

北上北艺术NORTH TO NORTH ART/策展:王友江Curator:Wang Youjiang/第十四集Episode14

艺术家 / Artist

策展人 / Curato

王友江 / Wang Youjiang


   The development history of art is the integration and development of human civilization, which can not stand alone. Contemporary artists should think from the perspective of human civilization in order to know the height of their own civilization. Compassion and respect for life is not only the basic core of modern civilized society, but also the basic essence of artists. The artist's works embody the love for life, the experience of society and the cognition of the world. At a time when the epidemic situation is inconvenient, I use the online exchange exhibition to take "all environments and facing each other" as the theme of the exhibition, so that artists can use their works of art to communicate with each other, convey love, integrate civilization, and let art embrace the world.

艺术家 / Artist

吉安保罗 /Gian Paolo Dulbecco








1984年,他在米兰凭借《博斯科故事》(Storie del bosco)获得卡地亚奖;1992年,他是《艺术》杂志的获奖者之一。




2002年,萨勒诺的Soprintendenza ai Beni Cultural在拉韦洛主办了一场选集展览,2005年,他再次与Luzzati一起展出。


2012年,他受全景博物馆(Panorama Museum)邀请,在意大利当代形而上学绘画集体展(Dopo de Chirico)上展示了一些作品。


Italian artist

Born in La Spezia in 1941. In 1958, his family moved to Milan. He was a student of Tommaso Gnone. From him, he learned dry point carving technology and began painting.

In March, 1966, he graduated from Politecnico and continued to cultivate his interest in art without any professional art education.

In 1969, he lived in Rome, where he learned about the paintings exhibited by balthas at the Villa Medici; Then he came to Milan again and left Milan for various trips to Europe. Especially in Belgium, he saw the paintings of Delvaux by Magritte. There are also great Flemish paintings.

He began to develop the theme of stone boats as a memory of Tiber Island, followed by the Oracle, notuni, and the metaphysical ideal city.

It also deals with the theme of sacred art, especially the scene of the birth of Jesus inspired by thebaids in the 15th century.

In 1975, he settled in Monza. He participated in individual and collective exhibitions in many Italian cities.

In 1984, he won the Cartier prize in Milan for his story del Bosco; In 1992, he was one of the winners of art magazine.

French critic Pierre restani invited him to show his Tarot series at the "collective art and Tabak" held in Rome in 1993 and in Vienna and Amsterdam in subsequent years.

He also exhibited at the Italian Institute of culture in London, Freiburg, Porto, Lyon, Lisbon and Brussels, and finally in Tokyo. In 1998, he will be exhibited again in Yokohama, Japan, and in 1999 and 2001, he will be exhibited again in Tokyo.

In the late 1990s, he began to face the myth of Atlantis.

In 2002, soprintendenza AI Beni cultural of Salerno hosted an anthology exhibition in Ravelo, and in 2005, he exhibited with Luzzati again.

Over the years, the image of pulcinera began to appear in his paintings and was understood as a universal human prototype. In the same year, he dealt with the theme of characters fighting against shadows, mazes and mysterious cages.

In 2012, he was invited by the panorama museum to show some works at the Italian contemporary Metaphysical Painting collective exhibition (DOPO de Chirico).

Some of his paintings are permanently collected in Italian and foreign public collections.

吉安保罗《黑色,白色》布面油画 / Gian Paolo Dulbecco - Black, white .  29x39cm . oil on panel, 2006

吉安保罗《神奇的房间》布面油画 / Gian Paolo Dulbecco - Magical room30x40cm . oil on panel, 2010




Artistic thinking:

 This happened after a period of secret works. He longed for the invisibility and silence of his works, rather than the current artistic grandeur.

Works are usually contained in dimensions, and are usually based on the golden section, magic realism.

