


01 lighthearted a.轻松愉悦的
While delivering a speech, we’d better stay calm and lighthearted.
02 far-reaching a.深远的
Our individual behaviors will have a far-reaching influence on the environment.
03 roll up ones sleeves to do sth. 
Let’s roll up our sleeves to make the planet more liveable and sustainable.
04 phenomenal a.罕见的;了不起的
Under my maths teacher’s help, I made phenomenal progress and became addicted to study.
05 authentic a.真正的;真实的;地道的
an authentic painting 一幅真迹画
an authentic account of school life 对学校生活的真实描述
an authentic Anhui local dish
06 get your heart pumping 
Go for a run or hit the gym to get your heart pumping.
Holidays can always get my heart pumping.
07 fascinated a.迷人的;令人神魂颠倒的
The novel is so fascinating that I can’t put it down.
08 shift v.转移;转变
shift one’s attitude 转变态度
shift the emphasis away from hobbies 不再把重点放在个人爱好上
My interest has shifted from Pop to Rap.
09 a double-edged sword 
For children, internet access is a double-edged sword.
10 physically adv.亲身地;亲自地
I’m eager to visit Eiffel Tower physically.
11 heart-stopping a.令人担忧的
We are supposed to take immidiate action to handle the heart-stopping situation.
12 the small stuff 一些小事情
Sometimes, you need to celebrate the small stuff.
13 attach to/be into 迷上;喜欢
I attached to/was into playing basketball when I was a senior student.
14 wake up 打起精神
Wake up and listen to me .
15 wake up to 意识到;认识到
He hasn’t woken up to the seriousness of the situation.
16 be aware of/become aware of/raise awareness of
It’s important that we should raise awareness of safety.
17 aging/ageing a.老的;老化的
an aging writer 老年作家
put off aging 延缓衰老
18 cross ones mind 
You cross my mind every day! 我每天都想你!
19 slip ones mind 滑过某人的头脑;忘记某事
I’m so sorry! That totally slipped my mind.
20 have a mental block 思维中断
I just had a mental block.
21 in-depth a.深度的;彻底的
We had an in-depth discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of on-line shopping.
22 picturesque a.景色优美的;风景如画的
Last weekends, we visited a picturesque village located in the southwest of the city.
23 knowledgeable a.博学的的;有见识的
She is konowledgable about raising pets.
24 crisp a.(空气)清新的
The air is crisp and the sky is blue.
25 be distinct from 与...明显不同
Mice are distinct from rats.
distinction n.明显区别
Now let me share some distinctions between the two cultures.
26 lifelike a.栩栩如生的
The statue was so lifelike that I actually spoke to it.
27 exceptionally adv.非常;格外
The weather is exceptionally fine.
I can speak English exceptionally well.
28 fuel ones appetites 引发食欲
The local dishes taste so tasty that they are certain to fuel your appetites.
29 overjoyed a.欣喜若狂的
My parents were overjoyed when they found that I had prepared a hot meal for the family.

