



Answer是的,我们今天继续学习有关动词的一些其他结构。其他动词结构(4Used to

Used to

Frank is now the head of a very large business company, but as a boy he used to be very poor and he used to work in a small shop. It was his job to repair bicycles and at that time he used to work fourteen hours a day. He saved money and worked very hard and in 1938 he bought a small work-shop of his own. During the war Frank used to make spare parts for aeroplanes. At that time he had two helpers. By the end of the war, the small workshop had become a large factory which employed seven hundred and twenty-eight people. He was satisfied with his success and he said he owed his success to his wife .“I used to repair bicycles. But I didn’t use to do any housework.” He said. 

I used to 的形式

肯定式:used to +不定式         

  I (You, He, She, It, We, They) used to go.              

否定式:didn’t use to +不定式      

I (You, He, She, It, We, They)didn’t use to go.

疑问式:did +主语 +use to +不定式 

Did I(You, He, She, It, We, They) use to go ?

1.肯定式要注意词尾的 –d   (used to)

As a boy he used to work in a small shop.(而不是he use to collect)

否定式和疑问式则没有词尾的-d   (didn’t use to/did he use to ?)

I didn’tuse to do any housework.(而不是I didn’t used to do any housework.)


Do you work fourteen hours a day, Frank ? No, but I used to.

Did you use to cook ? No, I didn’t (use to).

3.注意 used to中的-s 发音是/s/to 在辅音开头的词前发/t /,在元音开头的词前发/tu:/

I used to /t / be …   I used to /tu:/ enjoy …

4.否定式用 never used to时,表示加强语气。

I never used to do any housework.所表示的语气比I didn’t use to do any housework.要强。

小练习I use(d) to造句

1 (肯定句) His wife/help him a lot

2 (否定句) She/ repair bicycles

3 (疑问句) When/he/work fourteen hours a day/?

IIused to用来描绘过去规律性的动作。

1.用used to表示过去,而现在又不发生的,used to 还强调行为的反复。

He used to work in a small shop..

He used to make spare parts for aeroplanes..


He worked in a small shop. He made spare parts for aeroplanes.

注意,如果表示过去一连串的规律性的动作或习惯,没有必要每次重复used to,可以用一般过去时代替。

He saved money and worked very hard .

= He used to save money and he used to work very hard..

2.也可以用would +不带to的不定式谈论过去的习惯。当用would来表示过去的习惯时,通常强调动作何时或怎样发生。

He used to work fourteen hours a day..

He would work fourteen hours every day .



1 Does Frank still work in a small shop ?

2 Did he regularly save money in the past ?

3 Does he work still fourteen hours a day now?

4 Did his wife usually help him ?

III.用used to描绘过去的状态

谈论过去的而现在不存在的状态时用 used  to

Frank used to be very poor.

注意:谈论过去的而现在不存在的状态时不用 would。不说Frank would be very poor..

小练习III 完成句子:

1.He / play/ football.  Now /watch/ on television.__________

2.He /stay up till 12:oo. Now /go to bed/ at 9:30.___________

3.He /ride/ a motorbike. Now/ drive/ a car.________________

4.He/ not wear glasses. Now /wear glasses all the time.______.


I  1 An Li seems nervous.    2 Ma Ling looks tired. 

3 Wei fang sounds angry.    4  Lin Ping doesn’t look well.

II  1 It smells like perfume.     2 It looks like a jewellery box. 

3 It looks like me when I was a boy.  4 It sounds like Elvis Presley. 

5 It feels like real hair.

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