吉安保罗《无题》布面油画 / Gian Paolo Dulbecco - Untitled31x30cm . oil on panel, 2008

吉安保罗《食肉植物林中的剧院》布面油画 / Gian Paolo Dulbecco - The theater in the forest of carnivorous plants 30x24cm . oil on panel, 2018

吉安保罗《向贝拉斯克斯致敬》布面油画 / Gian Paolo Dulbecco - Tribute to Velazquez30x25cm . oil on panel, 2008

艺术家 / Artist

丁一军 / Ding Yiyun














2020年202020 丁一军个展,西宁。

Chinese Artists

He graduated from the printmaking department of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts in 1984 and currently lives in Shanghai and Huzhou.

Major works:

1998,DingYijun modern oil painting exhibition, Qinghai Normal University, Xining;

2000,Ding Yijun oil painting exhibition, Huzhou Normal University, Huzhou;

2006,China aesthetics Biennale, Shanghai Museum of contemporary art,Shanghai;

2009,Animation Exhibition between the real and the real, Today ArtMuseum, Beijing;

2013,Ordinary dream Ding Yijun solo exhibition, Lingyi Museum, Shanghai;

2014,Emoticon Ding Yijun solo exhibition, M50, Shanghai;

2015,Willful Ding Yijun solo exhibition, mudian Gallery, Dali;

2016,Posture Ding Yijun solo exhibition, Huzhou;

2016,Groupexhibition of contemporary art dilemma with emphasis on painting game, 798white box, Beijing;

2019,Individualexhibition of the first army of paradise, Huzhou;

2019,No jungle, Ding Yijun, two exhibitions in the same city, TaffContemporary Art Museum, Chengdu; X space, Chengdu;

2020, 202020 Ding Yijun Solo Show, Xining

丁一军《向前看》木雕、钢板 / Ding Yijun - look forward . 100X120X200cm . Wood carving, steel plate .  2020

丁一军《好看的姿态》布面丙烯/ Ding Yijun - Good looking posture . 200X150cm . Cloth propylene . 2020



Artistic thinking:

In this special period, the way of life and the pace of life have changed a lot, and I feel that time has slowed down. When I was bored, I reviewed my past experience and work practice. Most of the time is spent in negation and reconstruction, looking for some fragile feelings in the process of constant tossing, and trying to express a wider range of possibilities through some media. Practice is completely personal private behavior and thought revelation. Paying attention to the reality of human life and survival, and paying attention to many problems in the current real world has always been the main line of my work, and art is the shadow of reality.

丁一军《奈何》布面丙烯 /  Ding Yijun - How .  200X150cm .  Cloth propylene . 2020

丁一军《捂捂》纸面丙烯 /  Ding Yijun - Cover cover . 30X25X55 . Paper propylene . 2020

丁一军《明年春天》布面丙烯 /  Ding Yijun - Next spring  200X150cm .  Cloth propylene . 2020

艺术家 / Artist

李秀山 / Lee,Soosan


1984 出生于光州广域市/ 2011 德国 明斯特造型艺术学院纯艺术专业毕业/ 活动于德国柏林和韩国宝城/ <个展 - 4回> 明斯特,宝城 等/ <主要群展> 2021 SOO-SAN LEEX YULPO OCEAN BREEZE,栗浦海边,宝城郡,韩国/ 2019 Smukfest,山毛榉树林,斯坎德堡,丹麦/ 2013 Red Room - 白庙村项目,宋庄 白庙村,北京,中国/ 2011 The other side, Schwules Museum, 柏林, 德国/ 2011 On the road home, Neno Parkas Gallery, 考纳斯, 立陶宛/ 2009 Do one thing at a time, Kunstverein Ulm, 乌尔姆,德国/ 2008 New land,Kulturbahnhof Eller,杜塞尔多夫,德国/ <获奖及驻地项目> 2013 光州市立美术馆北京创作中心 驻地艺术家

Korean artists

1984 Born in Gwangju, Korea/ 2011 Graduated from Münsterkunst Academy of Fine Arts, Germany/ Activities in Berlin, Germany and Boseong, Korea/ Münster, Boseong, etc/ 2021 SOO-SAN LEE X YULPO OCEAN BREEZE, Yulpo Beach, Boseong County, Korea/ 2019 Smukfest, NeoDo Chestnut tree forest, Skanderborg, Denmark/ 2013 Baimiao Village Project - Red Room, Songzhuang Baimiao Village, Beijing, China/ 2011 The other side, Schwules Museum, Berlin, Germany/ 2011 On the road home, Neno Parkas Gallery, Kaunas, Lithuania/ 2009 Do one thing at a time, Kunstverein Ulm, Ulm, Germany/ 2008 New land, Kulturbahnhof Eller, Düsseldorf, Germany/  2013 Gwangju Museum of Art Beijing Residencie

