


2022.07.21 江苏


Lesson4Handing emergencies[iˈmə:dʒənsiz]  


1Looking formissing tourists


(A: Local guide,  B: Tour leader,  C: Ticket inspector,  D: Young tourist,  D: Old tourist)

A: Mr. Chen, do you like the National Park?

B: Yes. It’s a nice place. The scenery issplendid[ˈsplendid]. We’veenjoyed it very much.

A: I’m very glad to hear that. Shall we go back to the hotel?

B: Yes, I think so…Ladies and gentlemen, it’stime for us to go back to the hotel. Please get on the coach. And if you noticeanyone is missing on your coach, please let me know immediately.

A: Is everybody on the bus?

D: I’m afraid not, leader. Mr. and Mrs.Huang, the elderly couple sitting in front of me, are not here.

A: Probably they are left behind in the park. There are threeentrances in the park. Would you please go to that side entrance and ask sometourists to go with me to the other side entrance?

B: All right. Kate and Tony, would you gowith the local guide? You’re familiar[fəˈmiljə] with Mr. and Mrs. Huang. And David, you gowith me.

B: (To the doorkeeper of the side entrance) Excuse me, sir. We’relooking for a Chinese old couple. Did you see them here?

C: What do they look like?

B: The old man is tall and thin, wearing a black jacket and browntrousers and the old lady is short and fat, wearing yellow blouse and lightblue skirt.

C: They have been here five minutes ago. Theysaid they were looking for the back entrance but went the wrong way.

B: Where did they go?

C: They took the left path to the blackentrance.


B: Thank god. I find you at last. We werelooking for you everywhere.

E: We are terribly sorry, leader. The view here is so splendid. Wewere lost in it and failed to catch up with the group. Somebody told us that wecould find the exit this way, but perhaps we turned the wrong way and came tothe side entrance.

B: It’s my fault[fɔ:lt]. I haven’t taken care of you. I do apologize[əˈpɔlədʒaiz] for it.

E: That’s all right. You are a qualified leader and always soconsiderate.

B: Don’t mention it. Mind your step, Mr. and Mrs. Huang.

A: 陈先生,你喜欢国家公园吗?

B: 喜欢。这是个好地方。景色很壮观。我们很喜欢。

A: 很高兴听你这么说。我们可以回酒店了吗?

B: 好的…女士先生们,我们要回酒店了。请上车。如果你注意到我们车上有人走失了,请立刻告诉我。

A: 所有人都在吗?

D: 恐怕不是的,领队。黄先生黄太太,坐我前面的年长的一对夫妻不在。

A: 可能他们留在公园里了。公园有3个出口。你可以去那边的门然后叫些游客和我去另一侧的门吗?

B: 好的。Kate和Tony你们可以和地陪一起去吗?你们和黄先生黄太太熟悉。David你和我一起。

B: (走向侧门的看门人)不好意思,先生。我们在找一堆年老的中国夫妇。你在这儿看见他们了吗?

C: 他们看起来什么样子?

B: 老先生高瘦,穿黑色夹克棕色裤子,老太太不高而且胖,穿黄色衬衫浅蓝色裙子。


B: 他们去哪里了?



B: 谢天谢地。我终于找到你们了。我们到处找你们。

E: 领队我们非常抱歉。景色太壮观了,我们沉醉在里面没有跟上队伍。有人告诉我们可以从这条路找到出口但是可能我们走错路走到侧门了。

B: 是我的错,我没有照顾好你们。我道歉。

E: 没关系。你总是考虑的很周到是合格的导游。

B: 别说了。黄先生黄太太,请留心脚下。

  1. 2.     Accompanying[əˈkʌmpəni] tourists to the hospital陪团中游客看医生


(A: Doctor,  B: Tour leader)

A: Good afternoon, sir. What’s wrong with you?

B: Good afternoon, doctor. One of ourtourists doesn’t feel very well.

A: What are his symptoms[ˈsimptəm]?

B: He feels cold and has a sore[sɔ:] throat[θrəut]andheadache.

A: How long has this been going on?

B: About two or three days.

A: Has he taken his temperature[ˈtempəritʃə]?

B: No. He doesn’t have a thermometer[θəˈmɔmitə]with him.

A: Ok. Let’s take it now. Tell him to open his mouth.

B: All right…Does he has a fever[ˈfi:və]?

A: I think so. His temperature is a little bit higher than itshould be.

B: Are you going to give him an injection[inˈdʒekʃən]?

A: No, I don’t think that will be necessary. Does he feel nauseous[ˈnɔ:ʃəs, ]?

B: No, but his nose is running.

A: He’s definitely[ˈdefinitli] got the flu[flu:]. There’s a lot of it going around.

B: What do you think we should do?

A: I’ll write him a prescription. Take it to the pharmacy[ˈfɑ:məsi]. They’ll give him the pills that he should take.

B: Thank you, doctor. Does he need to comeback?

A: I will depend on how he feels after taking the medicines.

B: Can he still continue his sightseeingactivities here?

A: He’d better go straight to bed and keep staying in the room forat least two days.


(A: Doctor,  B: Tourist)

A: Good morning, ma’am. What’s the problem with you?

B: I vomited last night and feel dizzy[ˈdizi]now.

A: When did you start feeling dizzy??

B: Since early this morning when I got up.

A: I hope it’s nothing serious. Let me listen to your chest first.Now sit straight up. Now breathe in. That’s it. Now do it again. Fine.

B: It seems that I’m running a fever.

A: I’ll have your temperature taken…Yes, you have a high fever.You’ve got a virus[ˈvaiərəs]infection[inˈfekʃən].

B: Is it serious?

A: Not very serious. I’ll give you a shot. And here’s somemedicine for you. Please take it three times a day and two pills once aftermeals.

B: I see, doctor. Can I recover soon?

A: You’d better have plenty of hot water, have a good rest and becareful of your diet. I’m sure you will be all right soon.

