

Unit 7 Module 3

Unit 7 Module 3


1. Mr. Hyde had been ______ the company by then. This is the very ______ where he was killed.

 A. in charge of; spot    B. in the charge of; spot

 C. in charge of; scene   D. in the charge of; scene

2. –Wasn’t there anything that _______ you in the magazine?

  –No, it was so dull. I almost fell asleep while reading.

 A. attracted to    B. appealed to  C. was fascinated with   D. showed interest in

3. The twin brothers did give us a great deal of help. They deserved _______well.

 A. to treat    B. being treated   C. to be treated   D. having treated

4. –What does it mean?

  –______ a person is to drink to his health.

 A. Congratulating   B. To congratulate   C. Toasting   D. To toast

5. –Li Ming, the pen you’re using is the same _____ the one I lost last week.

  –What? You mean it’s your?

  –Of course not. I didn’t say “It’s the same pen _____ I lost.”

 A. as; that   B. that; as   C. as; as    D. that; that

6. –We should do much more speaking this semester.

  –I can’t agree more. Only in this way ______ improve our spoken English.

 A. we can    B. can we   C. we do   D. do we

7. The government warned much attention should ________ children’s safety in such occasions.

 A. pay for   B. be paid for   C. pay to   D. be paid to

8. Don’t disturb Catherine. She seems _______ something.

 A. to be thinking over    B. to think over   C. to have thought over   D. thinking over

9. The young lady on the right is hard to _____. You must proceed with caution.

 A. work on   B. work out   C. do with   D. deal with

10. –Was the child hurt badly?

   –Mm, he was _____ frightened ______ hurt.

 A. neither; nor   B. either; or   C. both; and   D. more; than

11. –How did you like the visit to Beijing?

   –________. We had a great time there.

 A. Just so-so    B. I told you so     C. Can’t be better   D. Very well

12. Why so messy? I told you to cut it _____ the right size, not _____ pieces, didn’t it?

A.     into; into   B. to; to   C. to; into   D. into; to

13. –Hello, is Marina in?

   –Sorry, she’s gone window-shopping with her sister. _________.

 A. Can I take a message?     B. Can you leave the message?

 C. I’ll get the message.       D. I’ll send a message.

14. ______ my advice, you wouldn’t made so many mistakes.

 A. Hadn’t you taken   B. Had you taken    C. Haven’t you taken  D. Have you taken

15. –What do you mean by “four identical houses”?

   –Well, ______, I would say “exactly the same four houses”.

 A. to be frank   B. in other words    C. in a word   D. to tell you the truth

Keys: 1–5 ABCDA  6–10 BDADD  11–15 CCABB


随着科学技术的日新月异,机器人愈加智能化。从大型汽车制造厂,到现代化家庭的厨房,机器人的身影无处不在。有人因此预言机器人将会主宰未来的世界。请根据你的了解,并结合下面的漫画,以 “Will Robots take the Place of Humans?” 为题发表一下你的看法。





One possible version:

With the development of modern science and technology, robots are playing a more and more important part. They can do most of the work in many ways, especially the work that may be hard and dangerous for us. In fact, robots are really helpful to our humans.

Some people say robots are pretty clever and they will take the place of humans in the future. But I don’t think so. As everyone knows, it’s by humans that robots are designed, made and controlled. Once, a man was playing chess with a robot. For the first time, he was defeated. Then he changed the programs of the robot and they played again. This time, he won. From this, we can see that humans are cleverer than robots.

Who knows what the robot of tomorrow will be like? Will they make life better and better, or will they bring suffering tomorrow? We students of today will have to decide how to use robots tomorrow.

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