李秀山《红房子 - 欲望粘贴》(白庙村艺术计划参展场景) 纸、胶 尺寸可变 /  Lee,Soosan - The Red Room - Sticky desire(Scenes from Baimiao Village Art Project). paper, glue dimensions variable . 2013

李秀山《欲望粘贴》 纸、胶、照片 尺寸可变 / Lee,Soosan - Sticky desire . paper, glue photograph dimensions variable . 2013
















Artistic thinking:

Nowhere Is My Home, 2021

 After graduating from art school on a poor subject, I wandered around the world.

A strange country, a strange language.

During the day, I was excited because it seemed like I was having a lively adventure,

I was so scared at night.

Three-dollars accommodations that comforted my long night.

I had nightmares every night.

a toilet overflowing with filth.

a bed full of fleas.

callers approaching with a glimmer of white.

I've been hanging around the streets for a long time, looking for a projection of myself,

I took a picture, and the result is this series 'Nowhere Is My Home’.

I couldn't find my house that I had been looking for so much,

Now I feel like I have nowhere else to stay.

李秀山《为什么》 照片 、尺寸可变 /  Lee,Soosan - Pourquoi .   photograph dimensions variable . 2013

李秀山《即将到来》 摄影 尺寸可变 / Lee,Soosan - Coming soon . photograph dimensions variable . 2012

李秀山《艺术家的茶生活》 综合材料 尺寸可变 /  Lee,Soosan - Tea Time Log . mixed media dimensions variable . 2021

艺术家 / Artist

夏 洁 / Xia  Jie












Chinese Artists

Member of Hunan Artists Association, member of Hunan oil painting society, member of the presidium of Hunan Painting Association, member of the pioneer group of happy sketching club, vice president and Party branch secretary of Hengyang oil painting society, vice president of Hengnan Art Association, distinguished associate professor of the school of design of Nanhua University, and distinguished painter of Hengyang painting and Calligraphy Academy.

2021 oil painting "blue cat of cat" won the membership qualification in the second national art education teacher works exhibition. (sponsored by China Artists Association).

2021 oil painting "the death of peach" is in the spirit Schema -- the second China freehand brushwork oil painting Biennale won the membership qualification. (sponsored by China Artists Association).

2018 oil painting "cat embarrassment" in Chinese dream Yan zhaoxiongfeng was admitted to the National Exhibition of Chinese paintings and oil paintings. (sponsored by China Artists Association) the works are collected by the organizing committee.

2022, the oil painting "blue fragrance" was selected into the mood Story of things - the first Chinese freehand oil painting still life special research Exhibition

2022, the oil painting untitled won the third prize in the Fourth International abstract network exhibition, and 2021 oil painting silent Harbor was selected into the joint exhibition of works of Hunan Urban Painting Academy of "flourishing painting".

2020 oil painting "Cat Series 4 - blue cat" was selected into the oil painting exhibition and the second annual exhibition of Xu Beihong oil painting academy to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of new China.

2019 oil paintings "pink family of cat embarrassment" and "Red Sorghum Series" were selected in "jade beads -- invitation exhibition of Chinese female painters' works".

2018, oil paintings "my teacher" and "Red Sorghum" were selected in the "parallel exhibition of Chinese artists".

2018, the oil painting "rest" won the national oil painting Excellence Award of the first happy Chinese sketching club "heart painting in full bloom".