B: Thank you, doctor.


A: 先生下午好,你怎么了?

B: 下午好医生。我们中的一位游客觉得不舒服。

A: 他有什么症状?

B: 觉得冷,喉咙疼,头疼。

A: 他这样多久了?

B: 大概2到3天。

A: 他量温度了吗?

B: 没有,他没有带温度计。

A: 好的。让我们现在量吧。让他张开嘴。

B: 好的…他发热了吗?

A: 我觉得是的。他的温度有点高。

B: 他需要注射吗?

A: 不,我认为不需要。他感觉恶心吗?

B: 不,但他流鼻涕。

A: 他肯定是得了流感。这里很多人得了。

B: 你觉得我们应该怎么办?

A: 我给他写一个处方。拿去药店。他们会给他他需要的药的。

B: 谢谢医生。他需要再来吗?

A: 看他服药后的感觉。

B: 他还能继续观光吗?

A: 他最好直接休息呆在房里至少2天。


A: 早上好,你怎么了?

B: 我昨晚吐了现在觉得头昏。

A: 你什么时候觉得头晕?

B: 从我今早起来。

A: 我希望不严重。让我听听你的胸腔。现在坐直。现在呼吸。对的。再来一次。好了。

B: 看起来我发热了。

A: 我看看你的温度…是的,高热。你是病毒性感染。

B: 严重吗?

A: 不是很严重。我给你打一针。这是你的药。一天3次一次2片饭后服。

B: 知道了医生。我很快会好吗?

A: 你最好喝大量的水,好好休息,注意饮食。我保证你很快会好的。

B: 谢谢医生。

  1. 3.     Food poisoning[ˈpɔizən]食物中毒

(B: Tour leader,  A: Local guide,  C:Doctor)

A: Mr. Smith. Some of the tourists don’t feel very well.

B: What’s wrong with them?

A: Coming back from the local restaurant after the dinner, theysweat [swet] and feel shivery[ˈʃɪvəri:], and got a sharp pain in theirbellies[ˈbeliz].

B: Probably they are suffering from foodpoisoning because they had a lot of seafood this evening.

A: What should we do with it?

B: At first, it’s better for us to help thepoisoned people to induce vomiting and drink plenty of water to accelerateejection[iˈdʒekʃən] and reduce toxicity[tɔkˈsɪsɪti:].

A: Yes. Please call an ambulance[ˈæmbjuləns] immediately. We should send them to the hospital nearby formedication.

B: All right. I will do it right away andreport the accident to my company.

(The ambulance takes the sick people to thehospital)

C: What’s the problem with them?

A: We are a tour group from China. Some of our tourists feelchilly[ˈtʃɪli:] andhave got splitting[ˈsplitiŋ]pain in their bellies.

C: Did they vomit?

A: Yes, some of them have induced vomiting.

C: What food did they have for dinner thisevening?

B: They had some raw lobster[ˈlɔbstə] and oysters[ˈɔistə].

C: They should have some medical tests first.

B: All right. Let’s go with them.


B: Doctor, here are the test results.

C: They are suffering from the foodpoisoning. The seafood they had in the local restaurant was not clean.

A: Mr. Smith, we should sue[sju:] the restaurant and claim damages from it.

B: Certainly, leader. Would you make out adiagnosis[ˌdaiəɡˈnəusis] certificate for the food poisoning for us,doctor? With the certificate, we can sue the restaurant.

C: Of course. But let me give the patientsinjections first. And I’ll write out a prescription for you. Get thisprescription filled. Tell them to take the medicine three times a day and drinkplenty of hot water. After having a rest for two or three days, they willrecover soon.

A: Smith先生,一些游客觉得不舒服。

B: 他们怎么了?

A: 晚饭后从当地餐馆回来,他们出汗发抖,并且肚子很痛。

B: 他们可能因为今晚吃了很多海鲜食物中毒了。

A: 我们要怎么办?

B: 我们最好先帮助中毒的人催吐,和大量的水加速排泄缓解毒性。

A: 是的。请立即叫一辆救护车。我们要送他们去附近医院治疗。

B: 好的。我立刻做并把这个事故报告我的公司。


C: 他们怎么了?

A: 我们是中国来的旅游团。一些游客觉得冷并且肚子很疼。

C: 他们呕吐吗?

A: 是的,他们一些人已经催吐了。

C: 他们晚上吃了什么?

B: 一些生的龙虾和生蚝。

C: 他们要先做一些检查。

B: 好的。让我们一起陪他们去。


B: 医生,这是检查结果。

C: 他们食物中毒了。他们在当地餐馆吃的海鲜不干净。

A: Smith先生,我们要起诉餐馆拿回损失。

B: 当然了。医生,你能为我们开一个食物中毒诊断证明吗?有了这个证明,我们可以起诉餐馆。

C: 当然。让我先给病人注射。然后我给你们写处方。填好处方,让他们一天吃3次药喝大量开水。休息2到3天,很快就会好的。

  1. 4.    A passport islost遗失护照处理


(A: Tourist,  B: Tour leader,  C: Bank clerk)

A: Oh, my goodness! What should I do?

B: What’s wrong, Mr. Lin? May I help you?

A: Yes, leader. My passport is lost. I put it right here in thepocket.

B: Have you checked your wallet or anywhereelse?

A: Yes, I’ve looked everywhere but still couldn’t find it.

B: Have you been to anywhere and used it thismorning?

A: Let me see. Oh, yes. I may have left it in the bank when Icashed the traveler’s check before lunch.

B: Where did you cash your check?

A: At the Goldman Bank at the corner of the Fifth Avenue['ævənjuː].

B: Let’s call the bank to see whether theyfound your passport.


C: Goldman Bank. May I help you?

B: Yes, sir. One of our tourists cashed some checks in your bankthis morning and probably left his passport there. Have you found it?

C: May I know his name and nationality,please?

B: His name is Ge Wei. He is from Zhejiang, China.

