


Question 老师,还有哪些介词可以学习呢?

Answer今天学习介词最后一个部分, 还有一些介词等和连词一起学习, 就不安排在这儿了。今天学习介词(V), 旅行及交通所用介词: by bus, go to, arrive at 

旅行及交通所用介词: by bus, go to, arrive at


Now people are choosing to travel by train again. Gas is expensive, and driving is tiring. When you go by air, you have to drive out of town to an airport and wait a long time for your plane. But trains go from one city center to another.

American trains are very modern and comfortable. Some have restaurants and bars, some have bedrooms. Trains that go through beautiful parts of the country sometimes have glass roofs. If you travel on a train, you can look all round and enjoy the wonderful forests and mountains.

But I prefer traveling in a car. It is comfortable. And the whole family can sit together in one car.

I.Go by air, by train, 等。. On a bus/ in a car

1 谈论不同的旅行方法用by + air, rail, road, sea,或by + train, bus, coach, car, plane, boat, taxi,  与动词go, come, travel 连用。

Now people are choosing to travel by train again.

When you go by air, you have to drive out of town to an airport and wait a long time for your plane.

2 On可以与不同种类的公共交通工具连用。on a train, a plane, a boat, a ferry, a hovercraft, a train, a bus, a coach.  

(但on也可以与a bike, a motorbike, a horse连用)

In与其他交通工具连用: in a car, a truck, a taxi, a small boat  plane.

If you travel on a train, you can look all round and enjoy the wonderful forests and mountains.

But I prefer traveling in a car. It is comfortable. And the whole family can sit together in one car.

练习I  在句中填入介词;

1 I like traveling ___ air.

2. Many people prefer traveling ____ a train.

II.Get into/out of a car, on/off a train  Go into/out of a building

Arrive in a town/country     Arrive at a place


Sometimes, when you travel a long distance, you need to use different vehicles.

I live in the north of China. Once I went to Hainan to spend the winter holiday with some friends of mine. After I packed my things in a hurry, I got into a taxi to arrive at the airport, where my friends were waiting for me .We flew to Haikou. It took us about three hours to get to Haikou. When the plane arrived in Haikou, it was nearly dark. As soon as we got off the plane, we got on a mini-bus, which brought us to the hotel. The moment we went into the splendid hall of the hotel, the south-style architecture attracted us. In the evening, we went out on foot to enjoy the warm air of the south in winter. Then we thought of a good idea: to get on a train back home—in this way we could get to different towns on the way back home, so as to live through four seasons during one trip!

1 on foot而不说’by foot’

We went out on foot(=we walked) to enjoy the warm air of the south in winter.

2 out of  into来谈论进入建筑物或房间。

We went out (of the hotel)on foot to enjoy the warm air of the south in winter.

The moment we went into the splendid hall of the hotel, the south-style architecture attracted us.

3  to get into ( in)/out of a car, a taxi, a truck, 等。.

I got into ( in) a taxi to arrive at the airport.

4 get on/off a train, a bus, a plane, a boat, a bike, a motorbike.

As soon as we got off the plane, we got on a mini-bus

Then we thought of a good idea: to get on a train back home.

5  get to a town  a country.

In this way we could get to different towns on the way back home.

6 to arrive in a town  a country

When the plane arrived in Haikou ,it was nearly dark.

也说arrive at a place

I got into a taxi to arrive at the airport.

练习II. 在下列句子中加介词:

1 He got … the train and they got … Beijing two hours later.

2 When he arrived … Beijing he got … a bus.

3 He soon arrived … the Summer Palace.

III.Go(have been) to a place, a town  a country    Go/ get home


After that we went back to the hotel. Before going to bed, we had a lot to say. Li said he had been to the south of China several times, and he wanted to go to the west of China to have a look. Wang said he had never been to the south of China before, and hoped that he could live in the south. Only I said that I loved the north of China, and wanted to go home immediately after the trip. And in fact later I got home earlier than the others.

to go to a place, a town, a country, a continent.

Li said he had been to the south of China several times, and he wanted to go to the west of China to have a look..

Wang said he had never been to the south of China before .

注:home与动词go, get, come, arrive, leave连用时,home前无须加介词

I wanted to go home.

I got home earlier than the others.

检查练习III.   完成句子,在必要的地方填介词:

1 Had the truck driver been … Dalian?

2 Had he been … Tianjing?

3 After 12 hours he was … Beijing.

4 He didn’t know how to get .. home.


11 up into 2 out of into 3 through round

21 towards 2 across 3 onto

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