夏洁《精灵家族》布面油画 / Xia Jie - Elf family . 140x100cm . Oil on canvas . 2021

夏洁《梦幻猫》布面油画 /  Xia Jie - Dream cat . 100x120cm . Oil on canvas .2019




Artistic thinking:

   Artistic creation is an important part of my life. My father is my most direct first teacher. When I was a child, I felt a kind of inexplicable joy when I saw the lotus and birds painted by my father on the wardrobe. Like simple and happy words, don't like to limit yourself, pay attention to the free expression of personal emotions in painting, enrich the picture with passion, spread your inner emotions on the picture, express yourself and express your cognition through schema. He has painted several series, among which the cat series is more, which is expressed by personification. Life is full of flavors, and cats are full of states. Pay attention to the look of cats and feel their inner world. Each cat represents a different person, with sunshine, integrity and courage. There are lovely and pure ones. Some hide behind people and play tricks, some are mysterious and dreamy, and some stretch to enjoy life. There are people who play cool and wear B. Some are decent with their teammates, calm and free on the face, but they are full of calculation in the heart, and some are kind-hearted and magnanimous

I have a kind of curiosity and look forward to the final effect of the work, so I've been sticking to it····

夏洁《猫冏之粉色家族》布面油画 / Xia Jie - Cat pink family . 100x120cm .  Oil on canvas . 2020

夏洁《猫冏之蓝猫》布面油画 / Xia Jie - Blue cat of cat .100x120cm . Oil on canvas .  2021

夏洁《梦幻猫之二》布面油画 /  Xia Jie - Dream cat II 100x120cm . Oil on canvas .  2019

艺术家 / Artist

李雄伊 / Li Xiongyi


1988 年出生于辽宁省沈阳市。

2008 年 9 月至 2009 年 7 月进修于中央美术学院造型学院。


2007 年 12 月于北京 798 安妮画廊举办个人画展。

2010 年 8 月北京时代美术馆主办李雄伊个展“雄伊的世界”。

2011 年 12 月上海美术馆主办、上海大家艺术沙龙协办“雄伊的世界--李雄伊油画作品展”。

2012 年 9 月北京·今日美术馆“雄伊开学了-李雄伊油画作品展”。

2014 年 4 月加拿大温哥华·不列颠哥伦比亚大学亚洲中心“雄伊的世界--李雄伊油画展”。

2017 年 8 月北京斑马谷文化主办“海的尽头是大海”个展。

2019 年 2 月举办“乙亥吉相”——南方、李雄伊双个展。

2020 年 8 月参加于今日美术馆“自然与自在——当代油画家李雄伊新作展”。

2022 年 5 月北京798第零空间“画布上的自由” 李雄伊个展。


2009 年 6 月参加宋庄虹湾美术馆“我的坊友我的坊”联展。

2010 年 5 月参加北京时代美术馆“时代的转角”联展。

2011 年 1 月参加北京时代美术馆“非常向上-后生代画家提名展”。

2012 年 12 月深圳美术馆“微体验--2012 青年艺术家邀请展”。

2013 年 4 月上海张江美术馆“微体验--2013 青年艺术家邀请展”。

2015 年 1 月参加 Avila University Thornhill Gallery 举办的二人联展“东方梦”画展。

2015 年 4 月参加在旧金山 Misho Gallery 举办的“亚洲六艺”画展。

2016 年 11 月参加天人合一“森林中国·未来林”。

2016 年纽约艺术文献展。

2017 年 5 月北京 798XYZ 画廊“ASA-XYZ 青年艺术家”提名展。

2017 年 9 月参加于秘鲁举办的“智造--中国当代艺术展”。

2017 年 12 月参加于智利举办的“智造--中国当代艺术展”。

2018 年 6 月参加在北京 798 桥艺术空间举办的“智造--中国当代艺术南美巡回汇报展”。

2018 年 9 月参加在法国巴黎诺曼底画廊举办的"平行.世界”---中国油画家赴欧交流展。

2021 年 4 月于北京天桥艺术中心参加“生活的诗与歌”联展。


Chinese Artists

Born in Shenyang, Liaoning Province in 1988.

From September 2008 to July 2009, he studied at the school of plastic arts of the Central Academy of fine arts.

Personal exhibition experience

In December, 2007, he held a solo exhibition at 798 Anne Gallery in Beijing.