C: Just a moment, please. Let me check withmy colleagues[ˈkɔli:ɡ] …Yes, his passport has been left at our counter.

B: Great. Mr. Ge, your passport has been left in the bank.

A: Oh, I’m so careless! Please ask when I can get my passportback?

B: When can he get it back, sir?

C: He may come any time during our businesshours.

B: I’ll go to get it with you, Mr. Ge.

A: It’s very kind of you.

B: (stop a taxi) Taxi. Goldman Bank, please.


(A: Tourist,  B: Tour leader,  C: Local guide)

A: Leader, I think I’m out of luck.

B: What’s the matter, sir?

A: My passport. I can’t find my passport. I remember putting it inthe pocket of my suit, but it’s not there anymore.

B: Please check once more. Are you sure youlost it?

A: I am sure it was lost. I’ve checked everywhere.

B: No matter it was lost or stolen we shouldgo immediately to the Chinese Embassy[ˈembəsi] to apply for a replacement. But before we doit, we should ask the local guide to help us to get a certificate for the loss.Let me communicate with the local guide.

A: The local guide is coming.

B: Frank. Mr. Mahas got a trouble. His passport was lost.

C: I’m sorry to hear that. In this case, youshould go to my travel agency and the police station for certificates for theloss first. Then, with the certificates, you can go to Chinese Embassy for areplacement.

A: But what about my visa?

C: I don’t think that will be a problem. Youhad a tourist visa to begin with. The local Public Security Bureau[ˈbjuərəu]will reissue your visa if you have the replacement of your passport.

B: you can help me with it, can’t you, Frank?

C: Certainly. I’ll accompany[əˈkʌmpəni]you to getall these documents.

A: You’re most helpful. Thank you so much.

C: Don't mention it. Shall we go?


A: 我的天啊!我该怎么办?

B: 林先生怎么了?有什么可以帮你吗?

A: 是的,领队。我护照丢了。我就放在我口袋里了。

B: 你检查你钱包和其他地方了吗?

A: 是的,我到处都找了还是没有。

B: 你今早去其他地方并且使用的吗?

A: 让我想想。是的。我可能在午饭前兑换旅行支票时丢在银行了。

B: 你在哪里兑换支票的?

A: 第五大道角落里的美国高盛银行。

B: 让我打电话看看他们是否找到你的护照。


C: 美国高盛银行。有什么需要帮助的吗?

B: 你好。我们中的一位游客今早来兑换旅行支票,可能护照丢在你们那里了。你们看到了吗?

C: 请问我可以知道他的姓名和国籍吗?

B: 他叫葛伟。来自中国浙江。

C: 请稍等。让我问问我的同事…是的,他的护照丢在我们柜台了。

B: 太好了,葛先生,你的护照丢在银行了。

A: 我太不小心了。请问下我什么时候可以拿回来?

B: 先生,他什么时候可以拿回来?

C: 我们工作时间随时可以。

B: 葛先生,我会和你一起去。

A: 你真好。

B: (拦下一辆出租车)请去美国高盛银行。


A: 领队,我好运气用光了。

B: 先生怎么了?

A: 护照找不到了。我记得放在西装口袋里的,但是没有了。

B: 请再查一遍。你确定丢了吗?

A: 确定丢了。到处都检查了。

B: 不管丢了还是被偷了,我们都要立即去中国大使馆申请补办。但去之前,我们需要请地陪帮助我们去拿丢失证明。让我和地陪联系。

A: 地陪来了。

B: Frank,马先生遇到麻烦了。他护照丢了。

C: 很抱歉听到这个消息。这样的话,你需要去我的旅行社和警察局开丢失证明。然后拿着证明去中国大使馆申请补办。

A: 但我签证怎么办?

C: 那不是问题。你是旅行签证来的。当地公安局会给你重新签证如果你补办了护照。

B: Frank,你能帮助我们的,是吗?

C: 当然。我和你们一起去拿这些文件。

A: 你真是帮了大忙了。非常感谢。

C: 不要客气。我们可以走了吗?

UNIT 5   Freeday activities 自由活动日

Lesson 1  Currency[ˈkʌrənsi] exchange货币兑换

1、        Currencyexchange兑换货币

(A:Bank teller,  B: Tour leader,  C: Tourist)

Scene 1

A: Goodmorning, sir! Can I help you?

B: Yes. This lady needs some Australian dollars. Wouldyou please change them for her?

A: Certainly, ma’am. What kind of foreign currency haveyou got?

C: Us dollars. What’s today’s exchange rate for USdollars?

A: It is 127 Australian dollars for 100 US dollars.

C: I want to change 500 US dollars.

A: That is 635 Australian dollars in all. Would youplease fill in the currency exchange declaration form?

C: Leader, can you help me with it?

B: Certainly, ma’am, with pleasure. Here you are.

C: Here is 500 dollars.

A: Thank you. What denominations[dɪˌnɔməˈneɪʃən] would you like?

C: What does '’denomination’’ mean, leader?

B: How would you like your money?

C: I would like six 100-dollar bills, three 10-dollarbills, and coins for the rest amount.

A: Would you please sign on the memo[ˈmeməu]?

C: Sure.

A:  Thank you, ma’am. Here are your money andexchange memo. Please keep the memo. It may come in handy later on. And here isyour declaration form.

B:  Thank you everso much.

A: It’s my pleasure.

Scene 2

A: What can Ido for you?

B: Some of our group members still have some Japanese Yenleft with them. Can we change the money back into US dollars here?

A: Are you leaving Japan?

B: Yes, Miss. We are leaving tomorrow for China by air.

A: Then you can change them at the back at the NaritaInternational Airport before boarding the planes.

B: We were told that it’s very difficult to exchangeforeign currencies at the airport, so we’d like to convert[kənˈvə:t] it back into US dollars right now.

A: All right. Please fill in the exchange memo.

