


  Chief-Inspector Atomic DC fan Davy settled himself back in hischair and looked at the two women sitting opposite him. It was past midnight. Policeofficials had come and gone. There had been world of warcraft items doctors, fingerprint men, an ambulance toremove the body; and now everything had narrowed to this one room dedicated for thepurposes of the law by Bertram's Hotel. Chief-Inspector Davy sat one side Gearbox of the table.Bess Sedgwick and Elvira sat the other side. Against the wall a policeman satunobtrusively writing. Detective-Sergeant Wadell sat near the door.
  Father looked wow item thoughtfully at the two women facinghim. Mother and daughter. There was, he noted, a strong superficial likeness between them.He could understand how for one moment in the fog he had taken Elvira Blake for BessSedgwick. But Hydraulic fittings now, looking at them, he was more struck by the points of difference thanthe points of resemblance. They were not really alike save in colouring, yet theimpression persisted wow items that here he had a positive and a negative version of the samepersonality. Everything about Bess Sedgwick was positive. Her vitality, her energy, hermagnetic attraction. He wow gear admired Lady Sedgwick. He always had admired her. He had admiredher courage and had always been excited over her exploits; had said, reading his Sundaypapers: "She'll never get awaywith that," and invariably she had got Air condition condenser away with it! He hadnot thought it possible that she would reach journey's end andshe had reached journey's end. He admired particularly theindestructible quality of her. She had had one air crash, several Evaporator car crashes, had beenthrown badly twice from her horse, but at the end of it here she was. Vibrant, alive, apersonality one could not ignore for a moment. He took off his hat to her fashion jewelry suppliers mentally. Someday, of course, she would come a cropper. You could only bear a charmed life for so long.His eyes went from mother to daughter. He wondered. He wondered very bedding suppliers much.
  In Elvira Blake, he thought, everything had beendrivenbag making machine inward. Bess Sedgwick had got through life by imposing her will on it. Elvira, heguessed, had a different way of getting through life. She submitted, he thought. Sheobeyed. She slitting machine smiled in compliance and behind that, he thought, she slipped away throughyour fingers. "Sly," he said tohimself, appraising that fact. "That's the only way she can manage, I expect. Sherunescape items can never brazen things out orimpose herself. That's why, I expect, the people who've looked after her have never had the least idea of what she might runescape accounts be up to.
  He wondered what she had been doing slipping alongthe street to optical frames manufacturer Bertram's Hotel on a late foggy evening. He was going to ask her presently.He thought it highly probable that the answer he would get would not be the Cooling fan true one. "That's the way," hethought, "that the poor child defends herself." Had she come here to meet her mother or to find her mother? It was perfectlypossible, but kids playground he didn't think so. Not for a moment. Instead hethought of the big sports car tucked away round the corner – thecar with the number plate FAN 2266. Ladislaus Malinowski must be somewhere in theneighbourhood since his car was there.
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