In August, 2010, Beijing Times Art Museum hosted Li xiongyi's solo exhibition "xiongyi's world".

In December, 2011, Shanghai Art Museum hosted and Shanghai everyone Art Salon co organized "Xiong Yi's world -- Li xiongyi's oil painting exhibition".

In September, 2012, Beijing Today Art Museum "xiongyi school begins - Li xiongyi oil painting exhibition".

In April, 2014, the Asian center of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, "Xiong Yi's world - Li Xiong Yi Oil Painting Exhibition".

In August 2017, Beijing zebra Valley culture hosted the solo exhibition "the end of the sea is the sea".

In February, 2019, the "Yi Hai Ji Xiang" - the two solo exhibitions of Nanfang and Li xiongyi were held.

In August 2020, he participated in the "nature and freedom - new works exhibition of contemporary oil painter Li xiongyi" in Today Art Museum.

In May, 2022, Li xiongyi's solo exhibition "freedom on canvas" in Beijing 798 zero space.

Important joint exhibition

In June, 2009, he participated in the joint exhibition of "my friends, my workshop" at Hongwan Art Museum in Songzhuang.

In May, 2010, he participated in the joint exhibition of "the corner of the times" at Beijing Times Art Museum.

In January, 2011, he participated in the "very upward - Nomination Exhibition of later generations of painters" at the time art museum in Beijing.

In December, 2012, Shenzhen Art Museum "micro experience - 2012 Young Artists Invitation Exhibition".

In April, 2013, Shanghai Zhangjiang Art Museum "micro experience - 2013 Young Artists Invitation Exhibition".

In January, 2015, he participated in the "Oriental Dream" painting exhibition held by Avila University Thornhill gallery.

In April, 2015, he participated in the "six Asian Arts" exhibition held at Misho Gallery in San Francisco.

In November 2016, he participated in the "forest China · future forest" of the unity of nature and man.

2016 New York art literature exhibition.

In May, 2017, the Nomination Exhibition of "asa-xyz young artists" at 798xyz Gallery in Beijing.

In September 2017, he participated in the "smart manufacturing - Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition" held in Peru.

In December 2017, he participated in the "smart manufacturing - Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition" held in Chile.

In June, 2018, he participated in the "smart manufacturing - South American tour report exhibition of Chinese contemporary art" held at 798 bridge art space in Beijing.

In September, 2018, he participated in the "parallel world" -- the European exchange exhibition of Chinese oil painters held at the Normandy Gallery in Paris, France.

In April, 2021, he participated in the joint exhibition of "poems and songs of life" at Beijing overpass Art Center.

In April, 2022, Beijing zero space 'freedom on canvas - Li xiongyi's solo exhibition.

李雄伊《春天的动物园》 布面油画 / Li Xiongyi - Zoo in spring . 80x60cm . Oil on canvas . 2020 

李雄伊《蝴蝶睡了》 布面油画 / Li Xiongyi -  Butterfly is asleep . 60x50cm . Oil on canvas . 2020





Artistic thinking:

"If I live again, I would like to be an animal, because they live freely and simply."

——Li xiongyi.

Xiong Yi's painting themes are almost invariably based on his real life - either indoor furnishings, or his relatives and friends, including the depiction of some landscapes. Xiong Yi's description of this lifestyle gives his works a colorful sense of existence. However, he also painted a fairy tale color for these familiar scenes in our daily life in his own description. We will find in Xiong Yi's works that those common things and landscapes suddenly become cute, and those toys also have life. It seems that a window has been opened in front of us to let us see the world that only belongs to toys, and this world is Xiong Yi's spiritual realm.

李雄伊《妈妈的山》布面油画 / Li Xiongyi - Mom's mountain 30x60cm . Oil on canvas . 2021 

李雄伊《行走的街灯》 布面油画  / Li Xiongyi -   Walking street lamp .100x120cm . Oil on canvas . 2020


李雄伊《漩涡》布面油画 / Li Xiongyi - vortex . 80x120cm .  Oil on canvas .  2021

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E-mail : youjiang09@qq.com

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