B: All right, but I don’t know how to fill it. Can you dome a favor?

A: Sure, sir.Please put your surname and your given name here, the currency you want tochange here, your passport number and home address down here. Good, please signyour name at the bottom[ˈbɔtəm]. All right,hand it to me. Just a moment, please.

B:  Thank you verymuch.

A: Today’s exchange rate for US dollars is 10, 537 JPYfor 100 USD. And 16, 016.24JPY is for 152 US dollars. How do you like to havethem?

B: Six 20-dollar bills, three 10-dollar bills and two1-dollar coins.

A: Here is your money. Please check it.

B: Thank you.


A: 先生早上好。有什么需要帮助的吗?

B: 是的。这位女士需要一些澳元。请问你们可以帮她兑换吗?

A: 当然。你们有的是什么货币?

C: 美元。今天兑换美元的汇率是多少?

A: 100美元换127澳元。

C: 我想换500美元。

A: 这里一共是635澳元。可以请你填写这张货币兑换申请表吗?

C: 领队,你可以帮我吗?

B: 当然,乐意效劳。给你。

C: 这里是500美元。

A: 谢谢。你想要什么面值?

C: 领队,面值是什么意思?

B: 你想要什么样的钱?

C: 我想要6张100,3张10,其余硬币。

A: 你可以在备忘录上签名吗?

C: 当然。

A:  谢谢。这是你的钱和兑换备忘录。请保存好备忘录。以后可能会派上用场。这是你的申请表。

B:  非常感谢。

A: 乐意为你效劳。


A: 我可以为你做什么吗?

B: 我的一些队员还有一些日元。我们可以在这里换成美元吗?







A: 当然可以,先生。请在这里填姓和名,这里你想要兑换的外币,这里填护照号和家庭住址。好的,请在下面签名。对了,给我。请稍等。

B: 非常感谢。





  1. 2.      Cashing traveler’s checks   兑换旅行支票

(A:Bank teller,  B: Tour leader,  C: Tourist)

A:  Good morning, sir. May I help you?

B:  Yes. We arevisitors from China. We’d like to exchange some US dollars into Australiandollars.

A:  Cash or check?

B:  Traveler’s checks.

A:  Certainly, sir. Today’s exchange rate is 127AUD for 100 USD.

B:  Ok. Thisgentleman wants to change only 500 US dollars out of this 1000-dollar traveler’scheck.

A:  Could you please show me your passport?

C:  Here you are.

A:  Thank you, sir. Please sign the check and fillin the declaration form. 500 USD is for 635 AUD. How would you like to havethem?

B:  What notes doyou want?

C: Give me small notes, sixty 10-dollar bills and seven5-dollar bills, please.

A:  All right. Here are sixty 10-dollar bills and seven 5-dollarbills, six hundred and thirty-five dollars altogether. And here is the receipt.Is that correct?

C:  Yes, thanks. Goodbye.

A:  Goodbye. Enjoy your stay in Australia.

A: 先生早上好。有什么可以帮你的吗?

B: 是的。我们是中国来的游客。我们 想用美元换些澳元。

A: 现金还是支票?

B: 旅行支票。

A: 可以的。今天汇率是100美元换127澳元。

B: 好的。这位先生想只从1000美元旅行支票里换500美元。

A: 可以给我你的护照吗?

C: 给你。

A: 谢谢。请在支票上签名并填写申请表。500美元可以换635澳元。你要什么样的钱?

B: 你要什么面值?

C: 请给我小面值的。6张10,7张5。

A: 好的。这里是6张10,7张5,一起635.这里是收据,对吗?

C: 是的,谢谢。再见。

A: 再见。祝你们在澳大利亚呆的愉快。

  1. 3.       Drawing money at the ATM   在自动取款机取钱

(A:Local citizen,  B: Tour leader)

B:  Excuse me, sir.

A:  Yes? What can I do for you?

B:  I’m a tourleader. Some members of the group want me to tell them how to draw some moneyfrom the ATM here. But I don’t know how to handle it, either.

A:  That’s rather simple. Do as you are instructed[inˈstrʌkt]. Insert your credit card into the slot. When the screen shows “Enterpassword, please”, enter your password. When your password is admitted, pushthe withdraw [wiðˈdrɔ:] buttonto withdraw cash. If you just want to check the balance in your account, pushthe balance button.

B:  I know. But I’mafraid it may “swallow [ˈswɔləu]” my card.

A:  That seldom [ˈseldəm] occurs[əˈkə:z]. If you push the right buttons, your money is drawn.

B:  All right. I’llremember the instruction. Can I take two thousand dollars from it at a time?

A:  I’m afraid not, ma’am. You are only allowed totake up to one thousand dollars each time. That means you’ll have to withdrawtwice.

B:  I see. Thankyou.

A:  It’s getting dark, and don’t let any stranger[ˈstreindʒə] help you even if he offers to.

B:  I see. Thankyou for your advice.

A:  Have a nice evening. Bye.

B: 不好意思,先生。

A: 怎么了?可以为你做什么吗?

B: 我是领队。我的一些队员想我教他们怎么从这儿的自动取款机取钱。但我也不知道怎么做。

A: 很简单。按照指示做。插入你的卡。当屏幕上显示“请输入密码”,输入你的密码。当你的密码确认后,按取钱按钮来取钱。如果你只想要查账户收支,按账户收支按钮。

B: 我明白了。但我担心会吞卡。

A: 这很少发生。如果你按正确的按钮,你就会拿到钱。

B: 好的。我会记住指示的。我一次可以取2000吗?

