



The Time Gap

Research shows that the brain "time stamps" events using contextual clues.


And things that happen in the same context (e.g., while you're at a party) get grouped together in your memory -- separate from things that happen in other contexts (e.g., while you're in a cab going home). The end result is that we tend to remember like-moments as having occurred more closely together in time.


When applied to Tuesdays, the hypothesis works like this: Going into the office on Monday is such a jolt, such a change from your weekend routine, that by Tuesday the previous weekend feels further away than it actually is.


You see, on Monday, you can still easily tap into your weekend memories because you're still in the process of making that contextual shift from "weekend mode" to "weekday mode." 


By Tuesday, however, the shift is complete, and you now have your Monday memories -- the beginning of your weekday memories -- blocking the way back to your weekend memories. And this could explain, as Gholipour wrote, why we feel "a vague sensation of a time gap" on Tuesday mornings.


This explanation is a bit dense. It is hard to get the full picture of it without throwing in a bunch of jargon.


However, the basic idea is that the way our memory works inclines us to believe that experiences similar to each other are also close to each other in time, even if they could be weeks apart.


Along the same vein, events of dissimilar natures become separate in our memory.


It is usually quite efficient of our brains to organize events by categorizing them according to their contexts.


However, when it comes to the case with the Tuesdays, it tricks us into thinking that the last weekend is further back.


In other words, we are likely to believe that it's been such a long time since we last took a break, even though we just spent a relaxing Sunday the day before yesterday.



Memory Overload

A second hypothesis explaining why time seems to move more slowly on Tuesdays: Our brains simply have more stuff to process during the workweek than on the weekend, and all that processing uses up a disproportionate amount of space in our memories.


In comparison to a reposeful (restful)weekend, more information and activities are crammed into a weekday.


During the weekend, we tend to engage in relaxing, predictable behavior (e.g., watching TV, going out to dinner, and so on). During the work week, on the other hand, our schedules tend to become more complex and less predictable. We have emails to read. Emails to write. Assignments to complete. Meetings to attend. 

在周末,我们倾向于从事放松、可预测的行为(例如,看电视、出去吃饭等等)。另一方面,在工作周,我们的日程安排往往变得更复杂,更难预测。我们有电子邮件要看,要写。要完成的作业, 要参加的会议.

On Mondays, we're just getting caught up. On Tuesdays, we're in the thick of it.


When your short-term memory is crowded with information, you tend to have a distorted perception of the amount of time that has passed.


Hence, it's possible that our brains generate more discreet memories on Tuesdays, making Tuesdays seem as though they're longer than other days.


One of the most dramatic examples in healthy minds is when people come face to face with death or the possibility of death — situations like a car crash, skydiving, or a physical attack. Of course, this near-death time distortion is subjective and, therefore, hard to measure. But scientists have signed off on its universality by putting people in terrifying new situations. In one experiment, for instance, volunteers who took their first-ever sky dives tended to overestimate how long the jump lasted. And the more fear they reported before and during the jump, the longer it felt to them.


One theory holds that perhaps, in life-threatening situations, our heightened senses give us a higher temporal resolution. This term refers to the idea that when we’re on alert, we may be able to absorb more information than we normally would, as if we’re seeing the world in slow motion. But this doesn’t seem to be the case, as shown by neuroscientist David Eagleman and colleagues and their brave students who jumped from a 31-meter tower in Dallas, Texas. (They jumped onto a safety net, but still.) The volunteer jumpers did feel as if the fall lasted forever, but they didn’t get any better at reading information from their wristwatches as they fell. In other words, it seemed their time warp was more of a retrospective assessment — a memory, in other words.

一种理论认为,也许在危及生命的情况下,我们高度的感官会给我们更高的时间分辨率。这个术语指的是当我们处于警觉状态时,我们可以吸收比平时更多的信息,就好像我们看到的是慢动作的世界。但事实似乎并非如此,神经学家大卫·伊格尔曼(David Eagleman)及其同事和他们勇敢的学生从德克萨斯州达拉斯的一座31米高的塔楼上跳下时就证明了这一点。(他们跳到了安全网上,但仍然如此。)志愿者跳伞者确实感觉到好像跌倒会永远持续下去,但他们在跌倒时并没有更好地阅读手表上的信息。换句话说,他们的时间偏差似乎更多的是一种回顾性评估——换句话说,是一种记忆。

It’s tempting to complain about Tuesdays, not to mention the brain’s apparent vulnerability to time distortion


But to do so is to neglect the fact that the brain actually does an amazing job keeping track of time down to milliseconds, something central to all of its vital functions.


 “You can think of the brain as a time machine. The fundamental structure of brain function is very dynamic, but it has specific time constants that you just can’t violate. The extent to which information can be encoded is not going to be widely variable,” van Wassenhove said. “But your apprehension of this information in moments, surrounded by emotions and attention, can vary a lot.”

van Wassenhove说:“你可以把大脑看作一台时间机器。大脑功能的基本结构是动态的,但它有特定的时间常数,你不能违背。信息编码的程度不会有很大的变化。”。“但是你在不同情绪和注意力下对这些信息的理解可能会有很大的不同。”

Since Tuesdays are so dreadful(foul), is there anything we can do to assuage this negative experience?


Experts recommend that we play down the negativity by becoming more mindful of the fact that time doesn't slow down even if we might feel otherwise.


Merely pacing ourselves at work could help since it avoids jam-packing our brains with an overload of information.


You might also arrange some fun activities after work on Tuesday and turn it into a ritual. That can make this day a little less miserable than it already is


So there you have it: Two possible explanations for why Tuesday feels like the longest day of the week. What's a marketer to do with this information?


Well, knowledge is power. And while we can't offer you an insta-cure for the Tuesday blues, the hope is that this insight will help you focus less on the passing of time, and more on the work that needs to get done. 


Happy Tuesday!

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