

MultiWii additional HOWTO overview

2022.05.09 黑龙江省

4: MultiWii release descriptions

This post just combines the release descriptions of the last revisions.

Release version 1.9
1.8 -> 1.9
- some factorizations between PPM sum receiver code & standard receiver code
EXPERIMENTAL: integration of direct SBUS receiver thanks to the contribution of Captain IxI & Zaggo
For this, you must use:
- a MEGA board
- the RX1 of the Serial 1 port
- have a way to invert the input signal.
more info here: http://www.multiwii.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=289
EXPERIMENTAL: integration of SPEKTRUM satellite receiver thanks to the contribution of Danal Estes
For this, you must use:
- a MEGA board
- the RX1 of the Serial 1 port
It could be used also on ProMini board with some restrictions (exclusive GUI or Spektrum use)
more info here: https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/show....php?t=1504116
EXPERIMENTAL: integration of direct Serial RX, to command the multi from a Bluetooth+phone Signal for instance.
thanks to Luis

- many optimizations to reduce loop cycle

- GPS main function integration
The code to connect and recognize a GPS with NMEA sentences is here.
currently calculated:
- number of sat
- distance to home
- direction to home
The is currently to control code except a nice working GUI
=> there is no code behind GPS HOME and GPS HOLD, in progress
- PIN A0 and A1 instead of PIN D5 & D6 for 6 motors config and promini config
This mod allow the use of a standard receiver on a pro mini
(no need to use a PPM sum receiver)
#define A0_A1_PIN_HEX

- possibility to use PIN8 or PIN12 as the AUX2 RC input
it deactivates in this case the POWER PIN (pin 12) or the BUZZER PIN (pin 8)
#define RCAUXPIN8 or #define RCAUXPIN12

- thanks to Danal, integration of the Eagle Tree Power Panel LCD for configuration
it's an I2C LCD that should be very convenient for the ProMini because it doesn't require the unique Serial Port

- all in one FC:
QUADRINO_ZOOM board integration
MINIWII : Jussi's MiniWii Flight Controller
- sensor boards:
SIRIUS600 // Sirius Navigator IMU using the WMP for the gyro
CITRUSv1_0 // CITRUSv1 from qcrc.ca
- ATAVRSBIN1 mag direction correction (http://www.multiwii.com/forum/viewto...start=60#p4950)

- no need to define anymore PROMINI or MEGA in the sketch:
this information is grabed form the board selection in Arduino IDE

- LEVEL drift problem:
the root of this problem was identify (at least partly).
Several options to try to solve it:
- adding a #define TRUSTED_ACCZ for those who have huge ACC Z variations when some throttle is applied
(it's a test you should do before tructing ACCZ)
//#define TRUSTED_ACCZ -> ACCZ is not taken into account in calculation for small angles
#define TRUSTED_ACCZ -> ACCZ is taken into account in calculation for small angles
- BMA180 init changes to another mode: should help to filter noisy setups

- adding a #define STAB_OLD_17 for those who still encounter problem with the stable code, as the old 1.7 LEVEL code (less elaborated) doesn't seem to cause drift.

- some flying wing code upgrade (thanks to the suggestion of Hamburger)

- ACC added: LSM303DLx_ACC

Release version 1.8
MAIN SOFT: code modularization.
There are now multiple .pde files
The configuration should be changed only in config.h
The files are opened with the Arduino IDE (open one file and the remaining files will follow)
This change should ease more easily the extension of MultiWii project in the future
MAIN SOFT: due to the multiplication of multiwii hardware compatible boards
a first try to manage automatically in config.h the definition of
- sensors
- orientation
- I2C address
for the moment:
FFIMUv1 // first 9DOF+baro board from Jussi, with HMC5843 <- tested by Alex
FFIMUv2 // second version of 9DOF+baro board from Jussi, with HMC5883 <- tested by Alex
FREEIMUv1 // v0.1 & v0.2 & v0.3 version of 9DOF board from Fabio
FREEIMUv035 // FreeIMU v0.3.5 no baro
FREEIMUv035_MS // FreeIMU v0.3.5_MS
FREEIMUv035_BMP // FreeIMU v0.3.5_MS
PIPO // 9DOF board from erazz
QUADRINO // full FC board 9DOF+baro board from witespy <- tested by Alex
ALLINONE // full FC board or standalone 9DOF+baro board from CSG_EU
AEROQUADSHIELDv2 // the 9DOF version of aeroquad shield v2
ATAVRSBIN1 // Atmel 9DOF (Contribution by EOSBandi). The board requires 3.3V power.
It's still however possible to declare individual sensors for a different configuration
If everything is commented (default conf), MultiWii assumes there is only a WMP or a WMP+NK connected.
MAIN SOFT: introduction of a deadband around the stick center
via a #define DEADBAND. (commented by default)
it might help to get some accuracy from RC TX with not accurate potentiometers
however, as it introduces a central deadband, the TX trims are not efficient as before.