A: 恐怕不行。你每次最多可以取1000。也就是说你要取2次。

B: 知道了。谢谢你。

A: 天黑了,不要让陌生人帮助你即使他要求。

B: 知道了。谢谢你的建议。

A: 祝你度过一个愉快的晚上。再见。

Lesson 2  Shopping 购物

1、        Shoppingon the way to sightseeing观光途中购物

(A:Local guide,  B: Tour leader,  C: Tourist, D: Salesgirl)

A: Goodmorning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our city. I’m Adam, your guide forthis tour of Paris. Today we’re going to visit Notre Dame de Paris, Eiffel Tower,Arch of Triumph and Elysee Palace. On the way back to hotel, we’ll be making ashort stop at a shopping center later afternoon and you’ll have all the chanceto do some shopping there.

C: Can we get some cosmetics[kɔzˈmetiks] and scarves[skɑ:vz]there?

A: Yes, youdefinitely[ˈdefinitli] can.

(At theshopping center)

D: Good afternoon, Miss. May I help you?

C: Yes. I’m looking for souvenirs. Do you have anythingfor ladies?

D: We haveseveral items. How about cosmetics?

C: All right. They all look beautiful. But the problem isthat I’m not good at choosing. Leader, I was wondering if you could help me.

B: Yes, withpleasure. How about lipstick?

C: It looks nice. What brand should I get?

B: How about Chanel.It’s well-known brand. And which color do you prefer?

C: I like rose.

D: What aboutthis one?

C: It’s too dark.

B: Maybe youare right. Is this one better?

C: Yes. I like it. I’ll take it. By the way, do you haveany scarves?

D: Yes, thesescarves are made of wool.

C: I’ll take the light blue one and the pink one.

D: Would youlike anything else?

C: No, that’s all. How much do they cost?

D: The totalis 35 Euros.

A: 女士们先生们。欢迎来到我们城市。我是Adam,你们巴黎之旅的地陪。今天我们去参观巴黎圣母院,埃菲尔铁塔,凯旋门和爱丽舍宫。在回酒店的路上,我们会在下午晚点时候在一个购物中心短暂停留,你们可以在那儿购物。

C: 我们可以在那里买到化妆品和围巾吗?

A: 是的,你们绝对可以。


D: 下午好。有什么可以帮你的?

C: 是的。我在找一些纪念品。你有什么女士的东西吗?

D: 我们有各种各样的。化妆品怎么样?

C: 好的。他们看起来都很漂亮。但问题是我不擅于选择。领队,我在想你是否可以帮助我。

B: 可以,非常乐意。唇膏怎么样?

C: 看起来很漂亮。我该买什么牌子呢?

B: 香奈儿怎么样?这是一个知名品牌。你喜欢哪个颜色?

C: 我喜欢玫瑰色。

D: 这个怎么样?

C: 太暗了。

B: 也许你是对的。这个好点吗?

C: 是的,我喜欢这个。我要这个。顺便问一下,你们有围巾吗?

D: 有,这样是羊毛的。

C: 我要浅蓝色和粉红色的。

D: 还要其他的吗?

C: 不,就这些。他们多少钱?

D: 一起35欧元。

  1. 2.       Shopping at the duty-free shop免税区购物

(A:Salesman,  B: Tourist,   C:Tour leader)

Scene 1

A: Goodmorning, sir. What can I do for you?

B: I’d like to have some cigarettes[ˌsiɡəˈret] and spirits[ˈspirit]. Leader, how many cigarettes and spirits can we bringback home without duty? Do you know the duty-free limit?

C: You can bring one carton of cigarettes andtwo bottles of liquor with you.

B: Thank you,leader. (To the salesman) Could you give me one carton of 555, a bottle of redlabel and one bottle of Scotch whisky, please?

A: Fine. Wouldyou like anything else?

B: That’s all. How much?

A: That’ll be 40 US dollars.

B: I stillhave some local cash left. Can I pay with them? The rest will be paid in USdollars.

A: Certainlyyou can. But the exchange rate will be a little lower.

B: No problem. Please give me a tax-free shopping check.

A: Sure. Please show me your passport.

B: Here youare.

A: Thank you. Here’s the tax-free shopping check.

Scene 2

A: Goodafternoon. Can I help you?

B: Yes, miss. This lady of our tour group wants to buysome deep-sea fish oil and lanolin[ˈlænəli:n] cream.

A: Deep-sea fish oil is available in the counter by theentrance, and we have all kinds of products of sheep lanolin includingskin-care items.

B: Do you knowthe duty-free limit for these products, miss?

A: It seemsthere’s no limit, but I am not clear about Chinese Customs Rules. Why not askother members to take some for her if they don’t want to buy such things.

B: It sounds a good idea.

C: In this case, I’ll take 20 bottles as gifts for myrelatives and friends.

A: We’ll giveyou 5% discount since you purchase more than ten bottles.

C: Do youaccept Australian dollars or US dollars?

A: Both will do. Today’s exchange rate is 1 US dollar for1.3 Australian dollars.

C: It seems to be reasonable to pay with Australia dollars.


A: 早上好,先生。有什么可以帮你的吗?

B: 我想买些香烟和烈性酒。领队,我们每人允许带多少香烟和烈性酒回国而不用付税?你知道免税的限制吗?

C: 你可以带一条香烟和2瓶酒。

B: 谢谢领队。(走到售货员面前)请问你能给我一条烟,一瓶红方和一瓶苏格兰威士忌?

A: 好的。你还要其他的吗?

B: 就这些。多少钱?

A: 40美元。

B: 我仍然有些当地的现金。我可以用它们支付吗?不够的用美元付。

A: 当然可以。但汇率有点低。

B: 没问题。请给我一个退税支票。

A: 好的。请给我你的支票。

B: 给你。

A: 谢谢。这是退税支票。


A: 下午好。有什么可以帮你的吗?

B: 是的。我们团的这位女士想买一些深海鱼油和绵羊油。

A: 深海鱼油在靠近入口的那个柜台,我们有各种各样的羊毛脂制品,包括护肤品。

B: 你知道这些产品的免税限制吗?

A: 这里没有限制,但我不清楚中国海关条例。为什么不请求其他成员帮助你如果她们不需要买的话。

B: 是个好主意。

C: 既然这样,我买20瓶作为礼物送给我的亲戚朋友。

A: 因为你买超过10瓶,我们给你95折。

C: 你们接受澳元或美元吗?

