

Unit 2 Module 4

Unit 2 Module 4

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1. Last year some of her sons and daughters tried to persuade her to move to a nursing home, since no one in the family lived close enough to visit her every day. (P14)

[考点] 用作副词时,enough要置于它所修饰的形容词或副词之后。

[考例] Although she did not know Boston well, she made her way________ to the Home Circle Building. (2006湖南卷)

A. easy enough     B. enough easy     C. easily enough      D enough easily

[点拨] 根据句意,可知空白处的词修饰动词短语make her way,故要用副词easily,可将AB两项排除。又因enough要置于它所修饰的副词easily之后,所以D项也是错误的。

2. Alarmed, Allison phoned her grandmother in Scotland. (P15)

[考点] 除了作表语、定语和补足语等成分之外,形容词还可以用作状语,说明主语的状态,通常位于句首或句末。

Ripe, these oranges are very sweet.


Thank goodness. They eventually arrived home, safe and sound.


[考例]         and happy, Tony stood up and accepted and prize. (2006全国卷I)

A. Surprising    B. Surprised     C. Being surprised     D. To be surprising

[点拨] 表示心理状态的动词 (surprise, excite, worry, interest, tire)的现在分词和过去分词形式通常都可用作形容词。其现在分词形式表示“令人……的”,多用来修饰事物名词,其过去分词则表示“感到……的”,多用来指人所处的状况。surprised and happy在句中作状语,说明Tony站起来领奖时的心情。

3. I’m very honored, although it still feels strange. (P22)

Instead of patenting the system or restricting its use, Berners-Lee gave away his invention, making it possible for the Web to grow at a fast rate. (P22)

[考点] it是一个用途很广的词。它可以表示时间、距离及自然现象等,也可代替不定式作形式主语和形式宾语 (为了使句子保持平衡)。除此之外,它还可以用在一些动词之后。虽然无所指,却表示特定的意义。如make it (赶上;取得成功)manage it (成功)hate it (不喜欢)等。

[考例1] As the busiest woman in Norton, she made _____ her duty to look after all the other people’s affairs in that town. (2006湖南卷)

A. this         B. that         C. one       D. it

[点拨] 通读题干,空白处的词显然作made的宾语,而真正的宾语则是不定式to look after all the other people’s affairs in that town。四个选项中,唯有D项可以用作形式宾语。注意:不定式短语作宾语,同时还带宾语补足语时,需将不定式移至宾补之后,在原来宾语的位置上用引导词it作形式宾语。

[考例2] If I can help         ,I don’t like working late into the night. (2006全国卷I)

A. so      B. that       C. it       D. them

[点拨] 口语中,if I can help it多用来表示“有办法做某事或控制某局面”,it在此是固定用法,并无实义。由句子提供的语境“I don’t like working late into the night”可知该句的意思是“如果我能应付的话,我可不喜欢工作到深夜”。


1. I’m trying to think of her name, but my mind is a complete b_____.

2. The newly built h______ will reduce the driving time to the beach by four hours.

3. The player from France was r_____ sixth in the last tennis season, which made his coach dissatisfied.

4. The survey results seem to i____ a connection between poor housing conditions and bad health.

5. Obviously, c_______ were attracted to the restaurant not because of its food, but because of a robot waiter.

6. The wind has lowered temperatures by an _____ (平均) 8-10 degrees Centigrade in the northern part of China over the past two weeks.

7. Maybe I am too old and lazy to start fresh as a computer expert. To me, writing on a computer or a _____ (打字机) makes very little difference.

8. About 60,000 tickets will be available for the opening ceremony for _____ (普通) spectators.

9. –What p_____ (百分比) of school leavers go to university?

  –About eight per cent.

10. To our astonishment, the man lay on the ground, ______ (流血) a lot.

Keys: 1. blank 2. highway 3. ranked  4. indicate  5. customers  6. average  7. typewriter  8. ordinary  9. percentage  10. bleeding

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