MAIN SOFT: new altitude hold
there is now a working implementation

thanks to ziss_dm, the estimation of the altitude is more precise.
the Z ACC is integrated in the alt hold estimation and helps a lot to estimate short term variation
the multi must be nearly altitude stable before the activation of altitude hold.
a dead band is then created around the throttle value.
at every moment, it's possible to still control the trhottle power when the throttle goes out of the deadband
this is not the best implemetation as the multi needs to be quite static before the activation, but it's a good start.

There are 2 PIDS which are separated ans which can be used separatly.
ALT PID: better results are obtained with a P only term (P=4.7 I=0 D=0 is the default value)
VEL PID: it stands for velocity PID, more info here: (P=I=D=0 is the default value)
it should help to smooth every altitude varation

GUI: altitude representation
there is an autoscale feature in the GUI to see better the altitude variation.
So, don't be surprised about the huge amplitude of altitude curve in the GUI.
The altitude is displayed in meter in the GUI.
A normal variation when the multi is not Z moving should be around 0.5m

ALL: thank to Hamburger, integration of a power meter estimator
voltage reading (now available in GUI) and alarm set up.
(see full description and manual in config.h file)
more info here: http://www.multiwii.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=167

MAIN SOFT: thank to Hamburger, integration of a LCD telemetry
very convenient with the TEXT STAR LCD and it's 4 buttons
for other LCDs with no button, implementation of a Telemetry autoswitching
(see full description and manual in config.h file)

MAIN SOFT: thanks to ziss_dm hint, gyro are calculated with more software internal resolution.
This should smooth the overall alttitude.
might not be so good with very noisy WMP copies

MAIN SOFT: more settings are avalaible for the ITG3200 gyro
there was also a bug regarding the ITG3200 initialisation which is corrected => 2000deg/s setting is now used.

thanks to EOSBandi: ITG3200 & ITG3205 Low pass filter setting. (see the according #define in the config.h file)
In case you cannot eliminate all vibrations to the Gyro, you can try
to decrease the LPF frequency, only one step per try. As soon as twitching gone, stick with that setting.
It will not help on feedback wobbles, so change only when copter is randomly twiching and all dampening and
balancing options ran out. Uncomment only one option!
IMPORTANT! Change low pass filter setting changes PID behaviour, so retune your PID's after changing LPF.
see config.h for the related #define

MAIN SOFT: New angle calculation by ziss_dm
it's a completly new approach wich gives a constant cycle time
and a representation in all attitude.
there are some singularity when an angle reaches 90deg. It's normal.

MAIN SOFT: thanks to ziss_dm, there is another way to use the level mode.
no overshoot is possible, but the reaction time is longer
more info here: http://www.multiwii.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=503

MAIN SOFT: code rework: RX rate/expo is now interpolated via a lookup table without any float.

GUI: thanks to shama, disparition of warning messages

MAIN SOFT: thanks to C2po , some more tuning on BMA180 I2C initialization.