30 worn out a.精疲力竭的
Although worn out back home, I thought the event significant and rewarding.
31 workable a.切实可行的
To enlarge English vocabulary, it’s advisable to make a workable plan.
32 practically adv.几乎;差不多
Superstores are practically empty since people can shop online without stepping out of homes.
33 energize/energise  vt.增添能量
It’s necessary to do exercise on a regular basis to energize ourselves so that we can protect ourselves from being affected by novel coronavirus.
34 refresh vt.
Playing basketball can refresh myself and enable me to live life to the fullest .
Let me refresh your glass.
I’ll have to refresh my memory by looking at my notes.
Messages refresh automatically in the website.
35 account for 是...的原因
Heavy academic loads account for students’ decrease in the amount of physical exercise.
36 hospitable a.好客的;热情友好的
The local people are particularly hospitable, preparing mouth-watering dishes for us.
37 mouth-watering a.令人垂涎的
The local people are particularly hospitable, preparing mouth-watering dishes for us.
38 high-end a.高端的
My brother is very much into high-end equipments.
The young manager works with a high-end computer.
39 bossy a.霸道的
My father is so bossy that I am reluctant to deal with him.
40 be reluctant to do sth.
Many consumers are reluctant to go shopping in physical superstores considering taking more time, parking cars, and possible contagious diseases(传染病).
41 be occupied with忙于
We high school students are too occupied with pile of schoolwork to spend time pursuing our hobbies.
42 industrious a.勤奋的;勤劳的
Our school is a key school with many industrious and willing students.
43 from my perspective 在我看来
From my perspective , enlarging vocabulary is of great importance.
44 several reasons are listed as follows原因如下
Physical economy is faced with tremendous challenges and several reasons are listed as follows.
45 I firmly hold the belief that...
I firmly hold the belief that if everyone does their bit, we can make our environment more livable.
46 do ones bit尽自己的一份力量
As long as everyone does their bit, we can make our city more livable.
47 with ... drawing near
     with...approaching  随着...的到来
With the college entrance examination drawing near, all the students’ nerves are on edge.

48 sbs nerve are on edge


With the college entrance examination drawing near, all the my nerves are on edge.

49 stand up for sb. 维护某人;支持某人
Whenever I am in trouble, my friend stand up for me.
50 chemistry n.化学反应;心有灵犀
My friend Susan is a graceful and caring girl and I have chemistry with her.
Mom and I are always in chemistry.妈妈和我总是心有灵犀。
There is a lot chemistry between Jane and Jenny.
51 light-headed a.头晕目眩的
Staring at the digital screen too long can lead to light-headness and loss of appetite.
52 triumph n.成功;成就;胜利
Only by questioning more and concluding more are we able to achieve triumphs in our life.

53 make remarkable progress 
With Mr. Li’s help, I made remarkable progress in my academic performance.
54 struggle with sth./strggle to do sth. 疲于应付某事
We adolescents are struggling with dealing with piles of schoolwork and loads of emotional troubles.
I ever struggled to understand maths and it was Mr. Li who helped me out.
55 household chores 家务活
If time permits, we can do housework chores to relieve our parents’ burden.
56 applaud v.赞扬;鼓掌
My parents applauded me immediately they saw what I had done.
57 carefree a.无忧无虑的;逍遥自在的
After graduation, I’m going to have a carefree holiday.
58 inspiring a.鼓舞人心的
Our class tutor delivered an inspiring speech yesterday.
59 gorgeous a.非常美丽的;非常漂亮的;
a gorgeous view非常美丽的景色
a gorgeous girl一个非常漂亮的女孩
gorgeous colors绚丽的颜色
The weather is gorgeous.天气宜人。
60 give an account of描述
Our English teacher required us to give an account of an unforgetable experience.
61 feature v.主打;主要特色是;主演是
This 5A scenic spot features picturesque valleys and mouth-watering local foods.
62 have a row with sb. 和某人吵架
I had a row with my father when I was 12 and I have kept a distance with him since then.
63 be forced to do sth. 被迫做某事
This 5A scenic spot features picturesque valleys and mouth-watering local foods.
64 make a heartfelt apology 由衷地道歉
Everybody can do misdeeds/wrongdoings(做错事), but the point is
that we can reflect on them and make heartfelt apologies.
65 pick up选购;淘到
During the annual Singles Day shopping spree(狂欢节), customers can
pick up items in low prices.
66 damage/heal personal relationships 破坏/愈合人际关系
Admitting that everything is my fault helps us to heal pesonal relationship.

