


2023.02.20 陕西


















Reading Bill Porter's "The Lonely Valley" —— Talking about the preface.

I often think about a question, what kind of person am I? Who am I? I am an optimistic and cheerful person? Or an introverted and shy person? Sometimes I chat with my friends enthusiastically, and sometimes I stay quietly by myself. I like to play a light music, such as high mountains and flowing water. After lighting a Zen incense, I start reading books, flowers or letters written by my friends. In short, I enjoy this silence!

I don't know Bill Porter, but Mr. Davis and Bill Porter are very good friends. After Mr. Davis told me many things about Bill Porter's coming to China, Xi 'an and Zhongnanshan, I had a very good impression on Potter. I want to read his book "A Lonely Valley"!

I wonder, why did an American sinologist come to China? What's he doing in China? Is it because of the reason that he wants to come to China? I also came to Zhongnanshan, which I can go to every day. Will it have such a great temptation for an American sinologist?

I began to be curious. There is an old saying in China, curiosity kills the cat, and I lost my money because of my curiosity. I spent 46 yuan to buy this book. As a result, the book was pirated, and the contents in it were not the same as those in Mr. Davis' hand, so I asked Mr. Davis to buy a genuine one. Of course, Mr. Davis didn't accept my money, and he sent me a book with Potter's signature! Anyway. I am very happy!

I received the book on February 16th, 2023. I didn't have the first time to read it. It was after three days of serious appreciation that I began to read it  seriously.

“The opening preface is Porter's August 10th, 2006 in Port Townsend, Washington. In the preface, he wrote ".

I am always attracted by loneliness. When I was a little boy, I liked being alone very much. That's not because I don't like being with other people, but because I find that being alone has so much happiness. Sometimes, I would like to lie under the tree and stare at the branches, the clouds above the branches, and the sky above the clouds; Watching the birds flying through the sky, clouds and branches; Watching the leaves fall from the trees and fall on the grass beside me. I know we are all part of this beautiful dance. Interestingly, only when we are alone will we realize more clearly that we are with everything.

We all need time to be alone, and some people need more time to be alone. Some people can become wiser and kinder from solitude, which surprised me when I met a hermit in China. They are the happiest and kindest people I have ever met. In America, hermits are just those who like to be alone, and they are often a little neurotic. However, in China, I found that hermits are often the elite of society and play an important role.

When Americans asked me to compare China's hermit tradition with some phenomena in American society, I told them that hermits are very much like graduate students. They are studying for their spiritual awakening doctors in China. Many people get their spiritual awakening "bachelor's degree" in Buddhist temples, Taoist temples, Confucian academies, universities and even at home, but not all people have the desire, ability and energy to study for "doctor's degree". However, "China society has benefited a lot from those who have obtained the awakened" doctor ". This was the case in the past and it is still the case now.

I'm not going to write a book about it, I'm just a translator. However, when I lived in Taiwan Province, the works I translated were precisely the poems of the greatest hermits in China-Hanshan Poetry and Shiwushan Poetry. I just want to know whether this lifestyle still exists in China. When someone in Taiwan Province told me that not only no one practiced in Chinese mainland, but also the hermit tradition no longer existed, I decided to find out for myself. Soon after, I found that the hermit tradition not only existed well, but also was a very dynamic part of China society. I felt I had to introduce this situation to westerners.。

That's why I wrote this book. I want western practitioners of various religions to know that despite the wars and revolutions in Chinese mainland, practitioners still insist on practicing, and I hope this will give encouragement to western practitioners. How can they be indifferent?

”After the book was published, I was surprised to find that it can be seen in many universities in the United States. No matter where I give a speech, the audience is both scholars from the college and ordinary residents from the community. I have never met anyone who is not interested in it in America. I think this is because we envy these hermits. What they do is our dream, hope, and something we will do one day. 

I feel honored that, although there are still some shortcomings, The Lonely Valley has been translated into Chinese and published. I hope it can encourage China readers to pursue and find the pleasure of "solitude" in life, just as it encourages western readers-not to live in solitude, but to live in harmony with everyone because of deeper awareness and benevolence. "

It is hard for me to think that such an American scholar will come to Zhongnanshan not far from Wan Li to explore whether there is a real hermit in Zhongnanshan. I am very encouraged by such a spirit! In my life, I thought I was a very persistent person, but after reading this preface, I found that my persistence needs to work harder!It i

Reading an article, just like knowing a person, is worth it. I am deeply grateful that I can read this book, and I am deeply grateful that I can live in the same era as the author of this book, even though the two of us will never meet, but I know that there is such a soul in this world who has been to Zhongnanshan, which is enough to encourage me!

Zhongnanshan is a good medicine that can cure everything. Life is to dilute the bitterness of eight or nine points with one or two points of sweetness. For me, Zhongnanshan is the sweetness of one or two points! About all the books related to Zhongnanshan, for me, it is the representative of the sweetness! I want to read this sweetness slowly! Then live rationally and calmly!

Reading Bill Porter's "The Lonely Valley" —— Talking about the preface.

I often think about a question, what kind of person am I? Who am I? I am an optimistic and cheerful person? Or an introverted and shy person? Sometimes I chat with my friends enthusiastically, and sometimes I stay quietly by myself. I like to play a light music, such as high mountains and flowing water. After lighting a Zen incense, I start reading books, flowers or letters written by my friends. In short, I enjoy this silence!

I don't know Bill Porter, but Mr. Davis and Bill Porter are very good friends. After Mr. Davis told me many things about Bill Porter's coming to China, Xi 'an and Zhongnanshan, I had a very good impression on Potter. I want to read his book "A Lonely Valley"!

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