

Fat Burning Yoga | Women's Health Magazine

For proven yoga moves check out Slim Calm Sexy Yoga by Women's Health contributor Tara Stiles. Meet Tara, and learn more about Slim Calm Sexy Yoga.

MOVE 1Plank
Get on your hands and knees. Tuck your toes under and straighten your legs so you're in a horizontal line. Bring your shoulder blades together, extend forward through the top of your head, and reach back through your heels. Hold for 60 seconds.

Tip: If you need a break, press up to down dog for a breath or two.

MOVE 2Down Dog
Come down on all fours. Spread your fingers wide on your mat. Tuck your toes, lift your hips up and back, and extend your legs. Press your shoulders toward the floor and relax your neck. Press your palms against the floor. Walk your feet back, pull up through your hips, and press your heels down.

MOVE 3Down Dog Split
From down dog, raise your right leg behind you, foot flexed. Keep your hips even with the floor. Reach the back of your leg straight up.

MOVE 4Down Dog, Knee to Forehead
From down dog split, inhale, rise up onto the toes of your left foot, and bring your right knee to touch your forehead. Keep your hips lifted high. Exhale and return to down dog split. Repeat four more times.

MOVE 5Low Lunge
Stand with your feet hip-width apart, arms at your sides. Step forward with your right foot. Bend forward from the waist and press your fingertips to the floor on each side of your right foot. Bend your knees slightly and step back with your left leg into a low lunge. Push through your left heel and sink your hips low.

Tip: Your left leg should be straight and your right leg deeply bent.

MOVE 6High Lunge
From low lunge, lift your hips until your right thigh is parallel to the floor. Extend your arms straight up next to your ears and relax your shoulders. Put some weight onto your left foot, reaching your heel out behind you for stability.

Tip: Lengthen your spine and reach up through your fingertips.

MOVE 7High Lunge with Twist
Reach your left arm forward and your right arm back, and turn your torso to the right. Relax your shoulders and look back over your right hand.

MOVE 8Rotated Triangle
Lower the fingertips of your left hand to the floor outside your right foot. Open your shoulders to the right and extend your right arm up. Bring your left foot forward about 12 inches and press your heel down so your toes point a little out to your left side. Straighten your legs.

Tip: Pull your right hip back and press your left hip forward.
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