67 I feel cheerful that... 我很开心...
I feel cheerful that you'll come to our school on a one-year exchange program.

68 tears roll down sbs cheeks泪流满面
Seeing what I had done, my mother was moved with tears rolling down her cheeks.
69 weather-beaten a.饱经风霜的
Recalling father’s frosty hair(灰白的头发) and weather-beaten face, I couldn’t stop sheding tears(落下眼泪).
70 have faith in 相信;对...信任
Life has its ups and downs. Have faith in yourself and your dreams!
71 not to mention 而且;此外
Not to mention, the Internet is also a source of fun.
72 privilege n.荣幸
As a Chinese student, I feel it a privilege to offer the best voluntary service to our foreign guests and promote Chinese culture.
73 be/get involved in 参加;参与
Additionally, I have been involved in several international exchange programs, bringing our splendid culture to the rest of the world.

74 on no account can we.... 
On no account  can we ignore the importance ofrespecting others and treat everybody equally.

75 sth. will remain in my memory
The experience of working in the restaurant will always remain in my memory.
76 be situated in 坐落于
Situated in the south of Anhui Province as an example of famous attractions, Mt. Huang was listed as a World Heritage Site in 1990.

77 relieve my sbs burden
I washed some vegetables and chopped some pork so that I could relieve my parents’burden in preparing dinner. 
78 play a vital role in
Many information platforms and apps play a vital role in our daily life.
79 range from...to... 范围包括...
The audience will definitely enjoy brilliant singing and dancing events, ranging from folk songs to popular pieces, from traditional Beijing Opera to modern stage plays.
80 arouse students’awareness about...增强...方面的意识
Aimed to arouse students’awareness about protecting the earth, we are going to hold an environmental activity.
81 motivate v.激励
It is my dreams that motivate me to give it my all(全力以赴).
82 step out of the comfort zone
Step out of the comfort zone, and you’ll find that you can broaden your horizon and enjoy a more successful life.
83 practise thrift 厉行节约
With the improvement of people’s living standards, many people ignore the evil habit of waste and think it unnecessary to practise thrift.
84 It’s high time that we should do... 是时候...了
It’s high time that we should reverse this trend, such as turning off lights and taps in time.
85 make up/cler the air 和解
Be active in making up , and you’ll find clearing the air takes not much effort.
86 be/get fed up with 厌恶;厌烦
I got fed up with my deskmate’s constant disturbance, so I requested my Class Tutor(班主任) to separate me form him.
87 dig into 刻苦钻研
To improve your English competence, you are recommended to dig into some grammar rules behind the language.
88 lay a solid foundation for
Enlarge vocabulary as much as possible so as to lay a solid foundation for your English reading and writing.

89 take immediate measures/steps/action


Only by taking immediate action can we enjoy a virtuous circle(良性循环) and expect a bright future!

90 put ourselves in other’s shoes
In bad terms with others, we’d better keep calm and put ourselves in other’s shoes.
If you put yourself in others’shoes, then perhaps you will stop complaining.
91 medium platforms 媒体平台
With the advancement of information technology, many medium platforms such as QQ, microblog, Wechat are becoming increasingly popular in China.
92 be flooded with 充斥着
While online platforms get us informed instantly, they are also flooded with misinformation and twisted messages.

93 adapt oneself to 让自己适应
I hope you’ll adapt yourself to the life here and have a nice time in China.
94 be dying for sth./be dying to do sth.非常想/渴望...
In the future , I’m dying to be a doctor.
95 Should I be admitted by...
Should I be admitted by a medical college this year , I would make every effort to  rediscover the value of Chinse medicine.

96 aroused wide attention and much concern 引起广泛关注和担忧
The incomes of actors , singers , sports stars , media hosts or Internet celebrities(网红) are extremely high , which has aroused wide attention and much concern.
97 address the issue 解决问题
To address the issue , not only should we set income standard for artists , but we should also acknowledge the efforts made by ordinary people.
98 launched a campaign 发起一场活动
Our school has launched a campaign called Practise Civilized Etiquettes, Starting With Me(厉行节约,从我开始).
99 be intended for/be intended to do
Language in Use is intended to check whether students have a solid foundation in vocabulary and grammar.
100 given the circumstance
Given the circumstances, I’m afraid that you have to postpone your plan of visiting me, though I have been looking forward to it .


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