

英汉翻译练习之GEB Overview 第一章

2022.07.13 山东



本篇是翻译 GEB 第一章的 overvew,然后与 GEB 中文译本比较学习。主要是出于两个目的:

  • 翻译练习:GEB 的中文翻译是非常称赞的,自己翻译练习一下,然后比较学习。
  • 长知识:神书太厚难,所以先只选择目录翻译,从整体上先了解个大概,多少也可以说看过点了。。。




Chapter I: The MU-puzzle.

A simple formal system (the MIL'-system) is presented, and the reader is urged to work out a puzzle to gain familiarity with formal systems in general. A number of fundamental notions are introduced: string, theorem, axiom, rule of inference, derivation, formal system, decision procedure, working inside/outside the system.

Two-Part Invention. Bach also wrote fifteen two-part inventions. This two-part Dialogue was written not by me, but by Lewis Carroll in 1895. Carroll borrowed Achilles and the Tortoise from Zeno, and I in turn borrowed them from Carroll. The topic is the relation between reasoning, reasoning about reasoning, reasoning about reasoning about reasoning, and so on. It parallels, in a way, Zeno's paradoxes about the impossibility of motion, seeming to show, by using infinite regress, that reasoning is impossible. It is a beautiful paradox, and is referred to several times later in the book.

又是 present,不过也难怪,因为都是概述,所以难免会出现很多基本义是”介绍“的英文词,简单快速回顾一下目前已经遇到的,自己写英文的时候可以变通着用:

  • discuss
  • introduce/introduction
  • present/presentation
  • is given (as)...
  • illustrate

A simple formal system (the MIL'-system) is presented 所以译文介绍了一个形式系统就好了,不过 GEB 中文版用了”提供了一个形式系统),想想还是这个合理些,因为印象中这个系统是作者自己设计的,不是已有的某个系统。

and the reader is urged to work out a puzzle to gain familiarity with formal systems in general

is urged to … urge 这个词我印象中就只记着催促督促敦促了,感觉是个很强势的词,敦促读者显然不好。查了下字典,原来 urge 还有恳求规劝极力主张的意思,用在这里就很合适了:

  • 1 to advise or try hard to persuade sb to do sth:

  • sth (on / upon sb) to recommend sth strongly: 例句 The situation is dangerous, but the UN is urging caution.

建议读者”似乎也不太舒服,我因为吃不准到底怎么用词,干脆省略了,直接译成”让读者解开谜题”,哎,我这个公号实在太暴露我的水平了,希望以后能越来越好,当然,如果大家能从我的译文中感觉到自己翻译的更妙更有信心,我也就也很欣慰了。GEB 中文版用了“鼓励”,这个感觉太棒了。

work out a puzzle to gain familiarity with formal systems in general

work out a puzzle,解谜题,解开谜题?一个谜题还是一道谜题?看起来很没必要纠结的,可是读起来感觉就是不同,一道题总是比一个题地道,解开似乎还暗示了结果? 我自己译成“解开一个谜题,解开后会对形式系统有个大概的了解”,这里的“一个”该换成“一道”。GEB 中文版的译文是“去解一道谜题,以增进对一般形式系统的熟悉程度”。我个人不太喜欢“”字,总感觉这个词如果把握不好就容易翻译腔,为了避免用它,就加了“解开后”来承接,不过就又有个疑问:读者如果解不开呢?。。。解的过程肯定也会多少帮助了解形式系统,所以我这个承接词也有待改进。

其实我感觉 GEB 中文版的”以增进“,可以把”“字去掉,并不影响原意。

It parallels, in a way, Zeno's paradoxes about the impossibility of motion, seeming to show, by using infinite regress, that reasoning is impossible. 这句乍看上去有点乱,理一下句子结构:

这句话的主语是:It,指的是前一句”The topic is the relation between “ 里面的 the topic, 即这篇对话的主题

谓语:Parallel, 基本义是平行,把两个事物放在一起(beside each other),引申为两者有相似之处,哪两个事物呢?itZeno's paradoxes about the impossibility of motion 芝诺的运动悖论。GEB 中文译文”它对应于芝诺的关于运动不可能性的悖论“,我译的是”将它与芝诺的运动不可能悖论相提并论“。

GEB 中文”对应于芝诺的关于运动不可能性的悖论“,里面的”关于“我觉得有点多余,或可去掉。想起余光中先生的”怎样改进英式中文?──论中文的常态与变态 ”中提到过滥用”关于“的问题:



状语:seeming to show, by using infinite regress, that reasoning is impossible.


It is a beautiful paradox, and is referred to several times later in the book.

beautiful 形容 paradox,很生动,就是苦了我翻译了,说这个悖论很美,”“字太土不想用,我干脆用了”太美了“,又有点过了。GEB 中文用了”这是一个优美的悖论“。

is referred to,被动语态,本着尽量不用被动语态的原则,我译成了”本书后文会多次提及“,我觉得可。

GEB 中文用了被动语态”在后面各篇章中将多次被提及“。也挺通顺。到底哪种更可?主动还是被动?我个人倾向于主动。


Formal system:参见 Formal system | logic | Britannica[1],我还不太理解,就不乱说了。

Formal system, also called logistic system, in logic[2] and mathematics[3], abstract, theoretical organization of terms and implicit[4] relationships that is used as a tool for the analysis of the concept of deduction[5]. Models—structures that interpret the symbols of a formal system—are often used in conjunction with formal systems.

The topic is the relation between reasoning, reasoning about reasoning, reasoning about reasoning about reasoning, and so on. 这句话让我想起一个关于infinite regress(无穷回归)的笑话:

DIMITRI:   If Atlas holds up the world, what holds up Atlas?

TASSO: Atlas stands on the back of a turtle.

DIMITRI: But what does the turtle stand on?

TASSO: Another turtle

DIMITRI: And what does that turtle stand on?

TASSO: My dear Dimitri, it’s turtles all the way down!

这是《柏拉图和鸭嘴兽一起去酒吧 (豆瓣)[2]》的开篇笑话,很有意思的一本小书,曾买了英文版,但是感觉里面的单词难度挺大,就一直看的很少,但是非常喜欢这本书的小巧,以及封面设计,黄色镂空,手感舒适,走到哪儿都带着,就是看不懂。



Formal system | logic | Britannica: https://www.britannica.com/topic/formal-system


柏拉图和鸭嘴兽一起去酒吧 (豆瓣): https://book.douban.com/subject/27203767/

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