


Tomorrow Shining Ahead


Jennifer Paige was halfway down the stairs, her hand trailing lightly along the banister[1], when she turned and went back to the door of her room. Though she knew it all by heart, she wanted to take one last look. Good-bye, room… She lingered[2] over the soft and faded quilt that lay folded at the foot of bed… the window curtains tied back, framing a view of the elm[3] top… Oh, the wide-awake dreams that had often drifted through her head as she gazed out that window.

Not that she was sentimental about such things. Not now. She couldn’t afford to be. Certainly there was no reluctance in her farewell[4]. It was like the brief pause at the ending of a chapter in good book, and she was eager to turn the page. All spring she had waited for this day. Longer than that, really. Finishing high school and going away to school was so much more than just going away to school…

Jennifer went down the stairs again to where her mother and father, strangely quiet, were waiting. Mother was sitting on the little chair that no one ever sat on, her head tilted to one side, and Dad just standing there with his hands thrust into his trouser pockets. The best parents in the world—she knew it—if you didn’t consider the few occasions when they were completely unreasonable about some small matter. Sometimes she wondered if they loved her too much. A twinge[5] of guilt stirred deep within her when she admitted to herself how longingly she had looked forward to getting “out from under.’

“It seems like only yesterday you were starting to kindergarten,” her mother said.

Jennifer had heard those words at least a half dozen times a day in the last week. “Mother, do you realize how many times you’ve said that lately?” she asked.

“I may say it again before you’re on the train,” her mother said. “I can’t promise that I won’t, dear.”

“Be patient with your mother,” Dad said, winking[6]. “It isn’t every day she loses a daughter to higher education and career.”

Jennifer smiled in acknowledgment[7] and then paused. In front of the hall mirror for a quick glance. The dark cotton dress looked just—appropriate for a warm day, serious enough for someone who was going to be a nurse.

Her raincoat lay across the luggage stacked[8] beside the front door. “I keep asking myself if we’ve forgotten anything,” her mother said. “I know, the camera! I want a snapshot[9] of you getting on the train.”

“I thought of that,” her father announced proudly. “I put it in the car last night. Just to be sure.”

As they were going out the front door, her mother said, “Around the world would only be a trip… This is a milestone, Jenny.”

Dad put the suitcases in the back of the car, and then came forward to hold the front door open. “Sit in the middle, dear,” her mother suggested, touching Jennifer’s arm gently, and Jennifer noticed her mother was wearing one of those sad-looking smiles. Her mother had enjoyed talking about all of it—the school catalogue[10], how lucky Jennifer was to have only one roommate in the dormitory, which clothes to take along. But in the last few days, as the time drew nearer, she had reflected less and less of her early enthusiasm. In fact, Jennifer was afraid her mother might even get weepy at the station.

Her father pulled out of their driveway and Jennifer turned for one last look at the house.

“Do you know what just came to my mind?” Her mother said. “The hanky[11]. Do you remember when you were in kindergarten all the children were supposed to wear a handkerchief pinned to their clothes?”

“Oh, Mother!” Then she caught her mother’s teasing glance and she had to laugh. She kissed her mother on the cheek, then leaned head back against the seat. “You know something?” she said. “I love you both very much.”

They pulled up at the station then, and suddenly there was no more time. They walked across the gravel to the platform. Dad checked the luggage and placed the ticket in Jennifer’s hand. The train was coming. There were last-minute reminders and questions…last-minute words of advice…and then last-minute embraces.

“Well, I’m on my way,” Jennifer said brightly.

When her father snapped[12] the picture, she noticed her mother wasn’t weepy at all—the smile on her face wasn’t even sad-looking.

Through the window, Jennifer held them with her eyes as the train moved slowly from the station. They were standing close together, and somehow it brought back the memory of that day when she was seven…maybe eight—when she had persuaded them to let her ride the big county-fair Ferris wheel “all by myself.” They had stood the same way then, close together, waiting….and she had sat rigidly still in the exact middle of the seat, but certain that even if she fell, even if the Ferris wheel itself tumbled[13], even if…she had know they would catch her.

And now they began to blur[14] before they were out of sight. “Jennifer Paige, don’t you know you’d bawl[15],” she whispered, fumbling[16] for a tissue[17]. She wiped her eyes and thought: isn’t this the weirdest thing? The beginning of something bright and wonderful and she was crying. Tomorrow was shining ahead of her. She wiped her eyes one last time and when she looked again, her parents were out of sight.






















[1] banister [ ] n. 栏杆,扶手

[2] linger [ ] v. 留恋,徘徊,逗留

[3] elm [ ] n. 榆树

[4] farewell [ ] n. 再会,再见

[5] twinge [ ] n. 剧痛,阵痛

[6] wink [ ] v. 眨一只眼(尤指向某人使眼色)

[7] acknowledgment [ ] n. 承认,默认

[8] stack [ ] v. 堆放

[9] snapshot [ ] n. 快照

[10] catalogue [ ] n. 目录,大学情况一览

[11] hanky [ ] n. (口)手帕

[12] snap [ ] v. 拍快照

[13] tumble [ ] v. 翻滚;打滚

[14] blur [ ] v. 变得模糊不清

[15] bawl [ ] v. (口)大哭

[16] fumble [ ] v. (笨拙地或紧张地)摸索

[17] tissue [ ] n. 卫生纸,手巾纸


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