

~男人的直觉与月亮息息相关,理性与太阳连接,直觉与月亮连接,月亮激发了悸动。Man's intuitive energies are very deeply connected with the moon. Man's reason is connected with the sun; man's intuition is connected with the moon. And it is not only the ocean that is affected by the moon; all beings on the earth, trees and animals and birds and man are affected. The moon creates a kind of pulsation.如果月光能让你发疯,那么也能让你开悟,疯掉的人只是不了解如何品尝那种甘露,开悟的人了解如何转变疯狂的艺术。从这个层面上来说所以开悟的人都具有疯狂的品质。所有疯狂的人都有特别的品质,那是平常人所缺乏的,那就是某种对直觉功能的领悟。If the moon can drive you mad then it can also drive you enlightened. The mad person is one who didn't know what to do with that juice. The enlightened is one who knew the art to transform his madness into a new vision. And all enlightened people are mad in that sense. They are not ordinary, run of the mill, normal; they are abnormal. And all mad people have some quality which is lacking in the ordinary normal people. All mad people are happy people and they have a certain approach to their intuitive faculty.Meditate more and more on the moon. Whenever there is a moon, dance under it. Have a dialogue with the moon, a little chitchat. Go mad with the moon and that will help you immensely. You belong to the moon....在月光下静心,和月亮对话,在月光下疯狂将对你帮助很多,你属于月光。(满月的主人)。       

~There's a pressure in me of needs, as if there are desires there that have never been fulfilled... really right through my body.
Osho checks her energy.
Tell me a few things: first, how is your orgasm?
[She answers: Some of the time it's there but it's not very total.]

It cannot be total, and when it is there then too I don't think it is very intense. It is just lukewarm, it is not wild. You need a wild orgasm to release all the blocks. There is nothing else that will be of help except a good orgasmic flow that simply comes like a flood and takes all the blocks and all the rubbish away. One of the greatest problems facing humanity is orgasm.
Almost ninety-five percent of people are non-orgasmic. Their energy has gone into the head, has become split, fragmentary and they have lost the way to find an orgasmic state. And once you are lost to the orgasmic state, your state is that of a person who cannot sleep. Then problems are bound to arise, because that deep sleep every day is a must to have contact again with yoUr source of energy.
Sleep brings you to the source of your biological energy, to the physiological sleep. Sleep is more a need of the body. Orgasm is more a need of the mind. Just as sleep is needed for a healthy body, orgasm is needed for a healthy mind. As sleep takes you deep into your source, orgasm takes you even deeper. And the third state is samadhi; that is the need of the soul. That also takes you, that takes you the deepest. Sleep takes you to a point where the body feels rejuvenated. Orgasm takes you to a point where the mind feels rejuvenated and fresh and young and flowing again. Samadhi takes you to the very centre of existence where resurrection is not only rejuvenation, from where you are reborn again.
You need a good orgasmic flow, so just a few things have to be remembered. One: before making love, dance. you can dance with your friend, good, have a good dance. Become as pulsating as possible, and dance pulsates. It need not be formal, it should not be really formal: it should be just a wild dance. To fulfill that need a few people have become masochistic or sadistic, because that too gives a pulsation.
There are people who would like to beat the woman before they can make love, or would like to be beaten by the woman before they can love. That beating, whipping, gives them a pulsation, a radiation; the energy starts moving. Then they can go deeper into orgasm, otherwise they cannot. And it is almost a universal phenomenon that a husband and wife fight before they make love a pillow fight or something. That gives a good flow. But these are foolish things, ugly things, and destructive.

[Osho suggests that she dance or do Dynamic meditation before entering into sex. ——奧修OHSO

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