A: 都可以。今天的汇率是1美元换1.3澳元。

C: 看起来用澳元付比较合理。

  1. 3.      Buying fruits购买水果

(A:Salesman,  B: Tourist,   C: Tour leader)

A: Whatcan I do for you?

B: Yes. We were told tropical fruits in Thailand arecheap and nice. This lady wants to buy some durian[ˈdu:riən].

A: Very well. Howmany would you like, miss?

C: I’d like to have a try. Give me one, please.

A: How aboutthis one?

C: I don’t know which one is good. Leader, please chooseone for me.

B: All right. Thisone looks better. It seems ripe[raip].

A: Yes. Thisone is good. Let me weigh[wei] it for you…It weighs 1.5 kilos.

B: How much is it?

A: It costs 5Bahts[bɑ:ts].

B: That’s cheap.

A: Yes. Wehave some very fine jackfruit as well. Would you like it?

B: It seems they aren’t ripe enough.

A: Oh, yes, ma’am.They are indeed. I don’t mind if you try some.

C: Thank you. It tastes nice, very sweet.

A: Yes. It isas sweet as honey.

C: All right. I’ll take three. I’ll take them home thoughthey are very heavy.

B: You are mad. You are not allowed to bring fresh fruitsin China. Your jackfruit will be confiscated[ˈkɔnfiskeit] at the customs.

C: Then I take one to treat myself.

A: Fine. Ittotals 12 Bahts.

C: Here you are.

A: Thank you. Enjoyyour stay in Thailand.

A: 有什么可以帮助你的吗?

B: 是的。我们被告知泰国的热带水果价廉物美。这位女士想买一些榴莲。

A: 好的。你要多少?

C: 我想试试。请给我一个。

A: 这个如何?

C: 我不知道哪个好。领队,请帮我选一个。

B: 好的。这个看起来好点。看起来熟了。

A: 是的。这个好。让我给你称重3斤。

B: 多少钱?

A: 5泰铢。

B: 太便宜了。

A: 是的。我们还有一些很好的菠萝蜜。你想要吗?

B: 看起来没有熟透。

A: 他们确实熟了。你不介意你尝尝。

C: 谢谢。很好吃,很甜。

A: 是的。和蜜一样甜。

C: 是的。我买3个。我要带他们回家尽管他们很重。

B: 你疯了。你不允许带新鲜水果去中国。这些菠萝蜜会被海关没收的。

C: 那么我买一个自己尝尝。

A: 好的。一起12泰铢。

C: 给你。

A: 谢谢。祝你在泰国玩的愉快。

  1. 4.      Refunding at a supermarket 在超市退货

(A:Tourist,   B: Tour leader,  C: Salesgirl)

A: Tourleader, can you help me?

B: Sure. What’s wrong?

A: I boughtthis digital camera at the supermarket yesterday. But it doesn’t work.

B: Where did you buy it?

A: At theWal-Mart. Can you help me to return the camera to the Wal-Mart?

B: Sure. Let’s go.

(At the Wal-Mart)

B: Excuse me.

C: Yes.May I help you?

B: Thislady bought this camera here yesterday, but it doesn’t work.

C: Oh,let’s see what’s wrong.

A: Thisbutton doesn’t work. When I push it, nothing happens.

C: Youare right. I’ll give you another one. Do you have the receipt?

A: Yes. Hereit is.

C: Allright. Let’s see if I can find you another one. Oh, here’s one. It’s almost thesame but it has this new feature[ˈfi:tʃə]too.

B: Howmuch is this one?

C: It’s162 US dollars.

A: Thatis more than I paid for this camera.

C: Yes,it’s more expensive, but you can just pay the difference. For 12 dollars moreyou get the new feature.

A: No,thank you. I just want another camera like the one I bought.

C: I’msorry, but we don’t have another camera like that. This is all we have rightnow.

A: Allright. I’ll just get my money back then.

C: Ok.Sorry we can’t give you the right one. Would you sign here for the return? Wehave to keep these records. Thanks. Here is your money.

A andB: Thank you. Goodbye.

C: Bye now.

A: 领队,你可以帮助我吗?

B: 当然。怎么了?

A: 我昨天在超市买了这个数码相机。但它坏了。

B: 你在哪里买的?

A: 沃尔玛。你能帮我去沃尔玛退掉吗?

B: 当然。我们去吧。


B: 不好意思。

C: 你好。有什么需要帮助的吗?

B: 这位女士昨天在这儿买了这台相机,但是它坏了。

C: 让我看看怎么了。

A: 这个按钮没有反应。当我按它的时候,没有用。

C: 是的。我给你换一台。你有发票吗?

A: 有的。给你。

C: 好的。让我看看我是否可以找到另一台。这里有一个。几乎是一样的但多了一个新功能。

B: 多少钱?

C: 162美元。

A: 这比我买的那台贵。

C: 是的,贵一点。但你只要付差价。12美元就可以多一个功能。

A: 不,谢谢你。我只想要和我买的一样的。

C: 对不起,我们没有你想要的了。我们现在有的全部都在这里。

A: 好的。那么我只要退款。

C: 好的。抱歉我们不能给你你想要的。请你在退款这里签名好吗?我们需要保存记录。谢谢。这是你的钱。

A andB: 谢谢。再见。

C: 再见。

  1. 5.       Inquiring about tax exemption 询问如何退税

(A:Tour leader,  B: Salesgirl)

A: Excuseme, miss. We are tourists from China. May we get a tax refund for the jewelrieswe just bought?

B: Of course, sir. May I see your passports?

A: Here youare.

B: All right, sir. I will write out a tax refund form foreach of you.

A: May I knowwhy you need our passports?

B: Sure. Since I have to fill in your name, passportnumber, nationality and home address on the form, I need your passport to getall that.

