

Unit 6 Module 4单选


1. I don’t want to listen to you. In fact, there’s no point trying to find a (n) _____.

 A. excuse     B. apology    C. mistake   D. fault

2. –What do you think he is so well known at the moment?

–It is the efforts he’s made to achieve complete social ______ that do people good.

 A. custom     B. habit      C. rules      D. justice

3. Those are the facts; what do you _____ from them?

 A. include    B. conclude    C. prevent   D. escape

4. Hearing the sound of her mother’s step, the child turned off the computer and pretended _______ his math problem.

 A. doing      B. having done   C. to do     D. to be doing

5. “Stand still!” the tall man shouted to the group of people. However, only a few ______.

 A. responded    B. followed      C. obeyed   D. ordered

6. The five Friendlies are _____ amazing little family carefully chosen by Beijing 2008 to carry ____ message of friendship to the children of ____ world.

 A. an; the; the   B. an; a; the   C. /; the; the    D. an; /; the

7. Symbols and the things they stand for are independent of each other, yet we all have a way of feeling as if, and sometimes acting as if, there were necessary _____.

 A. connections     B. relationship     C. conclusions   D. visions

8. Later, another type of coin came into use, ________.

 A. there were holes in it    B. with holes in it

 C. having holes in it       D. for having holes in it

9. –Why is the street so crowded?

–Hundreds of football fans were ______ from the stadium.

 A. put out  B. put away   C. turned out   D. turned away

10. –I’ll ask Lin to take the message.

   –She may forget---she’s not very ______.

 A. careful    B. dependent   C. reliable   D. experienced

11. Susan, a biology student, has a particular interest in wildlife. She is curious about how people and wildlife can _____ peacefully in an area.

 A. exist    B. co-exist    C. operate   D. co-operate

12. On the way home, a stranger stopped me and let me have these CDs _____, which made me puzzled.

 A. for good    B. for free   C. for sure   D. for certain

13. I have taught many school children who held the _____ that their self-worth relied on how well they performed at tennis and other skills.

 A. point     B. theory    C. opinion      D. belief

14. This kind of battery costs me more but it lasts much longer, you see. ________.

 A. That’s a good point                B. That’s the point

 C. There’s no point in complaining      D. It’s no use complaining

15. More American people take their troubles with them on holiday, according to a new survey. Although 40 percent said that the main reason for going away is to ______ pressure from work.

A. preserve       B. reduce      C. suffer    D. escape

16. I don’t want to hear what you are saying. It is ______ to me.

 A. no interest    B. not interested   C. of no interest   D. of no interesting

17. –Such is my childhood in the remote village. You can log on my personal website, if possible.

   –_________ Goodbye!

 A. Thanks for your time.                  B. That would be fine.

 C. Can you spare me a few more minutes?    D. Do you have a minute?

Keys: 1-5ADBDC  6-10BABDC  11-17 BBDBD CA


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