

~ Lesson 8 ~ Verb groups (动词组) ~

^^ A verb group is a group of wordsthat describes the activities taking place and includes the main verb. Verbgroups are sometimes known as processes.(动词组是一组词来描述正在生的活包括主要动词动词团被称为过程.


1 Action (doing) (动作): He has been completing the work. (Verb group (动词组): has been completing)

2. Thinking (思维): I have never believed that story.(动词组: have never believed)

3. Saying (常言): Lorraine did suggest a good method. (动词组: did suggest)

4. Having or being (占有或正在): Linda was not being very polite. (动词组: was not being) ~


~ Verb groups are useful whenstudying a text as they describe what's going on.当学习一个文本时,动词组是有用的,动词组描述所发生的事情. Look at thepassage with verb groups, which are the verb groups? ^^They decided to walk tothe restaurant. Jill was going to have lasagne. Aidan didn't know what hewanted. He was going to look at the menu. When they arrived their parents toldthe waiter that they had booked a table.


答案(动词组)decided to walk,going to have, didn't know what he wanted, was going to look, told the waiterthat they had booked ~


Verb groups (VG) give detaileddescription of the activities taking place. ~ For example:

1. The car has been regularly makinga shuddering sound. (VG-has been regularly making)

2. The cows have been razing quietlyall morning. (VG-have been grazing quietly).

3. The boy had been known to telllies. (VG-had been known).

4. He wanted to complete the work.(VG-?)

5. Have you been delivering theleaflets? (VG-?)

6. Is the painter finished yet? (VG-?)^^


~ Answers (VG) ~

3. had been known to tell

4. wanted to complete

5. Have you been delivering

6. Is finished ^^


~ Can you identify the verb groups(VG) as action, thinking, saying, or having-being groups? 你可以找出动词组例如行动动词组,思想动词组,说的动词组,或占有或正在动词组吗? ?

1. The boy has had a bad cold. (这名男孩已经患了严重感冒)VG?

2. The girl believed the story. VG -?^^

3. Emily drove the car to the lake. (艾米丽开着车到湖边去)VG-? 4. Jason told Sharni the answer.(杰森跟 Sharni 讲答案)VG-?~



1. having-being verb group (占有或正在动词组)

2. thinking verb group (思想动词组)

3. action verb group(行动动词组)

4. saying verb group (说的动词组)^^


~ List the verb groups in thispassage.(列出在这段经文中的动词组.) ~


^^ Fortini started to feel hungry asshe worked. There was quite a bit more to do before she could finish. She decidedto keep working for another hour. After twenty minutes her stomach began togrowl. " ^^


~ Answers to the previous passage ~Verb groups ^^ 1. started to feel, to do, could finish, decided to keepworking, began to growl ^^


~There is often more than oneadjective used to describe a noun or noun groups还有经常有多个形容词用来形容一个名词或名词组. For example 例如1: Many frisky, young foals played in the paddock许多活泼,年轻的马驹在牧场里游玩.'Many, frisky,young' are the adjectives) ^







Walker, P., 1996.     Pascal’s BasicPrimary grammar – A concise guide to modern grammar.   NSW, Australia:Copyright Agency Limited 


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