



Answer:我们今天继续学习介词和连词(6By, by the time, till/until

介词和连词(6 By, by the time, till/until


Zhang Lili: I must be in Los Angeles by 3 o’clock on Thursday afternoon.

Travel agent: There’s an 11.00 flight from Heathrow but it doesn’t get into LA until 3.15. Is that too late?

Zhang Lili: Yes, I’m afraid it is. My meeting will have started by the time I arrive.

Travel agent: There’s an earlier flight at 9.55. That would get you to LA by 2.20.

Zhang Lili: That’s fine. And 9.55 isn’t too early in the morning.

Travel agent: But don’t forget you must be at the airport by 7.55.

Zhang Lili: Two hours before?! That means I’d have to leave home by 6.00 at the latest if I’m going to drive to the airport. I reckon if I get there by 8.45, I’ll have plenty of time.

Travel agent: But by the time you’ve parked and got a bus to the terminal, the plane might have left.

Zhang Lili: But if I get there at 7.55, I'll have to wait for ages until my flight’s called.

Travel agent: And if you miss your flight, you may have to wait till the next day for another flight!

Zhang Lili : OK then, I’ll stay in bed till 6.00 and leave home by 6.30. Then I’ll

be at the airport by 7.30.

I. By, by the time

1 By是时间介词,意思是 'not later than

I must be in Los Angeles by 3 o’clock on Thursday afternoon  (=I must be in Los Angeles at 3 o’clock or before, but not later, on Thursday afternoon )

That would get you to LA by 2.20 (= at 2.20 or earlier, but not later)

By后面常跟着时间或日期 (5.15, June 1st,)

2 By the time(that) 是一个连词词组,后面常跟着动词

My meeting will have started by the time I arrive.

But by the time you’ve parked and got a bus to the terminal, the plane might have left.

小练习I  by or by the time填空:

1 I think we’ll be able to cross the Atlantic in less than two hours ______ the year 2020.

2 They’ll have found a cure for cancer ______ the middle of the 21st century.

3 ______ I go to bed tonight ,2,000 more children will have died of starvation.

4 ______ my children are 50 there’ll probably be cities on the Moon.

II. Till/Unitl

1 Till or until 表示一个持续的动作或状态在某一特定时间结束。

I'll have to wait for ages until my flight’s called . (= I’ll have to wait before my flight’s called, and stops waiting then.)

And if you miss your flight, you may have to wait till the next day for another flight!

I’ll stay in bed till 6.00.

2 Till until的简写形式。 Till 在非书面语中更常见。

3 Until till可以是连词或介词。

I'll have to wait for ages until my flights called. (连词 + 从句)

Ill stay in bed till 6.00. (介词)

4 By = not later than that time. Until = up to that time

I’ll stay in bed till 6.00(=get up at 6.00 but not before) and leave home by 6.30. (=  at or before 6.30.)

5. Until till短语或从句所修饰的主句动词是连续性动作动词,如果是结束性动词则用它的否定式:

I’ll stay in bed till 6.00

It doesn’t get into LA until 3.15.

小练习II . by, by the time till/until填空


Two men lay unconscious in the road last night(1) ______ a motorist found them at 11.00. (2) ______ the motorist had telephoned for an ambulance, it was 11.15. they promised that an ambulance would be at the scene of the accident(3) ______ 11.30 at the latest. The motorist said he would stay with the injured men (4) ______ the ambulance arrived. In fact the ambulance didn’t get there(5) ______ 11.50. And (6) ______ it arrived, one man was dead. The other man was also dead (7) ______ the ambulance got him to hospital.


I 1 get         2 arrive          3 get   

4 are (you’re)   5 go   

6 call/have called

II 1 As soon as they’ve been developed

2 once I’ve had    3 until we’ve been 

4 after we’ve had

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英语语法:介词from...to, till/until的用法
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