





















    1. “低碳生活”的重要性;

    2. 怎样才能做到“低碳生活”。


    1. 词数100左右;

    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


Dear Peter,

    Thank you for your last letter. Now I'd like to tell you my opinion.

    Nowadays, the environmental pollution is becoming a global problem. As a student, I want to save energy, reduce pollution and have a Low-carbon life.

    Firstly, I will save water by turning off the tap when I brush my teeth. Secondly, I will save electricity by turning off the lights ,computers and fans when leaving the room. Thirdly, I make full use of my things and reduce the possibility of buying the things which I don't need.

    Do you agree with me? I wish more and more students can be aware of this problem and try to do what we can to make the earth more and more beautiful.

    Looking forward to your reply.


                                                                  Li Hua

佛山市南海区西樵镇南海执信中学  雷霜

假定你是李华,你和你的留学生朋友Eric约定好下周日一起参加市里举办的中国国画展(traditional Chinese painting),但你因故不能赴约。请给他写封邮件,内容包括:

    1. 表示歉意;

    2. 解释原因。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

           2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


Dear Eric,

    I feel terribly sorry that I can’t attend the traditional Chinese painting exhibition to be held next Sunday with you. Therefore, I’m writing to apologize to you, wishing you can generously forgive my impolite behavior.

    So addicted to traditional Chinese paintings are you that I guess you must be disappointed for I fail to keep your appointment. You know it is the last thing I want to do. Unfortunately, my grandpa caught a serious cold several days ago due to climate change and he is still in hospital now. My family should take care of my grandpa these days, which is our absolute duty and fundamental responsibility. As a consequence, I can’t make any excuse to be absent. I sincerely hope you can understand my situation and believe I had no intention to break my promise. 

    Once again, I am deeply sorry for any inconvenience I caused and please accept my sincere apology.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

佛山市南海区西樵镇南海执信中学  雷霜


注意:1. 词数100左右;

           2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


Dear Bob,

    Know that you’ve accepted my invitation to the kite flying competition, I feel so delighted. I’m writing to inform you of the specific time when we will meet on Sunday as well as several things you should notice when flying a kite.

    As a traditional Chinese activity, the kite flying competition attracts lots of people every year. In case some ideal places are occupied by others, we should arrive at the central park a bit early. I suggest we meet at 7:30 at the park gate so that we’ll have adequate time to practice. It’s quite pleasant to fly a kite in a wide, open field with the warm breeze. However, there are also some things you should pay attention to. First, choose a comfortable trainer for you will run for a long time. Additionally, you should attach more importance to the direction of the wind. If the wind direction changes, don’t worry and just adapt to it. I have confidence we’ll fly the highest kite.

     It is my sincere hope that you will have a great time and words can hardly express my excitement about flying a kite with you. Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

佛山市南海区西樵镇南海执信中学  雷霜


    1. 表示祝贺;

    2. 赞赏与评价;

    3. 对他的祝愿。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

           2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


Dear Henry,

    Excited to hear the host announce that you won the first prize in the competition of singing Chinese songs intended for foreigners on TV, I’m writing to express my congratulations to you.

    On the stage, you are like a shining star. Through beautiful songs, you expressed your passion to China and left a deep impression on audience. Every note of your songs convey the intimate friendship with Chinese people. What makes me most impressed is your perfect Chinese pronunciation, which definitely add a lot of color to your performance. Just as the old saying goes, “No pains, no gains”. I know you practice speaking Chinese everyday and no wonder you have made such great progress. It’s your hard work and persistence that made you succeed. I’m so proud of you. 

    Congratulations once again and I hope your future will be successful and glorious.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

甘肃省高台一中高三英语教研室 段全山

假如你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom 将于7月来华学习汉语,让你帮他在学校附近租一套合适的公寓。请根据下图和文字提示,给他回一封英文电子邮件。


    1. 表示欢迎;

    2. 公寓概况;

    3. 期盼回复。


    1. 词数100左右;

    2. 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。


Dear Tom,

    How’s everything going? I’m glad to hear that you are coming to China to learn Chinese in July. Here I’d like to tell you what I’ve rented for you, which can meet your needs.

    The apartment is on the 5th floor in a building, which lies at the corner of Xinhua Road and Qingnian Road. It’s a small flat of 25 square meters, with a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen. In the bedroom there is a bed, a sofa, a desk and a chair. The rent is 500 Yuan per month. It is convenient for you to live here, because on the opposite is just our school. In addition, both a supermarket and a bus stop are within 10 minutes’ walk from it. I’m sure you’ll like the apartment and the surroundings. If you have any other requests, please don’t hesitate to let me know. I’m willing to offer help whenever you have problems.

    Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua

甘肃省高台一中高三英语教研室 段全山







    1.词数100字左右 ;



Dear Peter,

    How are you getting along with your study? You can’t imagine how much I miss you.   Having learned that you will come to our school to study, I am glad that you are interested in the Chinese course of our international class. This course is especially designed for beginners like you, focusing on listening and speaking practice. There will be only five to fifteen students in each class. I am convinced that you will love it because the course is educational and fun. In addition, you can also take part in some activities and communicate with Chinese students. That will be surely a good chance for you to learn more about China.

    I hope it will be helpful .If you need more information, please let me know.

Yours ,

Li Hua

广州市第九十七中学 庄英如


Dear Li Hua,

How are you doing these days? I have a favor to ask you.

I' m going back home to visit my family this summer holiday. 