ALL: 3 octo configs are now supported on mega boards: OCTOX8 (dual coax quadX), OCTOFLAT+, OCTOFLATX
motor order: PIN 3,5,6,2,7,8,9,10
one detail: the GUI is not yet adapted to display the 8 motors & the according 3D representation on the right

MAIN SOFT: PITCH&TILT camera compenstation with channel 7 & 8 is now working
- must be used with SERVO_TILT option
- TILT/ROLL inclination compensation is still trigged by CAMSTAB GUI checkbox option

GUI: improvment by Hamburger
improvement to the devices list in the gui and that got me to tuning it a bit more.
- list is still too short for my amount of known devices - some vertical space is unused,
so longer box is possible
- on mac, for each bt-device I get two device files:
cu.name and tty.name. using the tty.name is recommended by arduino documentation,
so do not add the cu.name devices to list
- remove leading tty. from names to use limited space for readability.

LCD: improvment by Hamburger: exit without save from EEPROM menu
You can use the LCD quite extensively for viewing values - especially with development versions.
Therefore there is a need to exit the LCD config loop without doing a complete write to eeprom.
The eeprom is limited to only 100.000 write cycles.

ALL: thanks to Cass3825, new optional arming procedure via an AUX switch
this option is activated only if at least one checkbox is checked on the line 'ARM'
the motors won't arm if the copter is plugged while the tx switch is in the armed position.
you must use the switch to disarm position then back to arm position in order to arm the motors.

Another 'feature' worth mentioning is that changes in the switch position are only
acknowledged when the throttle stick is all the way down.
This prevents accidentally arming the motors at mid or full throttle.
One downside is that the motors will not disarm unless the throttle stick is all the way down.

ALL: it's now possible to calibrate the MAG from the GUI (and mandatory for the first time)
once activated, the LED will flash very fast for 30s
you have exactly 30s to move the multi in all possible direction
(one full turn on each axis is sufficient)
There is no order to respect, but it is important to cover every directions.

GUI: introduction of MAG 3 axis raw values

MAIN SOFT: BI-COPTER PIN 6 servo correction

MAIN SOFT: thanks to jevermeister,
the failsafe function of the PPM sum receiver was a little mofified and can handle better
unusual signal patterns with short pulses.

Release version 1.7

Originally Posted by Alexinparis
So the 1.7 is finally here
MAIN SOFT: gyro sensitivity corrected on L3G4200D

MAIN SOFT: thanks to ziss_dm, nunchuk alone integration (incompatible with WMP and seen as a standalone I2C ACC)

MAIN SOFT: bug correction with tricopter for MEGA boards #define DIGITAL_SERVO_TRI_HIGH -> 1<<4

MAIN SOFT: bug correction the mag indication was reversed

MAIN SOFT: small bug correction in angle calculation (conversion rad->1/10 deg)

GUI: thanks to Eberhard, better display of serial ports on Mac OS X and Linux

MAIN SOFT: added a small delay after ITG3200 init to have a better calibration

MAIN SOFT: possible fail-safe deactivation via #define

MAIN SOFT: thanks to zara,
vbat code simplification + low pass filter.
vbat activation via #define.
coupling alarm with status LED

MAIN SOFT: reduce the PPM sum recognition delay between 2 sequences (5ms->3ms). (might be the source of frsky PPM sum

And to summarize, all differences between 1.6 and 1.7:
there was really a huge work on this evolution

ALL: BARO is more precise, but still not perfect (1m to 2m amplitude). Note it's a code issue, not a baro component issue.

