


1 The Marine Environment Protection Committee, at its sixty-first session, (27 September to 1 October 2010), approved the Guidance for recording of operations in the Oil Record Book Part I – Machinery space operations (all ships) (paragraph 7.38 of document MEPC 61/24), attached in the annex. 海上环境保护委员会在其第61届会议(2010年9月27日至2010年10月1日)上,批准了《油类记录簿》第I部分—— 机器处所的作业记录指南(所有船舶)(MEPC 61/24之7.38段),见附件。 2、 The Guidance is intended to facilitate compliance with MARPOL requirements on board ships by providing advice to crews on how to record the various operations in the Oil Record Book by using the correct codes and item numbers in order to ensure a more uniform port State control procedure. 指南旨在指导船员在《油类记录簿》上正确使用代码、项目号码记录不同操作,便于船舶满足《MARPOL公约》要求,使港口国检查程序更加规范统一。3 Governments Parties to MARPOL are invited to encourage implementation of the above Guidance for use aboard ships flying their flags and to disseminate it among all stakeholders including ship operators, surveyors and port State control officers. 《MARPOL公约》缔约方政府部门应推进悬挂本国船旗船舶对上述指南的执行,并向船舶保险人、经营人、验船师、港口国检查官等有关各方进行宣贯。

总则This guidance only includes sections C to I.  本指南仅包括C~I部分的内容。Operations should be recorded in chronological order as they have been executed on board. 操作要按照在船执行的时间顺序依次记录。Dates should be entered in dd-MONTH-yyyy format, e.g., 16-MAR-2009. 日期按照日-月-年的格式书写,例如16-MAR-2009。注意:月份记英文的缩写。 Incineration or landing ashore of oily garbage and used filters should be recorded in the Garbage Record Book only. 送岸或焚烧处理的油污垃圾以及使用过的滤器只记录在《垃圾记录簿》中。 All Entries are to be made and signed by the officer or officers in charge of the operations concerned and each completed page shall be signed by the master of the ship. 所有记录都应该由高级船员或负责作业的高级船员填写并签字,每记完一页应由船长签字。 Do not leave any full lines empty between successive entries.  连续记录,禁止出现空白行。 If a wrong entry has been recorded in the Oil Record Book (ORB), it should immediately be struck through with a single line in such a way that the wrong entry is still legible. The wrong entry should be signed and dated, with the new corrected entry following. 如果油类记录簿(ORB)中的内容记录错误,应立即用单杠线划去,且保证错误条目清晰可辨。更正后的记录紧随其后,并由记录更正人签字和签注日期。 Tank nomenclature should be recorded as per the format noted within the International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate (IOPPC).  舱柜名称应该以国际防污染证书(IOPPC)中名称为准。 Recording of quantities retained in bilge water holding tanks listed under section 3.3 of the IOPPC is voluntary and not required by the Convention.  IOPP证书附件3.3中舱底水储存柜的污水储存数量的记录是自愿的,公约不做要求。 The recording of general maintenance of items pertaining to the OWS remains voluntary and this is not required to be recorded in the ORB.  对油水分离器常规养护的记录是自愿的,无须记录在油类记录簿。

Usage of code C.11: Collection of oil residues (sludge). 代码C.11的用法:残油(油泥)的收集Example #1 示例1 Weekly inventory of oil residues (sludge) tanks (tank listed under item 3.1 in the Supplement to the IOPPC) 残油(油泥)舱每周的存量(IOPPC附录3.1中所列舱柜)Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge 作业记录/主管负责人签名dd-MONTH-yyyy C11.1[Name of sec 3.1 Tank & Designation] IOPPC证书附录3.1中列出的舱柜名称 11.2xx m3 (舱容) 11.3xx m3 (存量)signed: (Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank) dd-MONTH-yyyy 签字(主管人,名字及职务)日-月-年。 说明:名字应写英文dd-MONTH-yyyy C11.1[Name of sec 3.1 Tank & Designation] 11.2xx m3  11.3xx m3 signed: (Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank) dd-MONTH-yyyy Example #2 示例2 Recording of oil residue (sludge) collected by manual operation in oil residue (sludge) tank (tank listed under item 3.1 in the Supplement to the IOPPC) 手工收集残油(油泥)的记录(IOPPC证书3.1中所列残油舱)Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge dd-MONTH-yyyy C 11.1 [Name of sec 3.1 Tank & Designation]  11.2 xx m3  11.3 xx m3  11.4 xx m3 collected from [identification of source] xx m3 说明残油的来源 signed: (Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank) dd-MONTH-yyyy C11.4项要求记录手工收集的残油,不必每周都记录。比如,由甲板某液压设备处收集的液压油倒入了机舱的污油储存柜,此时就要记录C11.4项。记录时C11.1可以记污油储存柜,C11.2记舱容,C11.3记录存油量(含手工收集的油量),C11.4记录收集的污油数量及来源(如某甲板液压设备)。Note: Operator initiated manual collection where oil residue (sludge) is transferred (transfer with a pump) into the oil residue (sludge) tank(s). Examples of such operations could be: 注:作业人手工将残油(油泥)驳运至残油(油泥)柜中(通过泵)。这些操作实例包括:

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