So I' m thinking about what kinds of gifts I should bring back from China for them. As you know, my brother Tom is going to get married this summer. And my father's 60th birthday is approaching. It's not easy to buy the right gift for each of them. Do you have any ideas for me? I prefer something portable at reasonable price. 

Any recommendation you could give me would be greatly appreciated.












Dear Anne,

    I am quite busy with the upcoming final exams these days. Anyway I am quite glad to hear from you and really appreciate that you trust me enough to want my recommendation.

    It can be hard deciding what to take back from China for your family since there is a wide range of souvenirs for you to choose. As I know, British also have a preference for drinking tea. After a thoughtful consideration, I strongly recommend you to buy a box of green tea for your father as his birthday gift. Green tea not only tastes good but also is very healthy. It has been proved that it can effectively prevent diseases such as cancer and heart attack. A cup of green tea every day definitely will bring your father good health. Besides, it is a good idea to buy some Chinese knots as your brother’s wedding gift. Chinese knots come in all shapes and a hand-made red knot in the elegant shape of XI meaning happiness is perfect for your brother to wish him have a happy life forever.

    You can buy these gifts either on the online stores or at the supermarkets conveniently. I hope my recommendation will meet your needs and wish you have a fantastic holiday with your family.


                                                                  Li Hua

广东 董军权










Dear David,

    I am terribly sorry to hear that you had a bad cold on the way. I will offer to take you to see a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine.

    TCM has the advantage of making good use of natural herbs that have no side effects. Luckily, I know a doctor, Mr. Huang, who works in Hua Tuo Hospital at Heping Road. He has had nearly 35 years’ work experience on Chinese medicine and is good at treating various diseases. I plan to meet you at the train station on Friday morning and drive you directly to visit him. I am convinced that he will be able to help you a lot.

    I hope you will get well soon.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

广州市广大附属实验学校  张文卓






    1. 词数100左右;

    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am LiHua, a middle school student from China. Occasionally learning from the Internet that an AI project will be set up on July by your university, in which volunteers from different areas are needed. Therefore, being greatly addicted to it, I am writing to apply for it with sincerity.

    As a 17-year boy, I am old out-going and warm-hearted, and have good interpersonal skills, with which I could get along well with others. Besides, I have accumulated enough knowledge to join in this project. With so many prizes gotten in English speech competitions, I can communicate with those from other countries and attend classes taught in English easily. Moreover, I am very interested in science and computer technology, even know some AI skills, so I am eager to learn more about it. 

    Should I have the privilege to be admitted, I would make the most of the chance to be involved in it. I will be grateful if you could give me a kind consideration. Looking forward to your reply.



广东 肖世奇

      假定你是李华,你的书法班的英国同学Sahna 因为在汉语书法大赛中表现欠佳而心情沮丧。请你给她写一封信表示安慰。要点如下:







 参考词汇: 汉语书法Chinese calligraphy


Dear Sahna,

   I am sorry to hear that you didn’t perform well in the contest of Chinese calligraphy and that you are feeling discouraged.

    Anyhow, as a foreigner, you have tried your best. As the proverb goes, failure is the mother of success. Facing failure, you shouldn’t feel sad and lose heart. On the contrary, you should analyze the cause of your failure. As far as I am concerned, you are not well prepared for it and you need more time to practice more. Chinese calligraphy is a time-consuming art, so what you need to do is spend more time on it. 

    If you want to practice, I am willing to work as a tutor to help you improve it.


 Li Hua

广东 肖世奇

你校外教Mr. Brown对中国乡村生活感兴趣。假定你是李华,请你写封邮件告诉他,你愿意充当向导,带他参观附近的村子。 内容包括:








Dear Mr. Brown,

    I am Li Hua, one of your students. Knowing that you are have a keen interest in Chinese rural life. I am writing to tell you that I am willing to be your guide to show you around some villages nearby.

    As for our schedule, first ,we will meet at the school gate at 8 am. next Saturday. And then we will cycle along the country road to the countryside, so that we can fully enjoy the fantastic county view at the same time. At noon, I will take you to a farm restaurant to have a taste of the special local food. Besides, to help you understand the life better, I sincerely invite you to visit my hometown, an attractive village. I have the confidence that you will have an unforgettable experience there.

    Looking forward to your reply.


                                                       Li Hua

佛山市南海区石门中学 蓝裕勤 

       假定你是李华,你的美国笔友Smith 来信说对中医感兴趣,想来中国学习。请你给他写回信,内容如下:

1. 支持他的决定;

2. 简单介绍中医及其优点。




Dear  Smith, 

    I am more than delighted to know that you intend to learn traditional Chinese medicine in China .  I'm writing to extend my heartfelt support for your choice and share with you my ideas.

    Considered as a crown jewel shining in Chinese ancient culture, traditional Chinese medicine has now been enjoying greater popularity at home and abroad. By learning it, not only will you be able to devote yourself to people’s physical well-being, but you also have a precious opportunity to get a financially rewarding career. Therefore, it is wise of you to learn it.

    Traditional Chinese Medicine has been practised in China for the last 2500years. It treats the body as a whole and it is effective.When it comes to the benefits of traditional Chinese medicine, what’s worth mentioning is its mildness. Slowly though it works, it does less harm to people's health and improves people's health condition. In contrast to western medicine, it is aimed at curing your illnesses at source and helping to prevent your body from the potential health problems. Moreover, the herbs used all come from nature, which prove to have fewer side-effects.

I am convinced that you will not regret making this decision and I hope that you can have a good command of it. Looking forward to your reply!


                                                                 Li Hua

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