ALL: RC channels AUX2, CAM1 CAM2 added. only relevant for PPM SUM stream or MEGA boards.
On the 328p with a standard receiver, only the first 5 channels are recognized.
CAM1 and CAM2 controls are not yet implemented.
ALL: AUX1 and AUX2 switches are fully customizable via a 3 state position.
We can activate/deactivate individually level mode (ACC), baro or compass (mag).
It's a generic approach which lets other possibilities to control things in the future.
With this principle, it's possible to activate permanently the options you want even if you have only 4 channels
(replace the FORCE LEVEL option)
ALL: CAM triger option:
a servo can be connected on digital pin A2 (pro mini) to activate the trigger of a camera
the option can be activated or deactivated via the button configuration panel AUX1/AUX2
#define CAM_SERVO_HIGH 2000 // the position of HIGH state servo
#define CAM_SERVO_LOW 1020 // the position of LOW state servo
#define CAM_TIME_HIGH 1000 // the duration of HIGH state servo expressed in ms
#define CAM_TIME_LOW 1000 // the duration of LOW state servo expressed in ms
the PIN on arduino mega is also A2, but this is not the final PIN mapping
ALL CAM stab (servo tilt) button option:
the servo tilt option can be activated or deactivated via the button configuration panel AUX1/AUX2
ALL: BI COPTER is now a avatar style implementation.
on a pro mini: 9 motor left, 10 motor right, 11 servo left, 3 servo right
on mega: 3 motor left, 5 motor right, 6 servo left, 2 servo right
ALL: addition of Y4 (not tested)
on a pro mini: motors 9,10,11,3
on mega: motors 3,5,6,2
ALL: addition of HEX6X (not tested)
on a pro mini: motors 9,10,11,3,6,5
on mega: motors 3,5,6,2,7,8
ALL: new level mode
The level mode is completely redesigned with a coherent independent trim
There a now a PI control loop for level mode based on angle estimation.
The old auto level strength value was a sort of P only control loop.
With the new code, the I term allows to refine the remaining angular error for a better angle positioning accuracy.
With an RC rate = 1, the angle at full stick is around 45deg => a flip should never happen in this mode.
MAIN SOFT: software trim for stable mode
It is now possible to adjust the trim of the level mode to match the same TX trim used for the acro mode.
1) disarm the motors
2) full throttle (must be >1900)
3) full PITCH forward/backward and full ROLL left/right (2 axis possibilities) will trim the level mode according to
the neutral angle you want to change. The status LED will blink to confirm each ticks.
MAIN SOFT: new calibration procedure
The ACC calibration differs now from the gyro calibration.
gyro calibration: it's still done at each power on. It's also possible manually as before: min throttle+full pitch
backward+full yaw left.
acc calibration: motor disarmed, full throttle up, full pitch backward+full yaw left.
MAIN SOFT: it was in 1.6 but not mentioned. it's possible to arm/disarm motors
either via min throttle + full yaw stick or full roll stick.
MAIN SOFT: anti yaw jump modification for multi with 4 motors or more

MAIN SOFT: servo range for tricopter
MAIN SOFT: thanks to Ciskje, integration of L3G4200D gyro (this Gyro is present in PIPO ISU)

MAIN SOFT: HMC5883 compass integration

MAIN SOFT: compass lock now works
the option can be activated or deactivated via the button configuration panel AUX1/AUX2
the lock is activated 1s after the stick release
the lock is maintained only if the YAW stick in centred +/- 50
In some case, especially with the 5883, the mag must be calibrated otherwise, the direction is not good.
The calibration procedure is not yet implemented.
MAIN SOFT: there was a bug on servo tilt (it came back to zero at around 45deg due to a variable overflow)

MAIN SOFT: thanks to Syberian, a bug was corrected to prevent ACC correction just before hovering.
It could explain some odd flips when using autolevel at the beginning
MAIN SOFT: thanks to ziss_dm, a bug was corrected about the ITG3200: there was a variable
overflow which occured only for high PITCH variation.
MAIN SOFT: thanks to mis_b (MIS), integration of failsafe code.
Failsafe detect absence of RC pulse on THROTTLE channel (standard PPM receiver)
If the pulse is OFF the failsafe procedure is initiated.

After configurable FAILSAVE_DELAY time of pulse absence,
the level mode is switched to ON (if ACC or nunchuk is available),
PITCH, ROLL and YAW is centered and THROTTLE is set to FAILSAVE_THROTTLE value.
This value is dependent from your configuration, AUW and some other params.

Next, afrer configurable FAILSAVE_OFF_DELAY time,
the copter is disarmed, and motors are stopped.
If RC pulse coming back before reached FAILSAVE_OFF_DELAY time,
after the small quard time the RC control is returned to normal.