A: I see. Afterwe get the forms, what should we do?

B: When you are leaving the European Union countries,please remember to take this refund form with the item you bought to theCustoms Certification at the airport for stamping. The customs officer willwant to see your passport, boarding pass, refund check or refund form, and themerchandise[ˈmə:tʃəndaiz] you’ve bought.

B: Will theycheck everything I buy?

A: Theynormally spot-check them. Then you can get your tax refund with stamped refundform at the cash refund at the Emigration.

A: If I don’twant to get the payment in cash, do I have any other options?

B: Yes. A check will be sent to you or your refund willbe transferred into your credit card account.

A: I preferthe second way. Thank you for your explanation.

B: It’s my pleasure.

A: 不好意思。我们是中国来的游客。我们可以为我们刚刚买的珠宝拿退税吗?

B: 当然。我可以看你的护照吗?

A: 给你。

B: 好的先生。我会为你们每个人填一份退税单。

A: 我可以知道为什么你需要我们的护照吗?

B: 当然。因为我需要在表格上填写你们的姓名,护照号,国籍和家庭住址,我需要你们的护照去取得这些信息。

A: 知道了。我们拿到表格后,应该怎么办?

B: 当你离开欧盟国家时,请记住带上退税单和你买的去机场海关证明除盖章。海关官员会要看你的护照,登机牌,退税支票或者退税单,和你买的商品。

B: 他们会检查我买的每样东西吗?

A: 他们一般是抽查。然后你可以凭借盖章的退税表在出境退税处拿到退税。

A: 如果我不想要现金,我还有什么选择?

B: 有的。会寄支票给你退税转到你卡里。

A: 我选择第二个。谢谢你的解释。

B: 乐意为你效劳。

Lesson 3  At the restaurants and bars在餐馆和酒吧

1、        Orderingmeals 点菜

(A: Waitress,  B: Tourist, C: Tour leader)

A: Good evening, sir and ma’am. Here is the menu. Would you likesomething to drink first?

C: What would you like to drink, Betty?

B: I’d like to have a medium dry sherry[ˈʃeri:].

C: A medium dry sherry for the lady, and a Campari[kæmˈpɑ:ri] and soda for me.

A: Very well. Here you are. Are you ready to order now?

C: No. let’s read the menu while taking the drink.

A: Well, I’ll come back later…May I take your order, sir, ma’am?

B: Leader, you order for us. I don’t know much about western food.

C: All right. We are from China. We just want to try somethinglocal. Would you help me to order?

A: Sure. Would you like any appetizers[ˈæpɪˌtaɪzəz]?

C: What would you recommend?

A: Steamed asparagus[əˈspærəɡəs] andfried fillet of sole are the two most popular.

C: Then we’ll try the Steamed asparagus, please.

A: Fine. How about salad and soup?

C: I like sour[ˈsauə]cucumber salad. How about you, Betty?

B: Shelled[ʃeld] shrimp[ʃrimp]salad, please. And what kind of soup do you have?

A: We have cream and chicken soup, egg yolk[jəuk] soup, ox tail soup and creamand ham soup. Which do you prefer, ma’am?

B: Ox tail soup, please.

C: I’ll have the cream and ham soup.

A: All right. For main entrees[ˈɔntreɪz], do you like our house special?

C: What’s your chef’s special?

A: The mushroom omelet[ˈɔməlɪt] is good.

C: It sounds good. A mushroom omelet for each, please.

A: I see. How about some dessert after the meal?

B: I’d like a strawberry ice cream and a milk shake.

C: A piece of cheese cake and a coffee for me.

A: Got it, ma’am, sir. I’ll be right back with your orders in aminute.

A: 晚上好。这是菜单。你们要先点些喝的吗?

C: Betty,你要喝什么?

B: 我想要半干雪梨酒。

C: 这位女士要半干雪梨酒,我要金巴利和苏打酒。

A: 好的。给你。你们准备好点餐了吗?

C: 没有。让我们喝饮料时看看菜单。

A: 好的,我一会回来你们可以点餐了吗?

B: 领队,你帮我们点。我对西方食物不是很懂。

C: 好的。我们来自中国。我们只想试试当地食物。你能帮我们点餐吗?

A: 当然。你们想要什么开胃菜吗?

C: 你推荐什么?

A: 清蒸芦笋和炸鱼是最受欢迎的2个。

C: 那么请给我们试试清蒸芦笋。

A: 好的。要沙拉和汤吗?

C: 我要酸黄瓜沙拉。Betty,你呢?

B: 请给我虾仁沙拉。你们有什么汤?

A: 我们有奶油鸡汤,蛋黄汤,牛尾汤和奶油火腿汤。你要什么?

B: 请给我牛尾汤。

C: 我要奶油火腿汤。

A: 好的。你们要我们的特色菜作为主菜吗?

C: 你们主厨特别推荐是什么?

A: 蘑菇煎蛋饼不错。

C: 听起来不错。请给我们每人一份蘑菇煎蛋饼。

A: 知道了。饭后来点甜点怎么样?

B: 我要草莓冰激凌和奶昔。

C: 给我芝士蛋糕和咖啡。

A: 知道了。我很快就会送来你们点的餐。

  1. 2.      Ordering drinks点酒水

(A: Tourist,  B: Tour leader,  C: Bar waitress)

A: This is a nice bar

B: Yes, very nice indeed. Where would you like to sit, Lily?

A: I’d like to sit by the piano so that I can watch the musicianplay.

B: Great. That’s just after my thought.

C: Good evening! Would you like something to drink?

A: Yes, but let’s look at the wine list first.

C: All right, ma’am.

B: Let’s see…Cocktail, Brandies, Scotch, Bourbon, Rum, Wines…Hereit is local beer. I’ll have a Scotch. What about you, Lily? What can I get you?

A: I’ll have a local beer.

B: Ok, waitress, one Scotch for me and one local beer for thelady.

