


Question:老师,关于used to 和be used to 我还分不清楚呢!

Answer:我们今天就会讲他们的一些区别。其他动词结构(5Get used to.  Be used to

Get used to,  Be used to


The year before last, I got a chance to go to London to learn more English. At first things were very strange. English money was a problem at first, but I got used to it. English food is different from Chinese food, but I got used to it, slowly ! I was also getting used to speaking English all the time. But even till the day I left London I hadn’t got used to the traffic in England. I hadn’t got used to looking right before I crossed the road.

I. to get used to +名词/代词或 +-ing

1.用get used to something get used to doing something表示从不习惯到习惯某事的过程,表示原来生疏或不熟悉的东西变得熟悉正常了。

I got used to English food.(+ 名词)

(At first English food was strange, but it became less strange.)

I got used to English Money.

But even till the day I left London I hadn’t got used to the traffic in England.

I got used to it (+代词 it= English food.)

I was getting used to speaking English.(+ –ing形式)

I hadn’t got used to looking right before I crossed the road.

2. get used to的构成

3.在 get used to后面不用不定式。这儿的 to 是介词,因此要接动词的 –ing形式。

I got used to speaking English all the time.

I hadn’t got used to looking right before I crossed the road.

4Used 的读音为 /ju:st/

小练习I : 

1 Gradually I ____ English food yet.

2 English money was a problem, but after a few days I ____ it.

3 Slowly I ____(live) in London.

II be used to+名词/代词或 + -ing形式


When it was time that I had been in England for three months, another friend of mine came to London. He felt it strange that I changed a lot: I was used to a lot of things that were strange for me. I was used to speaking English all the time. I was used to the English weather. I was used to. having milk in my tea, and I was used to drinking instant coffee. I said to him. “You will get used to the things in London soon.

1 be used to +名词/代词或 + -ing形式 表示对某事已不再生疏。

I was used to a lot of things I was used tothe English weather.

I was used to speaking English all the time.

I was used to having milk in my tea.

2 be used to的构成:

     1. be used to后面不用不定式。这儿的 to 是介词,因此要接动词的 –ing形式。

I was used to speaking English all the time.

I was used to having milk in my tea.


A: I was used to eating English food.

B: I used to eat Chinese food.


A的意思是 “Eating English food wasn’t strange to me any more and I often ate it then.”

B的意思是 “Eating English food was my habit in the past, but I don’t eat it now.”

小练习II:     be used to写句子:

例:get up/6.45  He isn’t used to getting up at 6.45.

1travel/ to work _________-

2start work / 8.30 ________

3wear/ a suit and tie

4sit/ at a desk all day

5work/nine hours a day

6have/money to spend


I  1 His wife used to help him a lot.  2 She didn’t use to repair bicycles. 

3 Why did Frank work fourteen hours a day ?

II  1 No  2 Yes 3 No  4 Yes.

III  1 He used to play football. Now he watches it on television.  

2 he used to stay up till 12.00. Now he goes to bed at 9.30.   

3.He used to ride a motorbike. Now he drives a car.

 4 He didn’t use to wear glasses. Now he wears glasses all the time.

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