The fail-safe can be deactivated via #define
MAIN SOFT: thanks to ziss_dm, nunchuk alone integration (incompatible with WMP and seen as a standalone I2C ACC)

MAIN SOFT: bug correction the mag indication was reversed

MAIN SOFT: small bug correction in angle calculation (conversion rad->1/10 deg)

MAIN SOFT: added a small delay after ITG3200 init to have a better calibration

MAIN SOFT: thanks to zara,
vbat code simplification + low pass filter.
vbat activation via #define.
coupling alarm with status LED
MAIN SOFT: reduce the PPM sum recognition delay between 2 sequences (5ms->3ms).
might be the source of frsky PPM sum problem
GUI: 3D copter attitude visualization

GUI: ACC calibration. there is now a calibrate button to calibrate the ACC directly from the GUI
(it resets the soft trim)
GUI: thanks to Eberhard, better display of serial ports on Mac OS X and Linux

GUI: the memory leak bug GUI is corrected

GUI and LCD: D is now positive (to avoid confusion in explanations)

LCD: all parameters are now customizable via the LCD thanks to the work initiated by Shirka.
This first one is still P for both ROLL&PITCH as it is the most used.
LCD: implementation of TextStar LCD tanks to Hamburger & gtrick90 code

OSD: implementation of MIS code thanks to Rurek
thanks to Rurek and mis_b, optimisation of OSD code Serial write is driven by a switchable interrupt,
minimising delay to transmit data
SITE: www.multiwii.com was updated accordingly.

- they are now enable by default
- WARNING if you use I2C devices that don't support 5V.

- If you use a WMP alone: enable it in soft
- If you use a WMP + NK : enable it in soft
- If you use a WMP + BMP020 (5V friendly thanks to its LLC): enable it in soft
- If you use a WMP + (LLC + I2C devices): enable it in soft
- If you use a WMP + direct I2C bus connection I2C devices (not 5V friendly): disable it in soft and use external
pull-ups on 3.3V. note that most breakout boards are built with pullups already available.

Release version 1.6
Originally Posted by Alexinparis
I think it's time to release the version 1.6

list of differences with the 1.5

- MIDRC in a #define configuration : allow to choose another stick center position for specific TX

- Free Flight IMU integrated, designed by Jussi (see specific rcgroups topic). Front orientation = Y arrow
- Gyro ITG3200 integration : note this version uses a different I2C address of the sparkfun breakout ITG3200 board
the ITG3200 replaces the WMP once the #define line is uncommented. Can be used as a single sensor if needed.
- Acc BMP180: thanks to the code of Opie, but I changed the orientation to match FFIMU
it works fine and is activated with mode selection.
- Magnetometer HMC5843: for the moment integrated for visualization purpose only in the GUI. works only for inclination<25deg
- Baro BMP085: it acts as a celling and is activated with mode selection.
Not well implemented for the moment, big jump. To deactivate it, it's possible to comment the #define line
- pullups are now de activated by default, there is a #define INTERNAL_I2C_PULLUPS to activate them.
the de activation of pullups is mandatory for a FFIMU direct connection with no LLC

- support of the following ACCs: BMA180, BMA020, ADXL345. Thanks to the contribution of mgros, opie11 and Point65

- GUI: new buttons to indicate the presence of sensors.

- bug corrected (thanks to Bo): in some case with a WMP + annex ACC,
WMP data was interpreted as NK data yaw jump correction modification (less present)

- remove old way to init motor and calibrate. No more full throttle fear.

- corrected: PIN5&6 switch bug for HEX6 and Y6

- Arduino MEGA integration
thanks to the work initiated by Mariano,
I completed it to be be fully compatible with Arduino MEGA boards (all configs and options).
With MEGA boards like seeeduino,
it's possible to have some config impossible to have with a pro mini: Y6+standard receiver+tilt servos

it's just a #define to switch
#define PROMINI or #define MEGA //Arduino type

The PIN assignment for RC&motors is compatible with Aeroquad shield mega 2.x

PIN for MEGA board, not definitive, Jussi is preparing a shield with a different PIN mapping