C: One Scotch and one local beer. Thank you. Just a moment,please. (After a while) Your Scotch, sir, and local beer for you, ma’am. Andhere is your bill, sir.

B: 3 dollars for a Scotch and 2 dollars for a local beer? Couldyou put it on mu local account?

C: Certainly, sir. But may I have a look at your key card, please?

B: Sure. Here you go.

C: Thank you. Could you sign your name here, please? 

A: 这个酒吧真漂亮!

B: 是的,确实漂亮。Lily,你想坐在哪里?

A: 想坐在钢琴旁边这样就可以观看音乐家的表演。

B: 太好了。我也是这么想的。

C: 晚上好!你们想喝点什么吗?

A: 是的,但让我们先看看酒单。

C: 好的。

B: 让我看看鸡尾酒,白兰地,苏格兰威士忌,波旁威士忌,朗姆酒,红酒这儿有当地啤酒。我要苏格兰威士忌。Lily,你呢?你要什么?

A: 我要当地啤酒。

B: 好的,服务生,给我一杯苏格兰威士忌,给这位女士一杯当地啤酒。

C: 一杯苏格兰威士忌,一杯当地啤酒。谢谢。请稍等。(一会儿后)先生你的苏格兰威士忌,你的当地啤酒。这是你的账单,先生。


C: 当然先生。请问我可以看看你的钥匙卡吗?

B: 当然,给你。

C: 谢谢。请问你可以在这里签名吗? 

3.     Asking for service during the meal


(A: Waitress,  B: Tour leader,  C: Tourist)

A: How is everything here?

B: Not too good.

A: What’s wrong, sir?

B: I’d been waiting for half an hour, but my order hasn’t comeout.

A: I’m sorry for that. I thought someone just brought you a T-bonesteak five minutes ago.

B: Right. But that was this lady’s order.

A: Can I have your order again, sir?

B: Tuna salad wrap.

A: Your order will be served right away, sir. (A few minuteslater) Sorry to have kept you waiting, sir. Your Tuna Salad Wrap.

B: Thank you. I just dropped my fork. Can I have another one?

A: Certainly you can, sir. Here you are. May I take this plateaway, ma’am?

C: Sure, go ahead.

A: And what do you think of our house special?

C: Very good. It is done just right. Thank you.

A: Would you like something for dessert?

C: Yes. I’d like cheese cake. How about you, leader?

B: Cranberry Walnut Muffin, please.

A: Fine. Just a moment, please.

(Half an hour later)

A: Are you all through?

C: Yes, we have finished.

A: Did you enjoy your dinner?

B: Yes, very much. Thank you.

A: 怎么样?

B: 不太好。

A: 先生怎么了?

B: 我等了半小时,我点的还没来。

A: 很抱歉。我以为有人5分钟前给你拿了丁骨牛排。

B: 对,但那时这位女士的。

A: 先生,我可以再问下你点的吗?

B: 金枪鱼色拉卷。

A: 先生,你点的马上就来。(几分钟后)很抱歉让你等。你的金枪鱼色拉卷。

B: 谢谢。我刚刚掉了叉子。你能再给我一个吗?

A: 当然可以。给你。我可以把这个盘子拿走吗?

C: 可以,拿走吧。

A: 你认为我们特色菜怎么样?

C: 很好。做得正和我口味。谢谢。

A: 你要什么甜点吗?

C: 是的。我要芝士蛋糕。领队你呢?

B: 请给我蔓越莓核桃松饼。

A: 好的。请稍等。


A: 你们吃完了吗?

C: 是的,我们吃完了。

A: 满意吗?

B: 是的很好。谢谢。

4.     Paying the bill付账


(A: Waitress,  B: Tourist)

A: Will there be anything else?

B: No, thank you, we don’t want dessert. Please bring the bill.

A: Just a moment, please. Here you are. That comes to 120 dollars.

B: I haven’t got enough cash. Can I pay by credit card?

A: What card do you have?

B: Great Wall. Do you accept it?

A: Yes. May I take a print of your card?

B: Sure. Here you go.

A: Thank you. Would you please sigh on the memo? Thank you.


(A: Tourist,  B: Waitress)

A: Will you bring the bill, please?

B: Yes, sir. Here is the bill, 32 dollars in all.

A: Here’s 35 dollars. Please keep the change.

B: Thank you very much.


(A: Waitress,  B: Tour leader,  C:Tourist)

A: Would you like to have one bill or separate[ ˈsepəreit] bills,sir?

B: It’s my treat. One bill, please.

C: You paid last time. This is on me, I insist.

B: Well, all right if you insist. But next time you must let mepay.


(A:Tour leader,  B: Waitress)

A: I’d like to settle my bill, please.

B: Just a moment. I’ll calculate[ˈkælkjuleit] that for you…Your bill comes to 92 dollars.

A: Are you sure that’s right? It shouldn’t be 92 dollars.

B: I’m afraid there’s a 10% tax and service charge.

A: I see.


A: 还要什么其他的吗?

B: 不,谢谢。我们不要甜点。请结账。

A: 请稍等。给你。120美元。

B: 我没有足够现金。我可以用卡付吗?

A: 你有什么卡?

B: 长城。你们接受吗?

A: 是的。我可以复印你的卡吗?

B: 当然。给你。

A: 谢谢。请问你可以在这个备忘录上签名吗?谢谢。


A: 请问你可以把账单拿来吗?

B: 好的。这是账单,一起32美元。

A: 这里是35美元。不用找了。

B: 非常感谢。


A: 先生,你是一起付还是分开付?

B: 我请客。请一起付。

C: 你上次付的。这次算我的,我坚持。

B: 如果你坚持那么好吧。不过下次你必须让我付。


A: 请给我结账。

B: 稍等。我给你算一下一起92美元。

A: 你确定对吗?不会使92美元。

B: 恐怕这里有10%的税和服务费。

A: 知道了。

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