





探析1: 词语的复现


1[2020课标II]His son, age 15, who had taken an art appreciation class, thought that there wassomething unusual about the painting with a young girl siting on a gardenchair…He bought a book and was surprised to find a picture of the artist PierreBonnard siting on the same chair in the same ______ as his fathers painting.

54.A. room      B. kitchen       C. hall         D.garden

【名师导学】D。由前文中的with a young girl sittingon a garden chair可知,此处指儿子发现这幅画中的勃纳尔和父亲的画中的女孩是坐在同一个花园里的同一把椅子上garden(花园)是原词复现。

2[2020课标II] It was signed “Bonnato” or so he thought,but when he researched it, he only found “Bonnard,” a French painterhe had never heard of. … They eventually learned that the painting was called“The Girl with Two Chairs.” They       the other painting and learned that it was actuallyPaul Gauguins “Still Life of Fruit on a Table with aSmall Dog.”

A.collected    B. cleaned      C.framed       D. studied

【名师导学】D。根据前提示but whenhe researched it及后暗示learned that it was actually Paul Gauguins可知,他们研究(studied)了另外一幅画,得知这幅画也是名作。researchstudy为同义词复现。

[例3[2017课标I]While high school does not generally encourage students to explore new aspectsof life, college sets the stage for that exploration. I myself went throughthis ______  process and foundsomething...

A. searching    B. planning      C. natural       D. formal

【名师导学】根据前文高中与大学的不同之处在于大学为学生探索生活新方面搭建了平台“explore new aspects of life”可知选A项。searching process 意为探索过程exploresearch近义词复现

4[2020课标I]Ihate lying to the kids. One day they’ll wake up and discover that everything they’ve alwaysknown about windows is a ___48___.

48. A. dream  B. lie  C. fantasy  D. fact

【名师导学】根据空前一句中的动名词短语lying to the kids和该句中的discover可知,有一天,他们会醒悟(wake up)过来,发现他们一直知道的关于窗户的一切都是谎言(n. lie)。属同源词复现同根词复现

5[2015陕西卷]The strange thing was that practically allthe students went to class and very few people stayed up late at night. Only afew people stayed up or _____ class.

A. attended       B. took       C. missed       D. studied

【名师导学】C。文章中or并列内容与上文allthe students went to class and very few people stayed up late at night构成相反的意义该题属于反义词复现

6[2010全国卷]Many old people dont have good ______. Theycant watch TV, but they can listen to music or news over the radio.

A. hearing       B.health      C. eyesight      D.time

【名师导学】C。后文They cant watch TV是空格注释性复现

7[2016课标II]One leadsto a _______, sunny place, covered with flowers and fruits, resounding withsoft, sweet songs.

A. noisy   

B. dusty   

C. peaceful  

D.  dreadful


探析2: 词语同现


8 [2019课标I]Since our twins began learning to walk, mywife and I have kept telling them that our sliding glass door is just a window.Iwonder if ___49___ should always tell the truthno matter the consequences. I have a very strong fear that the lie weretelling is doing damage to our children.

49. A. parents  B. twins  C. colleagues  D. teachers

A最有可能与前提示our twinsmy wifeand I及后暗示to our children同现的单词是parents。句意:我在想无论如何父母是否都应该告知真相。


1. [2019课标III] Thetown square was totally ______, I think almost all the people in the town werethere.

A. new 

B. full   

C. flat  

D. silent

2. [ 2016课标]…I often had crazy dreams in which I was toblame for Millers accident.

…he said to me, “You know, I didnttell you this during the season, but you did fine. Thank you for filling in forme.”

His words freed me from my bad _______.

A. memories   B.ideas         C. attitudes     D. dreams

3. [2016课标I] …theysaw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window. They told her tostay _______ until the emergency personnel arrived ... Larry told her that hehad already put out the fire and she should not move...

A. quiet          B. still           C. away          D. calm

4. [ 2010大纲] It can set up a warm conversation betweentwo people far apart; it can keep a _______ with very little effort.... Andwith that one letter we became friends again.

A. record         B. promise   C.friendship D.secret

5. [ 2016课标] Sitting back in the car on the way to theairport, I figured it all out. Ranis _______— her warm smile, her nods, her Imhere for you attitude...

A. forgiveness     B. eagerness C. friendliness     D.skillfulness

6. [ 2016课标I] Larryworks with Transport Drivers. Inc. One morning in 2009. Larry was _______ along165  north after delivering to one of hiscustomers. Suddenly, he saw a car with its bright lights on.

A. walking      B.touring     Ctraveling    Drushing

7. [2016课标III] Justbefore September, Miller was struck by a car and lost his right arm... I oftenhad crazy dreams in which I was to blame for Millers______.

A. decision    B.mistake   C. accident      D. sacrifice

8. [2019课标I]Mountains are regarded as spiritual places by many cultures. This view isespecially evident on Kilimanjaro as _____gothrough five ecosystems生态系统in the space of a fewkilometers

A. scientists      B. climbers       C. locals       D. officials

9. [2018课标II]Two weeks earlier, my son, Ben, had got in touch. Hed moved to England with his mum when he was three and ithad been 13 years since Id last seen him. Soimagine my _____ Mountains areregarded as spiritual places by many cultureswhen he emailed me saying he wanted to come to visit me.

A. delight             B. relief            C. anger  D. worry

10.[2017课标I]I never felt an urge to ________ any sign language before.

...I decided to drop in on one of ASL clubs meetings. I only learned how to sign thealphabet that day.

A. choose 

B. read   

C. learn  

D. create

11.[2020课标I] Windows and doors have       metaphorical (比喻) meanings. I’m telling them they can’t open what theyabsolutely know is a door. What if later in life they come to a metaphoricaldoor, like an opportunity (机会) of some sort…
A traditional                               B. important    C. double                        D.original
12. [2020课标II] battled untilNicolo finally won the paintings for 32…
“That’s the garden in our picture,” Nicolo’s son told hisfather. They eventually learned that the painting they         wascalled “The Girl with Two Chairs.”
A. owned       B.borrowed      C. sold      D. stole
13.[2020课标I] Since our twins began learning to walk, my wife and I havekept telling them that our sliding glass door is just a window. The         isobvious. If we admit it is a door, they’ll want to go outside…
A. relief         B.target        C. reason      D. case

14. [2020课标III] They’ll have out half the        in the shop, and want the only style you don’thave left in a particular colour.

A. foods      B.catalogues  C. belongings    D. goods


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