PPM_SUM 19 (now separated from RC_THROTTLE assignment)
RC_ROLL 63 (=A9)
RC_PITCH 64 (=A10)
RC_YAW 65 (=A11)
RC_MODE 66 (=A12)
RC_AUX(not used) 67 (=A13)
RC_7(not used) 68 (=A14)
RC_8(not used) 69 (=A15)
I2C SDA 20
I2C SCL 21
FRONTMOTORPIN 2 (on 328p was 3) = servo for tricopter
REARMOTORPIN 3 (on 328p was 9)
RIGHTMOTORPIN 5 (on 328p was 10)
LEFTMOTORPIN 6 (on 328p was 11)
Y6RIGHT(HEXFRONT) 7 (on 328p was 6)
Y6LEFT(HEXREAR) 8 (on 328p was 5)
- a bug seen by Mariano in stable mode (sqrt on a negative number) is corrected

- TILT ROLL&PITCH is now compatible with TRICOPTER configuration

- anti gyro glitch : I re introduced a limitation between 2 reads as it seemed to be more stable. Info from Point65.

- RC rate can be extended to 5. With this option, we should see a more linear response on pitch/roll sticks for very acrobatic setups.

- on quadris we can notice some “yaw jumps” when the yaw is suddenly stopped.
There is now a function to smooth the stop.
If you don't like it just remove the line axisPID[YAW] = constrain(axisPID[YAW],-100-abs(rcCommand[YAW]),+100+abs(rcCommand[YAW]));

- sketch: I added an “advanced users settings” part with a description of some more tunning possibilities.

- If a ACC is present (Nunchuk or other I2C), you won't be able to arm the motors until you do a proper ACC calibration manually.
If the calibration is not done or if the multi is too much inclinated, the status LED will slowly blink every 1s.

The code is on the googlecode repository (see first post)

This code is as usual compatible with everything developed before

including the very low cost setup: WMP only + promini + standard 4ch receiver

Warthox: there is a #CAMSERVO option for you.
this one should work:
activated via AUX1
servo signal on A2
For others, it's a surprise

Release version 1.5

Originally Posted by Alexinparis
list of differences with the 1.4
  • #define MOTOR_STOP
    this is an alternative method to stop immediately the motors when the throttle command is in low position
  • HEX6 added
    motor pin :
    //REAR_R => PIN 9
    //FRONT_R => PIN 10
    //REAR_L => PIN 11
    //FRONT_L => PIN 3
    //FRONT => PIN 6
    //REAR => PIN 5
  • anti gyro glitch : the time we neutralize data after a hard reset is increased. The impact of gyro glitches is greatly reduced. I can even fly safely with a bad WMP copy doing a hard reset every 5s.
  • suppression of throttle rate pid curve: replaced by only one relevant value. PID can decrease proportionally between [1500-2000] throttle position (helps to prevent wobbling in fast translation).
  • internal soft simplification: EEPROM, serial communication, motor naming.
  • stable mode is greatly improved.
  • support of ADXL345 I2C acc. Benefit: the loop time WMP+ADXL345 is reduced, allowing a better stability, comparable to a WMP only conf. Obviously, ADXL345 must not be connected with a with a NK setup.The integration of BMA020 I2C acc should be easy because the code frame is ready.
  • when a NK is detected, the LED blink is much longer after the init step => it's a way to visualize the good detection of a nunchuk.
  • support of BMP085 I2C barometer. But for visualization purpose only. It can't be activated yet for altitude stabilization.
Known issue:
the trim in acro mode is different of the trim in stable mode.

  • if you use a NK or a ADXL345 acc. You must do a manual calibration to see good results in gui
    - stable mode with NK should indicate 0 / 0 / 200 acc values
    - stable mode with ADXL345 should indicate 0 / 0 / 250 acc values
    - If you have a constant +/- 400 values on the graph, the calibration is not done.
  • for the WMP+ADXL345 setup: (+/-BMP085 for curious)
    - D12 +1 diode is used to poser the WMP
    - a 3.3V is used to power the ADXL345 (stabilized alim or multiple LED from a 5V source)
    - see picture for ADXL345 precise wiring
  • to reset parameters to default: just upload an old version and the new again.
  • this version is compatible with everything designed before (WMP only conf or WMP+NK)
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