


My  dear kid: There is something that I have to tell to you.

It’s about twenties years ago. That evening was very dark and cold. When I was walking on the street, a baby’s crying voice come into my ear. Then I fount you was abandoned on the street with a piece of paper. You parents said they have no ability to bring you up on the paper. So I hold you tightly  to my home (Our now home)I decided to adopt you until you are a adult.

  Time fly. When you was a kid, you was abnormal than other children. You was very sensible and intelligent. When others were crying to their parents for something ,you was trying you best to do some useful things like a adult man. I remember you always dreamed to be an sailor on aboard. On that period , our chairman abolished the revenue(税收) of our farmer. That time ,Our country ’s  birth control is so serious, so many pregnancy(怀孕) women had to have an abortion to their baby. And others who don’t want to have an abortion and can afford to go abroad all go abroad.

  There are abrupt weather changes. In year of 2003 , the year our respected chairman of our country who named Hujintao just to be chairmen no more than one year. Our country ‘s people suffered a very dangerous illness from the  virus(病毒) that named SARS. That year you is 5 years old. It was time go to school in our country, so I token you to primary school(小学) . But the first day after I send you to school and came back home, then you was absent from you school. You told me that :” I don’t want to go to school. I’m afraid of lose you.” Then I told you I’ll never leave you alone. I always know you are a absolute clever boy. You absorbed the knowledge what you teacher said so fast. You can understand these questions which I thought was so abstract. You always have abundant proof to persuade(说服) me .I gave you money, you never abuse it. You said you knew we were not rich.

  I still remembered that day when you received the admit inform letter from  Tsinghua  UniversityI’m so proud of you. Because of you outstanding record, you got an academic prize from you academy. On the university ,your study steps was accelerated. Once you said classmates can’t understand you about what you say quickly because of you henan accent. That time I suggested you could try to learn and say mandarin(普通话). You learned so fast, only three days , your mandarin was acceptable for your classmates. Your brain always  leap some new and useful ideas, and this make your teacher and schoolmates have an acceptance with you.

When you go to university only for one year, you have an access to Harvard university as a exchange student. When you told me about the news ,I knew this is not accidental because you always do better. Then I was worried about the high cost of accommodations in America. Soon you brought me an another good news, your school will given you 100 thousands as scholarship(奖学金). When the day evening before you leave to Harvard, I told you :” My dear kid ,you have grown up and you will live without my accompany from now on. You said:”Rest your heart, dad. I can take care of myself. When the time I accomplish my study target, I’ll be back. “ That evening, what you said in accord(accordance) with my heart. That year I ran a company of ourselves. On account of saving money, I didn’t employ accountant and did it by myself. Accordingly on account of not professional(专业的) accountant , I can’t do very accurate in what I recorded about our company account. Time goes, our company accumulated some money. Unfortunately I was accused of evading taxes(偷税), this made you so worried. You even would give up your study to home. At last for the reason of no proof , the charge was abrogate(取消). One month later after you went abroad, you had fully got accustomed to the new life style at college. Soon you got surprised achievement on your science. You researched a new technology(技术) which is named 3D Mouse. This made you was acquainted and acknowledged as a good scientist by your schoolmates and professors(教授). Later ,your research achievements (研究成果) was known by the CEO of the Microsoft software company. They cost 90 million dollars of buying your research achievements. So you became a richer man. You know I like eat acid food, so you bought many America’s special local food and send to me. When I received the post  package I was so happy that can’t  bear to burst into tears. Acquaintance around me  admired(羡慕) me very much. You always said:” To acquire great success, you must work hard. We should spent more time on the acquisition of knowledge.” 

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